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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mazaheri Seyed Ahmad (2014) Petrography, Geochemistry and Tectonic Significance of the Mahoor Granitoids (Lut Block, Eastern Iran)
Miri Beydokhti R, Karimpour MH, Mazaheri SA & Santos JF
(2014) Iron Mining Consequences on Pollution of Water and Soil Resources In Sangan Area, Khorasan-E-Razavi Province, Iran
Saadati E, Karimpour MH & Mazaheri SA
(2011) The Petrological, Geochemical and Tectonic Settings of Metabasites from Mashhad, NE of Iran
Mazaheri SA, Bieresdorfer R & Armstrong F
(2009) The Geochemistry and AMD Rate of Parvade Coal Mine, Tabas, Iran
Mazaheri SA, Karimpour MH & Rajabzadeh M
(2008) The Rate of AMD and Environmental Affects of Heavy Metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Hg, Cd and Fe) at Taknar Polymetal Mine, Bardaskan, Iran
Mazaheri SA & Niloofar A
(2007) The Mineralogy, Geochemistry and AMD Consideration of Karmozd Coal Mine and Zirab Coal Cleaning Factory in Mazandaran, Iran
Mazaheri SA & Gholipour M
(2006) The Geochemistry and Mineralization of Taknar Polymoetal Massive Sulfide (Cu-Zn-Au-Ag-Pb) Deposit, North East Iran
Mazaheri SA, Karimpour MH & Malekzadeh A
(2005) Genetic Model Formation of Bimetasomatic Skarns from Australia
Mazaheri SA & Kaheni S

Mazaheri Seyed Ahmad (2016) Investigation of Effective Parameters on Adsorption of Pb2+ by Natural Goethite from Hurmoz Island, Persian Gulf
Mazaheri SA, Hosseini M, Mahmudy Gharaei MH & Ahmadipour MH

Mazaheri Seyed Ahmad (2015) The Soil Geochemical Study of Sangan, Khorasan Razavi, North East of Iran
Saadati E, Karimpour MH & Mazaheri SA

Mazar Y. (2017) Origin-Dependent Variations in the Atmospheric Microbiome Community in Eastern Mediterranean Dust Storms
Gat D, Mazar Y, Cytryn E & Rudich Y

Mazari K. (2020) Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Fecal Coliforms in a Waterway with High Densities of Combined Sewer Overflows: Baseline for an Ecological Lift Project on Pleasant Run Waterway, Indianapolis, IN (USA)
Mazari K & Filippelli G

Mazaud A. (2023) A Multiproxy Reconstruction of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over the Past Million Years
Wu S, Mazaud A, Michel E, Lamy F & Jaccard SL
(2023) Meridional Migration of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over the Last Glacial Cycle
Ai XE, Thöle LM, Auderset A, Schmitt M, Moretti S, Studer AS, Michel E, Wegmann M, Mazaud A, Bijl PK, Sigman DM, Martinez-Garcia A & Jaccard SL
(2018) Past Changes in Nutrient Supply and Utilization in the Southern Ocean from Assemblage-Specific Si Isotopes in Diatom Opal
Ehlert C, Studer A, Crosta X, Michel E, Thöle L, Mazaud A, Jaccard S & Pahnke K
(2018) Ventilation of the Deep South Indian Ocean and Atmospheric CO2 Increase during the Last Deglaciation
Gottschalk J, Michel E, Studer AS, Thöle LM, Hasenfratz AP, Mazaud A, Szidat S, Martinez-Garcia A & Jaccard SL
(2017) Glacial-Interglacial Gradients in Biogenic Export Fluxes along a Meridional Transect in the Southern Indian Ocean
Thöle L, Jaccard S, Lippold J, Martínez-García A, Mazaud A & Michel E
(2017) Geochemical Tracing of Varying Northern vs. Southern Water-Masses Contributions in the sub Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (MD07-3076) Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Beny F, Bout V, Davies G, Gottschalk J, Skinner L, Bory A, Waelbroeck C, Mazaud A, Michel E, Delattre M & Abraham R

Mazdab Frank (2017) Uptake and Fractionation of Thallium by Brassica Juncea in Geogenic Tl-Amended Substrate
Rader S, Mazdab F & Maier R

