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Matveev P. (2023) Uranium Oxides Structural Transformation in Human Body Liquids
Poliakova T, Krot A, Trigub A, Nevolin I, Averin A, Yapaskurt V, Vlasova IE, Matveev P & Kalmykov S

Matveev Sergei (2023) Tethyan Evolution of the South Armenian Block: From NE Gondwana Breakup to Collision with Eurasia
Nikogosian I, Bracco Gartner A, Mason PRD, van Hinsbergen D, Kuiper K, Kirscher U, Matveev S, Grigoryan A, Grigoryan E, Israyelyan A, van Bergen MJ, Koornneef JM, Wijbrans JR, Davies GR & Meliksetian K

Matveev Sergei (2014) A Hydrous Mantle Transition Zone Indicated by Ringwoodite Included within Diamond
Pearson DG, Brenker F, Nestola F, McNeill J, Nasdala L, Hutchison M, Matveev S, Mather K, Silversmit G, Schmitz S, Vekemans B & Vincze L

Matveev Sergei (2008) Differences in FTIR Spectra Measured in Olivines Derived from Depleted and Metasomatised Sections of the Earth’s Mantle
Matveev S & Stachel T
(2007) OH in Mantle Olivine: Experiment vs. Nature
Matveev S & Stachel T
(2006) OH in peridotitic olivines entrained in kimberlitic magma
Matveev S, Crerighton S & Stachel T
(2005) FTIR Spectrum of OH in Olivine: A New Tool in Diamond Exploration
Matveev S & Stachel T
(2001) Flotation as a Key Process to Formation of Podiform Chromite Ores
Matveev S & Ballhaus C

Matveev V. (2010) Efficient Bromine-Induced Mercury Oxidation Observed Under Temperate Conditions at the Dead Sea
Obrist D, Peleg M, Fain X, Matveev V, Tas E, Asaf D & Luria M

Matveev Y. (2002) Formation of Potassium-Bearing Clinopyroxene in Potassic Mantle-Derived Liquids
Safonov O, Perchuk L, Litvin Y & Matveev Y

Matveeva Svetlana (2015) Thermodynamical Model of Lanthanides Behavior in the Formation of Sn-W Deposits
Popova J, Bychkov A, Matveeva S & Bychkova Y

Matveeva Svetlana (2013) Estimates of REE Distribution in the Hydrothermal Ore Forming Fluid of the Iul’Tin and Svetloe Deposits
Popova J, Bychkov A, Matveeva S & Sushchevskaya T
(2011) W-Sn Ores of the Svetloye Deposit: Mode of Formation from Isotope, Fluid Inclusion and Modeling Studies
Sushchevskaya T, Bychkov A, Ignatiev A, Matveeva S, Popova J, Prisyagina N & Velivetskaya T
(2011) Gallium Oxide Solubility in Vapor and Indicators of Heterogeneous Fluid Filtration
Bychkov A, Nekrasov S, Nikolaeva I & Matveeva S

Matyjasik M. (2023) Major and Trace Metal Uptake from Soil and Water by Common Garden Vegetables
Matyjasik M, Patino C & Paustenbaugh M
(2023) Nutrient Loss Model from Wildfires Using ArcGIS Pro and Python Modeling
Stern C, Matyjasik M, Frazier R & Hernandez M
(2023) Improving Understanding of the Great Salt Lake Watershed Hydrochemical Cycle Among Underrepresented Ethnic Student Communities in Ogden, UT
Matyjasik M, Balgord E, Frantz C & Stern C
(2017) The Early Stages of Mimetite Dissolution in EDTA Studied with Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy
Bajda T, Manecki M & Matyjasik M
(2017) Modeling of Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes Triggered by Forest Wild Fires in the Interior Western US
Matyjasik M, Hernandez M, Shaw N, Baker M, Fowles M & Moisen G
(2009) The Alteration of Calcite Surface Exposed to Arctic Soil Environment – AFM Study
Matyjasik M, Summers S, Manecki M & Inglefield C

Matynia A. (2009) Proton Binding Constants for Natural Organic Matter
Manceau A, Matynia A, Lenoir T, Causse B & Spadini L

