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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Machender G. (2011) Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils Around Chinnaeru River Sub-Basin, Nalgonda District, India
Machender G, Yashoda S, Reddy MN & Govil PK

Machent P. (2007) Temporal Increase in Iron Oxide Inputs into a Shallow Marine Carbonate Sediment System: A Sediment, Porewater and Geomicrobiological Study
Taylor K, Perry C, Machent P & Greenaway A

Machesky Michael (2023) Baddeleyite Surface Reactivity in Aqueous Media: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study
Ridley MK, Liu F & Machesky M
(2023) The Thermodynamics of Halide Exchange at Oxide-Aqueous Solution Interfaces from Microcalorimetry and Modeling Experiments
Pham M, Stroeva E, Machesky M, Kubicki JD & Kabengi N
(2021) The Role of Cation Solvation Thermodynamics in Surface Complexation Reactions
Kabengi N, Ilgen AG, Kubicki JD & Machesky M
(2021) Interfacial Phenomena of Al-Substituted Ferrihydrite
Bompoti NM, Cruz Hernandez Y, Chrysochoou M & Machesky M
(2020) A Novel Surface Complexation Model Approach to Account for Substitution in Minerals: A Case Study of Aluminum-Ferrihydrites
Adams FT, Machesky M & Kabengi N
(2019) Barite Surface Reactivity in NaCl Media: A CD-MUSIC Model Interpretation
Ridley M & Machesky M
(2018) Towards a Unified Thermodynamic Sorption Database: Uranium (VI) and Chromate (VI) Adsorption on Iron Oxides
Bompoti NM, Chrysochoou M & Machesky M
(2017) Iron Oxides Reactivity: A Unified Surface Complexation Modeling Approach
Bompoti N, Chrysochoou M & Machesky M
(2017) A Combined Flow Microcalorimetry and Surface Complexation Modeling Study of Ion Exchange Thermodynamics at the Rutile-Water Interface
Kabengi N, Hawkins T, Allen N, Machesky M & Wesolowski D
(2017) Alkali Metal Cation Adsorption on Oxide Surfaces
Machesky M, Predota M, Ridley M, Kabengi N & Wesolowski D
(2017) Surface Complexation Modeling for Chromate Adsorption on Al – Ferrihydrite
Chrysochoou M, Bompoti N & Machesky M
(2016) Adsorption of Oxalate on Rutile to 150℃: Experimental and Surface Complexation Modeling Studies
Ridley M, Machesky M & Wesolowski D
(2016) A Comparative Thermochemical Study of Ion Exchange at Metal Oxides-Solution Interfaces Using Flow Microcalorimetry
Kabengi N, Allen N, Hawkins T & Machesky M

