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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Matter J. (2023) Young Apparent Ages (<1000 Years) of Hyperalkaline Groundwater in the Peridotite Section of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
Paukert Vankeuren AN, Stute M, Matter J, Meienburg F, Aeschbach W, Oberthaler M & Brown G
(2022) Initial Results from the Oman Drilling Project Multi-Borehole Observatory: Petrogenesis and Ongoing Alteration of Mantle Peridotite in the Weathering Horizon
Kelemen P, Leong JA, de Obeso JC, Matter J, Ellison ET, Templeton AS, Nothaft DB, Eslami A, Evans K, Godard M, Malvoisin B, Coggon JA, Warsi N, Pezard P, Cho S, Teagle D, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E & Al Sulaimani Z
(2021) Global Carbon Dioxide Removal Potential of Waste Materials from Metal and Diamond Mining
Bullock L, James RH, Matter J, Renforth P, Yang A, Darton R & Teagle D
(2019) Global Potential of Ore-Producing Mines for Sequestering CO2
Bullock L, James R, Matter J, Teagle D, Lam P & Duret M
(2019) Physical Properties of the MohoTZ: Implications from Recent Drilling Projects
Abe N, Okazaki K, Katayama I, Hatakeyama K, Akamatsu Y, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E, Teagle D, Kelemen P, Godard M, Matter J & Coggon J
(2019) Constraining Apparent Groundwater Age in the Samail Ophiolite
Paukert Vankeuren A, Stute M, Matter J & Kelemen P
(2018) δ88Sr and δ44/40Ca Fractionation along Groundwater Flow Paths in the Peridotite Aquifers of Oman
Bompard N, Pearce C, Bradbury H, Turchyn A, Teagle D & Matter J
(2016) The Active Role of Carbonate Mineralisation in the Peridotite Aquifer of the Oman-Uae Ophiolite
Bompard N, Matter J & Teagle D
(2016) Mineral Storage of Gas Mixtures in Basalt
Gislason S, Gunnarsson I, Juliusson B, Clark D, Snæbjörnsdottir S, Aradottir E, Gunnlaugsson E, Sigfusson B, Stute M, Matter J, Broecker W, Arnarsson M, Dideriksen K, Olssen J & Oelkers E
(2015) Modern Peridotite Alteration in Oman Hyperalkaline Aquifers and Implications for Microbial Habitability
Miller H, Matter J, Kelemen P, Ellison E, Conrad M & Templeton A
(2015) The CarbFix-SulFix project: Mineral Storage of CO2/H2S Gas Mixtures in Basaltic Rocks
Clark DE, Gunnarsson I, Aradottir ES, Gunnlaugsson E, Juliusson BM, Matter JM, Stute M, Oelkers EH, Snaebjornsdottir SO & Gislason SR
(2015) Rapid Mineralisation of CO2 and CO2-H2S-H2-Gas Mixture at the CarbFix Site in SW-Iceland
Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Mesfin K, Gunnarsson I, Aradóttir ES, Stute M, Matter JM, Oelkers EH, Dideriksen K, Stipp S & Gislason SR
(2014) The Past, Present, and Future of Carbon Capture and Storage
Oelkers E, Gislason S, Stute M & Matter J
(2013) Reactive Transport Modeling to Assess Geological CO2 Storage via Mineral Carbonation in Peridotite
Paukert A, Matter J, Kelemen P & Sonnethal E
(2013) Solubility and Mineral Storage of CO2 in Basalt
Gislason S, Oelkers E, Sigfusson B, Matter J, Stute M, Gunnlaugsson E, Gunnarssson I, Aradottir E, Sigurdardottir H, Mesfin K, Alfredsson H, Wolff-Boenisch D, Arnarsson M & Broecker W
(2013) Tracer Applications to Verify Carbon Mineralization in Icelandic Basalts
Stute M, Hall J, Matter J, Mesfin K, Gislason S, Sigfusson B, Gunnlaugsson E, Gunnarsson I, Aradottir E, Sigurdardottir H, Axelson G & Broecker W
(2011) Laboratory Experiments and Modeling of CO2 Dissolution in Water for Carbon Sequestration
Stute M, Fernandez de la Reguera D & Matter J
(2011) Tracking Permanent CO2 Storage in Basaltic Rocks Using Conservative and Reactive Tracers at the CarbFix Injection Site, Iceland
Matter J, Stute M & Broecker W
(2010) Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Systematics during Natural Mineral Carbonation in Peridotite of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
Kelemen P, Streit L, Mervine E, Matter J, Eiler J & Shock E
(2010) Mineral Seqestration of CO2 in Basalt – The CarbFix Project
Gislason S, Wolff-Boenisch D, Stefansson A, Alfredsson H, Oelkers E, Gunnlaugsson E, Sigurdardottir H, Sigfusson B, Aradottir E, Broecker W, Matter J, Stute M & Axelsson G
(2009) The Carbfix Project: Mineral CO2 Sequestration into Basalt
Gislason S, Broecker W, Oelkers E, Gunnlaugsson E, Sigurdardottir H, Stefansson A, Wolff-Boenisch D, Matter J, Stute M & Axelsson G
(2009) Enhanced in situ Carbonation of Peridotite for Permanent CO2 Storage
Matter J & Kelemen P
(2009) A Characterization of the Aquifer System Near the Hellisheiði Geothermal Plant in South-Eastern Iceland, Using Noble and Other Gas Tracers
Loose B, Stute M, Matter J & Schlosser P
(2008) CO2 Ionic Trapping by Water-Rock Interactions during a Push-Pull Test in a Basaltic-Metasedimentary Aquifer
Assayag N, Matter J, Ader M, Goldberg D & Agrinier P

