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McAllister Sean (2016) How do Fe-Oxidizing Microbes Influence Biogeochemical Cycles? Perspectives from Kinetics and Metagenomics/Transcriptomics
Chan C, McAllister S, Field E, Chiu B, Hoppes K, Siebecker M & Luther G

McAllister Sean (2015) Using Modern Fe-Oxidizing Microbes to Unravel the Evolutionary and Geologic History of Fe Oxidation
Chan C, Kato S, McAllister S, Field E, Gartman A & Luther G

McAllister Sean M (2021) The art of Biomineralization
Chan CS, McAllister SM, Keffer JL, Zhou N, Hoover RL, Kato S, Koeksoy E & Emerson D

McAlpine S.R.B. (2013) Melt Evolution from the Mantle Wedge to the Crust: Insights from South Kamchatka and West Bismarck Arc Xenoliths
Bénard A, McAlpine SRB, Nebel O, Tollan PME, Arculus RJ & Ionov DA
(2011) Pristine Mantle Xenoliths from the Active Bismarck Arc
McAlpine S & Arculus R

McAnena A. (2013) Experimental Dissolution of FeCO3 Under Controlled Sulfidic Conditions
McAnena A & Poulton S
(2009) Abiotic Fe Isotope Fractionation during Sulfide Mediated Reductive Dissolution of Fe Oxide Minerals
McAnena A, Severmann S & Poulton S

McArthur J (2004) A Sedimentary Framework for Arsenic-Contaminated Groundwater in West Bengal
Hudson-Edwards K, Banerjee D, Ravenscroft P, McArthur J, Carter A, Mishra R & Pirohit R
(2000) Mechanisms of Arsenic Pollution of Groundwater in Sedimentary Aquifers: An Example from the Ganges-Meghna-Brahmaputra Deltaic Plain of Bangladesh
McArthur J, Ravenscroft P & Safiullah S
(2000) The Potential of Laser Ablation Multiple-Collector ICP-MS in Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy
Bailey T, Thirlwall M & McArthur J

McArthur John (2018) Carbonate Isotopic Constraints on Seawater Chemistry during Pliensbachian – Toarcian
Li Q, McArthur J, Eiler J, Ryb U & Thirlwall M
(2017) Seawater Ca and Stable Sr Isotope Records during Pliensbachian – Toarcian Boundary
Li Q, Thirlwall M & McArthur J
(2015) The Geomicrobiology of Arsenic Release in the Bengal Delta
Osborne T, McArthur J, Sidkar P & Santini J

McAteer C. (2007) In situ U-Pb Analysis of Detrital Titanite: A New Provenance Technique Applied to Enigmatic Metasedimentary Cover Sequences in SW Scotland
McAteer C, Daly S, Flowerdew M, Connelly J, Housh T & Whitehouse M

McBeth Joyce (2020) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Arsenic Trioxide Dust from the Giant Mine, Yellowknife, Canada
Lum J, McBeth J, Jamieson H & Lindsay M
(2020) Generation and Dynamics of Thiosalts in Drainages from Pyrrhotitic Tailings
Schudel G, Plante B, Bussière B, McBeth J & Dufour G

McBeth Joyce M. (2021) Arsenic and Antimony Speciation of Historical Roaster Waste Samples from the Giant Mine, Yellowknife, Canada
Lum JE, McBeth JM, Schoepfer VA, Radková AB, Jamieson HE, Walls MTRP & Lindsay MBJ
(2012) Investigating Marine Corrosion Communities Using Tagged Pyrosequencing and Single Cell Genomics
McBeth J & Emerson D
(2010) Marine Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria and Steel Corrosion
McBeth JM, Farrar KM, Fleming EJ, Ray RI, Little BJ & Emerson D
(2008) Impact of Microbial Fe3+ & SO42- Reduction on Arsenic Solid-Phase Cycling in Fe- and As-Rich Sediment
Handley K, Bootman C, McBeth J, Charnock J, Wincott P, Vaughan D, Polya D & Lloyd J
(2008) Redox Interactions of Technetium with Fe(II) Mineral Phases
McBeth JM, Morris K, Boothman C, Begg JDC, Burke IT, Charnock JM, Livens FR & Lloyd JR
(2007) Evaluating Magnetic Suceptibility as a Rapid Scoping Tool for Assessing Trace Metal Contaminated Soils
Polya D, Zananiri I, Kondoloupou D, Atzemoglou M, Lythgoe P, Charnock J, McBeth J, Fraser S & Gault A
(2002) Fatty Acids and Stable Carbon Isotopes of a Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium: Implications for Carbon Cycling in Organic-Rich Marine Sediments
McBeth J, Giles B, Ye Q, Li Y-L, Zhang C & Wall J