Machesky Michael L. (2013) An Integrated Approach to Build Surface Complexation Models for Chromate on Iron Oxides
Chrysochoou M, Kabengi N, Machesky M, Johnston C & Kubicki J
(2013) Surface Complexation Modeling of Cation Adsorption by TiO2 Nanoparticles
Ridley M, Machesky M & Kubicki J
(2013) Hot CD-MUSIC
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Ridley M, Predota M, Zhang Z, Fenter P & Kubicki J
(2013) Modeling of TiO2 Nanoparticles Interactions with Water and Ions
Kubicki J, Sung-Yup K, van Duin A, Ridley M, Machesky M, Hummer D & Kent P
(2012) Surface Complexation Modeling of Na+ and Rb+ Adsorption by Rutile to 250℃
Machesky ML, Predota M, Ridley M & Wesolowski D
(2012) Temperature, Charge and Radius Dependence of Mulitvalent Cation Adsorption on Rutile (TiO2) in Aqueous 1:1 Electrolytes
Wesolowski D, Machesky M, Ridley M & Predota M
(2012) Ion Adsorption on Nanocrystalline Anatase Surfaces: Integrating Experimental and Theoretical Studies Through Surface Complexation Modeling
Ridley M, Kubicki J & Machesky M
(2011) Challenges to Predicting the Fate of Emerging Classes of Organic Micropollutants in Subsurface Environments
Strathmann T, Machesky M, Finneran K & Paul T
(2011) A Comparison of the Reactivity at the Solid-Solution Interface of Nano- and Micro-Crystalline TiO2 Phases
Ridley M, Machesky M & Kubicki J
(2011) Influence of Interfacial Water Structure on Surface Protonation and Ion Adsorption at Metal Oxide Surfaces
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Vlcek L, Mamontov E, Kent P, Predota M, Rosenqvist J, Ridley M, Cummings P, Kubicki J, Sofo J, Kumar N, Lvov S, Bandura A, Fenter P & Zhang Z
(2011) Electrokinetic Properties of the Rutile/Water Interface: Zeta-Potential Prediction from Computer Simulations
Predota M, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & Cummings P
(2010) Towards an Accurate Prediction of Surface Protonation Equilibria: Quantifying Interfacial Structure via the Bond Valence-MUSIC Model Framework
Machesky M, Predota M, Vlcek L, Rosenqvist J, Skelton A, Cummings P, Ridley M, Kubicki J, Sofo J, Kumar N, Bandura A & Wesolowski D
(2010) On the Temperature Dependence of Mineral Surface Protonation and Ion Adsorption Reactions
Wesolowski DJ, Machesky ML, Lvov SN, Predota M, Ridley MK & Cummings PT
(2010) Adsorption of Strontium at Nano- and Micro-Crystalline Titanium-Dioxide Interfaces: Interpreting Surface Speciation Using Charge Distribution and the MUSIC Model
Ridley MK, Machesky ML & Wesolowski DJ
(2010) Imaging Ion Adsorption with Total External Reflection X-Ray Standing Waves
Kohli V, Fenter P, Libera J, Elam J, Liu C, Rosenqvist J, Bedzyk M, Machesky M & Wesolowski D
(2010) Molecular Simulations of Electrokinetic Phenomena at the Solid-Liquid Interface
Predota M, Wesolowski DJ, Machesky ML & Cummings PT
(2009) Surface Speciation of Yttrium at the Rutile-Water Interface: Incorporation of Structural Information and Charge Distribution within the MUSIC Model
Ridley M, Hiemstra T, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & van Riemsdijk W
(2009) Atomistic Origins of Mineral-Water Interfacial Phenomena and their Relation to Surface Complexation Models