Mattey David (2017) Fluid Induced Transition from Banded Kyanite- to Bimineralic Eclogite and Implications for the Evolution of Cratons
Sommer H, Jacob D, Stern R, Petts D, Mattey D & Pearson G
(2017) Eocene and Miocene Planktonic Foraminiferal Palaeoecology: Do Trace Elements and Stable Isotopes Tell the Same Story?
Bhatia R, Wade B, Hilding-Kronsforst S, Spratt J, Mattey D & Thornalley D

Mattey David P (2014) Speleothem Archives of Gibraltar Caves: Their Record of Environment and Regional Climate over Multiple Ice Age Cycles
Mattey D, Ainsworth M, Atkinson T, Durell R, Grassineau N, Hoffmann D, Latin J-P & Lowry D
(2013) Seasonal Distinction of Hydrological Variability in Speleothem Calcite
Wynn PM, Fairchild IJ, Spotl C, Hartland A, Mattey D, Cotte M & Fayard B
(2012) Osmium and Oxygen Isotopes in Etendeka Picrites and their Olivines: Mantle Melts and Crustal Interaction
Dale CW, Thompson RN, Pearson DG, Riches AJV & Mattey DP
(2010) A High Resolution, Precisely Dated Speleothem Record of the Younger Dryas and Holocene from La Garma Cave, Northern Spain
Baldini L, McDermott F, Arias Cabal P, Baldini J, Mattey D, Hoffman D & Müller W
(2009) Seasonal Microclimate Control on Calcite Fabrics, Stable Isotopes and Trace Elements in Modern Speleothem from St. Michaels Cave, Gibraltar
Mattey D, Fairchild I & Atkinson T
(2008) 14C Variability in Two Late Holocene Stalagmites and the Implications for Climate Forcing Mechanisms
McDermott F, Jackson A, Mangini A, Mattey D & Frisia S
(2004) Investigating the Causes of 14C Variation in Speleothems Using Highresolution Stable-Isotope and Trace-Element Data
Hoffmann D, Richards D, Smart P, Beck J, Mattey D, Paterson B & Hawkesworth C
(2002) Testing Concordance of Oxygen Isotope Palaeotemperatures Obtained from Associated Rodent Tooth Phosphate and Freshwater Carbonate: An Eocene Example from the Hampshire Basin
Mattey D, Grimes S, Hooker J & Collinson M
(2002) Continuum of Peak Metamorphism in Anatectic Terrains
Baker J, Matthews A & Mattey DP
(2000) Evidence for an Abrupt, High-Amplitude Climate Fluctuation c. 8, 300 Years ago in a New Laser Ablation *18O Record for a Holocene Speleothem from S.W. Ireland
McDermott F, Mattey D & Hakesworth C

