Luckham Paul F.
Determining Selective Surface Energy of the Native Internal Rock Structure Using iGC
Ruecker M, Naderi M, Williams DR, Georgiadis A & Luckham PF
Lucks Christian
Radiologic Disequilibria in Sandstone Reservoir Rocks at a Geothermal Facility in the North German Basin
Dilling J, Regenspurg S, Schkade U-K & Lucks C
Lucks Christian
Landweber-EXAFS Structural Analysis of Aqueous Polynuclear U(VI)complexes with Tartaric Acid
Rossberg A, Lucks C, Tsushima S & Scheinost AC
Luckscheiter B.
Cm(III) / Eu(III) Coprecipitation Wit´h Powellite (CaMoO4) during HLW Glass Corrosion
Bosbach D, Bosbach D, Rabung T & Luckscheiter B
Lucot E.
Mobility and Fractionation of REE in Seasonally Waterlogged Forest Soils
Steinmann M, Floch A-L, Lucot E & Badot P-M
Absorption and Fractionation of Rare Earth Elements (REE) by Plants
Steinmann M, Brioschi L, Lucot E, Pierret M-C, Stille P, Prunier J & Badot P-M
Absorption and Fractionation of REE by Vegetation: A Comparative Field Study on Plants Grown on Granite, Carbonate, and Carbonatite
Brioschi L, Steinmann M, Lucot E, Pierret M-C, Stille P & Badot P-M
Lucotte M.
Climate Controls the Fluctuations of Fish Mercury Levels in Quebec Lakes
Lucotte M, Paquet S & Moingt M
Paleo-Environmental Reconstruction of Mercury and Terrigenous Organic Matter Dynamics in Large Northern Quebec Boreal Lakes: An Assessment of Anthropogenic Activities Occuring in their Watersheds
Moingt M, Lucotte M, Paquet S & Ghaleb B
Land Use Changes and Mercury Transfers to Aquatic Systems in the Brazilian Amazon
Belanger E, Lucotte M, Oestreicher J, Moingt M, Rozon C, Davidson R & Gregoire B
Lucotti A.
Microwave-Assisted Brucite and Talc Reactions with co2 as a Proxy for Carbon Capture and Storage by Serpentine
Corti M, Maroni P, Militello GM, Yivlialin R, Campione M, Lucotti A, Bussetti G, Capitani G, Cavallo A & Malaspina N
Ludden J
Isotopic Variations along the Southwest Indian Ridge, 30.50°E
Meyzen C, Storey M, Baker J, Ludden J & Humler E
Ludden John
SWIR Off-Axis Dredging by SWIFT
Storey M, Mahoney J, Nikolajsen S, Burgess R, Poulsen D & Ludden J
Isotopic Systematics of the Southwest Indian Ridge, 30-69ºE
Meyzen C, Ludden J, Humler E, Luais B, Baker J, Storey M, Toplis M & Mevel C
Melt-Rock Reaction in Canadian Cordillera Mantle Xenoliths
Peslier AH, Brandon AD, Francis D & Ludden J
Abiotic or Biotic Iron Isotope Fractionation during Oceanic Crust Alteration ?
Rouxel O & Ludden J
Natural Variations of Selenium Isotopes Determined by Multicollector Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: Application to Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
Rouxel O, Ludden J, Fouquet Y & Carignan J
Ludden John
The Geochemistry of London
Ludden J, Peach D & Flight D
Understanding the Impact of Geochemistry: A Tribute to Jean Carignan
Ludden J
Ludden John
Lead Isotopes Inform on Crude Oil Migration Processes
Fetter N, Blichert-Toft J, Ludden J, Lepland A, Sanchez Borque J, Greenhalgh E, Garcia B, Edwards D, Telouk P & Albarede F
Lüdecke C.
Microbial Iron Cycling at the Oxic-Anoxic Interface in Acidic Peatlands
Küsel K, Lüdecke C, Reiche M & Hädrich A
Lüdecke T.
Inter- and Intra-Tooth Variability in Enamel-Bound Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Modern African Mammals from Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
Brömme S, Martinez-Garcia A, Mathe J, Leichliter JN, Vonhof H, Bobe R, Carvalho S & Lüdecke T
Lüders Tillmann
Methane Formation in Abandoned Coal Mines: Role of Acetogens and Acetoclastic Methanosarcinales
Beckmann S, Lüders T, Krüger M, Von Netzer F, Engelen B & Cypionka H
Lüders Tillmann
Insights in the Methanogenic Degradation of BTEX and PAH in Different Geological Systems
Straaten N, Jimenez-Garcia N, Gründger F, Richnow H-H, Lüders T & Krüger M
Lüders V.
