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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Lu Peng (2024) Deciphering Coupled Labradorite Dissolution and Secondary Precipitation Reaction Kinetics Using Multiple Isotope Tracers
Chen M, Lu P, Gong L & Zhu C
(2023) Bridging Basic Science of Geochemical Kinetics and Applications to CO2 Removal and Sequestration Through Geochemical Modeling
Lu P, Zhu C, Zhang Y, Gong L & Skaneda S
(2013) Pb and Zn Coprecipitation with Iron Oxyhydroxide Nano-Particles
Lu P, Kelly S & Zhu C
(2011) Recent Advances in Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction and Applications to Geological Carbon Sequestration
Zhu C, Lu P & Liu F
(2010) Implications of the New Hypothesis on the Apparent Discrepancy between Field – Lab Feldspar Dissolution Rates on Modeling Reactive Transport in the Critical Zone
Zhu C, Lu P & Ganor J
(2010) Multi-Phase Reactive Flow and Transport Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in the Mt. Simon Sandstone Formation, Midwest USA
Liu F, Lu P, Xiao Y & Zhu C
(2010) Experiments of CO2-Brine-Feldspars/Sandstone/Shale Interactions: Implications for Geological Carbon Sequestration
Lu P, Liu F, Hedges S, Griffith C, Soong Y & Zhu C
(2009) New Experimental Data and Modeling Results of Coupled Alkali Feldspar Dissolution and Secondary Mineral Precipitation
Zhu C, Lu P, Fu Q & Seyfried B

Lu Pengda (2023) Processing the Bitumen-Sulfide History in the Sichuan Basin, China
Stein H, Deng B, Yang G, Hannah J, Lu P & Liu S

Lu Q (2006) Endemic Fluorosis and High-F clay
Zheng B, Wang A, Lu Q & Finkelman RB

Lu Qingyuan (2020) Eutrophication and Tidal Marshes Shape Dissolved Organic Matter Chemistry along Two Freshwater-Estuarine Transects
He D, Zhang Y, Lu Q, Li P, He C, Wang Y, Shi Q & Sun Y

Lu R (2000) Evidence for Ice VI as an Inclusion in Cuboid Diamonds from High P-T Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Kagi H, Lu R, Davidson P, Goncharov AF, Mao H & Hemley RJ

Lu Renchao (2023) Analysis on the Accuracy and Efficiency of Integration-Point Based Reactive Transport Scheme
Shao H & Lu R
(2019) A New Mechanistic Model of Pressure Solution Creep
Lu R, Kolditz O & Shao H

Lu Ronghui (2010) Permian Basalts and Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in the Northeastern of Tarim Plate (NW China): Insights into a Large Igneous Province
Xia Z, Jiang C, Xia M & Lu R
(2008) Petrogenesis and Mantle Dynamics of Kalatongke Mafic Rock Bodies, Northwestern China
Jiang C, Qian Z, Yu X, Jiao J, Yan H, Lu R & Xia Z
(2008) Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Hulu Ni–Cu-Bearing Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions, Eastern Xinjiang, Northwest China
Xia M, Jiang C, Qian Z, Sun T, Xia Z & Lu R

Lu Senlin (2016) Studies on Difference of Chemical Constitutes of Ambient Particles Emitted from Xuanwei Coal Combustion, Bottom Ashes and Raw Coal Samples by Using of ATOFMS
Lu S, Liu P, Chen P, Liu M, Zhang W, Wang Q, Wang Q & Yonemochi S
(2013) Preliminary Studies on Physicochemical Characterization of PM2.5 Collected in Underground and Ground-Level Rail Systems Shanghai Metro
Lu S, Hao X, Liu D, Zhang R, Yi F, Gu Y, Luo W, Lin J & Yonemochi S

Lu Shan (2015) Chronology and Structural Properties of Magmatic Rocks in Eastern Xinjiang
Lu S, Li D & Zhao Z
(2014) New Insights from Gas Accumulation Mechanism in Tight Sandstones
Zhao Z, Hou L & Lu S

Lu Shan-Song (2015) Evolution of Archean Continental Crust in Nucleus of the Yangtze Block, South China Block
Qiu X-F, Ling W-L, Liu X-M, Lu S-S & Yang H-M

Lu Shang Shong (2011) Early Neoproterozoic Arc Magmatism along the Northwestern Margin of the Yangtze Craton and its Connection with the South China Block Evolution during the Rodinia Assembly
Berkana W, Ling W, Lu SS & Qiu XF
(2011) Recognition of the Archean High-Grade Terrain in the South Qinglin Orogen and its Conection with the South China Block Tectonics
Ling W-L, Lu S-S, Chen Z-W, Liu X & Duan R-C

Lu Shawn (2021) Investigating Boron Isotopes and FTIR as Proxies for Bushfire Severity
Lu S, Dosseto A, Lemarchand D, Dlapa P & Bradstock R

Lu Shikuo (2020) Quantitative Relationships between Weathering Indices and Physical Properties: A Case Study of Monzonitic Granite Weathering Profile in Qingdao Area, China
Lu S, Wang X, Zhang S & Fan X

