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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mazumdar A. (2023) The Enigmatic Polythionate S4O62- as a Key Junction in the Sulfur Cycle of Continental Slope Sediments
Mandal S, Bhattacharya S, Peketi A, Mazumdar A & Ghosh W
(2019) Influence of Monsoon and Provenance on Sr and Nd Isotope Systematics (IODP-353, U1445)
Peketi A, Mazumdar A, Pillutla SPK, Sawanth B, George C & Chandra AK
(2018) Enhanced Carbon-Sulfur Cycling in the Sediments of Arabian Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone Center
Mazumdar A, Fernandes S, Bhattacharya S, Peketi A, Mapder T, Roy C, Da Silva R & Ghosh W
(2018) Cryptic Methane Cycle in the Upper Sediment Layers of the Arabian Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone
Bhattacharya S, Mapder T, Roy C, Rameez M, Berchmans S, Peketi A, Mazumdar A & Ghosh W
(2018) Sulfur –Iron-Carbon Systematics in Marine Sediments: A Study off Mahanadi Basin, Bay of Bengal
Sawant B, Mazumdar A, Yousuf M, Da Silva R & Peketi A
(2013) Paleo-Methane Emission Events in Krishna-Godavari Basin, Bay of Bengal: Geochemical Signatures
Mazumdar A
(2013) Fe, Al and Ti Variations in Marine Sediment: Implications in Provenance and Paleoclimatic Analyses
Peketi A & Mazumdar A
(2013) 34S Enrichment during Chemotrophic Sulfur Oxidation by Bacteria
Ghosh W, Alam M & Mazumdar A
(2012) Evidence of Paleo Sulfate Methane Transition Zone in Marine Sediments
Mazumdar A, Peketi A, Joshi RK, Joa H, Patil DJ, Rao LS & Dayal AM
(2011) Hydrate Destabilization and Methane Release Events during Last Glacial Episode in Bay of Bengal
Joshi RK & Mazumdar A
(2011) Variation in Carbon Stable Isotope Ratios of Organic Matter in Bay of Bengal during the Last Glacial Episode
Mazumdar A, Joshi RK, Peketi A & Naik BG
(2011) High Resolution Sulfur Isotope Analyses Across Sulphate-Methane Transition Zone
Peketi A & Mazumdar A
(2011) Fe and S Isotope Compositions of Hydrothermal Sulfides from the Northern Lau Basin
Sreenivas B, Ray D, Paropkari AL, Mazumdar A, Vijaya Gopal B, Surya Prakash L, Balu G & Bhaskar Rao YJ
(2008) Sediment Pore Fluid Geochemistry from Krishna-Godavari Basin (Bay of Bengal): Possible Influence of Methane Hydrate Occurrences
Mazumdar A, Dewangan P, Joao H, Peketi A, Kocherla M, Badesab F, Joshi R, Karisiddaiah S & Ramprasad T
(2004) Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Early Cambrian Phosphorites from Lesser Himalaya: Constraints on the Diagenetic Frame Work
Mazumdar A & Strauss H
(2003) Nature of Rare Earth Element Abundances in Shallow Marine Platform Carbonates
Mazumdar A
(2002) REE Geochemistry of Late Proterozoic Shallow Marine Carbonate, India
Mazumdar A, Kawabe I, Tanaka K & Takahashi T
(2001) Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of Late Neoproterozoic Carbonate Rocks of Nagaur-Ganganagar Basin, Western Rajasthan, India
Mazumdar A & Bhattacharya SK

Mazumdar S (2019) Bivalve Shell Architectures: New Insights from Pulsed Sr-Labelling and Correlative Micro/Nanoanalysis
Otter LM, Trimby P, Henry H, Kilburn MR, Eder K, Agbaje OBA, Gim J, Hovden R, Cairney JM, Mazumdar S & Jacob DE

Mazumdar Shiladitya (2021) Microstructure and Trace Element Composition of Organophosphatic Brachiopod Shells
Mazumdar S, Otter LM & Jacob D

