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Mazzucchelli Mattia Luca (2022) Experimental Evaluation of Anisotropic Elastic Thermobarometry Applied to Stiff Mineral Inclusions in Soft Hosts: First Evaluation of Zircon Inclusions in Quartz
Gonzalez JP, Thomas JB, Mazzucchelli ML, Angel RJ & Alvaro M
(2021) Genesis and Depth of Formation of Ferropericlase Inclusions within Super-Deep Diamonds
Lorenzon S, Nestola F, Pamato MG, Novella D, Nimis P, Marone F, Anzolini C, Mazzucchelli ML, Alvaro M, Regier M, Stachel T, Pearson DG & Harris J
(2019) Quartz Inclusions from Eclogite Xenoliths Record Past Subduction
Mazzucchelli ML, Angel RJ, Morganti S, Murri M, Campomenosi N, Scambelluri M, Marone F, Korsakov AV, Morana M & Alvaro M
(2019) Preserved Quartz Inclusions from Eclogite Xenoliths Record Past Subduction in Siberian Craton
Alvaro M, Mazzucchelli ML, Angel RJ, Murri M, Campomenosi N, Scambelluri M, Nestola F, Korsakov A, Tomilenko A, Marone F & Morana M

Mazzucchelli Maurizio (2021) Metasomatized Mantle Xenoliths from Canastra-1 Kimberlite, Southern Edge of the São Francisco Craton
Braga LG, Jalowitzki T, Rocha MP, Gervasoni F, Mazzucchelli M, Giovanardi T, Novais Rodrigues E, Dalla Costa M, Fuck RA, Rubiano GM, Bertotto GW & Santos RV
(2021) Orogenic to Anorogenic Signatures in Mesozoic Intra-Plate Magmatism: Evidence from Alkali-Rich Dykes in the Finero Phlogopite Peridotite (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Southern Alps)
Ogunyele AC, Giovanardi T, Bonazzi M, Mazzucchelli M & Zanetti A
(2017) Melt-Rock Interaction at Mantle Conditions: Evidences from Finero Gabbroic Dykes
Giovanardi T, Cipriani A, Lugli F, Morishita T, Dallai L, Zanetti A & Mazzucchelli M
(2016) Comparing the Cana Brava and Niquelândia Complexes: Large Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in the Lower Crust and Contamination Processes
Giovanardi T, Girardi VAV, Correia CT, Sinigoi S, Tassinari CCG, Mazzucchelli M & Sforna MC
(2016) In situ 87Sr/86Sr LA-MC-ICPMS on Biogenic Apatites: A Matrix-Matched Standard Correction Approach
Lugli F, Cipriani A, Mazzucchelli M, Sforna MC & Brunelli D
(2013) New Insights into the Evolution of the Finero Mafic Complex
Langone A, Renna MR, Tiepolo M, Zanetti A, Mazzucchelli M & Giovanardi T
(2013) U-Pb and Hf Isotopes in Zircons from Mantle Chromitites of the Finero Peridotite (Ivrea Verbano Zone)
Giovanardi T, Zanetti A, Mazzucchelli M, Tiepolo M, Wu F, Langone A & Vannucci R
(2009) Evidence for Ultra-Depleted Pb Isotopic Component in the Backarc Patagonian Mantle Wedge
Rivalenti G, Mazzucchelli M, Zanetti A, Hémond C & Cipriani A
(2007) Petrochemical Characterisation of Natural Stones from the Etruscan Site of Marzabotto (Bologna-Italy): Preliminary Results
Lugli S, Marrocchino E, Mazzucchelli M, Sighinolfi F & Vaccaro C
Ciuffi S, Rivalenti G, Vannucci R, Zanetti A, Mazzucchelli M & Cingolani CA

Mazzullo S.J. (2001) A 70-Million-Year Record of ?18O Variation in the Permo-Carboniferous: Implications for Seawater ?18O
Grossman EL, Mazzullo SJ, Yancey TE & Mii H-S

Mbadinga S.M. (2016) Formate-Dependent Microbial Conversion of CO2 and the Dominant Pathways of Methanogenesis in Production Water of High-Temperature Oil Reservoirs Amended with Bicarbonate
Yang G-C, Zhou L, Mbadinga SM, Liu J-F, Yang S-Z, Gu J-D & Mu B-Z

Mbaegbu M. (2018) Real Time Measurement of Gas Composition from Live Well Fluids at Drilling Site
Adhikari P, Petras R, Gupta I, Rowe M & Mbaegbu M