Mazdab Frank (2011) Isotopically-Zoned Zircons: Records of Fluid/Melt Flow in the Lower Crust, Kapuskasing Uplift
Bowman J, Moser D, Valley J, Wooden J, Kita N & Mazdab F
(2010) U-Pb and Trace Elements in Xenotime from Sediment-Hosted Co-Cu-Au and Cu-Ag Deposits, ID-MT
Aleinikoff J, Slack J, Hayes T, Fanning M, Mazdab F & Wooden J
(2010) Reliability of LA-MC-ICP-MS Hf Isotope Analyzes: Insights from Natural and Synthetic Zircons
Kamenov G, Mueller P, Wooden J & Mazdab F
(2009) Tracking Fluid/Melt Flow in the Lower Crust Using Zircon Isotopic (Pb, O) Zoning, Kapuskasing Uplift
Moser DE, Bowman JR, Valley JW, Wooden JL, Kita NT & Mazdab FK
(2008) Applying Zircon Compositional Data to Detrital Zircon Studies
Wooden J & Mazdab F
(2008) Trace Element Characteristics of Hydrothermal Titanite from Iron-Oxide-Cu-Au (IOCG) Mineralization
Mazdab F, Johnson D & Barton M
(2008) Linking Jurassic Plutonism and Ignimbrite Volcanism in California
Barth A, Fohey N, Wooden J, Mazdab F & Carter C
(2008) Zircons from Mount St. Helens: Implications for Magma Storage
Claiborne L, Miller CF, Clynne M, Wooden J & Mazdab F
(2008) Cathodoluminescence (CL), Isotopic (Pb, O) and Trace Element Zoning in Lower Crustal Zircon Documents Growth of Early Continental Lithosphere
Bowman J, Moser D, Wooden J, Valley J, Mazdab F & Kita N
(2008) Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence for the Origin of the Boulder Batholith, Montana
Wooden J, Mazdab F, Mueller PA, Aleinikoff J, Lund K, Wiegand B, Kita N & Valley J
(2008) Comparative Chemical Versus Isotopic Dating of Monazites
Tracy R, Loehn C, Dahl P, Mazdab F, Wooden J, Miller B, Aleinikoff J & Hamilton M
(2007) Zircon Growth and Recycling during the Assembly of the Tuolumne Batholith, Sierra Nevada, California
Matzel J, Mundil R, Miller JD, Wooden J, Mazdab F, Paterson S & Memeti V
(2006) Trace element analysis in zircon by ion microprobe (SHRIMP-RG): technique and applications
Mazdab F & Wooden J
(2006) Temperatures (Ti) and Compositional Characteristics of Zircon: Early Observations Using High Mass Resolution on the USGS-Stanford SHRIMP-RG
Wooden J, Mazdab F, Barth A, Miller C & Lowery L
(2006) Surface Ages and Paleoenvironmental Information from U-series Measurements of Pedogenic Opal
Maher K, Redwine J, Mazdab F & Wooden J
(2005) U-Pb Dating of Hydrothermal Zircon: Fracturing and Fluid Flow in Mantle Peridotite at the MAR
Grimes C, John B, Swapp S, Schwartz J, Mazdab F, Schroeder T & Wooden J

Mazdab Frank (2016) Micron-Scale Oxygen Isotope Zoning in Metabasalt Zircon: A Robust History of Crustal Fluid Flow during Crustal Growth
Bowman J, Hilber M, Moser D, Valley J, Mazdab F & Wooden J
(2016) Thallium Isotopic Variability within Sulfides and K-Bearing Silicates
Rader S, Mazdab F & Barton M

Mazdab Frank (2015) A Survey of Thallium Concentrations in Igneous and Hydrothermal Minerals
Rader S, Mazdab F & Barton M

Mazeas F. (2023) Geochemical and Iron Isotopic Study of Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits at Mayotte Submarine Volcanic System
Rouxel O, Giunta T, Cathalot C, Mastin M, Manoux M, Jaudon P, Guyader V, Donval J-P, Germain Y, Mazeas F & Rinnert E

Mazeas L. (2011) Importance of Syntrophic Acetate Oxidation during Thermophilic Municipal Solid Wastes Anaerobic Digestion
Mazeas L, Grossin-Debattista J, Qu X, Guenne A, He P, Budzinski H, Le Munier M & Bouchez T
(2009) Simultaneous Analysis of Microbial Identity and Function Using NanoSIMS: Application to Anaerobic Degradation of Methanol
Mazeas L, Li T, Wu T-D, Chapleur O, An S, Grossin-Debattista J, Guerquin Kern JL & Bouchez T

Mazeau K. (2010) Combined Titration, EXAFS and Molecular Dynamics Modeling Study of Cu(II) Ions Sorbed on the Model Biopolymer Xanthane
Spadini L, Causse B, Mazeau K, Sarret G, Gury J, Martins J, Heyraud A, Geremia R & Delolme C
(2008) Proton and Cu2+ Reactivity of Xanthan, a Model Bacterial Exopolysaccharide
Causse B, Spadini L, Delolme C, Sarret G, Martins J, Heyraud A & Mazeau K

