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Lampronti Giulio (2015) Yellow and Colourless Anorthite Megacrysts from Hakone Volcano: Structural Controls on Colouration
Matsui T, Buisman I, Lampronti G & Redfern S

Lampronti Giulio Isacco (2023) Working Around Microanalytical Data Gaps to Make Multiscale Predictions- Exploring the Bon Accord Nickel Mineral Species
Einsle JF, O'Driscoll B, McDannald A, Kusne AG, Lampronti GI, Salge T & Buisman I

Lamsal L. (2009) Satellite Remote Sensing Estimate of Global Ground-Level Aerosol Concentrations and Precursors
Martin R, van Donkelaar A, Lee C & Lamsal L

Lamy F. (2023) Circulation Changes in the Abyssal South Pacific during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition
Struve T, Zander M, Illemann S, Brand G, Lembke-Jene L, Lamy F & Pahnke K
(2023) A Multiproxy Reconstruction of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current over the Past Million Years
Wu S, Mazaud A, Michel E, Lamy F & Jaccard SL
(2023) Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current over the Past Five Million Years (IODP Expedition 383 – DYNAPACC)
Lamy F & Winckler G
(2023) Insights into Southern Ocean Dynamics during the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition from Benthic Foraminiferal Stable Carbon Isotopes
Gottschalk J, Hasenfratz AP, Middleton JL, Farmer JR, Michel E, Hanley J, Knudson C, Science Party E3, Jaccard SL, Lamy F & Winckler G
(2021) Mineral Dust Simulations with ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3 for Pre-Industrial and Last Glacial Maximum Climate Conditions with a Focus on the Southern Hemisphere
Krätschmer S, van der Does M, Lamy F, Lohmann G, Christoph V & Werner M
(2019) Carbonate Chemsitry Evolution in the Deep South Pacific and the Deglacial Release of CO2
Roberts J, Misra S, Rae J, Skinner L, Butzin M, Grotheer H, Shuttleworth R, Mollenhauer G, Bijma J, Tiedemann R & Lamy F
(2019) Tracking Deep Ocean Carbon Release over the Last Deglaciation
Shuttleworth R, Foster G, Chalk T, De La Vega E, Roberts J, Greenop R, Bostock H, Burke A, Bijma J & Lamy F
(2018) Lithium Isotopic Composition of Benthic Foraminifera: A New Proxy for paleo-Ph Reconstruction
Roberts J, Kaczmarek K, Langer G, Skinner L, Bijma J, Bradbury H, Turchyn A, Lamy F & Misra S
(2017) The Response of the Subantarctic Pacific to Climate Change: Reconstructing Dust Flux and Biological Productivity during the Last Glacial Cycle
Winckler G, Anderson RF, Park J, Schwarz R, Lamp J, Shoenfelt E, Pahnke K, Struve T, Kuhn G, Wengler M & Lamy F
(2017) Subantarctic Pacific Iron Fertilization during the Last Ice Age
Martinez-Garcia A, Sigman D, Lamy F, Studer A, Tiedemann R & Haug G
(2017) Sources of Glacial South Pacific Dust
Struve T, Wengler M, Lamy F, Winckler G & Pahnke K
(2016) Abrupt Temperature Changes and Environmental Dynamics in the Black Sea “Lake” during the Last Glacial
Wegwerth A, Kaiser J, Dellwig O, Shumilovskikh LS, Nowaczyk NR, Ganopolski A, Ménot G, Bard E, Lamy F & Arz HW
(2014) Dust in the Southern Hemisphere – From Source to Sink
Winckler G, Borunda A, Koffman B, Recasens C, Pavia F, Kaplan M, Goldstein S, Schwarz R, Anderson R, Lamy F, Gersonde R & Pahnke K
(2011) Is TEX86 Paleothermometry Applicable in the Polar Regions?
Ho SL, Fietz S, Rueda G, Martinez-Garcia A, Mollenhauer G, Rosell-Mele A, Lamy F, Ruggieri N & Tiedemann R
(2009) Plio-Pleistocene Changes in SE Trade Wind Strength and South American Rainfall – Implications for ITCZ Movements and Long-Term El Niño Behavior
Lamy F, Rincon-Martinez D, Saukel C, Steph S, Sturm A, Etourneau J & Tiedemann R
(2009) Are Glacials (Interglacial) in the Easternmost Pacific Ocean Drier (Wetter) during the Last 300 000 Years?
Rincón Martínez D, Contreras S, Lamy F & Tiedemann R
(2000) Reconstructing Continental Paleoclimate and Paleoceanographic Changes along the Chilean Continental Margin
Lamy F, Hebbeln D, Rühlemann C & Wefer G
(2000) Coupled Food-Web and Bacterial-Loop Modelling of a Lagrangian Experiment off the Iberian Margin
Soetaert K, Herman P, Middelburg J & Lamy F