Mbaye M. (2023) Combination between the Caesium-137 Technique and Soil Moisture Data to Assess the Soil Erosion Status in Three Watersheds in Northwest Morocco
Moustakim M, Benmansour M, Amenzou N, Mbaye M, Benkdad A & Damnati B

Mbingeneeko F. (2018) Geochemical Mapping in Namibia
Sibolile B & Mbingeneeko F

Mbogoro M. (2012) New Insights on Crystal Growth and Dissolution by Investigating Micro-Scale Entities
Peruffo M, Mbogoro M & Unwin P
(2009) A New Approach to the Study of Calcite Dissolution Utilising Localised Electrochemical Proton Generation
McGeouch C-A, Edwards M, Mbogoro M, Unwin P & Parkinson C
(2009) New Analyses of Dissolution Processes: Application to Gypsum Crystal Surfaces
Mbogoro M, Edwards M & Unwin P

Mc Cormack R. (2017) Logging for the Structure of Groundwater Age with Passive Samplers
Meyzonnat G, Barbecot F, Corcho Alvarado JJA, Tognelli A, Mc Cormack R & Lauzon J-M

Mc Innes B. (2014) Evolution of Porphyry Systems in Central Eastern Turkey
Akçay M, Gümrük O, Aslan N, Banks D, Mc Innes B & Jourdan F

Mc Kenzie S. (2009) High-Frequency Late Glacial to Mid-Holocene Climate Variability: Evidence from Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Values of Marl Lakes in Canada, Ireland and the United States
Patterson W, Eglington B, Holmden C, Brasseur J, Mc Kenzie S & Manchester C

McAdam A. (2022) Searching for Mineralogical Evidence for the Clay-Sulfate Transition Region in Gale Crater, Mars Using the Sample Analysis at Mars-Evolved Gas Analyzer (SAM-Ega) Onboard the Curiosity Rover
Clark J, Sutter B, Wong G, Lewis J, McAdam A, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Eigenbrode J, Freissinet C, Stern J, Glavin DP, Steele A, Knudson C, House C, Malespin C & Ming DW
(2018) Measurement of Water Solubility in Synthetic and Natural Carbonatite
Jacobson N, Setlock J, Kulis M, Costa G, Fegley B & McAdam A
(2014) Evolved Gas Analysis of the Rocknest Aeolian Bedform, Gale Crater, Mars
Arevalo Jr. R, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Coll P, Eigenbrode J, Glavin D, Jones J, Leshin L, McAdam A, McKay C, Ming D, Morris R, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Niles P, Pavlov A, Squyres S, Stern J, Steele A & Wray J
(2010) Evolved Gas Analysis Coupled with Cavity Ringdown Spectrometry for in situ δ13C Measurements of Mars Analog Materials
Stern J, McAdam A, Franz H & Mahaffy P
(2006) Low pH weathering of Mars analog lithologies: Thermodynamic modeling.
McAdam A, Zolotov M, Mironenko M, Leshin L & Sharp T
(2001) Experimental Determination of Phase Equilibria in the System H2O-CO2 at High Pressure and Temperature with Implications on the Presence of Organic Phases
Sharma A, McAdam A, Hemley RJ, Cody GD, Hazen RM & Chou I-M

McAdam F.M. (2022) The Determination of Oxidation Rates of Pyrite and Marcasite at Low Temperature for Acid Mine Drainage and Mineral Waste Solutions
McAdam FM & Gregory DD

McAdam M. (2016) Identifying the most Primitive Asteroids: Amorphous Material in CO Meteorites and SOFIA Observations of 10 Hygiea
McAdam M, Sunshine J, Howard K, McCoy T, Alexander C & Kelley M

McAdams B. (2018) Evaluating Organic Reaction Products Generated during Interaction between Marcellus Shale and Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids
Hakala A & McAdams B
(2014) Voltammetric Measurement of Redox Species in Prairie Pothole Lake Benthic Pore Waters
McAdams B, Arnold W & Chin Y-P

McAleer Ryan (2021) A New Paradigm for Pegmatite Formation: Generation of Pegmatitic Textures in a Closed, Isochoric System Implied by the Formation of Miarolitic-Class, Segregation-Type Pegmatites in the Taishanmiao Batholith, China
Yuan Y, Moore LR, McAleer R, Yuan S, Ouyang H, Belkin H, Mao J, Sublett M & Bodnar R
(2021) Optimizing Radium Removal from Produced Water Utilizing the Sr/Ba Molar Ratio and Precipitate Seeding
McDevitt B, Gallegos T, Blondes M, Shelton J, McAleer R, Valentine B, Varonka M, Jolly G, Jubb AM, Jackson J & Chenault J
(2020) Speciation and Mineral Hosts of Germanium in Mine Wastes: Implications for Recovery
White SJ, Piatak N, McAleer R, Hayes S, Seal R, Schaider L & Shine J
(2018) Photoluminescence Imaging of Zircon by Conventional and Laser Excitation: Geochronologic and Thermochronologic Applications
McAleer R, Jubb A, Hackley P & Casale G
(2018) The Biogeochemistry of Indium, Gallium, and Germanium in Mine Wastes
White SJ, Schaider L, Shine J, Piatak N, McAleer R & Seal R