Wesolowski DJ, Bandura AV, Cummings PT, Fenter PA, Kubicki JD, Lvov SN, Machesky ML, Mamontov E, Predota M, Ridley MK, Rosenqvist J, Sofo JO, Vlcek L & Zhang Z
(2008) Surface Properties of Nanosize Oxides by High Temperature Electrophoresis
Rodriguez-Santiago V, Fedkin M, Rosenqvist J, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & Lvov S
(2008) Nanocrystalline Anatase-Electrolyte Solution Interface: A Surface Structural Interpretation with the MUSIC and CD Models
Ridley M & Machesky M
(2007) Surface Structural Modeling at the Solid-Solution Interface of Nanocrystalline Anatase
Ridley M, Machesky M, Blom D, Allard L & Hackley V
(2007) Adsorption and Dynamics of Ions at Rutile and Cassiterite Surfaces
Predota M, Vlcek L, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & Cummings P
(2007) Surface Charge, Ion Adsorption and Molecular Dynamics at the alfa-Sno2/water Interface
Rosenqvist J, Vlcek L, Mamontov E, Machesky M, Cummings P & Wesolowski D
(2007) The Rutile (110)-Electrolyte Solution Interface to 250C: A Surface Complexation Synthesis of Titration, ab Initio, MD and X-Ray Spectroscopic Results
Machesky M, Ridley M, Wesolowski D, Palmer D, Predota M, Vlcek L, Kubicki J, Sofo J, Bandura A & Zhang Z
(2005) Modeling Zn2+ Adsorption at the Rutile-Water Interface to Hydrothermal Conditions
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Fenter P, Zhang Z & Kubicki J
(2005) Surface Charge Development at the Interface of Nanocyrstalline-Anatase and Aqueous Solutions
Ridley M, Machesky M & Hackley V
(2005) Structure of Zn2+ at Rutile TiO<->2<$> (110)-Aqueous Solution Interface
Zhang Z, Fenter P, Kelly S, Catalano J, Kubicki J, Bandura A, Wesolowski D, Machesky M, Sturchio N & Bedzyk M
(2004) Ion Adsorption at the Rutile-Water Interface to Hydrothermal Conditions
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Ridley M, Palmer D, Fenter P, Zhang Z, Kubicki J & Predota M
(2003) Surface Charge Phenomena of Nano-Crystalline Anatase
Ridley M, Machesky M, Hackley V, Finnegan M & Banfield J
(2002) The Influence of Temperature on Ion Adsorption Phenomena
Machesky M, Ridley M, Wesolowski D & Palmer D
(2001) Solubility and Surface Adsorption Characteristics of Metal Oxides to High Temperature
Wesolowski DJ, Machesky ML, Ziemniak SE, Xiao C, Palmer DA, Anovitz LM & Bénézeth P
(2001) Rutile Surface Charge and Ion Adsorption Studies to 250℃
Ridley MK, Machesky ML, Wesolowski DJ & Palmer DA
(2001) ??Probing the Ionic Strength Dependence of Zn2+ and Sr2+ Ion Adsorption at the Rutile/Aqueous Interface Using X-Ray Standing Waves
Zhang Z, Cheng L, Fenter P, Sturchio NC, Bedzyk MJ, Machesky ML & Wesolowski DJ
(2000) On the Temperature Dependence of Intrinsic Surface Protonation Equilibrium Constants: An Extension of the Revised MUSIC Model
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Palmer D & Ridley M
(2000) Probing the Electrical Double-Layer Structure at the Rutile-Water Interface with X-Ray Standing Waves
Fenter P, Cheng L, Machesky ML, Bedzyk MJ & Sturchio NC
(2000) Surface Complexation Modelling of the Adsorption of Ca(II) and Nd(III) at the Rutile-Water Interface to 250 C
Ridley M, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & Palmer D