Mazumder D. (2006) A combined multidisciplinary kinetic modeling approach for determination of coastal ecosystem contaminant fluxes
Szymczak R, Twining J, Hollins S, Mazumder D & Creighton N

Mazumder R. (2023) Insights into Early Mantle Processes from Coupled 182W-142Nd Isotope Systematics of Igneous Rocks from the Singhbhum Craton
Ravindran A, Pakulla J, Tusch J, Hasenstab E, Hofmann A, Jodder J, Mazumder R & Münker C

Mazur J-C. (2023) 17O-Excess of Tropical Forest and Savanna Phytoliths Record Diurnal Atmospheric Relative Humidity of the Growing Season: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions and Model-Data Comparisons
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Peugeot C, Grippa M, Ndiaye O, Vallet-Coulomb C, Aleman J, Landais A, Sonzogni C, Au Yang D, Mazur J-C, Voigt C, Ouani T, Afouda S, Wubda M, Mougin E, Soumaguel N, Tagesson T & Fensholt R
(2023) Changes in Atmospheric Relative Humidity during the Late Holocene Reconstructed Using the 17O-Excess of Phytoliths from Sediments of Lake Ngofouo (Republic of Congo, Central Africa)
Mention C, Aleman J, Mazur J-C, Sonzogni C & Alexandre A
(2021) The Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Phytoliths, a Proxy of Relative Humidity: Impact of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Soil Water and Vegetation Type
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Vallet-Coulomb C, Peugeot C, Afouda S, Couapel M, Landais A, Mazur J-C, Sonzogni C, Ouani T & Wubda M

Mazurek M. (2023) Chloride Accessible Porosity Fractions Across the Jurassic Sedimentary Rocks of Northern Switzerland
Zwahlen C, Gimmi T, Jenni A, Kiczka M, Mazurek M, Van Loon L, Mäder U & Traber D
(2017) Anhydrite-Dissolution Porosity: Implications for Geo-Energy and Gas Storage in the Swiss Molasse Basin
Aschwanden L, Diamond LW & Mazurek M
(2012) Pore-Water Chemistry in Clays and Shales: Methods and Applications
Mazurek M, Waber HN & Oyama T
(2008) Noble Gas Measurements in Pore Water from Sedimentary Rocks
Latoui K, Villa I, Mazurek M & Waber N
(2006) Natural tracer profile in a deep claystone formation (Opalinus Clay of Mont Russelin, Switzerland).
Koroleva M, Mazurek M, Gautschi A & Bigler T

Mazza A. (2023) Organic Speciation of (Micro)nutrients in Relation to Overall Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in Soil Water Extracts: New Insights from Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Simon C, Tolu J, Bouchet S, Chan M, Mazza A, Julian H, Frossard E, Tamburini F, Chadwick O & Winkel LHE

Mazza M. (2015) Studying Exoelectrogen Biofilm Formation, Structure and Composition: An Integrated Approach
Schkolnik G, Harnisch F, Musat N, Schroetter M, Schmidt M, Richnow H-H, Harms H, Herminghaus S & Mazza M

Mazza Sarah (2020) Sampling the Volatile Rich Transition Zone at Bermuda: Can Tungsten Stable Isotopes Help Differentiate Recycled Lithologies?
Mazza S, Gazel E & Kleine T
(2019) Sampling the Volatile Rich Transition Zone beneath Bermuda
Mazza S, Gazel E, Bizimis M, Moucha R, Beguelin P, Johnson E, McAleer R & Sobolev A
(2018) Tungsten Isotope Fractionation in Subduction Zones
Mazza S, Stracke A, Gill J & Kleine T
(2017) Stable Tungsten Isotope Fractionation during Magmatic Processes
Mazza S, Stracke A, Gill J & Kleine T

Mazza Sarah E. (2022) Determining the Volatile-Rich Source for Bermuda Using Zn Isotopes
Mazza SE, Render J & Wimpenny J
(2013) Thermal Structure of the Sgurr Beag Thrust, NW Scotland
Mazza SE, Law RD & Caddick MJ

