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Lagatta A (2006) Mantle origin of andesites in the central Mexican Volcanic Belt
Straub SM, Langmuir CH, Martin-Del Pozzo AL, Lagatta A & Goldstein SL

LaGatta Alexandra (2009) Exogenic Control of Pb Enrichment in Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt Lavas
Goldstein SL, LaGatta A, Langmuir CH, Straub SM & Martín-del Pozzo A-L
(2008) Subducted Oceanic Crust Melt Contributions to the Mexican Volcanic Belt and Other Young Hot Slab Arcs
Cai YM, Goldstein S, Straub S, Gómez-Tuena A, Langmuir C, Capra L, LaGatta A & Martin-Del Pozzo A-L
(2007) Hf Isotopes as the Key for Distinguishing Slab Melting in Arcs: The Case of the Mexican Volcanic Belt
Goldstein SL, Cai Y, Langmuir CH, LaGatta A, Straub SM, Gómez-Tuena A & Martin del Pozzo A-L

Lagauzere S. (2012) Remobilisation of Uranium from Contaminated Sediments: Effect of the Bioturbation
Motelica-Heino M, Le Moing F, Lagauzere S, Bonzom J-M, Fevrier L & Chapon V

Lagerström M. (2014) Bioactive Trace Metals in Phytoplankton Assemblages of Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) Shelf Waters
Sherrell R, Forsch K, Lagerström M, Séguret M, Schofiled O, Stammerjohn S & Meredith M
(2014) Fe Availability and and Bioactive Metal Dynamics in Antarctic Shelf Systems: Amundsen Sea Polynya vs. Western Antarctic Peninsula
Sherrell R, Lagerström M, Séguret M, Harazin K, Forsch K, Schofield O, Stammerjohn S, Yager P & Meredith M
(2012) Natural Fe Fertilization Mechanisms in the Amundsen Sea Polynya, Antarctica
Sherrell R, Severmann S, Lagerstrom M, Esswein K, Ndungu K, Andersson P, Stammerjohn S & Yager P

Lages J. (2023) Volcanic Gas Geochemical Monitoring of the 2021 Tajogaite Eruption (La Palma, Canary Island) Reveals a CO2-rich Source for Alkaline Ocean Island Volcanism
Aiuppa A, Burton MR, Allard P, Asensio-Ramos M, La Spina A, Nicholson EJ, Pardo Cofrades A, Zanon V, Barrancos J, Bitetto M, Hartley ME, Hernandez PA, Lages J, Padrón González E, Wood KT, Hayer C, Cyrzan K, Rose-Koga EF, Schiavi F, D'Auria L & Perez Rodriguez N
(2022) Essential Clues from CO2-rich Fluid Inclusions into the Complex Origin of Carbon at the Natrocarbonatite Volcano of Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
Lages J, Boudoire G, Rizzo AL, Aiuppa A, Casola V & France L
(2020) Crustal Controls on Noble Gas Signatures in Fluid Inclusions from Andean Eruptive Products
Lages J, Rizzo A & Aiuppa A
(2019) Volcanic Gas Emissions along the Colombian Arc Segment: Implicatons for the Andean Volatile Budget and on-Going Monitoring
Lages J, Chacon Z, Burbano V, Mesa L, Arellano S, Liuzzo M, Giudice G, Aiuppa A, Bitetto M & Lopez C
(2019) Noble Gas Systematics of Central and South America Arc Volcanism from Fluid Inclusions in Minerals
Rizzo A, Lages J, Battaglia A, Aiuppa A, Samaniego P, Bernard B, Hidalgo S, Le Pennec J-L, Ceballos J, Narvaez P, Aguilar R & Robidoux P

Laggoun-Défarge F. (2016) Stable Isotope Probing Reveals the Preferential Growth of Branched GDGT Source Microorganisms Under Aerobic Conditions in Peat
Huguet A, Meador TB, Laggoun-Défarge F, Könneke M, Derenne S & Hinrichs K-U
(2012) Experimental Climate Warming in a French Peatland: Impact on the Abundance and Distribution of Branched GDGTs
Huguet A, Fosse C, Laggoun-Defarge F & Derenne S
(2010) Occurrence and Distribution of Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in a French Peat Bog
Huguet A, Fosse C, Laggoun-Défarge F & Derenne S

Lagler B. (2016) Metallogeny of the Paleoproterozoic Volcanic Centers in the Vila Mandi Region, Uatumã SLIP, Southernmost Amazonian Craton, Brazil
Fernandes CM, Lagler B, Juliani C, Monteiro LV & Rocha Júnior JM