McBriarty M. (2020) Heavy Metal Incorporation during Goethite Oriented Attachment
Mergelsberg S, Zhu G, Soltis J, McBriarty M, Nakouzi E, De Yoreo J & Ilton E
(2018) Atomic-Scale Distribution of Uranium during Iron Oxide Mineral Growth
Soltis J, McBriarty M, Spurgeon S, De Yoreo J & Ilton E
(2018) Towards an Accurate Characterization of Local Coordination Environments of Trace Impurities in Fe (Oxyhydr)oxides
Ilton E, McBriarty M & Bylaska E
(2017) Uranium Uptake and Redistribution during Phase Transformation and Oriented Attachment of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Soltis J, McBriarty M, Qafoku O, Spurgeon S, Buck E, De Yoreo J & Ilton E

McBride J. (2000) Re-Os Isotope Systematics of Indonesian Arc Lavas and Porphyry Intrusions
McBride J, McInnes B, Lambert D & Keays R

McBride M.T. (2001) Barite-Water Interface Structures and Adsorption of a Growth Inhibitor: X-Ray Reflectivity Results
Fenter P, McBride MT, Srajer G & Bosbach D

McBurney A. (2014) Mercury Methylation by hgcAB+ Methanogens
Gilmour C, Bullock A, McBurney A, Podar M & Elias D

McCabe M. (2008) The Last Deglaciation of the Eastern Laurentide Ice Sheet
Schaefer JM, Balco G, Kelly M, Hanson G, Finkel R, McCabe M, Steinberg R, Boothroyd J & Schwartz R

McCabe-Glynn S. (2013) North Pacific SST Variability and Drought in Southwestern North America Since 854 AD
Johnson K, McCabe-Glynn S, Strong C, Berkelhammer M, Sinha A, Cheng H & Edwards RL

McCaffrey K (2004) 'Anorogenic' Granites in a Convergent Plate-Tectonic Setting: A Review of the Palaeoproterozoic Rapakivi Suite in South Greenland
Garde A, Hamilton M, Chadwick B, Grocott J & McCaffrey K

McCaffrey Ken (2013) Arc Lithosphere Imposes Segmented, Great Circle Volcano Distribution in the Central Sunda Arc, Indonesia
Macpherson C, Pacey A & McCaffrey K

McCaffrey R. (2001) Interaction of Dike-Fed, Mafic Recharge Melts with Silicic Magmas Below the Toba Caldera Complex
Wark DA, Farmer GL, Masturyono M & McCaffrey R

McCaig A M (2000) Generation of Permeability in Metamorphic Rocks by Reaction with Basinal Brines: Dolomitisation in the SW Highlands of Scotland
McCaig AM, Guest R, Graham C & Banks D

McCaig Andrew (2023) Reaction Porosity in Oceanic Detachment Faults: Potential for Enhanced Hydrothermal Circulation and the Subsurface Biosphere
McCaig A, Macente A, Fusseis F & Klein F

McCaig Andrew M (2014) Hydrothermal Circulation In Fault Slots with Topography
Titarenko S & McCaig A
(2014) Hydrothermal Alteration at the Hess Deep Rift
Gillis K, Marks N, Faak K, McCaig A, Nozaka T, Python M, Wintsch R, Snow J & Klaus A
(2014) Static and Fault-Related Alteration In The Lower Ocean Crust, IODP Expedition 345, Hess Deep
McCaig A, Titarenko S, Faak K, Harigane Y, Marks N, Nozaka T, Python M, Wintsch R & Gillis K
(2010) Do Hydrothermal Systems Control Detachment Fault Development?
McCaig AM & Castelain T
(2008) Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluid Evolution: A Fluid Inclusion Study
Morgan S, McCaig A, Yardley B & Cann J
(2008) Correspondences of Helium Isotope Compositions between Gabbros or Abyssal Peridotites with Basalts: A View for Heterogeneity Inferred from the Volcanics in Uppermost Mantle
Kumagai H, Sato K, McCaig A, Abe N & Dick HJB

McCaig H. (2018) From Biodiversity to Biomarker Variability: Sampling Strategy in Planetary Analogue Missions
Gentry D, Amador E, Cable M, Cantrell T, Cullen T, Duca Z, Jacobsen M, Kirby J, McCaig H, Murukesan G, Rader E, Rennie V, Schwieterman E, Stevens A, Sutton S, Tan G, Yin C, Cullen D, Geppert W & Stockton A

McCain Kaitlyn (2016) A Survey of Methane DCH2D2 vs. D13CH3D in Nature and in the Laboratory
Young E, Kohl I, Sherwood Lollar B, Etiope G, Rumble D, Li S, Haghnegahdar M, Schuable E, McCain K, Foustoukos D, Suycliffe C, Warr O, Ballentine C, Hosgormez H & Neubeck A

McCain Kaitlyn A (2021) An in situ O Isotopic Study of Aqueous Alteration Products in the Alais CI Chondrite
McCain KA, Liu M-C & McKeegan KD

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