Mazzanti M. (2021) Microbial Reduction of a U(V) Complex with an Organic Ligand
Molinas M, Faizova R, Brown A, Lederballe Meibom K, Pruessmann T, Vitova T, Mazzanti M & Bernier-Latmani R
(2020) The Role of Uranium Speciation in its Isotopic Fractionation
Bernier-Latmani R, Brown A, Pan Z, Faisova R, Sato A, Roebbert Y, Vitova T, Mazzanti M, Abe M & Weyer S
(2020) Investigating the Potential Microbial Reduction of U(V)
Molinas M, Faizova R, Brown A, Schacherl B, Galanzew J, Vitova T, Mazzanti M & Bernier-Latmani R
(2019) U(V) is an Intermediate in the Reduction of U(VI) by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Molinas M, Faizova R, Mazzanti M, Schacherl B, Galanzew J, Vitova T & Bernier-Latmani R
(2019) Mechanistic Insights into U(VI) Reduction and the Associated Uranium Isotopic Fractionation
Bartova B, Brown A, Molinas M, Pan Z, Lagrange T, Faizova R, Mazzanti M, Schacherl B, Beck A, Vitova T, Kvashnina K, Roebbert Y, Weyer S & Bernier-Latmani R
(2019) Uranium Speciation Impacts Isotope Signatures Arising from Microbial U(VI) Reduction
Brown A, Molinas M, Roebbert Y, Faizova R, Mazzanti M, Weyer S & Bernier-Latmani R

Mazzega P. (2009) Time Series and Water Balance Models to Assess the Climatic Variability and Land Use Effects in Kabini River Basin, South India
Sekhar M, Javeed Y, Soumya B, Bandyopadhyay S & Mazzega P

Mazzei P. (2020) Molecular Insights into the Humeome of Two Contrasting Soils Using HRMS, NMR and GC/TOF MS
Vinci G, Mazzei P, Piccolo A & Bridoux M

Mazzer P. (2009) Molecular Characterization of Atmospheric Particulates Using Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Hatcher P, Sleighter R, Willoughby A, Mazzer P, Wozniak A & Bauer J

Mazzero F. (2014) Precious Opal Deposits at Wegel Tena, Ethiopia: Formation Through Successive Pedogenesis Events
Chauviré B, Rondeau B, Mazzero F & Ayalew D
(2014) Genesis of Precious Opal in the Critical Zone: Role of the Host Rock, Climate, and Biology
Rondeau B, Chauviré B, Fritsch E, Ayalew D & Mazzero F
(2010) New Opals from Wollo, Ethiopia: Geochemical Characterization
Rondeau B, Fritsch E, Cenki-Tok B & Mazzero F

Mazzini A. (2022) Relevant Methane Emission to the Atmosphere from the Geological Gas Manifestation of the LUSI Eruption Study Case, Indonesia
Sciarra A, Mazzini A, Etiope G, Sadavarte P, Houweling S, Pandey S & Husein A
(2022) Study of the Origin of Soil 222Rn and 220Rn Activities in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Ruggiero L, Sciarra A, Tuccimei P, Galli G, Mazzini A, Mazzoli C, Tartarello MC, Florindo F, Wilson G, Anderson J, Worthington R, Mattia M, Giagnoni F, Bigi S, Sassi R & Ciotoli G
(2021) Constraining the Enigmatic Source of Vesteris Seamount Volcanism
Belosa L, Callegaro S, Tronnes RG, Meyzen CM, Polteau S, Gaina C & Mazzini A

Mazzola S. (2009) Effect of Pyroclastic Atmospheric Fallout on YREE Distribution in Human Bronchial Washing Solutions
Censi P, Punturo R, Zuddas P, Crimi N, Cuttitta A, Lo Giudice A, Mastruzzo C, Mazzola S & Pistorio P