Matthaeus W.J. (2022) Ecosystem-To-Global Scale Modeling of Vegetation-Climate Feedbacks during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age with Fossil-Based Plant Functional Types
Macarewich SI, Poulsen CJ, Matthaeus WJ, Richey JD, White J, Montañez IP, DiMichele WA, Hren MT, McElwain JC & Wilson JP

Matthai S (2005) Coupled Heat and Salt Transport Around Cooling Magmatic Intrusions
Geiger S, Driesner T, Heinrich C & Matthai S

Matthai S K (2000) Geologic Complexity in Fluid-Flow Models for Ore-Forming Hydrothermal Systems
Heinrich CA, Matthai SK & Driesner T

Matthai Stephan (2002) Combining Control Volume Finite Element Methods with Realistic Fluid Properties for High-Resolution Simulations of Multiphase Flow in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Geiger S, Driesner T, Matthai S & Heinrich C

Matthai Stephan (2015) A New CSMP++GEM Reactive Transport Code
Yapparova A, Gabellone T, Whitaker F, Kulik D & Matthai S

Matthes M. (2017) Pd-Ag Chronology of IVB Iron Meteorites
Matthes M, Leya I & Kleine T
(2015) Pd-Ag Evidence for Rapid Cooling of the IIIAB Iron Meteorite Parent Body
Matthes M, Fischer-Gödde M, Kruijer T, Leya I & Kleine T

Matthews A (2006) Topographic- and density-driven fluids as sources of iron mineralization and dolomitization adjacent to the Dead Sea Transform
Matthews A, Erel Y, Listovsky N, Groscz S, Ayalon A, Avni Y & Ilani S
(2006) 65Cu/63Cu fractionation during copper sulphide formation from iron sulphides in aqueous solution
Asael D, Butler I, Matthews A, Rickard D, Bar-Matthews M & Halicz L
(2006) Climatic window for the “Out of Africa” exodus of early modern humans: evidence from desert stalactites
Vaks A, Bar-Matthews M, Ayalon A, Matthews A, Halicz L & Frumkin A
(2003) Biogeochemical Controls of Iron Isotope Fractionation in Organic-Rich Sediments
Matthews A, Morgans-Bell H, Emmanuel S, Jenkyns H, Halicz L & Erel Y

Matthews Adrian (2009) There was Probably More Nitrogen in the Archean Atmosphere -­ This Would Have Helped Resolve the Faint Young Sun Paradox
Goldblatt C, Matthews A, Claire M, Lenton T, Watson A & Zahnle K

