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Matjuschkin Vladimir (2016) The Effect of Pressure on S Speciation and Implications for PCD Formation
Matjuschkin V, Blundy J & Brooker R

Matjuschkin Vladimir (2012) Siderophile Element Redistribution during Mantle Metasomatism
Aulbach S, Heaman L, Matjuschkin V, Hofmann J, Stachel T & Brey G

Matjuschkin Vladimir (2019) Diamond Crystallisation from Methane-Rich Fluids
Matjuschkin V, Woodland AB, Frost D & Yaxley G

Matjuschkin Vladimir (2018) Methane-Rich Fluids in the Upper Mantle: Their Speciation, Subduction and Involvement in Redox Melting Reactions
Matjuschkin V, Woodland AB & Yaxley G

Matjuschkin Vladimir (2013) Fe3+ Determination in Garnet: A Crystal Chemical Test with the EPMA Flank Method
Hoefer HE, Hoefer CE, Matjuschkin V, Yaxley GM & Brey GP
(2013) Control of Oxygen Fugacity in Piston Cylinder Experiments
Matjuschkin V, Tattitch B & Blundy JD

Matlak K. (2023) Phyllosilicate-Enhanced Preservation of Primary Biogeochemical Heterogeneities in Archaean (~2.9 Ga) Siliciclastic Microbial Mats
Hickman-Lewis K, Cavalazzi B, Yi K, Hong TE, Byeon M, Jang JH, Montgomery W, Cuadros J, Najorka J, Matlak K, Wolanin B & Smith CL

Matlakowska R. (2013) Geomicrobiology of Ancient Polymetallic Kupferschiefer Black Shale – Minireview
Matlakowska R & Sklodowska A

Matlin-Wainer M. (2023) Enhanced Rock Weathering in Agricultural Settings: Real-World Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Crop Yields, and Soil pH
Welbel G, Reershemius T, Matlin-Wainer M, Davis I, Lieberman S, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ

Matmon Ari (2013) Variations in Modes and Rates of Long-Term Denudation in Carbonate Terrains Under Mediterranean to Hyper-Arid Climates
Ryb U, Matmon A, Erel Y, Haviv I & Benedetti L

Matmon Ari (2005) Grain Size Dependency of <+>10<$>Be Concentrations in Alluvial Sediments in the Great Smoky Mountains
Matmon A, Bierman P, Larsen J, Southworth S, Pavich M, Finkel R & Caffee M
(2002) Tracking Landscape-Scale Sediment Generation and Transport Using in situ Produced 10-Be and 26-Al
Bierman P, Nichols K, Clapp E, Matmon A, Caffee M & Finkle R

Matmon Ari (2017) Provenance of the Southern Kalahari: A Wetland that Became Dry
Vainer S, Erel Y & Matmon A

Matney M. (2016) Why are Mantle Melting Residues Still Hydrous?
Schaffer L, Peslier A, Brandon A, Bizimis M & Matney M

Matoba S. (2017) A 60-Years Record of Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Nitrate in High-Accumulation Dome Ice Core Collected at South East Greenland
Hattori S, Tsuruta A, Iizuka Y, Uemura R, Matoba S & Yoshida N
(2016) Temperature and Accumulation Rate Reconstruction from the Ice Core in South-East Dome, Greenland
Furukawa R, Matoba S, Uemura R & Iizuka Y
(2016) Chemical Concentrations and Fractionations during Formation of Frost Flower on Sea Ice
Matoba S, Hara K, Yamasaki T & Hirabayashi M
(2016) Past Antholopogenic Aerozols Preserved in Ice Core of South-East Dome, Greenland
Iizuka Y, Ohno H & Matoba S

Matocha C. (2016) Coupled Processes Involving Nitrate Reduction and Iron(II) Oxidation in a Surface Soil
Pyzola S, Matocha C, Coyne M & Grove J

Maton J. (2022) A Tale of Two Cities: Comparison of Metals and Pb Isotopes in Honey from Vancouver, Canada, and Brussels, Belgium, during the COVID-19 Lockdown
Hoppstock-Mattson B, Maton J, Weis D, Smith KE & Mattielli N

Matos J.x. (2010) Zn Isotopes as Tracers of Metal Atmospheric Deposition and Soil Contamination at the Vicinity of an Old Mining and Refining Complex (Portugal)
Mattielli N, Africano F, Matos JX, Branquinho C, Maerschalk C & De Jong J
(2006) Geochemistry of metasediments from the Phyllite-Quartzite Group, Iberian Pyrite Belt: provenance, source-area weathering and geotectonic implications
Santos-Jorge R, Relvas J & Matos J