Mazeh S. (2011) Available-Phosphate Oxygen Isotopes Point to Extracellular Equilibration
Angert A, Mazeh S & Weiner T

Mazeina L. (2008) Size-Driven Structural and Thermodynamic Complexity in Iron Oxides
Navrotsky A, Mazeina L & Majzlan J
(2006) Polymorphic transformations of iron oxides: a thermodynamic view
Mazeina L, Majzlan J & Navrotsky A
(2005) Size-Structure Relationship of Δ-akaganeite
Deore S, Mazeina L, Navrotsky A, Fakra S & Tamura N
(2005) Thermochemistry of Bulk and Nano Akaganeite
Mazeina L, Deore S & Navrotsky A
(2000) Experimental Model of Heavy Metals Distribution in the System "Collection Ponds of Mining Industry – Aquatic Macrophytes – Environment" on the Instance of Salair Ore Refining Plant
Hozhina E & Mazeina L

Mazej D. (2010) Interaction of Hg and Other Metals with Marine Macroaggregates
Koron N, Faganeli J, Falnoga I, Šlejkovec Z, Kovač N & Mazej D

Mazeron J. (2023) Coupling of Dissolved Silicon and Carbon in Temperate Wetlands
Court M, Moquet J-S, Simonneau A, Freslon N, Bouchez J, Derry LA, Ratié G, Mazeron J & Humbrecht A

Mazevet S. (2021) Bayesian Hypothesis Testing for the Origin of the Methane in Enceladus' Plume: Biomethanation Versus Abiotic Hydrothermal Chemistry
Affholder A, Guyot F, Sauterey B, Mazevet S & Ferrière R
(2021) Eco-Evolutionary Modeling of Planetary Ecosystems to Predict Habitability and Biosignatures – The Cases of Early Earth and Mars
Sauterey B, Affholder A, Guyot FJ, Charnay B, Mazevet S & Ferrière R
(2013) The Ultra-High Pressure Phase Diagrams of SiO2 and MgSiO3
Guyot F, Benuzzi Mounaix A, Mazevet S & Tsuchiya T

Mazhari S.A. (2015) Geochemical Implications of Magmatic Rocks in the West of Sabzevar Rang, NE of Iran
Mazhari SA
(2014) Geochemical Characteristics of Fe-Bearing Hornblende Gabbros of W Sabzevar, NE of Iran
Mazhari SA
(2011) Petrogenesis of Zoozan Pluton, NE of Lut, Eastern Iran
Mazhari SA & Safari M

Mazier F. (2016) Trace Metal Legacy on Mountains Aquatic Ecogeochemistry: TRAM
Le Roux G, Claustres A, Binet S, De Vleeschouwer F, Gandois L, Hansson S, Mazier F, Simonneau A & Teisserenc R

Mazière C. (2021) Biogeochemical Interactions between Iron and Nutrient Cycling in a Saline Inland Lake
Margalef Marti R, Sebilo M, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Gonzalez Alvarez I, Mazière C, Guibert M, Tessier E, Lauga B & Amouroux D

Mazor E. (2005) Formation Waters are Connate, Meteoric, Saline and their Cl / Br Disclose Tagging by Brine-Spray on Land
Mazor E

Mazot A. (2012) Soil Gas Exploration at Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand
Kennedy B, Bloomberg S, Rissmann C, Horton T, Mazot A, Gravley D & Oze C
(2012) Carbon Dioxide Degassing and Estimation of Thermal Energy Release from White Island Volcano, New Zealand
Mazot A, Bloomberg S, Horton T, Rissmann C, Oze C, Gravley D & Kennedy B
(2007) Carbon Dioxide Degassing and Estimation of Thermal Energy Release from Volcanic Lakes
Mazot A, Bernard A & Taran Y

Mazukabzov A (2004) New Archean to Proterozoic SHRIMP Ages on Granulites from the Siberian Carton
Poller U, Gladkochub D, Donskaya T, Mazukabzov A, Sklyarov E & Todt W

Mazukabzov Anatoliy (2019) Geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic Mafic Magmatism in the South Siberian Post-Collision Magmatic Belt
Donskaya T, Gladkochub D, Mazukabzov A, Demonterova E & Pisarevsky S
(2017) Paleoproterozoic Granitoids Related to the Siberian Craton Assembly
Donskaya T, Gladkochub D, Mazukabzov A & Pisarevsky S

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