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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Maxfield Pete (2017) Anomalous Uptake of CH4 in Volcanic Soils Indicative of a Novel Sink Mechanism for Atmospheric CH4
Maxfield P, Hornibrook E & Evershed R

Maxfield Peter (2011) Microbial Controls on CH4 Cycling in Water-Saturated Mineral Soils
Lim K, Maxfield P, Hornibrook E, Pancost R & Evershed R
(2009) The Fate of Methanotrophically Fixed Carbon in Soils
Maxfield P, Dildar N, Bingham L, Hornibrook E, Whiteley A & Evershed R
(2007) Characterisation of Methanotrophic Bacteria in Volcanic Soils Through Time-Series 13CH4 PLFA Labelling
Maxfield P, Hornibrook E & Evershed R

Maxfield Peter (2013) Tracing the Fate of Endogenous Methane in Water-Logged Soil and Peat
Lim K, Pancost R, Hornibrook E, Maxfield P & Evershed R

Maximo R. (2016) Continuous CO2 Flux Monitoring at Taal Main Crater Lake
Maussen K, Villacorte E, Maximo R, Bornas MA & Bernard A

Maximov Trofim (2017) Seasonal Variations in the Sources and Formation of Fe-Bearing Particles in the Lena River Basin; Evidence from Iron Isotopes
Hirst C, Andersson P, Mörth M, Kutscher L, Murphy M, Schmitt M, Petrov R, Maximov T & Porcelli D
(2015) The Formation and Transport of Iron in the Lena River: Insights from Microscopy and Modelling
Hirst C, Kutscher L, Shaw S, Burke IT, Maximov T, Mörth C-M, Andersson P & Porcelli D
(2015) Export and Sources of Organic Carbon in the Lena River Catchment, Siberia
Kutscher L, Andersson P, Mörth C-M, Porcelli D, Hirst C & Maximov T
(2015) Lithium Isotopes in Waters Draining a Large Permafrost-Dominated Watershed: The Lena River
Murphy M, Pogge von Stranmann P, Porcelli D, Hirst C, Andersson P, Kutscher L & Maximov T

Maximov Trofim C (2016) Ecology of Willow in the Arctic for Reconstruction of River Condition of Indigirka and its Tributaries
Fan R, Takano S, Morozumi T, Tei S, Maximov TC & Sugimoto A
(2016) Tree Response to Climate Change over Circumpolar Forest Ecosystems Deduced from Tree Rings and a DGVM
Tei S, Sugimoto A, Liang M, Matsuura Y, Osawa A, Yonenobu H, Sato H & Maximov T

Maxshima A. (2002) High Precision Measurement of Ti Isotopes in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Materials
Guo Y, Maxshima A, Zhu X-K, Belshaw N, O'Nions K & Russell S

Maxwell J.L. (2022) Investigating the Effects of Hydrothermal Alteration on Chondrite Matrices Through the Synthesis of Low-Temperature Olivine Using Magnesium-Bearing Amorphous Silicates
Maxwell JL, Dobrică E, Nuth JA & Brearley A

Maxwell Reed (2014) Numerical Simulation of Heterogeneous Reactive Subsurface
Beisman J, Maxwell R, Sitchler A, Steefel C & Molins S
(2014) Changing Soil Chemistry in Rocky Mountain Forests Impacted by the Mountain Pine Beetle
Navarre-Sitchler A, Pryhoda M, Dickenson E, Bearup L, Mikkelson K, Maxwell R, Sharp J & McCray J
(2014) The GEWaSC Framework: Multiscale Modeling of Coupled Biogeochemical, Microbiological, and Hydrological Processes
Steefel C, Brodie E, Bouskill N, Molins S, Arora B, Yabusaki S, Karaoz U, Spycher N, Maxwell R, Trebotich D, Navarre-Sitchler A & Beisman J

Maxwell Reed (2015) Integrated Surface-Subsurface Reactive Transport Modeling
Beisman J, Maxwell R, Navarre-Sitchler A & Steefel C
(2015) Multiple Scale (and Multi-Scale) Reactive Transport Modeling of Terrestrial Systems
Steefel C, Trebotich D, Molins S, Maxwell R, Beisman J & Moulton D
(2011) Exploring Carbonate Aquifers and their Susceptibility for Metal Release during CO2 Leakage
Wunsch A, Navarre-Sitchler A, Maxwell R & McCray J