Matys E. (2018) Benthic Production of an Anammox-Associated Biomarker, Bacteriohopanetetrol II, Under Oxic Gulf of Mexico Waters
Lincoln S, Matys E, Overholt W, Alpheus S, Bosman S, Hastings D, Chanton J, Hollander D, Kostka J, Summons R & Freeman K
(2011) Putative Cryogenian Ciliates from Mongolia
Bosak T, Macdonald F, Lahr D & Matys E

Matys Grygar T. (2013) Fluvial Sediments: Assessment of Contamination by Trace Metals Respecting Natural Variability
Novakova T, Matys Grygar T, Mihaljevic M & Strnad L
(2011) Analysis of Heavy Metals in Floodplains of the Morava and Jizera Rivers
Matys Grygar T, Novakova T, Lukesova V & Mihaljevic M

Matýsek D. (2014) Biogas Production, Input Substrates and its Resulting Digestate Mineral Composition
Geršl M, Geršlová E, Mareček J, Matýsek D & Vítěz T

Matyska C. (2006) Post-Perovskite Phase Change and Lower-mantle Dyanmics
Yuen D, Kameyama M, Monnereau M & Matyska C

Matyszczak M. (2019) Geochemical Characterization of Subglacial Pillow Lavas from Vicinity and the Base of the Bárðarbunga Volcano
Repczyńska MM, Halldórsson SA, Bali E, Anczkiewicz R, Sala D, Matyszczak M, Einarsson P, Hjartardóttir ÁR & Koleszar MT

Matzel J. (2011) Diamond-Graphite Transformation: A NanoSIMS Isotope Study of Diamond-Graphite Inclusion in Zircon from the Kochetav Massif
Jacobsen B, Matzel J, Hutcheon I, Green H & Dobrzhinetskaya L
(2010) NanoSIMS Studies of δ15N and δ13C in Nitrides Inclusions in Coesite from a Tibetan Massive Chromitite Ore
Matzel J, Dobrzhinetskaya L, Weber P, Hutcheon I, Wirth R, Yang J & Green H
(2009) NanoSIMS Investigation of 36Cl-36S Systematics in the Early Solar System
Jacobsen B, Matzel J, Hutcheon I, Ramon E, Krot A, Ishii H, Nagashima K & Yin Q-Z
(2008) Zircon Recycling in Felsic Magmas
Miller JS, Miller CF, Matzel J, Claiborne L, Wooden J, Poli G, Nebel O, Vroon P, Davies G & Leslie S
(2007) Zircon Growth and Recycling during the Assembly of the Tuolumne Batholith, Sierra Nevada, California
Matzel J, Mundil R, Miller JD, Wooden J, Mazdab F, Paterson S & Memeti V
(2006) Zircon saturation and the growth of the Cathedral Peak pluton, CA
Matzel J, Miller J, Mundil R & Paterson S
(2006) 39Ar and 37Ar recoil ejection during neutron irradiation of sanidine and plagioclase crystals
Jourdan F, Matzel JP & Renne PR

Matzen A. (2022) Volatility of Halogens during Accretion of the Telluric Planets
Ruzie-Hamilton L, Matzen A, Clay P, Wood BJ & Burgess R
(2021) Redox Control on Chromium Isotope Behaviour in Silicate Melts
Bonnand P, Bruand E, Matzen A, Jerram M, Wood BJ, Boyet M & Halliday AN
(2018) Fe-Redox in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions and Embayments Across the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone
Turner S, Humphreys M, Matzen A, Di Genova D, Iveson A, Smythe D, Mather T & Pyle D
(2018) Mn, Ni and the Roles of Pyroxenite and Peridotite in the Mantle Sources of Oceanic Basalts
Matzen A, Wood B, Baker M & Stolper E
(2018) Moderately Volatile Element Behavior during Accretion
Wood B, Matzen A & Norris A
(2017) Trace Element, Volatile Element, Boron Isotope, and XANES Analyses of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Chile and Argentina Indicate a Mantle Wedge Hydrated and Oxidized Primarily by Hydrous Melts of Subducting Sediment and Oceanic Crust
Turner S, Mather T, Pyle D, Humphreys M, Matzen A & Savov I
(2015) Manganese and the Search for Recycled Oceanic Crust
Matzen A
(2014) The Effect of Liquid Composition on Ni Partitioning: Ni in Olivine as an Indicator of Melting Depth
Matzen A, Baker M, Beckett J, Stolper E & Wood B
(2013) Oxidation State of Iron in a Primary Martian Basaltic Melt
Matzen A, Beckett J, Woodland A & Wood B
(2012) Ni Partitioning between Olivine and High-Mgo Silicate Melts: Implications for Ni Contents of Forsteritic Phenocrysts in Basalts
Matzen A, Baker M, Beckett J & Stolper E
(2009) The Temperature and Pressure Dependence of Ni Partitioning between Olivine and MgO-Rich Silicate Melt
Matzen A, Baker M, Beckett J & Stolper E
(2008) H2O and Cl in Basalts from Lau Back-Arc Basin
Michael P, Bézos A, Langmuir C, Escrig S, Matzen A & Asimow P