Matthews Alan (2012) Isotopic Tracers of Metal Cycling in the Oceans and Sediments
Vance D, Little S, Cameron V, Sherman D, Westermann S, Matthews A & Lyons T
(2012) Iron Isotope Signatures in Magnetite Formed by Marine Invertebrates
Emmanuel S, Vinther J, Schuessler JA, von Blanckenburg F & Matthews A
(2011) Kinetic Isotopes Effects in Speleothems: Insight from Clumped Isotopes and Fluid Inclusions
Affek H, Zaarur S, Kluge T, Matthews A, Burstein Y, Ayalon A & Bar-Matthews M
(2011) Fluid-Flow Controls of Low δ57Fe Hydrothermal Iron Mineralization
Matthews A, Erel Y, Stern D, Ryb U & Avni Y
(2011) Low Molybdenum Isotope Compositions in Euxinic Sapropel S1
Azrieli I, Matthews A, Bar-Matthews M, Almogi-Labin A, Vance D, Archer C & Teutsch N
(2011) Sr Isotopic Composition of Manganese Nodules: Recorder of Cambrian Ocean
Harlavan Y, Bar-Matthews M & Matthews A
(2011) Causes and Consequences of Isotopically Heavy Dissolved Molybdenum in Rivers
Vance D, Keech A, Matthews A & Archer C
(2009) A Fossil Oceanic Core Complex in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus: Field and Isotope Evidence
Katzir Y, Nuriel P, Abelson M, Valley JW, Matthews A, Spicuzza MJ & Ayalon A
(2008) Relations between Mediterranean Cyclones and African Monsoon from Speleothems of Negev Desert, Israel
Vaks A, Bar-Matthews M, Ayalon A, Matthews A & Frumkin A
(2008) Low δ57Fe Values Record the Onset of Palaeoproterozoic Bacterial Manganese Reduction
Tsikos H, Matthews A, Moore J & Erel Y
(2008) Copper and Lead Isotopes as Tracers of Copper Redox Cycling
Asael D, Matthews A, Bar-Matthews M & Segal I
(2008) Seasonal Climate Change as Revealed by Ion Microprobe Analysis of δ18O in Soreq Cave (Israel) Speleothems
Orland I, Bar-Matthews M, Kita N, Ayalon A, Matthews A & Valley J
(2007) Ore Deposits: An Interface between the Metallic and Light Stable Isotopes
Matthews A
(2007) Nitrate Reduction, Sulfate Reduction and Sedimentary Iron-Isotope Evolution during the Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE2)
Jenkyns H, Matthews A, Tsikos H & Erel Y
(2005) Redox Fractionation of Copper Isotopes in Sedimentary Conditions
Asael D, Matthews A, Bar-Matthews M, Halicz L, Ehrlich S & Teplyakov N
(2004) Oxygen and Iron Isotope Tracing of Metallic-Element Migration in the Continental Sub-Surface
Matthews A, Erel Y, Grosz S, Ilani S, Ayalon A & Halicz L
(2004) Transition Metal Isotope Fractionation on Metal Sulfide Precipitation
Butler I, Archer C, Ehrlich S, Vance D, Matthews A & Rickard D
(2003) Experimental Study of Copper Isotope Fractionation between Aqueous Cu(II) and Cu(I) Sulphide
Ehrlich S, Butler I, Halicz L, Rickard D & Matthews A
(2002) Palaeohydrology in the Eastern Mediterranean from Speleothem Fluid Inclusion D/H Analyses
McGarry S, Bar-Matthews M, Matthews A & Ayalon A
(2002) Low-Temperature Reactive Transport of Fe-Mg-Si Bearing Solutions in Sedimentary Carbonate Host-Rock
Gadish S, Matthews A & Ilani S
(2002) Continuum of Peak Metamorphism in Anatectic Terrains
Baker J, Matthews A & Mattey DP
(2002) Cyclic Variations of Iron Isotope Composition during Diagenesis: The Kimmeridge Clay Formation (UK)
Matthews A, Morgans-Bell H, Emmanuel S, Jenkyns HC & Halicz L
(2002) Implications for Post-Sapropel Aridity on Land in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Bar-Matthews M, Ayalon A, Gilmour M, Matthews A & Hawkesworth C
(2001) Mass Fractionation of Transition Metal Isotopes
Zhu XK, O’Nions RK, Matthews A, Guo Y & Williams RJP
(2000) Volatile Transport and Fluid-Rock Interaction in Aplites and Pegmatites Associated with the Crystallization of Anatectic Melts, Naxos, Greece
Matthews A, Putlitz B, Gutkin V & Hamiel Y
(2000) Fractionation of Heavier Stable Isotopes in Planetary Processes
O'Nions RK, Zhu XK, Guo Y & Matthews A
(2000) Experimental Study of Iron Isotope Fractionation
Matthews A, Zhu X & O'Nions K

Matthews Alan (2013) Uranium Isotopes in Anoxic Sediments
Andersen M, Vance D, Little S, Herdsman R, Matthews A, Lyons T & Romaniello S

Matthews Alan (2016) Uranium and Mo Isotopes Record a Slowdown of the E. Mediterranean Overturning during the Last Interglacial Period (~125 ky)
Andersen MB, Matthews A, Vance D, Bar-Matthews M & Archer C

Matthews Alan (2018) Anoxic Evolution of Deep-Water Sapropels S5 and S7
Benkovitz A, Matthews A, Teutsch N, Bar-Matthews M, Almogi-Labin A & Poulton S

Matthews Alan Alan (2021) Reconstructing Eastern Mediterranean Climate during MIS6 and MIS5e from Peqi’in Cave Speleothem Fluid Inclusion Stable Isotope and TEX86 Measurements
Levy E, Bar-Matthews M, Vonhof H, Matthews AA, Ayalon A, Martinez-Garcia A & Haug GH