Machetel P. (2007) Cooling Rates Contraints on the Accretion of the Plutonic Crust at Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
Garrido CJ & Machetel P

Machev P. (2011) Cadomian Igneous Rocks from Europe's Variscan Belt, Lazovo Complex
Statelova J, von Quadt A, Machev P & Georgiev S

Machi S. (2016) Occurrences of Orthopyroxene in Multi-Textured Layered Gabbros from the Hess Deep Rift, East Pacific Rise
Hoshide T, Machi S & Maeda J

Machida I. (2022) Identification of Glacial Meteoric Water Using Noble Gas Temperature, in the Northern Part of Japan
Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y, Ohta T, Okamoto S, Marui A, Machida I, Ikawa R, Ono M & Matsumoto S
(2019) Stability of Deep Groundwater at Costal Area in Japan
Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y, Ohta T, Marui A, Machida I, Ikawa R, Ono M & Matsumoto S
(2016) Contrast of Groundwater Ages Around Saltwater-Freshwater Mixing Zone
Machida I, Ono M, Koshigai M & Marui A

Machida M. (2020) Machine Learning Molecular Dynamics Studies of Clay Minerals
Okumura M, Kobayashi K, Yamaguchi A, Nakamura H, Itakura M & Machida M
(2016) Numerical Studies of Effects of Microscopic Structure on Affinity of Clay Minerals to Cesium Ion
Okumura M, Nakamura H & Machida M
(2016) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cesium Adsorption on Illite
Lammers L, Bourg I, Okumura M, Kolluri K, Sposito G & Machida M
(2016) Simulation Study of Sediment and Radio-Cesium Transport over 2015 Typhoon Etau
Sakuma K, Malins A, Machida M & Kitamura A
(2016) The Future of Radionuclide Retention in Fukushima Soils from First Principles Simulations
Rosso K, Sassi M, Okumura M, Kerisit S & Machida M
(2016) The Effect of 2015 Typhoon Etau on Radiation Dose Rates in River Basins Surrounding Fukushima Daiichi
Malins A, Sakuma K, Nakanishi T, Machida M & Kitamura A
(2015) Density Functional Studies for Cesium Adsorption to Micaceous Clay Minerals: Low and High Density Situations
Okumura M, Nakamura H & Machida M

Machida R. (2007) Planetary Formation from Icy Planetesimals Around 1 AU
Machida R & Abe Y

Machida Shiki (2014) Uranium Isotope in Ferromanganese Crusts: Implications for the Marine 238U/235U Isotope System
Goto K, Anbar A, Gordon G, Romaniello S, Shimoda G, Takaya Y, Tokumaru A, Nozaki T, Suzuki K, Machida S, Hanyu T & Usui A
(2013) Geochemical Variations of Basalts from Petit-Spot Volcanoes in the Northwestern Pacific
Machida S, Hirano N, Kato Y, Tamura A & Arai S
(2011) Sr, Nd, and Pb Isotopes of Basalts along Hotspot-Influenced Central Indian Ridge
Machida S, Orihashi Y, Neo N, Tanimizu M, Unsworth S & Tamaki K
(2009) Geochemical Variation of Fresh Quenched Glass in Axial MORB along 15-18°S, Central Indian Ridge
Orihashi Y, Magnani M, Machida S, Neo N, Yasuda A & Tamaki K

Machida Shiki (2016) REE and Y Distribution in Deep Submarine Ferromanganese Crusts
Azami K, Hirano N, Machida S, Yasukawa K & Kato Y
(2016) REY-Rich Mud: A Perspective on Science and Engineering of the New REY Resource
Kato Y, Fujinaga K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Takaya Y, Nozaki T, Machida S, Nakamura K & Iwamori H
(2016) Noble Gas and Halogen Variation of Volcanic Rocks from the Izu-Mariana Subduction Zone
Sumino H, Kobayashi M, Burgess R, Jepson L, Machida S, Shimizu A, Hahm D, Hilton D & Ballentine C
(2016) Geochemical Features and Distribution of the Extremely REY-Rich Mud in the Minamitorishima EEZ
Fujinaga K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Nakamura K, Takaya Y, Nozaki T, Machida S, Iijima K & Kato Y
(2016) How Petit-Spot Mantle Xenoliths Will Refine LAB Processes
Pilet S, Rochat L, Muntener O, Kaczmarek M-A, Duretz T, Abe N, Hirano N & Machida S
(2016) Chemostratigraphic Correlation of Deep-Sea Sediments in the Western North Pacific Ocean and its Implication for the Origin of the Extremely REY-Rich Mud
Mimura K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S & Kato Y
(2016) Petit-Spot Lavas as Test for Alkaline Magma Generation
Rochat L, Pilet S, Kaczmarek M-A, Müntener O, Abe N, Hirano N & Machida S

Machida Shiki (2020) Hydrothermal Activity in Petit-Spot: Last Hydrothermal Alteration of Lithosphere Before Subduction
Azami K, Machida S, Hirano N & Kato Y
(2020) Petit-Spot with Maar Like Edifice
Ishii T, Kaneko M, Hirano N, Machida S & Sato Y
(2020) Melting of Reycled Crust Responsible for the Gutenberg Discontiuity
Liu J, Hirano N, Machida S, Xia Q & Tao C

Machida Shiki (2021) Geochemical Structure of the Oldest Pacific Lithosphere
Mikuni K, Hirano N, Akizawa N, Machida S, Tamura A & Morishita T

