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Matsumoto Kiyoshi (2016) Contribution of the Coarse-Mode Nitrate to Nitrogen Deposition
Matsumoto K
(2009) Sugars in the Aerosols: Seasonality and Size Distribution
Matsumoto K, Tominaga S, Kaneyasu N, Shigihara A, Katono K & Igawa M

Matsumoto Kouhei (2002) Carbon Isotopic Composition of Fatty Acids in the Marine Aerosols from the Western North Pacific: Implication for the Source and Atmospheric Transport
Fang J, Kawamura K, Ishimura Y & Matsumoto K

Matsumoto M. (2022) Large Scale NanoIR Mapping of Ryugu Samples: First Results and Implications for Ryugu’s Formation
Dominguez G, Gainsforth Z, Amano K, Kagawa E, Matsumoto M, Fujioka Y, Nakamura T, Morita T, Kikuiri M, Yurimoto H, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Yabuta H, Naraoka H, Sakamoto K, Tachibana S, Watanabe S-I & Tsuda Y
(2020) Early Formation of Tochilinite in CM Chondrites
Enokido Y, Nakamura T, Matsumoto M & Bonal L
(2020) HR 3D Element Distribution by SR-Xrf Tomography of CM2 Material as Analog for Material Returned in Hayabusa2
Tkalcec BJ, Tack P, Brenker FE, De Pauw E, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Nakamura T, Matsumoto M, Amano K, Takahashi M, Fujioka Y, Kagawa E & Falkenberg G
(2016) Observations of PM2.5 Sampled in Osaka with SEM/TEM-Eds, IR and Raman Spectroscopy
Tomizawa R, Maruyama D, Nakashima S, Suzuki M, Ohnishi I, Seto Y, Matsumoto M, Nishimura R & Fukuyama Y

Matsumoto N. (2003) Kinetic Study on Trace Element Partitioning Using in situ Observation
Matsumoto N, Abe T, Kobayashi K, Nakamura E & Kitamura M

Matsumoto R (2005) Methane-Derived Carbonates of the Nankai Trough in Southeast Japan: Are They Related Methane Hydrates?
Mahmudy Gharaie MH, Chen Y & Matsumoto R
(2005) Elemental Remobilization in Marine Sediments: Growth and Destruction of Authigenic Mineral Fronts Above Gas Hydrate Systems
Snyder G, Dickens G, Matsumoto R, Hiruta A, Tomaru H, Dicus C & Castellini DG
(2005) Depth Profile of Iodine and Bromine in Pore Waters Collected from the Nankai Trough
Doi T, Muramatsu Y, Matsumoto R, Takeuchi R, Tomaru H & Fehn U
(2005) Iodine Distribution in Pore Fluids Associated with Methane Plumes in the Sea of Japan
Tomaru H, Fehn U, Snyder G & Matsumoto R
(2003) Trace Element Analysis by Multiple Gamma Ray Detection Method
Toh Y, Oshima M, Matsumoto R, Gharaie M, Hatsukawa Y & Kimura A
(2003) Geochemical Evidence for Environmental Changes at Frasnian-Famennian Boundary Leading to the Mass Extinction
Mahmudy Gharaie M, Matsumoto R, Kakuwa Y, Milroy P, Toh Y & Oshima M
(2003) Ir Anomalies in Marine Sediments: Case Study for the Late Devonian Mass Extinction Event
Hatsukawa Y, Mahmudy Gharaie M, Matsumoto R, Toh Y, Oshima M & Kimura A
(2003) Methane Seeps, Chemosynthetic Communities, and Carbonate Rocks on the Kuroshima Knoll, off Ryukyu Islands
Takeuchi R, Matsumoto R & Machiyama H
(2003) Methane Flux in Accretionary Complex: An Example from the Forearc Basin and Outer Ridge of the Eastern Nankai Trough
Matsumoto R & Chen Y
(2003) Geochemical Clues for Seafloor and Subsurface Gas Hydrate Linkage in Cascadia, Canada
Tomaru H, Matsumoto R, Coffin R, Pohlman J & Spence G
(2003) Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and their Possible Relations with the Underlying Gas Hydrates
Chen Y, Matsumoto R, Paull C & Usller W

