Ludwig M.
Microbial Communities Inhabiting Gas Storage Sites: Analysis of Diversity and Function at Depth
Grosche A, Abdelhak S, Ludwig M, Maignien L & Jebbar M
Ludwig T.
Phosphorus in the Deep Earth: An Experimental Investigation of Ca-Phosphates at Upper- to Lower-Mantle P-T Conditions
Pausch T, Vazhakuttiyakam J, Withers AC, Ludwig T, Joachim-Mrosko B & Konzett J
Early Planetesimal Accretion and Magmatic Records in Achondrite Meteorites
Bouvier A, Reger PM, Obengo E, Neumann WO, Schwarz WH, Ludwig T & Trieloff M
Low-T Sheared Peridotites from the Kaapvaal-Craton: Record of Hydrous Metasomatism during Deformation
Heckel C, Withers AC, Woodland AB, Gibson SA & Ludwig T
Ca-phosphates in the Deep Earth: Phase Stability and Volatile Incorporation of Tuite, γ-Ca3(PO4)2
Pausch T, Vazhakuttiyakam J, Withers AC, Ludwig T, Joachim-Mrosko B & Konzett J
Rapid and Repeated Accretion of Planetesimals in an Outer Region of the Protoplanetary Disc
Ma N, Neumann W, Néri A, Schwarz WH, Ludwig T, Trieloff M, Klahr H & Bouvier A
Al Incorporation and Diffusion in Natural Rutile: A Geothermometer?
Joachim-Mrosko B, Konzett J, Ludwig T, Libowitzky E & Stalder R
Mapping the 4D Lithospheric Architecture of Zealandia Using Zircon O and Hf Isotopes in Plutonic Rocks
Turnbull R, Schwartz J, Fiorentini M, Jongens R, Ludwig T, Evans N, McDonald B & Klepeis K
Al, Fe and H Incorporation in Natural Rutile
Joachim-Mrosko B, Konzett J, Ludwig T & Stalder R
OH-Defects in Quartz at Crustal Conditions
Potrafke A, Stalder R, Schmidt B & Ludwig T
Melting of Felsic Crust at Mantle Depth: Implications for Orogenic Ultrapotassic Magmatism
Soder C, Burchard M, Ludwig T & Grimm J
Effect of Water on the F and Cl Partitioning Behavior between Olivine and Silicate Melt
Joachim B, Stechern A, Ludwig T, Konzett J, Ruzié-Hamilton L, Clay P, Burgess R & Ballentine C
Effects of T, ƒO2, and Doping Level on Diffusion of HFSE in Rutile
Marschall H, Dohmen R & Ludwig T
Light Elements in Oceanic and Ophiolitic Serpentinites and Implications for Element Recycling in Subduction Zones
Vils F, Kalt A, Müntener O & Ludwig T
Li in Plagioclase: Investigating its Rapid Diffusion and Potential as Geospeedometer
Cabato J, Altherr R & Ludwig T
Diffusive Fractionation of Nb and Ta in Rutile
Dohmen R, Marschall H & Ludwig T
Diffusion Profiles of Li in Plagioclase/Clinopyroxene and Plagioclase/Olivine Intergrowths
Sonntag I, Ludwig T & Altherr R
Sodic Pyroxene and Sodic Amphibole as Potential Micro-Analytical Reference Material for Li Isotopes
Marks MAW, Rudnick RL, Ludwig T, Marschall H, Zack T, Halama R, McDonough WF, Rost D, Wenzel T & Vicenzi EP
Melt-Rock Reaction and Late-Stage Melting in Peridotite Xenoliths from Marsabit (Kenya)
Kaeser B, Kalt A, Pettke T & Ludwig T
Li, Be and B in plagioclase phenocrysts from Nisyros, Greece
Sonntag I, Altherr R & Ludwig T
Lithium isotope composition of lower mantle ferropericlase inclusions in diamanods from Sao Luiz, Brazil
Seitz H-M, Brey GP, Harris JW & Ludwig T
Is There a Matrix Effect in SIMS Boron Isotope Analysis?