Matzen Sarick (2021) Effects of Ocean Chemistry on Chemical and Morphological Evolution of Iron Sulfide Nanoparticles
Matzen S, Ely T, Wacket A, Gartman A, German C & Toner BM
(2021) Phytoextraction with Pteris Vittata Leads to Increased Arsenic Leaching in Soil
Pallud C, Matzen S, Fakra S & Nico PS
(2018) Arsenic Mobilization in the Rhizosphere of <i>Pteris Vittata</I>, an Arsenic-Hyperaccumulating Fern
Matzen S & Pallud C
(2017) Optimizing Arsenic Phytoextraction from Pyrite Cinders Using a Hyperaccumulating Fern
Matzen S & Pallud C
(2016) Effects of Soil Texture and Soil Fertilization on Arsenic Phytoextraction
Matzen S, Olson A & Pallud C
(2015) Optimizing Arsenic Phytoextraction from an Urban Brownfield: A Two Year Field Study
Matzen S, Olson A & Pallud C
(2014) Optimizing Arsenic Uptake by a Hyperaccumulating Fern Through Fertilizer Use
Matzen S, Olson A & Pallud C

Matzen Sarick L (2023) Nanoparticulate Iron Oxyhydroxides Aggregated in Carbon Matrices Dominate Iron Speciation in Hydrothermal Plumes over the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Klose L, Ely T, Fitzsimmons JN, Koschinsky A, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM
(2023) Precipitation during Hydrothermal Plume Formation; The Dominance of Pyrite
Ely T, Wackett A, Matzen SL, Stewart B & Toner B
(2022) Characteristics of Hydrothermally Derived Particles from Globally Distributed Deep-Sea Vent Fields
Toner BM, Wackett AA, Kamermans BR, Matzen SL, Ely T, Achterberg EP & German CR
(2022) Changes in Hydrothermal Plume Iron Speciation in the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Hoffman C, Moore L, Bundy R, Resing JA, Fitzsimmons JN, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM

Matzinger M. (2009) The Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Deep Sediment-Buried Basement Biosphere: Juan de Fuca Ridge Flanks
Cowen J, Lin H-T, Glazer B, Rappe M, Matzinger M, Youngbluth S, Jones R, Olson E, Albert D & Amend J

Matzka M. (2021) Profiling of Magnesium Organosulfur Chemistry in Meteorites
Matzka M, Lucio M, Kanawati B, Quirico E, Bonal L, Loehle S & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2020) Experimental Determination of Thermal Stability of Metalorganic Compounds in Volcanic Olivines
Brau J, Matzka M, Scheu B, Hertkorn N, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Dingwell DB

Matzke M. (2016) A Kinetic Environmental Fate Model for the Risk Assessment of Engineered Nanomaterials
Domingos RF, Holmberg JP, Matzke M, Dumont E, Vanhauten R, Svendsen C, Lofts S, Keller V & Cornelis G

Matzner E. (2021) Progress Toward Small-Scale Field Trials of Coastal Enhanced Weathering of Olivine
Moreau C, Montserrat F, Green T, Matzner E, Syverson D, Sulpis O, Hayden M, Lopez P & Romaniello SJ

Mauad C. (2015) Hydrocarbon Characterization and Flow Rates Appraisal in a Tropical Estuary
Mauad C, Massone C, Lazzari L & Wagener A

Mauceri A.A.D.M. (2023) Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Mid- to late-Holocene Hydroclimate and Vegetation Changes in Eastern Amazonia: Insights from Lacustrine Biomarkers
Mauceri AADM, Konecky BL, Hutchings JA & Maezumi SY

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