Lamy I. (2021) Review of the Empirical Equations to Estimate Mobile or Available Cu Content in Soils and Applicability at the European Scale for Risk Assessment
Sereni L, Guenet B & Lamy I
(2013) The Compared Reactivity of Different Organic Matters and Clay in the Whole Soil and at the Microscale: Unraveling the Reactivities by Combining Chemical Analysis and Physical Fractionation
Navel A, Spadini L, Lamy I, Vince E & Martins J
(2002) Role of Colloids in the Metal Mobilisation in Soils: A Field Study
Citeau L, Lamy I, van Oort F & Elsass F

Lan B. (2023) The Flowback and Produced Water of Shale Gas from China: Characteristics and Distinguishing
Ni Y, Gao J, Yao L, Sui J, Chen J, Lan B & Liu S

Lan C (2004) Late Yanshanian Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks in the Coastal Area of Fujian, SE China: A Sr-Nd-Os Isotopic Approach
Lan C, Shen J & Yang H

Lan Caiyun (2020) Early Paleoproterozoic Oceanic Subduction in the Southern Margin of North China Craton: Constraints from Zircon U–Pb Geochronology, Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopes of ca. 2.3 Ga Mafic Intrusions
Wang J, Long X, Shu C & Lan C
(2020) Depositional Age and Geochemistry of the 2.44-2.32 Ga Granular Iron Formation, Songshan Group, North China Craton: Tracing the Effects of Atmospheric Oxygenation on Continental Weathering and Seawater Environment
Lan C & Long X
(2015) In situ Geochemical Compositions of Magnetite and Pyroxene from the Early Paleoproterozoic Wuyang Iron Formation in the Southern Margin of the North China Craton
Lan C, Zhao T & Wang C

Lan Ching-Ying (2012) Characteristics of Late Mesozoic Granitic Rocks in SW Corner of Southern Vietnam
Lan C-Y, Usuki T, Nguyen TA, Tran PH, Ngo TTQ, Chung S-L & Mertzman SA
(2011) Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Data from Granitic Rocks of Taiwan
Lan C-Y, Usuki T, Wang K-L, Yui T-F, Yang J-H, Lin W & Hsieh P-S
(2008) Detrital Provenance Analysis of the River Sediments of Taiwan
Lan C-Y, Usuki T, Tseng C-Y & Chung S-L
(2007) SHRIMP Age of Detrital Zircon from the Rock of Taiwan
Lan C-Y, Usuki T, Okamoto K, Yui T-F & Tseng C-Y
(2006) Petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths from Vietnam, Indochina block
Lan CY, Iizuka Y, Usuki T, Wang KL, Tran TA, Trinh VL & O'Relly SY
(2002) Crustal Evolution of SE Asia: A Perspective from Vietnam
Lan C-Y, Chung S-L, Lo C-H & Lee T-Y