Matsumoto Ryo (2021) Reconstruction of Sea Surface Temperatures during Past 40 ka in the Japan Sea Using Foraminifera Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Yoshida N, Zhang N, Oi T, Matsumoto R, Braaten AH & Meckler AN
(2021) Doubly Substituted Isotopologues of Methane Hydrate (13CH3D and 12CH2D2): Implication for Sources and History
Zhang N, Sekine Y, Nakagawa M, Snyder G, Lin M, Gilbert A, Yoshida N & Matsumoto R
(2017) Near-Equilibrium Temperatures Derived from the Clumped Isotope Signatures of Methane Seep Carbonate: Japan Sea and the Northwest Pacific
Zhang N, Matsumoto R, Yamada K & Yoshida N
(2017) Processes Involved in Massive Gas Hydrate Formation in the Sea of Japan as Inferred from U-Th Ages of MDAC and from H2S Concentrations of Hydrates
Matsumoto R, Snyder G, Hiruta A, Kakizaki Y, Tanahashi M, Kakuwa Y, Chang Y-W, Huang C-Y & Shen C-C
(2016) Dissolution Kinetics of a Simplified Nuclear Waste Glass, ISG, in MgCl2 Solution
Inagaki Y, Matsumoto R, Idemitsu K & Arima T
(2016) Diversity of Methanogenic and Methanotrophic Archaea beneath Bacteria Mats in Shallow Gas Hydrate Bearing Deep Subsurface Sediments
Imajo T, Hashiguchi J, Kobayashi T, Imada C, Terahara T & Matsumoto R
(2016) Biogeochemical Cycle of Methanol in Anoxic Deep-Sea Sediments of the Eastern Japan Sea
Yanagawa K, Tani A, Yamamoto N, Hachikubo A, Kano A, Matsumoto R & Suzuki Y
(2016) Long Term and Continuous Sampling of Interstitial Waters by OsmoSampler from Active Venting Sites of Shallow Gas Hydrate Field, Umitaka Spur, Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
Owari S, Tomaru H & Matsumoto R
(2011) Analysis of Iodine, Bromine and Chlorine in Marine Sediments and Carbonate Nodules by ICP-MS
Sekiya T, Muramatsu Y, Anzai H, Matsumoto R, Tomaru H & Aizawa S
(2011) Vertical Distribution of Iodine in Pore Water Collected from Japan Sea Sediments: Origin of Iodine-Rich Fluid Associated with Methane Hydrate
Muramatsu Y, Anzai H, Tomaru H, Matsumoto R & Matsuzaki H
(2009) 129I Dating of Hydrocarbons in Gas Hydrate Deposit, off Shimokita Peninsula, Japan
Tomaru H, Fehn U, Lu Z, Takeuchi R, Inagaki F, Imachi H, Kotani R, Matsumoto R & Aoike K

Matsumoto S. (2023) Direct Observation of pH Distribution during the Formation of Calcium Carbonate Polymorphs in Gel Media
Kawano J, Matsumoto S, Miki K, Toyofuku T, Nagai Y & Nagai T
(2022) Identification of Glacial Meteoric Water Using Noble Gas Temperature, in the Northern Part of Japan
Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y, Ohta T, Okamoto S, Marui A, Machida I, Ikawa R, Ono M & Matsumoto S
(2022) Spatial Distribution and Correlation Analysis of Heavy Metals Extracted from Borehole Core Samples Collected at Waste Rock Dumps of an Abandoned Mine
Nishikata M, Hashimoto Y, Yasutaka T, Matsumoto S, Oguri T, Kon Y & Araoka D
(2019) Stability of Deep Groundwater at Costal Area in Japan
Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y, Ohta T, Marui A, Machida I, Ikawa R, Ono M & Matsumoto S