Ludwig T, Marschall H & Altherr R
Metasomatic Phenomena and Li-Be-B Characteristics of Mantle Xenoliths from Harrat Uwayrid, Saudi Arabia
Kaliwoda M, Altherr R & Ludwig T
Li, Be and B in Dacitic Rocks from Nea Kameni, Santorini, Greece
Cabato M, Altherr R & Ludwig T
Partitioning of Li, Be and B in a K–rich Rhyolitic Ignimbrite
Helbling A, Altherr R & Ludwig T
Li, Be and B in Amphibolites from the Schwarzwald (Germany)
Hepp S, Altherr R, Kalt A & Ludwig T
Ludwig W.
Tracking Soil Organic Matter Export Across the Continent-Ocean Interface: A Case Study of the NW Mediterranean Using the BIT Index
Kim J-H, Buscail R, Bzarzycka B, Kerhervé P, Peterse F, Schouten S, Ludwig W & Sinninghe Damsté JS
Luechinger N.A.
A New Strategy for the Production of Homogeneous Standards for Microbeam Techniques
Gunther D, Tabersky D, Luechinger NA & Halim SC
Luecker S.
Nitrite Oxidation and Nitrite-Oxidisers in the OMZs: Significance and Twists
Fuessel J, Lam P, Luecker S, Yilmaz P, Spieck E, Daims H & Kuypers M
Luedecke T.
Contribution of Zn Isotope Ratios in the Understanding of Neandertals Subsistence Strategy: A Case Study from Gabasa, Spain
Jaouen K, Villalba Mouco V, Smith GM, Trost M, Leichliter J, Luedecke T, Mejean P, Mandrou S, Chmeleff J, Guiserix D, Bourgon N, Blasco Sancho MF, Mendes Cardoso J, Duquenoy C, Moubtahij Z, Salazar Garcia DC, Richards M, Tütken T, Hublin J-J, Utrilla P & Montes L
Background Correction for Clumped Isotope Analysis of CO2 Based on m/z = 49 Ion Beam Intensity
Fiebig J, Luedecke T, Loeffler N, Methner K, Wacker U & Hofmann S
Lueder M.
Rutile as a Tracer of Subduction Zone Conditions
Lueder M, Tamblyn R & Hermann J
Lueder U.
Rice Roots Form Microniches in Paddy Soils that Control Arsenic (Im)mobilization
Maisch M, Lueder U, Kappler A & Schmidt C
Metastable Iron Sulphur Mineral Phases Drive Highly Dynamic Biogeochemical Cycles in Marine Sediments
Lueder U, Maisch M, Jørgensen BB, Kappler A & Schmidt C
The Impact of Light on Iron Biogeochemistry in Sediments
Lueder U, Jorgensen BB, Maisch M, Kappler A & Schmidt C
Implications of Fe(III) Photoreduction for Sedimentary Biogeochemical Iron Cycling
Lueder U, Kappler A, Jorgensen BB & Schmidt C
Microaerophilic iron(II) Oxidation: An Experimental Approach to Quantify Microbial iron(II) Oxidation Rates
Schmidt C, Maisch M, Lueder U, Druschel G, Emerson D & Kappler A
Lueders T.
Anaerobic Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH): From Lab to Field
Meckenstock RU, Selesi D, Griebler C & Lueders T
Lueders V.
Carboniferous Shales – A Source of Nitrogen in Gas Accumulations of the North German Basin?
Mingram B, Lueders V, Krooss B & Hoth P
Genesis and Migration of Nitrogen-Rich Gases in the North German Basin
Mingram B, Lueders V & Hoth P
Lueders-Dumont Jessica
Ecological and Biochemical Controls on Nitrogen Isotopic Fractionation of Otolith-Bound Organic Matter: Insights from Paired Tissue-Otolith Comparisons, Amino Acid Concentrations, and an Otolith Model
Lueders-Dumont J, Wang XT, Sigman D & Ward B
Lueders-Dumont Jessica A.