Matos Joao (2010) Environmental Assessment Using Pb and Cd Isotopes at Abandoned Mining Site, South of Portugal
Africano F, Mattielli N, Matos J, Branquinho C, Maerschalk C & De Jong J

Matos Joao X. (2017) Multielemental and Pb, Zn Isotopic Study of Metal Transfer Processes in Soils and Lichens from an Old Mining Area (São Domingos, Portugal)
Mattielli N, Africano F, Branquinho C, Delahaye A, Vogel-Mota R, Couder E, Delvaux B & Matos JX

Matos L. (2023) Climate Change Impacts on Cold-Water Coral Thermal Range: A Paleoceanographic Perspective
Barre G, Douville E, Frank N, Salgueiro E, Rebotim A & Matos L
(2023) A Multiproxy Approach to Reconstruct Carbon Production and Export at the Iberian Margin
Matos L, Salgueiro E, Rebotim A, Douville E, Barre G, Frank N, Lopes C & Abrantes FF
(2022) A Quest for a New Paleoredox Proxy: Cold-Water Corals &amp; Chromium Isotopes
Matos L, Boyle EA & Huang T
(2021) Reproducible paleo-Ph and Temperature Reconstructions Using Cold-Water Coral Aragonite Fibers with an Improved Mechanical Cleaning Procedure
Matos L, Douville E, Thil F, Montagna P, Frank N, Bordier L, Dapoigny A, Wienberg C & Hebbeln D

Matos R. (2011) LA-ICPMS U-Pb Ages of Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic Granites in Bolivia
Vargas-Matos G, Geraldes MC, Matos R & Teixeira W

Matos V. (2011) δ13Ccarbonate Chemostratigraphy of the Carrapateira Outlier (Lower Kimmeridgian), Southern Portugal
Borges M, Goodhue R, Fernandes P, Pereira Z, Matos V & Rodrigues B

Matott L.S. (2013) Nonlinear Chlorinated Solvent Sorption and its Impact on Remediation in Surficial Sedimentary Aquifers
Allen-King R, Munger Z, Carlone D, Kalinovich I, Salvado JA, Rabideau A, Matott LS & Singh A

Matousek T. (2017) Fate of Smelter Particulates in Soils
Ettler V, Jarosikova A, Mihaljevic M, Kribek B, Veselovsky F, Penizek V, Vanek A, Sracek O & Matousek T

Matoušková Š. (2022) Arsenic-Enriched Streambed Sediment Reaction on Exposure to Discharged Phosphorus from a Wastewater Treatment Plant
Venhauerova P, Drahota P, Strnad L & Matoušková Š
(2021) Phosphate from Treated Wastewater Enhances Arsenic Release from Contaminated Stream Sediments
Venhauerova P, Drahota P, Strnad L & Matoušková Š
(2021) Possible Ways to Origin Thucholites. Are Thucholites the First Example of the Geological Convergence?
Syczewski MD, Panajew P, Czechowski F, Borkowski A, Rohovec J, Matoušková Š, Sekudewicz I, Liszewska M, Jankiewicz B, Mukhamediarova A & Słowakiewicz M
(2021) The Impact of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) on the Distribution of Selected Radionuclides in the Sediments of Two Pit Lakes in the Muskau Arch (Western Poland)
Sekudewicz I, Matoušková Š, Rohovec J, Kaucha K & Gąsiorowski M
(2019) Trace Element Distribution between Silicate, Sulphide, and Metal Phases in Enstatite-Rich Meteorites
Mészárosová N, Skála R & Matoušková Š
(2015) Comparing Cr Concentration Data from Modern Marine Skeletal Carbonates from Sites with the Contrasting Continental Cr Inputs
Francová M, Frýda J, Farkaš J & Matoušková Š
(2015) Evidence for the Progressive Alkalinization of the Closed Basin Lakes in the Ethiopian Rift Valley
Farkas J, Rapprich V, Demewez A, Mitiku A, Abraham S, Jackova I, Buzek F, Rohovec J, Matouskova S & Tyler J

Matrajt G. (2008) Oxygen Exchange in Olivine
Taylor S, Guan Y & Matrajt G
(2008) Study of the C-Rich Phases of Two Cometary Particles with Electron Microscopy and NanoSIMS
Matrajt G, Messenger S, Ito M, Joswiak D & Brownlee D
(2007) Submicrometer Organic Grains: Widespread Constituents of the Early Solar System
Messenger S, Nakamura-Messenger K, Keller L, Matrajt G & Ito M
(2002) A Search for Extraterrestrial Amino Acids in Antarctic Micrometeorites
Glavin DP, Matrajt G & Bada JL

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