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Mayhew Lisa E (2019) Fe-Oxidation, Hydrogen Generation and Microbial Activity in Peridotites Undergoing Serpentinization
Templeton A, Ellison E & Mayhew L
(2019) Fe(II)-bearing Brucite Reactivity during Low-Temperature Serpentinization in Oman
Ellison ET, Mayhew LE, Zeigler SKD & Templeton AS
(2019) A Synthesis of Fe Chemistry of Serpentinites and Serpentine Minerals
Mayhew LE
(2017) Coupled Fe, S, N, and CH4 Cycling in Subsurface Serpentinizing Systems
Templeton A, Rempfert K, Miller H, Nothaft D, Ellison E & Mayhew L
(2017) Microscale Spectroscopic Imaging of Interfacial Fe Redox Reactions in “Hard-Rock” Systems
Templeton A, Ellison E, Mayhew L & Trainor T
(2017) Mineralogy and Fe Chemistry in Atlantis Massif Serpentinites
Mayhew LE, Ellison ET & Templeton AS

Mayhew Lisa E. (2022) An Overview of the SuperCam Instrument Suite in Jezero Crater, Mars
Comellas J, Sharma SK, Wiens RC, Maurice S, Essunfeld A, Mayhew LE, Brown AJ, Cousin A, Connell S, Cloutis E & SuperCam Team T
(2021) Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA

Maynard B. (2003) Trace Element Behavior and Redox Facies Analysis of Core Shales of Upper Pennsylvanian Kansas-Type Cyclothems
Algeo T & Maynard B

Maynard J. (2013) Terrestrial Δ33S and the S Cycle during the Archean: Evidence from Paleosols
Sutton S, Maynard J, Rumble D & Bekker A

Maynard-Casely H. (2011) Compressibility Change in Fe-Rich Melt and Implications for Core Formation Models
Sanloup C, van Westrenen W, Dasgupta R, Maynard-Casely H & Perrillat J-P

Mayne Matthew (2017) The Shape of the P-T Path Controls the Solidus: An Investigation of Fully-Hydrated, Fluid-Absent Anatexis of an Average Metapelite
Mayne M, Stevens G, Moyen J-F & Johnson T
(2017) The Origins of Geochemical Trends in Felsic Igneous Rocks: Insight into Processes in the Source
Stevens G, Clemens J & Mayne M

Mayne Matthew Jason (2023) The Origin of Anatectic Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum Pegmatites
Magnani L, Farina F, Pezzotta F, Dini A & Mayne MJ
(2023) Peritectic Crystal Entrainment during Partial Melting in the Mantle: Importance for the Formation of Layered Ultramafic Complexes & Chromitite Seams
Otto T, Stevens G, Moyen J-F, Mayne MJ & Clemens J
(2022) Accessory Phase Saturation and Trace Element Partitioning in Combination with Compositionally Flexible Phase Equilibrium Modelling in Rcrust: A New Tool for Igneous Petrology
Mayne MJ, Stevens G & Hoffman S
(2022) Anatectic Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum Pegmatites Formation during Low Pressure Metamorphism of Metapelites
Magnani L, Farina F, Pezzotta F, Dini A, Mayne MJ & Bartoli O
(2020) Miocene High-Temperature Magmatism in the Himalayan Orogen
Gao P, Zheng Y-F, Mayne MJ, Liu Z-C & Zhao Z-F

Mayne N.J. (2022) Towards Coupled Modelling of the Biosphere and Atmosphere for the Archean Climate: The Importance of Methane
Eager-Nash JK, Mayne NJ, Lenton TM & Daines S
(2022) Biosignatures Independent of Population Dynamics
Nicholson A, Daines S, Mayne NJ, Eager-Nash JK & Lenton TM
(2021) The non-Linear Effect of Methane on Climate in a Three-Dimensional Archean Atmosphere
Eager JK, Mayne NJ & Lenton TM

Mayne-L'Hermitte M. (2009) Investigation of Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanotubes Toxicity and Transfer in Bacteria and Plants
Carrière M, Simon-Deckers A, Larue C, Mayne-L'Hermitte M, Herlin-Boime N & Reynaud C

Mayo J. (2011) Optimization and Application of Engineered Nanocrystalline Iron Oxides (nMAG) for Uranium Analysis in Environmental Samples
Fortner J, Mayo J, Lewicka Z, Benoit D & Colvin V

Mayol O. (2020) Phosphorus Transformation in Saharan Dust during Trans-Atlantic Dust Transport
Zhu M, Dam T, Angert A, Bigio L, Mayol O, Santos-Figueroa G & Pio C

Mayol-Bracero O. (2021) Observation and Modeling of a Historic African Dust Intrusion into the Caribbean Basin and the Southern U.S. in June 2020
Yu H, Tan Q, Zhou L, Zhou Y, Bian H, Chin M, Ryder CL, Levy RC, Pradhan Y, Shi Y, Song Q, Zhang Z, Colarco P, Kim D, Remer LA, Yuan T, Mayol-Bracero O & Holben BN

Mayor D. (2017) Hybrid ROV Surveys Reveal Hadal Megafaunal Community Structure Varies with Depth in the Kermadec Trench
Shank T, Drazen J, Yancey P, Jamieson A, Rowden A, Clark M, Mayor D, Bourgue J, Demopoulos A, Bartlett D, Piertney S & Ruhl H
(2017) Microbial Communities of the Mariana and Kermadec Trenches
Peoples L, Grammatopoulou E, Mayor D & Bartlett D

Mayor M. (2013) Meteoric 10Be in Soils of Loessic Origin- a Case Study of Luvisols from Northern France
Jagercikova M, Cornu S, Mayor M, Guillou V & Bourlès D