Matthews B. (2022) Hydrogen Isotopes from Sedimentary Lipid Biomarkers Record Changes in Algal Community Assemblages
Ladd N, Nelson DB, Matthews B, Dyer S, Narwani A, Dubois N & Schubert CJ
(2018) A Pond-Scale Experimental Test of How Community Composition Affects Lipid Hydrogen Isotopes
Ladd SN, Matthews B, Nelson D, Dubois N & Schubert C

Matthews I. (2002) Weathering Control of River and Ocean (234U/238U)
Henderson G, Robinson LF, Smith A, Matthews I, Barker D & Hall B

Matthews Jeremy (2023) Low Blank Single Reaction Chamber Microwave Digestion of Refractory Rocks and High-Matrix Biological Materials
Ghidan OY, Kamber BS, Murphy DT & Matthews J

Matthews Joy (2013) Application of a Novel Microfluorination Technique to Quantify Biogenic Opal δ18O
Menicucci A, Spero H & Matthews J

Matthews Simon (2023) The Platinum Stable Isotope Signature of the Earth’s Mantle
Landon-Browne A, Freymuth H, Bagard M-L, Hu J, Shaw KMM, Matthews S & Williams HM
(2023) Geochemical Evolution of the 2021 and 2022 Fagradalsfjall Eruptions
Marshall EW, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Ranta E, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Sigmarsson O, Halldorsson SA, Bali E, Guðfinnsson GH, Bar Rasmussen M & Lowe N
(2023) Using Geochemistry to Unravel the Dynamics of Icelandic Volcanoes: Results from Recent Monitoring Studies of Basaltic Fissure Eruptions
Halldorsson SA, Marshall EW, Rooyakkers SM, Caracciolo A, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Bali E, Guðfinnsson GH, Sigmarsson O, Matthews S & Maclennan J
(2023) PyDEW: A Python Interface for Calculations with the Deep Earth Water Model
Matthews S, Ghiorso MS, Sverjensky DA, Huang F & Siron G
(2023) New Activity Coefficients & Standard State Properties for CO2 in Aqueous Fluids in the Extended Deep Earth Water (DEW) Model
Sverjensky DA, Matthews S & Ghiorso MS
(2023) Novel Stable Isotope Constraints on Mantle Mineralogical Heterogeneity and Melting Processes
Williams HM, Soderman CR & Matthews S
(2023) A Heavy Stable Isotope Approach to Tracing Mantle Source and Process
Soderman CR, Matthews S, Shorttle O, Jackson MG, Day JMD & Williams HM
(2023) Light Fe Isotope Ratios Reveal the Contribution of Carbon-Rich Melts to Magma Generation in Iceland
Matthews S, Williams HM, Halldorsson SA, Shorttle O, Soderman CR & Maclennan J
(2023) MELTS+DEW: Modeling Major element+Cl+F+S Phase Equilibria, Redox Reactions and Elemental Partitioning in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Ghiorso MS, Matthews S & Sverjensky DA
(2022) Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes in Global Basalts Through Time and the Evolution of Mantle Mineralogical Heterogeneity
Williams HM, Soderman CR, Matthews S, Landon-Browne A, Puchtel IS & Shorttle O
(2022) 90 Million Years of the Galapagos Plume: The Evolution of Lithological Heterogeneity
Soderman CR, Shorttle O, Gazel E, Geist D, Matthews S & Williams HM
(2022) VESIcal: An Open-Source Thermodynamic Model Engine for Mixed Volatile (H2O-CO2) Solubility in Silicate Melts
Iacovino K, Matthews S, Wieser P, Moore GM, Allison CM & Bégué F
(2022) What do Silicate Melt Inclusions Represent in the Macrocrysts of the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption (Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland)?
Bali E, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Marshall EW, Neave D, Guðfinnsson GH & Halldorsson SA
(2022) Rapid Source Shifting of a Deep Magmatic System Revealed by the Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