Maxwell Robert (2010) Paramagnetic Adsorption on Silica as an Analogue for Actinide Adsorption: A Solid-State NMR Study
Mason H, Maxwell R & Carroll S
(2008) Association of Aluminum with Silica: Connecting Molecular Structure to Surface Reactivity Using NMR
Houston J, Herberg J, Maxwell R & Carroll S

Maxwell T. (2014) Quantifying Water Balance Carbon Storage Relationships Using Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Plant Lipids
Maxwell T, Silva L, Pedroso G, Mukome F & Horwath W

May A. (2014) Total Particulate Matter from Mobile Sources in Los Angeles
Gordon T, Presto A, May A & Robinson A

May B. (2009) Major Sources of PM2.5 Organic Aerosols in Europe: Predominance of Biomass Burning and Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA)
Gelencsér A, May B, Simpson D, Sánchez-Ochoa A, Kasper-Giebl A, Puxbaum H, Caseiro A, Pio C & Legrand M

May C. (2011) The Influence of Co-contaminant Complexing Agents on Radionuclide Environmental Behaviour
Keith-Roach M, Reinoso-Maset E, May C, Young L & Worsfold P
(2008) Impact of Organic Co-contaminant Complexation on Th Sorption to Sand
May C, Worsfold PJ & Keith-Roach M

May D (2006) Evolution and dynamics of subduction zones from 4-D geodynamic models
Stegman D, Freeman J, Schellart W, Moresi L & May D

May Damon (2018) Metaproteomic and 16S rRNA Reveal Rapid Shifts in Functional Responses of Native Polar Bacterial Communities to Organic Carbon Inputs: Does Taxonomy Matter?
Mikan M, Nunn B, Timmins-Schiffman E, May D, Riffle M, Noble W, Salter I & Harvey R

May F. (2007) Identification of Potential Geochemical Reactions in German Subsurface Storage Sites of CO2
Vosteen H-D, May F & Schöneich S

May H. (2022) Passive and Enhanced CO2 Sequestration Rates at Diamond Mines Determined from Field Experiments: Results from Project CarbonVault
Paulo C, Power I, Rausis K, Stubbs AR, Dostie L, Zeyen N, Wang B, Wilson SA, Vietti A, May H, Ndlovu S & Senzani K
(2021) Effects of Mineral Reactivity and Seasonality on Enhanced Rock Weathering of Kimberlite Mine Residues
Paulo C, Power IM, Stubbs AR, Ndlovu S, Senzani K, Vietti A & May H

May J-H. (2016) Ancient Times of a Wetter Australia as Recorded by Speleothems of the Flinders Range, South Australia
Dosseto A, May J-H, Eggins S & Williams M
(2013) 10Be Derived Catchment Denudation Rates from the Garhwal Himalaya
Swander Z, Dosseto A, Fink D, May J-H & Korup O

May M. (2013) A Meta-Analysis Reveals Biases in Methods to Quantify Marine Microorganisms
Lloyd K, May M, Kevorkian R & Steen A

May N. (2017) Laboratory Studies of the Cloud Droplet Activation Properties and Corresponding Chemistry of Saline Playa Dust
Gaston C, Pratt K, Suski K, May N, Gill T & Prather K

May Zoltán (2015) Chemical Durability of Lead and Alkali Glazes in H2SO4 Solutions
Baricza Á, Bajnóczi B, May Z, Tóth M, Szabó M & Szabó C

May Zoltán (2011) Potentially Toxic Metal Bearing Mineral Phases in Total Suspended Particles from Budapest, Hungary
Sipos P, Márton E, Németh T, Kovács Kis V, May Z & Szalai Z

Maya B. (2010) The Movement of Rock Particles Up and Water Pores Down Through Weathering Bedrock
Brantley S, Jin L, Ma L, Maya B, Ray F, Gernot R, Cole D & Navarre-Sitchler A

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