Lu Shipeng (2016) Sticking Together: Inter-Species Aggregation of Bacteria Isolated from Iron Snow is Controlled by Chemical Signaling
Mori JF, Ueberschaar N, Lu S, Cooper RE, Pohnert G & Küsel K
(2015) Microbial Metabolic Activities Shaping Pelagic Iron-Rich Aggregates (Iron Snow)
Lu S, Huang S, Gaspar M, Miot J, Neu T, Overman J, Marz M, Benzerara K, Küsel K & Cooper R
(2011) Elucidating the Functions of the Active Microbial Community of Iron Snow in an Acidic Lake
Lu S, Chourey K, Reiche M, Ciobotă V, Nietzsche S, Hettich R & Küsel K
(2010) Taking the Iron Snow Shuttle to the Microbial Iron Cycle in Acidic Lake Sediments
Lu S, Reiche M, Neu T, Gischkat S & Küsel K
(2009) Diversity of Fe(III)-Reducing Prokaryotes in Acidic Coal Mining Lake Sediments
Lu S, Reiche M & Küsel K

Lu Shuangfang (2022) 2D-Nmr a Potential Method to Determine the in situ Fluid Content in Shale Oil Reservoirs
Li J, Shao H, Wang M & Lu S
(2020) Wettability Alteration and Oil-Water-Rock Interaction at Hydrated Kaolinite Clay Mineral Surfaces
Zhao R, Lu S & Xue H
(2020) Carbon Isotope Fractionation during Methane Transport: A Novel Method for Evaluating Key Parameters of Shale Gas
Li W, Lu S & Li J
(2019) Silica-Rich Hydrothermal Activity and its Effect on Organic Matter Enrichment during the Earliest Cambrian
He T, Li W & Lu S
(2018) Investigation of Shale Gas Adsorption Mechanism
Chen G, Lu S, Liu K & Xue Q
(2018) Heterogeneous Depositional Environment of Lower Cambrian Organic-Rich Shale in Yangtze Platform: Evidences from Fe-Mo Geochemistry and Microorganisms
Zhang Y, He Z, Jiang S, Lu S & Xiao D

Lu Sidan (2016) Advanced Effect of Water Treatment via Changing the Reaction Steps in a Sequencing Batch Reactor Treating Coal Chemical Industry Wastewater
Wang L, Sun Y, Zheng D, Lu S & Zhang H

Lu Siming (2011) Early Cretaceous Bimodal Magmatism in Tonghua Area, Jilin Province, China: Implications for the Destruction of the North China Craton
Pei F, Xu W, Wang F, Cao H & Lu S
(2010) Heterogeneity of the Lower Continental Crust beneath Southern Jilin Province, NE China: Evidence from Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb Isotopic Compositions of Early Cretaceous Granitoids
Pei F, Xu W, Yang D, Lu S & Feng H

Lu Taijin (2017) Carbon Isotopes of Nephrite-Hosted Graphites: Implications for the Origin Discrimination of Nephrite Jade
Zhang Y, Qiu Z, Stern R, Lu T, Yang J & Li L
(2014) Inclusions of Diamonds from Hunan, the Yangtze Craton and their Revealing for Forming Environment
Qin S, Qiu Z, Lu T, Chen H, Sun Y, Wang Q, Zhang J & Li L

Lu Tianyi (2016) Decay Constant Uncertainties in Isochron
Liu Y & Lu T

Lu Tianyun (2019) Water Activity and Modeling of Ternary Solutions of the Systems CsCl-Mcl-H2O and Cs2SO4-MSO4-H2O (M=Na, K, Mg) at 25 to 90℃
Hagemann S, Bischofer B & Lu T

Lu Tiecheng (2019) Structural, Interfacial, and Energetic Evolutions for Defect-Fluorite Gd2Zr2O7 Ceramics Under He Irradiation
Huang Z, Qi J, Lu T, Guo X & Wu D

Lu Tu-Hann (2020) High-Precision Nd and W Isotopic Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Roberts D, Lu T-H, Gutierrez P, Chauvel C & Inglis E

Lu Wanjun (2019) Co-injection of Alcohols and Carbonated Water to Reduce the Risk of Downward Migration of DNAPLs during the Remediation
Guo H, Yang P & Lu W
(2015) Quantitative Raman Spectroscopic Measurements of the Solubility and Diffusivity of Water in CO2 Under Reservoir Condition
Guo H, Lin L & Lu W

Lu Wanyi (2024) Millennial Global Ocean Oxygen Reconstructions from Thallium Isotopes over Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
Wang Y, Costa K, Lu W, Hines S & Nielsen SG
(2018) Foraminiferal I/Ca Results from the Benguela Upwelling System
Lu W, Dickson A, Thomas E, Rickaby R & Lu Z
(2016) Mineralogical Iron Species in Clay-Sized Fractions of the Chinese deserts:Implications for Iron Bioavailability to the North Pacific Ocean
Zhao W, Lu W & Ji J

Lu Weiqi (2017) Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Phytoplankton as a Potential Proxy for pH Rather Than for [CO2(aq)]: Observations from a Carbonate Lake
Wang S, Yeager K & Lu W

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