Matsumoto T (2006) Isotopic compositions of noble gas and carbon in the Archean carbonatites from the Sillinjärvi mine, central Finland
Matsumoto T, Maruoka T, Matsuda J, Shimoda G, Yamamoto K, Morishita T & Arai S
(2005) Tracing Metasomatic Agents by Noble Gas Isotopes
Matsumoto T
(2005) REE Composition of Circa 3.4<!s><$>Ga Seawater Deduced from that of Precambrian Carbonate Intercalated in Pillows
Yamamoto K, Itoh N, Matsumoto T, Tanaka T & Adachi M
(2004) Laboratory Experiments on the Effect of Aqueous Alteration on Noble Gases in the Allende CV3 Chondrite
Matsuda J, Yasuda T, Nakasyo E & Matsumoto T
(2004) Isotope Systematics of Argon and Xenon in the Mantle: Inferences from a Four- Isotope Diagram
Kudo Y, Matsumoto T, Matsuda J & Orihashi Y
(2004) Surface Appearance of Slab-Derived Helium in Non-Volcanic Area in Kii Peninsula
Matsumoto T, Kawabata T, Matsuda J, Yamamoto K & Mimura K
(2003) Apatite-Rich Layer in the Finero Phlogopite-Peridotite Massif: Metasomatism and its Timing
Morishita T, Terada K, Matsumoto T & Arai S
(2003) Li-Sr-Nd Isotopic Systematics of the Mantle-Derived Xenoliths
Nishio Y, Nakai S, Yamamoto J, Sumino H, Matsumoto T & Prikhod’ko V
(2003) New Noble Gas Data on Basaltic Glasses from Eastern and Western Flanks of Loihi Seamount
Matsumoto T, Kudo Y, Matsuda J, Yamamoto K & Orihashi Y
(2003) Absence of Lithospheric Mantle Helium Signature in Megacrysts of SE China
Fang Z, Matsumoto T, Xu S, Matsuda J, Yu J & Wang R
(2003) Light Noble Gases from the Mass Extinction Layer in Hungary
Nishimura C, Matsuda J, Detre C & Matsumoto T
(2001) A Relic of Planetary-Like He-3/He-4 Ratio in Archean Komatiite
Matsumoto T, Seta A, Matsuda J, Chen Y & Arai S
(2000) Noble Gases in Alpine-Type Peridotites from the Horoman Ultramafic Complex, Northern Japan
Matsumoto T, Chen Y & Matsuda J

Matsumoto Takeshi (2013) Changes in Biological Pump by 230Th-Normalized Flux of Biogenic Components Recorded in the Chilean Margin Sediment during the Past 22kyr
Fukuda M, Harada N, Sato M, Lange CB, Kawakami H, Pantoja S, Matsumoto T & Motoyama I
(2012) 230Th-Normalized Fluxes of Biogenic Components from the Central-Southernmost Chilean Margin during the Last Deglaciation and the Holocene
Fukuda M, Harada N, Sato M, Lange C, Kawakami H, Pantoja S, Matsumoto T & Motoyama I

