Lacerda Luiz Drude/D.
Ordovician–Silurian Transition Recorded in the Argentine Precordillera: Insights from C, N and Hg Isotope Chemostratigraphy
Sial AN, Chen J, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Korte C, Ferreira VP, Lacerda LD, Barbosa JA, Pereira N, Riedel PR & Gomez JC
Corg, N and Hg-Isotopes and Hg Chemostratigraphy in the Late Ordovician–early Silurian Transition, Argentine Precordillera
Sial AN, Chen J, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Korte C, Frei R, Ferreira VP, Lacerda LD, Barbosa JA, Pereira N, Riedel PR & Gomez JC
Late Ordovician–early Silurian Transition Recorded in the Argentine Precordillera: Insights from C, N, Hg Isotopes and enhanced-Hg Chemostratigraphy
Sial AN, Chen J, Peralta S, Gaucher C, Korte C, Ferreira VP, Lacerda LD, Barbosa JA, Pereira NS, Riedel PR, Gomez JC & Santos NT
Permian–Triassic Boundary Volcanism: Hg Isotope and Elemental Hg Proxies in the Meishan and Guryul Ravine Successions
Sial AN, Chen J, Korte C, Pandit MK, Spangenberg JE, Tamayo JCS, Lacerda LD, Ferreira VP, Barbosa JA, Gaucher C, Pereira NS & Riedel PR
Lacerda M.J.
Particulate Matter Pollution: An Environmental Magnetism Study with Biological Collectors in Urban Areas of Northern Portugal
Lacerda MJ, Sant'Ovaia H & Gomes C
Lacerda S.
Paleoproterozoic Himalayan-Type Leucogranites Disclose a Late Orogenic Stage in the Southern São Francisco Craton (Brazil)
Lacerda S, Guitreau M, Gonçalves L, Moreira H, Castro C, Pinheiro M & Castro C
Lacerra M.
Ocean Carbon Cycle Response to AMOC Variability during the Last
Lacerra M & Lund D
Assessing the Biogeochemical Impact of AMOC Collapse: New South Atlantic Records Spanning MIS 2-6
Lund D, Lacerra M & Schmittner A
Lacey Z.
Secondary Effects of Hydrocarbon Sources and Waste Materials in the Environment: Mobilization of Arsenic and Trace Elements
Cozzarelli IM, Ziegler BA, Jones KL, Lacey Z & Schreiber ME
Lach A.
Calcium Silica Speciation and Carbonation in Cement Systems
Blanc P, Tasi A, Gaona X, Andre L, Grangeon S, Lach A, Altmaier M & Madé B
Reactive Transport Modelling of Calcium Carbonate Formation in a Lab-on-A-Chip Device at 25℃
Lassin A, André L, Devau N, Lach A, Beuvier T, Gibaud A, Gaboreau S & Azaroual M
Study of Deep in situ Biomining of Copper Ore
Stephant S, Dupraz S, Lach A & Guignot S
Lach P.
Rapid Determination of Pb Isotopes in Water by Coupling DGT Passive Samplers and MC-ICP-MS Laser Ablation
Desaulty A-M, Lach P & Perret S
New Geochronological and Thermobarometric Data for Revisiting Alpine Pb-Ag Ore Deposit Genesis (Macôt-La Plagne and Peisey-Nancroix)
Bertauts M, Janots E, Rossi M, Duhamel-Achin I, Lach P, Gourcerol B & Magnin V
Using Geochemistry to Track the Origin of Gold Concentrates in French Guiana
Desaulty A-M, Pochon A, Bailly L, Lach P, Melleton J & Duhamel-Achin I
Tracing the Orgin of Guiana Beachsands Through Multi-Elementary Heavy Mineral Finger Printing
Lach P, Negrel P & Petelet-Giraud E
Origin of Uranium Deposits Revealed by their Rare Earth Element Signature
Mercadier J, Cuney M, Lach P, Boiron M-C, Bonhoure J & Richard A
Preliminary High-Resolution Ge/Si Data in Early Archaean BIFs
Luais B, Lach P, Thomassot E, Chaussidon M & Boiron M-C
What Real Constraints do Cherts Bring on Precambrian Surface Temperatures ?
Chaussidon M, Lach P, Robert F, Boiron M-C & Luais B
Lacher L.
Field Measurements of Ice Nucleating Particles on the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch
Lacher L, Kanji Z & Lohmann U
Lachhman D.
Guyana: The Lost Hadean Crust of South America?
Nadeau S, Wei C, Reece J, Lachhman D, Ault R, Faraco MT, Fraga LM, Reis NJ & Betiollo L
Lachitavong K.
Decrease in Rice Production during the Dry Season in a Central Region of Thailand: Linking Water, Paddy Soil, and Rice Properties
Khaokaew S, Takrattanasaran N, Lachitavong K & Landrot G
Lachkar Z.
Exploring the Dynamics of the Oxygen Minimum Zones in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal
Al Azhar M, Lachkar Z, Smith S & Levy M
Accelerated Acidification in Eastern Boundary Current Systems
Hauri C, Gruber N, Lachkar Z & Plattner G-K
Lachner J.