McAleer Ryan J (2023) Evaluation of Strain-Induced Graphitization during Slaty Cleavage Development
Stokes R, Jubb AM, McAleer RJ, Bish D & Wintsch R
(2023) Radium Mineral Associations within Abandoned Mine Drainages and Treatment Systems with Perspective to the Future of Rare Earth Element Extraction
McDevitt B, Cravotta CA, McAleer RJ, Jackson J & Warner N
(2023) Geochemical Parameters of Naturally Occurring Solid Hydrocarbons and Implications for their Use in Lithium Metal Batteries
Jubb AM, Stokes R, McAleer RJ, Houseknecht DW, Hackley PC & Day-Stirrat R
(2023) Germanium and Other Trace Element (Cd, Cu, Fe, Ga) Substitution and Speciation in Sphalerites from MVT Deposits in the United States: Implications for Ore Genesis and Resource Recovery
Piatak NM, White SJO, Hayes SM, McAleer RJ, Seal RR & Green CJ
(2022) Examination of Germanium in Sphalerites Using Multiple Complementary Approaches
Hayes SM, Piatak NM, McAleer RJ, White SJO & Seal RR
(2022) Mapping Deformation Driven Chemical Variation in Ancient Sedimentary Organic Matter at Nanoscales with Optical Photothermal Infrared (O-Ptir) Microscopy
Jubb AM, Stokes R, McAleer RJ & Hackley PC
(2022) Minimal Cenozoic Denudation in the Southern and Central Appalachians Revealed by 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Supergene Manganese Oxides
Odom WE, Doctor DH, McAleer RJ & Granger DE

McAleer Ryan J. (2019) Germanium Enrichment and Mineralogical Hosts in Ore and Mine Waste; Primary and Potential Secondary Sources
Piatak N, White SJ, Seal R, McAleer R, Hayes S & Hammarstrom J
(2019) 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb SIMS Zircon Ages of Ediacaran Dikes from the Arabian-Nubian Shield of South Jordan
Ghanem H, Mcaleer RJ, Jarrar GH, Al Hseinat M & Whitehouse M
(2019) Sampling the Volatile Rich Transition Zone beneath Bermuda
Mazza S, Gazel E, Bizimis M, Moucha R, Beguelin P, Johnson E, McAleer R & Sobolev A

McAlister Jason (2013) New Applications of Dissolved Gallium in the Oceans: Promoting Increasingly Routine Measurement
McAlister J & Orians K

McAlister Jason (2010) Heavy Metal Sediment Concentration Patterns within the Texas River System, USA and Hii River System, Japan
Matsumoto I, Hoffman D, McAlister J, Wolfe J & Ishiga H
(2009) Comparative Study of Heavy Metal Concentration of Stream Sediments on Major Rivers of Texas, USA and Several Rivers of Japan
Matsumoto I, Hoffman D, McAlister J, Wolfe J & Ishiga H
(2008) Impact of Human Population on Heavy Metal Concentration of Stream Sediments in the Trinity River, Texas, USA
Matsumoto I, Hoffman D, McAlister J & Ishiga H

McAlister John (2010) Micromorphology and Mineralogy of Interbasaltic Palaeosols at Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland
Phillips D, Smith B, Russell M & McAlister J

McAllister L. (2017) Online Geoscience Offline
Horodyskyj L, Bruce G, McAllister L, Semken S, Anbar A & Hosman L

McAllister Sean (2017) How Microbes Oxidize Fe(II)
Chan C, McAllister S, Garber A & Currie A

McAllister Sean (2010) Emerging Patterns in Deep-Sea Microbial Iron Mats
Emerson D, McAllister S, Chan C, Fleming E & Moyer C

McAllister Sean (2019) How do Microbes Make Minerals in the Environment? Tracking Iron and Sulfur Biomineralization Using Meta-Omics and Microscopy
Chan C, McAllister S, Vandzura R, Henri P, Pavia M, Polson S & Macalady J
(2019) Microbial and Viral Roles in Hydrothermal Vent Fe Mat Elemental Cycling and Ecology
Chan C, McAllister S, Vandzura R & Polson S

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