Halldorsson SA, Marshall E, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Bali E, Rasmussen M, Ranta E, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Guðfinnsson GH, Sigmarsson O, Maclennan J, Jackson M, Whitehouse MJ, Jeon H, van der Meer QHA, Mibei G, Kalliokoski M, Repczynska M, Rúnarsdóttir R, Sigurdsson G, Pfeffer M, Scott S, Kjartansdóttir R, Kleine BI, Clive O, Aiuppa A, Ilyinskaya E, Bitetto M, Giudice G & Stefánsson A
(2021) Iron Isotopes Trace Primordial Magma Ocean Cumulates Melting in the Earth’s Upper Mantle
Williams HM, Matthews S, Rizo H & Shorttle O
(2021) The Iron Isotope Compositions of Komatiites: Insights into the Early Earth Differentiation Processes
Landon-Browne A, Soderman CR, Puchtel IS, Freymuth H, Matthews S & Williams HM
(2021) Global Trends in Novel Stable Isotopes in Basalts: Theory and Observations
Soderman CR, Shorttle O, Matthews S & Williams HM
(2021) Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Constraints on Mantle Mineralogical Heterogeneity: Past, Present and Future
Williams HM, Soderman CR, Matthews S, Landon-Browne A, Rizo H, Puchtel IS & Shorttle O
(2021) Magma Storage Dynamics in Off-Rift Volcanic Systems in Western Iceland: Insights from the Snæfellsnes Volcanic Zone (SNVZ)
Kahl M, Bali E, Guðfinnsson GH, Neave DA, Ubide T, van der Meer QHA & Matthews S
(2020) Tracing Tectonic Recycling, Mantle Heterogeneity, and Melt Transport Processes with Metal Stable Isotopes
Williams H, Matthews S, Soderman C, Freymuth H & Schannor M
(2020) Lengthscales of Mantle Volatile Heterogeneity
Matthews S, Shorttle O, Maclennan J, Rudge JF & Murton B
(2020) Assessing Sulfur Isotope Variability in the Icelandic Mantle: Evidence from Subglacial Glasses and Melt Inclusions
Halldorsson SA, Ranta E, Gunnarsson Robin J, Bali E, Caracciolo A, Ono S, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Hartley M, Dhaliwal J, Matthews S & Stefánsson A
(2020) Heavy δ57Fe in Ocean Island Basalts: Is Pyroxenite the Solution?
Soderman C, Williams H, Shorttle O, Matthews S, Jackson M, Nebel O, Ruttor S, Beier C, Turner S & Millet M-A
(2020) Modelling Zr Transport in Crustal and Mantle Fluids
Matthews S & Sverjensky DA
(2019) Fe Isotope Evidence for Remnants of Early Silicate Differentiation in the Earth’s Mantle
Williams H, Matthews S, Shorttle O & Rizo H
(2019) Iron Isotope Constraints on the Lower Mantle Structure of the Samoan Mantle Plume
Soderman C, Williams H, Shorttle O, Matthews S & Jackson M
(2019) The Roles of Source and Process in Generating Fe-Isotope Variability in Basaltic Suites: A Combined Empirical and Theoretical Approach
Matthews S, Williams H, Shorttle O, Soderman C, Maclennan J & Halldórsson S
(2018) Iron Isotope and Fe3+/Fetotal Hetereogenity Preserved on Inter-Eruption Lengthscales in Iceland
Williams H, Matthews S, Shorttle O, Maclennan J & Halldórsson S
(2018) Can We Detect Carbon Rich Mantle Reservoirs?
Matthews S, Shorttle O, Maclennan J, Rudge JF & Miller WGR
(2017) The Roles of Degassing and Mixing on Volatile-Trace Element Systematics: Implications for Global Carbon Budgets
Matthews S, Shorttle O, Rudge JF & Maclennan J

Matthews Steve (2022) Compositional Controls on Physical Properties of Digitate Sinter in Hot Springs: Implications for Remote Sampling on Mars
Rowe M, Nersezova E, Campbell KA, Loho T, Matthews S, Adam L & Mascarenhas S

Matthews W.A. (2001) A New Technique for Controlling Redox Conditions in Cold-Seal Pressure Vessels
Matthews WA & Linnen RL

Matthews Torres C. (2023) Mobile Chalcophile Element Subduction Fluxes in a Continental Arc Setting
Matthews Torres C, Jennings ES, Petrone CM, Jenner FE & Downes H

Matthewson J. (2018) Wikipedia: Encyclo-Media Engagement to Reach Millions
Pratt K, Wood J, Trew Crist D, Newell A, Matthewson J, Weald S & Pockalny R

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