Matsumoto Takuya (2021) An Improved Method for 182W/184W Isotope Measurements with High Precision and Accuracy Using Multiple Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and its Application for Terrestrial Samples – GSJ Medal Lecture
Takamasa A, Suzuki K, Fukami Y, Iizuka T, Tejada MLG, Fujisaki W, Orihashi Y & Matsumoto T
(2019) Radon-Based on-Site Estimation of Extraction Efficiencies of Krypton and Argon by Field-Degassing Device for Groundwater Dating
Ohta T, Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y & Matsumoto T
(2010) Distinct Neon Isotope Compositions found in Polycrystalline Diamonds and Framesites from the Jwaneng Kimberlite Pipe, Botswana
Honda M, Phillips D, Harris J & Matsumoto T
(2010) Anomalously Low 3He/4He Ratios in Lavas from the Great Dodo Plain on the Central Indian Ridge Axis
Matsumoto T, Orihashi Y, Miyakawa C & Tamaki K
(2008) Behaviour of Noble Gases during Dehydration Processes in the Subducting Oceanic Crust
Matsumoto T, Okube M, Arima H, Matsuda J-I & Ito E
(2007) Noble Gas Isotopic Ratios of Volcanics and Xenoliths from Northern Taiwan-Luzon Arc
Yang TF, Kurz MD, Matsuda J-I & Matsumoto T
(2002) Helium Trapped in Old Porcelain: On the Historical Variation of the He Isotopic Ratio in Air
Matsuda J-I & Matsumoto T

Matsumoto Toru (2017) Populations and Composition of Submicron Craters on Itokawa Regolith Particles
Matsumoto T, Hasegawa S, Nakao S, Sakai M & Yurimoto H
(2015) H and He Ion Irradiation Experiments of Corundum: Amorphization of Interstellar Dust
Takigawa A, Matsumoto T, Watanabe N, Miyake A, Yasuda K, Nakata Y & Tsuchiyama A
(2013) 3D Shapes of Regolith Particles: Comparison between Itokawa and Moon
Tsuchiyama A, Matsushima T, Matsumoto T, Nakano T, Amemiya D, Matsuno J, Nagano T, Shimada A, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A, Suzuki Y & Ohtake M
(2013) Ion Irradiation Experiments to Olivine: Comparison with Space Weathering Rims of Itokawa and Lunar Regolith Particles
Matsumoto T, Tsuchiyama A, Takigawa A, Yasuda K, Nakata Y, Watanabe N, Kouchi A, Nakamura M, Miyake A & Ohtake M

Matsumoto Y. (2014) Strontium, Lithium and Lead Isotope Ratios in Atmospheric Deposits in Fukuoka, Southwest Japan in the 1960s
Kikawada Y, Matsumoto Y, Karasawa N, Akamine T, Oi T & Hirose K
(2012) Reassessment of the Dispersion of Uranium Originating from Nuclear Test Explosions Across East Asia Through the Atmosphere
Kikawada Y, Matsumoto Y, Oi T, Nomura M & Hirose K

Matsumto M.K-U.A.J. (2017) A Very Porous Lithology of the Acfer 094 Meteorite
Tsuchiyama A, Nakato A, Matsuno J, Miyake A, Matsumto MK-UAJ, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A, Nakano T, Vaccaro E & Russell S

Matsumura D. (2022) Selenium (–II, IV) Interactions with Fe(II) Species and Phases Under Anoxic and Reducing Conditions
Francisco PC, Kikuchi R, Matsumura D, Shiwaku H, Ishidera T & Tachi Y

Matsumura H. (2009) Measurements of High-Energy Neutron Cross Sections for Accurate Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates
Nishiizumi K, Welten KC, Matsumura H, Caffee MC, Ninomiya K, Omoto T, Nakagaki R, Shima T, Takahashi N, Sekimoto S, Yashima H, Shibata S, Bajo K, Nagao K, Kinoshita N, Imamura M, Sisterson J & Shinohara A

Matsumura M. (2016) Decrease of Iodine Isotope Ratio Observed in Crater Lake and Geothermal Area at Zao Volcano, Japan
Matsunaka T, Sasa K, Takahashi T, Matsumura M, Sueki K, Goto A, Watanabe T, Tuchiya N, Hirano N, Kuri M, Takahashi M, Kazahaya K, Miyagi I & Matsuzaki H

Matsumura R. (2006) Geochemical characteristics of mantle xenoliths from Quaternary alkaline lavas, southern Ethiopia
Shinjo R & Matsumura R
(2005) Proterozoic Mantle Lithosphere beneath the East African Rift (Southern Ethiopia): In situ Re-Os Evidence
Wang K, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Pearson N, Matsumura R & Shinjo R