Mayor P. (2016) Lead Isotopes Track Exposure of Amazonian Wildlife to Oil Spills
Cartró-Sabaté M, Mayor P, Orta-Martinez M & Rosell-Mele A
(2014) Widespread Oil Pollution in the Amazonia?
Yusta R, Orta-Martinez M, Mayor P, Moraleda N & Rosell-Mele A

Mayordomo N. (2023) Biogenic Minerals Formation by an FeIII-Reducing Desulfitobacterium sp. Isolate
Cardaio I, Kluge S, Cherkouk A, Müller K, Stumpf T & Mayordomo N
Rodríguez DM, Mayordomo N, Brendler V, Scheinost AC, Schild D & Müller K
(2022) Investigating the Complex Interaction of Technetium with Magnetite Nanoparticles
Zimmermann T, Mayordomo N, Stumpf T & Scheinost AC
(2021) Technetium Retention by Green Rust Chloride
Mayordomo N, Rodríguez DM, Schild D, Rossberg A, Scheinost AC, Brendler V & Müller K
(2019) 99Tc Retention on Fe(II)-Al(III)-Cl Layered Double Hydroxides
Mayordomo N, Rodríguez DM, Scheinost AC, Roßberg A, Bredler V & Müller K
(2018) Consolidation of Surface Speciations by a Combined Spectroscopic and Modeling Approach
Foerstendorf H, Jordan N, Heim K, Mayordomo N, Steudtner R, Stockmann M & Lützenkirchen J
(2018) Environmental Fate of Fission Products: A Comprenhensive Study
Mayordomo N, Rodríguez DM & Müller K
(2016) Chloride Influence on Cadmium Retention onto Smectite and Aluminium Oxide
Mayordomo N, Alonso U, Missana T & Garcia-Gutierrez M
(2014) Analysis of Stability and Sorption Capability of γ-Al2O3 Nanoparticles /Clay Mixtures
Mayordomo N, Alonso U, Benedicto A, Missana T & Garcia-Gutierrez M
(2013) Analysis of Anion Adsorption and its Effects on Alumina Nanoparticles Stability
Missana T, Benedicto A, Mayordomo N & Alonso U
(2013) Adsorption of 109Cd onto Metaloxide Nanoparticles
Mayordomo N, Lopez-Gomez J-L, Alonso U & Missana T

Mayorga E. (2020) Microorganisms in the Critical Zone: An ASSET Case Study for Sample Processing and Data Workflows, Synthesis, and Dissemination
Aronson E, Maltz M, Garijo D, Arogyawsamy K, Dove N, Mayorga E, Freund H, Bruyere C & Daniels M

Mayorova N. (2013) Gold-Sulfide Jasperoids of East Kazakhstan
Kuzmina O, Dyachkov B, Vladimirov A, Kirillov M, Kolpakov V, Mizernaya M & Mayorova N

Mayorova Tatiana (2017) Tykotlov Gold-Sulfide Occurrence with Unique Ga-Bearing Silicates, Subpolar Urals, Russia
Mayorova T, Varlamov D, Sovoleva A & Kovalskaya T

Mayorova Tatyana (2015) Gold and PGE Minerals from the Northern Urals and Pay-Khoy
Kuznetsov S, Mayorova T, Sokerina N & Shaybekov R

Mayr C. (2023) Isotope Signatures of Siderites Spanning 1 Ma of Depositional Historyin Ferruginous Lake Towuti
Vuillemin A, Friese A, Mayr C, von Blanckenburg F, Heuer V, Glombitza C, Bauer KW, Crowe SA, Henny C, Vogel H, Russell JM & Kallmeyer J
(2013) Raman Spectrocopy Evidence for the ikaite-Calcite/Vaterite Transformation
Sánchez-Pastor N, Oehlerich M, Astilleros JM, Kaliwoda M, Mayr C, Schmahl WW & Fernández-Díaz L

Mays J. (2023) Ensuring the Long-Term Scientific Value and Impact of Astromaterials Samples Data from Past, Present, and Future NASA Sample-Return Missions
Lehnert KA, Mays J, Ji P, Profeta L, Celnick M, Richard S & Downs R
(2022) The Astromaterials Data System: Access and Preservation of Past, Present, and Future Data from Planetary Sample Analysis – New Developments
Mays J, Cao S, Downs R, Figueroa JD, Ji P, Johansson A, Morrison SM, Ostroverkhova A, Profeta L, Richard S & Lehnert KA
(2022) The UCLA Cosmochemistry Database
Zhang B, Warren PH, McKeegan KD, Young ED, Rubin AE, Lehnert KA, Profeta L, Johansson A, Ji P, Figueroa JD & Mays J
(2020) Broadening Access to Space Science Data: The Astromaterials Data System
Mays J, Profeta L, Lehnert K, Ji P, Morrison S, Johansson A, Song L, Figueroa JD, Evans C & Zeigler R

Mayser J.P. (2018) Leaf Wax δ13C Shows Climatic Precession Control of C4-plant Expansion in the Late Messinian Mediterreanean
Mayser JP, Flecker R, Hilgen F & Pancost RD
(2015) Environmental Changes Prior to the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Mayser JP, Marzocchi A, Sierro FJ, Flecker R & Pancost RD

Mayumi D. (2014) Impact of Carbon Capture and Storage on the Methanogenic Activity and Pathway in a Petroleum Reservoir
Mayumi D, Dolfing J, Sakata S, Maeda H, Miyagawa Y, Ikarashi M, Tamaki H, Takeuchi M, Nakatsu C & Kamagata Y

Maza D. (2010) Oxidation State and Temperature Influences Cr Sorption with Struvite
Rouff A & Maza D

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