Mazzoleni C. (2014) The Superaggregate Form of Soot from Wildfires and its Impact on Direct Forcing
Chakrabarty R, Beres N, Moosmuller H, China S, Mazzoleni C, Dubey M, Liu L & Mishchenko M
(2014) Constraining Climate Forcing by Black, Brown and Organic Carbon
Dubey M, Liu S, Aiken A, Cappa C, Yokelsen B, Williams L & Mazzoleni C
(2014) Chemical Composition and Morphological Characteristics of Ambient and Laboratory Generated Soot Particles
O'Brien R, Sharma N, Pham D, Zaveri R, Shilling J, Mazzoleni C, Laskin A, Gilles M & Moffet R
(2014) Modelling the Optical Properties of Black Carbon Mixed with Dust and Other Components with Observational Constraints
Scarnato B, China S & Mazzoleni C
(2014) Numerical Computation of Optical Properties of Biomass Burning Soot from Morphological and Mixing State Information Provided by Field and Laboratory Observations
China S, Scarnato B, Sharma N, Gorkowski K, Aiken A, Liu S, Dubey M & Mazzoleni C

Mazzoleni L. (2023) MFAssignR: Software Tools for Molecular Formula Assignment of Complex Organic Matter
Schum S, Brown L & Mazzoleni L
(2023) Non-Targeted Screening of Biomass Combustion Organic Aerosol with MZmine2 and MFAssignR
Divisekara T, Schum S & Mazzoleni L
(2018) Water-Soluble Aerosol Organic Matter from Wildland Fire Emissions as Observed Using Ultrahigh Resolution Orbitrap Elite Mass Spectrometry
Mazzoleni L, Kirillova E, Schum S, Khaksari M, Sengupta D, Bhattarai C, Samburova V, Watts A, Moosmuller H & Khylstov A

Mazzoleni P. (2022) IR-Thermography as a Non-Destructive Tool for the Physical-Mechanical Characterization of Alkali Activated Binders and Mortars Produced by Using Volcanic Ashes from Mt. Etna Volcano (Italy)
Belfiore CM, Barone G, Finocchiaro C & Mazzoleni P
(2007) The Use of Campanian Pumices in the Roman Mortars of Messina Area (Sicily) as Indicator of Technological Tradition
Barone G, La Russa MF, Mazzoleni P, Pezzino A & Tigano G
(2002) Zircon U-Pb Ages of Porphyroids of the Peloritan Mountains (NE Sicily): Constraints on the pre-Variscan Evolution of the Peloritan Microplate
Trombetta A, Cirrincione R, Corfu F, Mazzoleni P & Pezzino A

Mazzoli C. (2022) Study of the Origin of Soil 222Rn and 220Rn Activities in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Ruggiero L, Sciarra A, Tuccimei P, Galli G, Mazzini A, Mazzoli C, Tartarello MC, Florindo F, Wilson G, Anderson J, Worthington R, Mattia M, Giagnoni F, Bigi S, Sassi R & Ciotoli G
(2022) Evaluation of the Geochemical Activity of the Pusteria Fault System (Eastern Alps, Italy) by Radon Activity Index
Benà E, Ciotoli G, Coletti C, Galgaro A, Mair V, Massironi M, Mazzoli C, Morelli C, Morozzi P, Ruggiero L, Tositti L & Sassi R
(2009) An Improved Sampling Method for Coral P/Ca as a Nutrient Proxy
Montagna P, McCulloch M, Taviani M, Trotter J, Silenzi S & Mazzoli C
(2008) Coral Li/Ca in Micro-Structural Domains as a Temperature Proxy
Montagna P, Lopez Correa M, Ruggeberg A, McCulloch M, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Dullo W-C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Freiwald A, Henderson GM & Mazzoli C

Mazzucchelli M (2000) Melt Migration in the Mantle Wedge: A Case Study from Patagonia Back-Arc
Laurora A, Mazzucchelli M, Rivalenti G, Vannucci R, Zanetti A & Cingolani CA

Mazzucchelli Mattia (2020) Truth or Dare on Mineral Inclusions
Alvaro M, Angel R & Mazzucchelli M

Mazzucchelli Mattia L (2018) Geothermobarometry of Inclusions from Raman Spectroscopy: Advantages and Limitations
Alvaro M, Campomenosi N, Mazzucchelli ML, Mihailova BD, Scambelluri M & Angel RJ

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