Matsumura S. (2016) The Cool and Distant Formation of Mars
Brasser R, Mojzsis S, Matsumura S & Ida S

Matsunaga A. (2013) The Influence of Functional Groups on Organic Aerosol Hygroscopicity
Petters M, Suda S, Yeh G, Matsunaga A, Strollo C, Ziemann P & Kreidenweis S
(2011) Cloud Droplet Activation of Organic Aerosols: The Role of Molecule Size, Polarity, and Functional Group Composition
Petters M, Ziemann P, Kreidenweis S, Suda S, Carrico C, Faulhaber A, Matsunaga A, Sullivan R, Minambres L & Prenni A
(2011) Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Chamber Studies of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
Ziemann P, Matsunaga A, Aimanant S, Yeh G & Lim Y

Matsunaga K. (2001) Origin of Phosphate Rocks and Carbonate Rocks in the Toyoma Formation, Northeastern Japan: Pore Water Evolution during the Early Stage of Diagenesis
Morikiyo T & Matsunaga K

Matsunaga S. (2003) Distributions of Oxygenated Organic Compounds in Aerosols over the Western Pacific and off the Coast of East Asia
Mochida M, Kawamura K, Umemoto N, Kobayashi M, Matsunaga S & Lim H

Matsunaka T. (2016) Decrease of Iodine Isotope Ratio Observed in Crater Lake and Geothermal Area at Zao Volcano, Japan
Matsunaka T, Sasa K, Takahashi T, Matsumura M, Sueki K, Goto A, Watanabe T, Tuchiya N, Hirano N, Kuri M, Takahashi M, Kazahaya K, Miyagi I & Matsuzaki H
(2016) The Millennium Scale Monsoon Cycles Recorded in a Sediment Core from Alpine Tibetan Lake
Watanabe T, Nara FW, Matsunaka T, Minoura K, Kakegawa T, Yamasaki S, Tsuchiya N, Nakamura T, Wang J & Zhu L

Matsunami Y. (2003) Isolation of Presolar Grains Using Fusion Technique from Murchison CM2 Meteorite
Matsunami Y, Nagashima K, Nagasawa H & Yurimoto H

Matsuno J. (2017) TEM Observations of Amorphous Silicates and the Adjacent Alteration Products in MIL 090657 Matrix
Sugimoto M, Tsuchiyama A, Matsuno J, Takayama A, Miyake A, Nakamura-Messenger K, Burton A & Messenger S
(2017) TEM Observations of Ivuna Matrix in Connection with its 3D Structure
Kitayama A, Tsuchiyama A, Matsuno J, Miyake A, Takayama A & Itoh S
(2017) A Very Porous Lithology of the Acfer 094 Meteorite
Tsuchiyama A, Nakato A, Matsuno J, Miyake A, Matsumto MK-UAJ, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A, Nakano T, Vaccaro E & Russell S
(2013) 3D Shapes of Regolith Particles: Comparison between Itokawa and Moon
Tsuchiyama A, Matsushima T, Matsumoto T, Nakano T, Amemiya D, Matsuno J, Nagano T, Shimada A, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A, Suzuki Y & Ohtake M

Matsuno K (2003) Spontaneous Selection of Peptide Groups In Prebiotic Evolution
Honda H, Koyama A, Nemoto A, Kikuchi N, Imai E & Matsuno K
(2003) Prebiotic Oligomerization of Amino Acids in Lipid Vesicles in Hydrothermal Environments
Imai E, Furuuchi R, Nemoto A, Hatori K, Honda H & Matsuno K
(2003) Enantiomeric Excess of Amino Acids in Hydrothermal Environments
Nemoto A, Horie M, Imai E, Honda H, Hatori K & Matsuno K
(2003) Hydrothermal Environments in the Primitive Ocean and its Implications on Prebiotic Evolution
Matsuno K

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