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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mauclaire L. (2002) Molecular Approach to Study Microbial Communities Involved in Modern Dolomite Formation
Mauclaire L, Meister P, Zepp K, Vasconcelos C & McKenzie JA

Maud B. (2017) Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Chondrites Relative to the Earth: The Debate over the 146Sm-142Nd Systematics
Maud B, Audrey B, Tahar H & Marion G

Mauer G. (2019) Decadal Response of Soil Biogeochemistry to the Warming Climate of the Mojave Desert
Mills J, Mauer G, Lammers L & Amundson R

Maugeri R (2004) Inferences on Physico-Chemical Conditions and Gas-Water Interaction by New Quantitative approaches:The Case of Panarea (Italy)
Caracausi A, Ditta M, Italiano F, Longo M, Maugeri R, Nuccio P, Paonita A & Rizzo A

Maugeri Roberto (2013) Magma Migration at Mt. Etna in 2012-2013 Detected by Gas Emissions and Plume Temperature
Giammanco S, Salerno G, La Spina A, Spampinato L, Caltabiano T, Bonfanti P, Murè F, Maugeri R & Longo V

Mauk J. (2012) Magnetite – An Indicator Mineral for Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
Nadoll P, Mauk J, Leveille R, Fisher L & Hough R

Maul A. (2021) Chromium(VI) is More Toxic Than Chromium(III): Reality or Myth ?
Vignati DAL, Leguille C, Maul A, Normant V, Ambiaud A, Sow A & Sivry Y

Maulana Adi (2021) Mobilization and Isotope Fractionation of Chromium in Ni Laterites, Indonesia
Ito A, Otake T, Yamashita K, Maulana A, Sanematsu K, ; S, Sato T & Tanimizu M

Maulana Adi (2012) Geochemical Signature and Evolution of Granitic Rocks in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia: Evidence for Gondwana Involvement
Maulana A, Watanabe K, Imai A, Yonezu K & Nakano T

Maulana Adi (2013) Geochemistry of Rare Earth Element (REE) in Weathered Crust from the Granitic Rocks in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia
Maulana A, Yonezu K, Imai A & Watanabe K

Maulana Adi (2018) Critical Metals Mobilization and Enrichment Associated with Fe Isotope Fractionation in Ni Laterite Deposits, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia
Ito A, Otake T, Maulana A, Sanematsu K & Sato T

Maule J. (2008) Organic Decontamination of Sampling Devices for Life-Detection Studies
Benning LG, Eigenbrode J, Maule J, Wainwright N, Steele A, Amundsen HEF & Amase 2005 and 2006 
(2004) Understanding Microbial Preservation and the Relevance for Life Detection
Toporski J, Steele A, Maule J, Hall J, Schelble R & Ostertag-Henning C
(2004) Astrobiotechnology
Steele A, Toporski J, Maule J, Hall J, Fries M & Schelble R
(2004) Life Detection on a Chip
Maule J, McKay D & Steele A

Maunder B.L. (2022) Slab-Sources for Halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) in Lavas Across the Marianas Arc
Maunder BL, Kendrick MA & Ribeiro JM

Mauquoy D. (2021) Unequal Anthropogenic Enrichment of Mercury in Earth’s Northernand Southern Hemispheres
Li C, Sonke JE, Le Roux G, Piotrowska N, Van der Putten N, Roberts SJ, Daley T, Rice E, Gehrels R, Enrico M, Mauquoy D, Roland TP & De Vleeschouwer F

Maurand N. (2022) Tackling TSR Risk in Deeply Buried Carbonate Reservoirs: New Insights from Coupling Fluid Inclusion Study with Clumped Isotopes Δ47/U-Pb Thermochronology
Sissmann O, Gasparrini M, Renard S, Maurand N, Wenke A, Henriksen LB, Rhodes P, Gerdes A & Eiler J

Maureille B. (2021) Peer Community In, a Free and Transparent Initiative for Preprint Peer-Reviewing. We did it in Archaeology, Why not in Geochemistry?
Queffelec A, Maureille B & Villotte S
(2021) Calcium Isotopic Biogeochemistry: Application to the Dietary Reconstruction of Middle Paleolithic Neandertals
Dodat P-J, Couture-Veschambre C, Hardy M, Maureille B & Balter V

Maurel C. (2023) Nanoscale Analysis of Siderites: Insights into the Low Temperature FeNi Phase Diagram
Danoix F, Danoix R, Cuvilly F, Gattacceca J, Maurel C, Roskosz M & Gounelle M

Maurel O. (2006) 40Ar/39Ar dating of Neogene pseudotachylytes
Maurel O, Cosca M & Ferré E

Maurer D. (2008) In situ Remediation of Arsenic in Groundwater
Stollenwerk K, Paul A, Welch A & Maurer D

Maurer G. (2018) Modeling Carbon Dynamics in Arid Soils: Insights from the Mojave Desert
Mills J, Maurer G, Amundson R & Lammers L

Maurer J. (2012) Molecular Structure and Acidity
Bickmore B, Maurer J & Shepherd K

Maurer S. (2014) Identifying Habitable Environments for Prebiotic Model Protocells
Sahai N & Maurer S

Maurette M. (2007) A Micrometeoritic 'Volcanism' in the Early Thermosphere
Engrand C & Maurette M
(2007) On the Primitivity of the Wild 2 Cometary Dust
Maurette M, Kurat G & Engrand C
(2003) 14C and 10Be in Cosmic Dust Magnetite
Jull T, Lal D, McHargue L, Vacher L, Taylor S & Maurette M
(2002) Cosmic Origin of Volatile Species on the Early Earth and Mars
Maurette M

Mauri F. (2013) Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation Factors in Liquids from Path Integral Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Pinilla C, Blanchard M, Ferlat G, Balan E, Vuilleumier R & Mauri F
(2013) First-Principles Investigation of Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionation in Oxide and Sulfide Minerals
Blanchard M, Pinilla C, Poitrasson F, Méheut M, Lazzeri M, Mauri F & Balan E
(2011) First-Principles Simulation of Arsenate Adsorption on the (1-12) Surface of Hematite
Blanchard M, Morin G, Lazzeri M, Balan E & Mauri F
(2010) Theoretical Investigation of Iron Isotope Fractionation between Pyrite, Hematite and Siderite
Blanchard M, Poitrasson F, Méheut M, Lazzeri M, Mauri F & Balan E
(2010) H/D Isotopic Fractionation between Minerals and Water, as Predicted by First-Principles Calculations
Méheut M, Lazzeri M, Balan E & Mauri F
(2007) Silicon Isotopic Fractionation: Assessments from First-Principles Methods
Méheut M, Blanchard M, Balan E, Lazzeri M & Mauri F

Maurice A. (2014) Neoproterozoic Subarc Mantle of Southeast Sinai, Egypt: Mineral Chemistry, Geochemistry and Tectonic Implication
Maurice A & Azer M

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