Trace Elements Incl. REY and Isotopes in Formation Waters: Geochemical Tools for the Exploration of Deeply-Buried Hydrothermal Mineralization
Kraemer D, Sośnicka M, Lüders V & Bau M
Fluid Evolution of the Zinnwald Sn-W-Li Deposit, Erzgebirge: Insights from Fluid Inclusions
Korges M, Weis P, Lüders V & Laurent O
Genetic Relationship between Ag-(Pb-Zn) Mineralization and W-Specific Mesozoic Magmatism in the Nanling Belt (China) Based on Data from the Wutong Deposit
Lecumberri-Sanchez P, Romer RL, Lüders V & Bodnar RJ
Rhodochrosite Gemstones: Contrasting Origin and Evolution of Related Fluids
Lecumberri-Sanchez P, Romer RL, Lüders V & Bodnar RJ
The Significance of Rotliegend Brines in Mineralizing Processes and Hydrocarbon Systems in the Southern Permian Basin
Lüders V, Plessen B, Vonhof H & Schneider J
Carbon Isotopic and Noble Gas Compositions of Quartz-Hosted Gas-Rich Fluid Inclusions from the Lower Saxony Basin, Germany
Lüders V, Plessen B & Niedermann S
Fluid and Gas Migration in the Southwestern Part of the Lower Saxony Basin (Germany)
Lüders V, Plessen B & Sippel J
Speciation of Cu and Zn in Natural Hydrothermal Boiling Systems: Evidence from Fluid Inclusion Studies by X-Ray Absorption Techniques
Rickers K, Cauzid J, Hazemann J-L, Proux O & Lüders V
Fluid Inclusions, REE and Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of the Lavrion Carbonate Hosted Ore Deposit, SE Attica, Greece
Skarpelis N, Lüders V & Banks D
Fluid origin and evolution at the Sweet Home Mine, Alma, Colorado
Lüders V, Romer RL, Gilg HA & Pettke T
Elemental partitioning in liquid-vapour fluid inclusion assemblages during sub-critical phase separation
Rickers K, Lüders V & Bleuet P
Nitrogen isotope geochemistry of ammonium during diagenesis and brine events in sedimentary basins
Plessen B, Lüders V, Hoth P & Wemmer K
Fluid Inclusion Evidence for Extreme Element Partioning during Subcritical Phase Separation
Lüders V, Rickers K, Banks D & Meston L
Liquid–vapor Fractionation of B and Br in the H-Na-B-O-Cl-Br System: An Experimental Study and its Application to Nature
Liebscher A, Heinrich W, Lüders V & Schettler G
Helium Isotopic Composition of Fluid Inclusions Hosted in Massive Sulfides from Modern Hydrothermal Systems
Lüders V, Niedermann S & Halbach P
Lüdke J.
Spatial Variability of 234Th-Derived Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Export in the Peruvian OMZ
Xie RC, Le Moigne FAC, Rapp I, Lüdke J, Dengler M, Liebetrau V, Gledhill M & Achterberg EP
Ludois J.
Sr Isotopes in Banded Iron Formation Carbonates: Disequilibrium with Ancient Seawater
Ludois J, Heimann A, Johnson C, Beard B, Valley J, Roden E, Spicuzza M & Beukes N
Ludvigson G.a.
Is DZ Driving You(r) MAD? Volcanogenic Zircon in Mature Paleosols Better Determine the Maximum Age of Deposition
Möller A, Ludvigson GA, Smith JJ, Joeckel RM, McLean NM, Hallman JA, Sitek BC & Turner E
Ludvigson Greg
Assessing Stable Carbon Isotope Disequilibrium in Late Pleistocene Buried Soils of the Great Plains, USA, Using a State Factor Approach
Layzell A, Ludvigson G, Smith J & Mandel R
Ludvigson Greg A.
Recharge in the High Plains Aquifer: Physical and Chemical Data
Stotler RL, Katz BS, Butler JJ, Whittemore DO, Reboulet EC, Hirmas DR, Smith JJ & Ludvigson GA
Marine-Terrestrial Linkages Associated with Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) Global Change
Ludvigson G, Gonzalez L, Gulbranson E, Rasbury T, Hunt G, Joeckel M, Murphy L & Kirkland J
Ludwichowski K-U.
Surface Water Changes during Transit from North Pole to Fram Strait
Rutgers van der Loeff M, Stimac I, Casacuberta N, Wefing A-M, Laukert G, Bauch D, Paffrath R, Provost C, Karcher M, Meyer H, Schaffer J, Rabe B, Graeve M & Ludwichowski K-U
Ludwig F.
Genesis of Low-Mineralised Groundwater in a Fissured Sandstone Aquifer, Odenwald, Germany – Where has all the Sulfate Gone?
Ludwig F, Stober I & Bucher K
Ludwig H-M.
Benchmarking of a General Speciation Code for Charge Regulated Solid-Liquid Interfaces Interacting on the Nanoscale
Gil-Díaz T, Jara-Heredia D, Heberling F, Luetzenkirchen J, Link J, Sowoidnich T, Ludwig H-M, Haist M & Schäfer T
Ludwig K.R.
Precise, Accurate Measurement of U-Th Isotopes in a Single Solution by ICP-MS
Sharp W, Mertz-Kraus R & Ludwig K
Unleashing the Full Potential of the 40Ar/39Ar Geochronometer
Renne P, Mundil R, Balco G, Min K & Ludwig K
230Th/U Dating of Pedogenic Carbonate by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Hellstrom J, Sharp W, Ludwig K, Hergt J, Woodhead J, Amundson R & Chadwick O
Intercalibration of the U-Pb and <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Geochronometers: Status, Prognosis, and Proscription
Renne P, Mundil R, Min K & Ludwig K
Extracting Reliable U-Pb Ages and Errors from Complex Populations of Zircons from Phanerozoic Tuffs
Ludwig KR & Mundil R
The Krogh Legacy and Beyond: Emerging Trends in U-Pb Geochronology
Ludwig KR
U/Pb Single-Crystal Dating, Implications from Recent Findings and Developments
Mundil R & Ludwig KR