The First Comprehensive Dataset of 236U in the North Atlantic Ocean
Casacuberta N, Christl M, Lachner J, van der Loeff M, Masqué P & Synal HA
Vertical Distribution of 236U in the Western Equatorial Atlantic Ocean
Christl M, Lachner J, Vockenhuber C, Rutgers v. d. Loeff M, Lechtenfeld O & Stimac I
Direct Search for Primordial 244Pu
Lachner J, Dillmann I, Faestermann T, Korschinek G, Lierse C, Poutivtsev M, Rugel G & Türler A
Lachniet Matthew
δ234Uo in Stalagmites as a Proxy of Paleohydrological Conditions, a LA-MC-ICP-MS Study
Bernal J-P, Cruz F, Lachniet M, Spötl C, Deininger M & Martinez-Paredes J-A
Multi-Proxy Approach to Constrain Temperature and Hydroclimate in Arid Regions
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
Progress and Challenges in Speleothem-Based Climate Reconstruction
Asmerom Y, Polyak V, Baldini J, Lachniet M, Baldini L, Breitenbach S, Prufer K & Kennett D
Hemispherical Scale Climate Variability during the Last Glacial Period
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
Orbital Control of Southwestern North America Atmospheric Circulation and Climate over Two Glacial Periods
Lachniet M, Denniston R, Asmerom Y & Polyak V
Timing of Northern Hemisphere Climate Transitions during the Last Glacial Period from Precisely-Dated Speleothem Data
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
A Record of Northern Hemisphere Climate Variability during the Penultimate Glacial from High Resolution Speleothem Data
LaPointe Z, Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
Holocene Climate Variability in Southwestern Mexico from Speleothem δ18O and Mg/Ca
Bernal JP, Lachniet M, McCulloch M, Mortimer G, Morales P & Cienfuegos E
An early Holocene stalagmite record of dust and humidity from southwestern Mexico
Bernal JP, McCulloch M & Lachniet M
Lachniet Matthew S
Mesoamerican Monsoon Failure during the Last Interglacial
Lachniet MS, Asmerom Y, Polyak V, Bernal J-P & Lucia G
Lachowski E.
The Use of Cement to Control the Mobility of Heavy Metals in Wastes
Johnson CA, Baur I & Lachowski E
Lachowycz S.
Millennial-Scale Variability in Arc Volcanism; Insights from Volcán Mocho-Choshuenco, Chile
Rawson H, Pyle D, Mather T, Smith V, Fontijn K, Lachowycz S & Naranjo J
Lacinska Alicja
Ash-Fall Deposits of Rare Earth Elements: A New Deposit Type?
Deady E, Lacinska A, Goodenough KM & Shaw RA
Lacinska Alicja M
Mining of Nickel Laterites – Towards More Environmentally Responsible Operations
Lacinska AM, Arcila C, Bateman K, Barlow T, Chenery S, Domingo J, Goodenough K, Gowing CB, Hamilton E, Kalra M, Kemp S, Liddy T, Lusty P, Palumbo-Roe B, Pearson M, Perez A, Rushton JC, Saha D, Schroeder SL, Watts M & Wragg J
Lacivita V.
Exploiting Symmetry to Study Solid Solutions and Disordered Crystalline Systems
Lacivita V, D'Arco P & Mustapha S
Lack J.
The Influence of Metal Reducing Bacteria on Plutonium Speciation
Icopini G, Lack J, Hersman L & Neu M
Lackey J.S.
Constraining Halogen Budgets in Continental Arcs at the Whole-Rock Scale
Bucheli C, Segee-Wright G, Grabiec JG, Cooperdock EHG, Barnes JD, Lackey JS, Stockli LD, Stockli DF & Ardill K
Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Shales Through Time: Rapid Emergence of Subaerial Landmasses at 2.5Ga
Bindeman I, Zakharov D, Greber N, Dauphas N, Retallack G, Hofmann A, Lackey JS & Bekker A
Modeling Fluid Flow in Low-D18O Skarns: Insights from Empire Mountain, Mineral King, Sierra Nevada, California, USA
Ramos E, Hesse M, Barnes J, Jordan J & Lackey JS
U-Pb Laser Ablation Dating of Skarn Garnet: A Case-Study of Jurassic Skarns from the Sierra Nevada, California, USA
Gevedon M, Seman S, Barnes J, Lackey JS & Stockli D
Skarn Garnet Records of Fluid Control of Decarbonation and Ore Type in the California Arc
Ryan-Davis J, Head D, Fulton A, Lackey JS, Barnes J & Lee C-T
Hot and Cold Zircon Growth in the Cretaceous Sierra Nevada Batholith, USA
Miller JS & Lackey JS
O-Hf Records of Magma Sources in the Sierra Nevada Batholith
Lackey JS, Miller J, Economos R & Davies G
Continental Arc-Island Arc Fluctuations, Skarn Formation and Long-Term Climate
Lee C-T, Lackey JS, Barnes J, Jiang H, Dasgupta R & Dickens G
Recycling of Juvenile Supracrustal Rocks in Mesozoic Batholiths: Implications for Crustal Growth
Lackey JS
Magmatic Zircon, Titanite, and Garnet: Oxygen Isotope Disequilibrium is Good
Valley J & Lackey JS
Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry of the Sierra Nevada Batholith, CA, USA
Valley J & Lackey J
Tracking Contamination in Felsic Magma Chambers with d18-O of Magmatic Garnet and Zircon
Lackey JS, Hinke H & Valley J
Lackner K.
Fixing Climate by Cleaning Up Carbon
Lackner K
Mineral Carbonation in a Low Energy System
Schonwald HR & Lackner K
Carbon Storage Technology Potentials and Difficulties
Lackner K
Lacks D.
Isotope Fractionation due to Temperature Gradients: Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Goel G, Lacks D, Van Orman J, Lundstrom C & Lesher C
Lackschewitz K.
The Interplay between Volcanism, Tectonics and Hydrothermalism on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 4-11°S and Globally
Devey C & Lackschewitz K
Laclau J-P.
Quantifying Plant-Available Pools of Ca, Mg and K in Forest Soils by Stable Isotopic Dilution
Bel J, Legout A, Laclau J-P, Löfgren S, Hall S, Saint-Andre L & van der Heijden G