Machida Shiki (2015) Across-Arc Noble Gas and Halogen Variation of Volcanic Rocks from the Izu-Ogasawara Subduction Zone
Sumino H, Burgess R, Jepson L, Chavrit D, Shimizu A, Machida S & Ballentine C
(2015) Geology and Geochemistry of Fe-Mn Nodules in the Japanese Exclusive Economic Zone Around Minamitorishima Island, W Pacific
Machida S, Fujinaga K, Ishii T, Nakamura K, Hirano N & Kato Y
(2015) Grain Size Distributions of Extremely REY-Enriched Pelagic Sediments in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Ohta J, Yasukawa K, Machida S, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Takaya Y, Iijima K & Kato Y

Machida Shiki (2017) CO2-rich Melt in the Asthenosphere
Machida S, Kogiso T & Hirano N
(2017) A Chemostratigraphic Correlation of Pelagic Clay in the North Pacific Ocean
Mimura K, Yamamoto K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S & Kato Y

Machida Shiki (2018) Chemostratigraphy and Depositional Ages of Pelagic Clay in the North Pacific Ocean: Implications for the Origin of REY-Rich Mud
Mimura K, Yamamoto K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S & Kato Y
(2018) Elucidation of the Growth History of Fe-Mn Nodules in the Western North Pacific Ocean Using X-Ray CT and Elemental Mapping
Shimomura R, Nakamura K, Machida S, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K & Kato Y

Machida Shiki (2019) Micro X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping to Charactarize Layers of Fe–Mn Nodules in the Western North Pacific
Machida S, Shimomura R, Horinouchi K, Kogiso T, Nakamura K & Kato Y
(2019) Detailed Geochemical Characteristics of the Nuclei of Ferromanganese Nodules in the Minamitorishima EEZ
Terauchi D, Nakamura K, Shimomura R, Horinouchi K, Yasukawa K, Machida S & Kato Y
(2019) Chemostratigraphic Correlation of REY-Rich Mud Cores in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Tanaka E, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Machida S, Nozaki T & Kato Y
(2019) Origin of REY-Rich Mud in the North Pacific Ocean Constrained from Bulk Geochemistry and Depositional Age
Mimura K, Yamamoto K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S, Usui Y & Kato Y
(2019) REY-Rich Mud: An Overview from Scientific and Engineering Perspectives
Kato Y, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Fujinaga K, Takaya Y, Ohta J, Tanaka E, Mimura K, Iijima K, Machida S & Nozaki T

Machida T. (2003) 13C/12C Ratio of CO2 Respired from Deciduous Needleleaf Forest Ecosystem in East Asia
Takahashi Y, Machida T, Tohjima Y, Fujinuma Y & Inoue G
(2003) Correlation of CO and CO2 in Asian Outflow Plumes Observed during PEACE Campaign in January 2002
Takegawa N, Kondo Y, Machida T, Watai T, Koike M & Kita K
(2003) Measurements of Atmospheric O2/N2 Ratio from Two Monitoring Stations in Japan and Shipboard Sampling in the Western and Northern Pacific Region
Tohjima Y, Mukai H, Machida T & Nojiri Y

Machiyama H. (2017) Secondary Methanogenesis in Dormant Submarine Mud Volcano off Tanegashima Island, Japan
Ijiri A, Toki T, Agena K, Hoshino T, Hagino K, Hamada Y, Machiyama H, Ashi J & Inagaki F
(2016) Physical Property of Rock Cores of Submarine Hydrothermal Deposits and its Application to the Geophysical Joint Inversion
Goto T-N, Ohta Y, Kashiwaya K, Koike K, Kasaya T, Machiyama H & Lin W
(2007) Formosa Ridge, a Cold Seep with Densely Populated Chemosynthetic Community in the Passive Margin, Southwest of Taiwan
Lin S, Lim Y, Liu C-S, Yang TF, Chen Y-G, Machiyama H, Soh W & Fujikura K
(2003) Methane Seeps, Chemosynthetic Communities, and Carbonate Rocks on the Kuroshima Knoll, off Ryukyu Islands
Takeuchi R, Matsumoto R & Machiyama H