Rise in the 15N-To-14N Ratio of Otolith-Bound Organic Matter Associated with Late Cretaceous Cooling
Rao ZC, Lueders-Dumont JA, Stringer GL, Martinez-Garcia A, Haug GH & Sigman DM
Luederwald S.
Effectiveness of Riverbank Filtration for Silver Nanoparticle Retention
Degenkolb L, Philippe A, Luederwald S, Leuther F, Amininejad S, Vogel H-J & Klitzke S
Luef B.
Prediction of the Biogeochemical Roles of Uncultivated Bacteria and Archaea in the Subsurface
Banfield J, Castelle C, Hug L, Wrighton K, Sharon I, Brown C, Kantor R, Singh A, Thomas B, Luef B, Comolli L, Williams K, Long P & Hubbard S
Luehl L.
Imaging Distribution and Speciation of P Across Natural Fe Oxides, Clay Minerals, Microorganisms, and Diatoms by Nano-Xrf and Nano-NEXAFS
Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Haidl A, Fröse H, Luehl L, Hönicke P, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche KU
XRF and P K-Edge XANES on Natural Mineral-Organic Associations
Thieme J, Eusterhues K, Luehl L, Haidl A, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche KU
Natural Mineral-Organic Associations Studied by XRF and P-Edge XANES
Thieme J, Eusterhues K, Luehl L, Haidl A, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche K
Luehr B.
Geochemical and Geophysical Insights into a Large Magmatic System in Central Java, Indonesia
Chadwick J, Wagner D, Troll V, Koulakov I & Luehr B
Luek J.
Biogeochemistry of Redox-Sensitive Elements in the Subterranean Estuary
O'Connor A, Luek J, McIntosh H, Krask J & Beck A
Luemba M.L.
Biomarkers, Stable Isotopes, and Elemental Geochemistry of the Early Cambrian Mudstones Across the Yangtze Platform: Implications for Paleo-Environments and Bioradiations
Luemba ML, Chen Z, Liu K, Chai Z & Heritier N-R
Luengen A.
Trophic Transfer of Methylmercury in a Simple Food Chain
Luengen A, Fisher N & Bergamaschi B
Lueter C.
Architecture of Phosphatic and Calcitic Brachiopod Shell Materials – A Comparison
Schmahl W, Merkel C, Griesshaber E, Kelm K & Lueter C
Lueth V.
Landscape Evolution of Northern New Mexico as Recorded in Jarosite
Samuels K, Lueth V, Campbell A & Peters L
Mineralogy of Weathering at the Questa Mo Mine, NM: 2. Stable Isotopes and Geochemical Modeling
Campbell AR, Lueth V, Graf G & Logsdon M
Mineralogy of Weathering at Questa Mo Mine, NM: 1. Natural Analogs
Graf G, Lueth V, Campbell A & Donahue K
Source of Fluorine and Petrogenesis of the Rio Grande Rift Type Barite-Fluorite-Galena Deposits
Partey F, Lev S, Casey R, Widom E, Lueth V & Rakovan J
Luetke S.
A Combined LA-ICP-MS and DEGAS Study on Bediasites and Ivory Coast Tektites
Deutsch A, Langenhorst F, Luetke S & Berndt J
Ivory Coast Tektites, Microtektites, and Glassy Fallback Particles of the Lake Bosumtwi Impact Crater, Ghana: Geochemical Differences
Luetke S, Deutsch A & Glass B
Luetzenkirchen Johannes
Structural Incorporation of Neptunyl(V) into Calcite – Interfacial Reactions
Heberling F, Denecke M, Luetzenkirchen J & Bosbach D
Luetzenkirchen Johannes
Effect of Surface Heterogenity and Interfacial Water on Surface Potential
Preocanin T, Namjesnik D, Sapunar M, Luetzenkirchen J & Kallay N
Luetzenkirchen Johannes
Np(V) Uptake by Zirconia (ZrO2): A Batch, Spectroscopic, and Modeling Study
Jordan N, Jessat I, Foerstendorf H, Rossberg A, Scheinost AC, Luetzenkirchen J, Heim K & Stumpf T