Lagneau V. (2023) History Matching of Large-Scale Reactive Transport Problem Based on Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches
Sin I, Collet A, Chauris H, Lagneau V, Regnault O & Langlais V
(2021) Hydrogeochemical and Mineral Heterogeneity Controls on the Clogging of Porous Media
Seigneur N, Noiriel C, Le Guern P & Lagneau V
(2019) Quantification of Aquifer DNAPLs Degradation Pathways Using Reactive Transport Simulation with Isotopic Fractionation
Lincker M, Guillon S & Lagneau V
(2017) Nuclear Glass Alteration: Bridging the Gap from Surface Reactivity Description to Reactive Transport at the Scale of the Fractured Block
Repina M, Bouyer F & Lagneau V
(2017) An Experimental vs. Numerical Approach to Determine Capability of Archie’s Law to Explain Impact of Evolving Porosity on Diffusivity
Rajyaguru A, Savoye S, Wittebroodt C, Lagneau V, Detilleux V, Arnoux P & Blidstein O
(2015) Coupling the Gas Phase to Reactive Transport to Model the Oxic Transient Stage in Radioactive Waste Disposals
De Windt L, Corvisier J, Marsal F & Lagneau V
(2014) Geochemical and Isotopic Approaches for Monitoring CO2 Storage Sites: Applicability for Shale Gas Development
Humez P, Mayer B, Negrel P, Lions J, Lagneau V, Kloppmann W, Inj J & Nightingale M
(2012) Multi-Isotope Monitoring of Enhanced Weathering of Glauconitic Sands Under Controlled High pCO2 Conditions
Humez P, Lions J, Lagneau V & Negrel P
(2011) Hydrogeochemical Survey of CO2 Geological Leakage Using Noble Gases: Application to the Furnas Caldera (Azores, Portugual)
Gréau C, Moreira M, Agrinier P, Lagneau V, Schneider H, Madureira P & Ruzié L
(2011) Geochemical Modeling of Reactive Minerals Associated with in situ Recovery of Uranium
Longmire P, Lagneau V & Bouzid M

Lago J. (2020) The Prebiotic Geochemical Provenance of Semi-Aqueous Solvents
Lago J & Pasek M
(2019) Expanding the Inventory: Prebiotic Phosphate Minerals and their Role in Phosphorylation
Burcar B, Castaneda A, Lago J, Pasek M, Orlando T, Hud N & Menor-Salvan C

Lago M. (2013) Magmatic Processes Revealed by Heterogeneous Crystal Populations in a Lamprophyre System
Ubide T, Galé C, Larrea P, Arranz E, Lago M & Wijbrans JR
(2013) New Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Data on Graciosa Island Lavas (Azores)
Larrea P, Widom E, Galé C, Ubide T, Lago M & França Z
(2012) Enriched Mantle Source for the Cretaceous Alkaline Lamprophyres from the Catalonian Coastal Ranges (NE Spain)
Ubide T, Gale C, Arranz E, Lago M, Larrea P, Tierz P & Sanz T

Lagos Markus (2013) New Insights into Environmental Characterization of Bauxite Residues (Red Mud) from Greece
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kuzmin A, Lagos M, Xanthos S, Mertzimekis T, Goettlicher J, Steininger R, Zarkadas C, Komelkov A, Pontikes Y & Angelopoulos G

Lagos Markus (2023) Carbonatites and Phonolites Linked by Mantle Derived Calcium in the Kaiserstuhl, Germany
Jentzsch C, Pakulla J, Spürgin S, Gäb FM, Lagos M, Wombacher F, Heuser A, Münker C & Ballhaus C

Lagos Markus (2007) The Geochemical Behaviour of Pb during Core Formation and Accretion
Lagos M, Ballhaus C, Münker C & Berndt J
(2006) Partitioning of Pb, Zn, Cd, Se, and Te during terrestrial core formation: no evidence for sulfide melts
Lagos M, Ballhaus C, Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser C, Berndt J & Muenker C

Lagos Markus (2017) Evidence for a Primitive Terrestrial Mo/W of the Bulk-Silicate Moon
Leitzke FP, Fonseca ROC, Sprung P, Mallmann G, Lagos M, Michely LT & Münker C

Lagos Maureen (2018) Infrared Spectroscopy of Astromaterials in the Electron Microscope
Stroud R, Lagos M & Batson P

Lagostina L. (2013) Subseafloor Microbial Community in the Benguela Upwelling Area Characterized by Lipid Biomarkers and Intracellular DNA
Evans TW, Wörmer L, Lever M-A, Zhu R, Lagostina L, Jørgensen BB & Hinrichs K-U