Mächler L. (2013) Using Noble Gases for Real-Time Tracing of Oxygen Turnover in Aquatic Systems
Mächler L, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2011) A Field Method for the in situ Determination of Excess Air and Oxygen Consumption in Groundwater
Mächler L, Brennwald M & Kipfer R
(2009) A New Analytical Field Method for the in situ Determination of the Oxygen Dynamics in Groundwater
Mächler L, Brennwald M & Kipfer R

Machlus M. (2012) Inter-Laboratory Evaluation of 40Ar/39Ar Data for Sanidines from the Fire Clay Tonstein
Hemming S, Heizler MT, Jicha B, Machlus M, Rasbury ET, Renne PR, Singer BS, Swisher CC & Turrin BD
(2006) Testing the Carboniferous Fire Clay Tonstein as a Sanidine 40Ar/39Ar Standard
Machlus M, Bowring S, Hemming S, Rasbury T, Swisher C & Turrin B
(2000) North Pacific Deep Water Formation during the Last Glacial Maximum?
Goldstein SL, Hemming SR, Piotrowski AM & Machlus M

Machnikova E. (2008) Insights into the Kinetics of Acid Corrosion Reactions from Direct Analysis of Surface Morphology
Machnikova E, Arvidson R, Fischer C, Luttge A & Whitmire K

Macholdt Dorothea (2017) Highly Resolved Determination of Mg/Ca in Single Foraminifera Shells Using fs-LA-ICP-MS
Jochum KP, Schiebel R, Stoll B, Weis U, Macholdt D & Haug G
(2017) Black, Anthropogenic, Manganese-Rich Crusts on the Freiburg Minster
Macholdt D, Herrmann S, Jochum KP, Kilcoyne ALD, Laubscher T, Pfisterer JHK, Pöhlker C, Schwager B, Weber B, Weigand M, Domke KF & Andreae MO

Macholdt Dorothea S. (2016) Fe/Mn and Trace Elements in Layered Varnish on Meteorites for Paleoclimate Investigations
Jochum KP, Macholdt D, Zipfel J, Stoll B, Weis U, Haug G & Andreae M
(2016) STXM-NEXAFS and fs LA-ICP-MS Investigations of Rock Varnish
Macholdt DS, Poehlker C, Foerster J-D, Weber B, Kilcoyne ALD, Weigand M, Mueller M, Lieberwirth I, Jochum KP, Kappl M, Haug G & Andreae MO
(2015) Highly Resolved Mn/Fe Microanalyses in Desert Varnish for Paleoclimate Reconstruction
Jochum K, Macholdt D, Otter L, Pöhlker C, Weber B, Stoll B, Weis U, Al-Amri A, Müller M, Kappl M & Andreae M
(2015) Microanalytical Investigations of Rock Varnish from Different Regions
Macholdt DS, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U, Otter LM, Pöhlker C, Weber B, Müller M, Kappl M, DiGregorio BE, Al-Amri A & Andreae MO
(2015) Desert Varnish and Dust: Nano- and Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS Studies of Major and Trace Elements
Otter LM, Macholdt DS, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U, Weber B, Scholz D, Al-Amri A & Andreae MO
(2014) Rock Varnish from Different Locations: An Insight into the Genesis Using in situ Analytical Methods
Macholdt D, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U, Weber B, Pöhlker C & Andreae M
(2014) Non-Matrix-Matched Calibration of Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS Applied to Geochemical and Environmental Analysis
Jochum K, Macholdt D, Stoll B, Weis U, Jacob D, Mertz-Kraus R & Andreae M

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