Lagoyiannis A. (2009) Nanoscale Processes during the Interaction of Aluminosilicate and Carbonate Mineral Surfaces with Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)
Kollias K, Godelitsas A, Astilleros JM, Ladas S, Kennou S, Potamitis C, Zervou M, Lagoyiannis A, Harissopulos S & Mavromoustakos T

LaGrange M.T. (2022) Biological Productivity and Primary Producers Recorded in the Depositional Record of Middle to Late Devonian Mudstones from the Horn River Group, Northwest Territories, Canada
LaGrange MT, Li K, Li L, Konhauser KO, Harris BS, Biddle SK, Terlaky V & Gingras MK

Lagrange T. (2023) Nanoscale Mechanism of Uranium Reduction by Magnetite
Bartova B, Pan Z, Lagrange T, Xia Q, Gauquelin N, Tavabi AH, Verbeeck J, Dunin-Borkowski RE & Bernier-Latmani R
(2020) Nanoscale Mechanism of Formation of UO2 Through Uranium Reduction by Magnetite
Pan Z, Bartova B, LaGrange T, Kvashnina K, Butorin S, Hyatt N, Stennett M & Bernier-Latmani R
(2019) Uranium(V) Persists as Uranium Oxide Nanowires during U(VI) Reduction by Magnetite
Pan Z, Bártová B, Lagrange T, Butorin S, Hyatt NC, Stennett MC, Kvashinina K & Bernier-Latmani R
(2019) Mechanistic Insights into U(VI) Reduction and the Associated Uranium Isotopic Fractionation
Bartova B, Brown A, Molinas M, Pan Z, Lagrange T, Faizova R, Mazzanti M, Schacherl B, Beck A, Vitova T, Kvashnina K, Roebbert Y, Weyer S & Bernier-Latmani R

Lagroix F. (2016) Simulating the Dust Cycle for Europe at the Last Glacial Maximum
Sima A, Rousseau D-D, Kageyama M, Balkanski Y, Antoine P, Cozic A, Zhu D, Bertran P, Lagroix F & Hatté C
(2013) Some Examples of Applications of X-Ray Circular Magnetic Dichroism in Earth Sciences
Carvallo C, Guyodo Y, Sainctavit P, Arrio M-A, Penn RL, Ona-Nguema G, Morin G & Lagroix F
(2013) Experimental Comparison of Abiotic and Microbial Fe-Mineral Transformations to Identify Pathways of Magnetic Nanoparticle Production during Pedogenesis
Till J, Guyodo Y, Lagroix F, Bonville P, Ona-Nguema G, Menguy N & Morin G

Laguerta E.

Lah R. (2019) Automated Mineralogical Analysis of Coal Dust PM2.5 and PM10
Johnson D, Williamson B, Rollinson G, Moreno T, Trechera P, Lah R & Wrana A

Lahajnar N. (2023) Trace Element (Ag, Cd, Re) Enrichment Patterns in Organic-Rich Sediments from the Benguela Upwelling System
Gäng F, Warnatz J, Pahnke K, Brüchert V, Lahajnar N & Böning P
(2022) Geochemical Characterization of Sediments from the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS): New Insights into Lithogenic Inputs and Enrichment Mechanisms of Trace Elements (Ba, U, Ni)
Gäng F, Böning P, Brüchert V, Lahajnar N & Pahnke K
(2020) Nitrogen Cycle and Particulate Matter Fluxes in the Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre
Harms N, Lahajnar N, Gaye B, Schwarz-Schampera U & Emeis K-C
(2015) Present and Past Nitrogen Turnover in the Danube Estuarine Transition Zone
Möbius J, Dähnke K, Emeis K-C, Friedrich J, Ion G & Lahajnar N
(2013) Reconstructing Past Organic Matter Fluxes from δ15N Records
Möbius J, Gaye B, Lahajnar N & Emeis K-C
(2011) Cycling of Nitrogen in the Namibian Coastal Upwelling System – The Stable Isotope View
Emeis K-C, Nagel B & Lahajnar N

Lahan R.W. (2011) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of a Potential CO2 Sequestration Reservoir and Seal System, Illinois Basin, USA
Bowen B, Lovell T, Neufelder R, Rupp J, Brophy J & Lahann R
(2010) Influence of CO2 on New Albany Shale Composition and Pore Structure
Lahan RW, Mastalerz M & Rupp JA

LaHaye N. (2019) Arsenic Spatial Distribution in Mine Wastes: Developing a Proxy for Short and Long-Term Exposure Risks
Vejar M, LaHaye N & Kim C

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