Lan Chunyuan (2023) High-Pressure Experimental and Thermodynamic Constraints on the Solubility of Carbonates in Subduction Zone Fluids
Lan C, Tao R, Huang F, Jiang R & Zhang L
(2023) Origins of Deep Abiotic Hydrocarbons: Insights from Fundamental Redox Reactions within the Fe-C-H-O System
Wang C, Tao R, Zhang L, Debret B, Walters JB, Lan C, Zhu X, Yang K & Menez B
(2021) Solubilities of Carbonate Minerals in Aqueous Fluids Under Subduction Zone Conditions: Constraints from High-Pressure Experiments and Thermodynamic Models
Lan C, Tao R, Huang F, Jiang R & Zhang L
(2021) Development of Multiple Hole Gasket Technique for Diamond Anvil Cell: Implications for Fluid-Mineral Interaction at High-Pressure and High Temperature
Jiang R, Tao R, Lan C & Du J

Lan D-Z.

Lan J. (2018) Late Holocene Hydroclimatic Variations over the High-Central Asia and its Relationship with the North Atlantic Ocean
Lan J, Xu H, Sheng E, Yu K, Zhou K, Yan D, Ye Y, Wu H & Wang T

Lan M. (2020) Characteristics of H-O Isotopes in Water Masses and Implication for Spatial Variations of Freshwater in Amundsen Sea, West Antarctic
Shao H, He J, Luo G, Cao S & Lan M

Lan Tefang (2019) Study of Ra-226 and Excess Pb-210 in Hydrothermally Altered Sediments in the Southern Okinawa Trough
Hsu F-H, Wang C-C, Su C-C, Wu S-F, Lee H-F, Lan T, Chen S-C, Chen J-E & Wang Y-S
(2016) 3He Excess in Air, a New Potential Tracer for Volcanic CO2 Emissions in the Atmosphere
Boucher C, Marty B, Lan T, Mabry J, Burnard P, Boucher P, Zimmermann L, Ayalew D, Fischer T, De Moor JM & Zelenski M
(2016) Spatial and Temporal Variations of Helium and Carbon Isotopes at Ontake Volcano, Japan
Sano Y, Kagoshima T, Takahata N, Ishida A, Tomonaga Y, Roulleau E, Pinti D, Fischer T, Lan T, Nishio Y & Tsunogai U

Lan Tefang F. (2015) The Controversy of the Variation of the Helium Isotopes Ratio in Air with Latitude
Boucher C, Lan TF, Bekaert D, Mabry J, Marty B & Burnard P

Lan Tefang F. (2013) Temporal Variations of Atmospheric Helium Isotopes
Mabry J, Lan T, Burnard P & Marty B
(2013) High-Precision Atmospheric Helium Isotope Measurement in Volcanic Areas
Lan TF, Mabry JC, Marty B, Burnard P, Füri E, de Moor JM, Fischer TP & McMurtry GM

Lan Tefang Faith (2009) Sampling and Analysis of Dissolved Noble Gases in The Porewater of Marine Sediments in Northeastern Okinawa Trough, Japan
Lan TF, Takahata N, Kiyota K, Tsutsumi M, Kaneko A, Yang TF & Sano Y

Lan Tian (2019) Organosulfur Evidence for the Ocean Redox in South China during Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition
Wang C, Xu B, Dai F, Lan T, Ma Z & Meng F
(2017) Geochemical Characteristics and Implications for Stratigrapic Correlation of Lenticular Limestone on Maokouan Stage of Permian in Luocheng, Guangxi
Chen X, Tang J & Lan T
(2016) Study on Geological Characteristics and Genesis of Nancha Gold Deposit In Tonghua City, Jilin Province
Lan T

Lan Ting-Guang (2011) Molybdenite Re-Os and Zircon U-Pb Dating of the Mesozoic Xingjiashan Mo-W Deposit in the Jiaodong Peninsular, Eastern China
Hu F-F, Fan H-R, Lan T-G & Yang K-F
(2011) Gold Ore-Forming Fluids and Metallogeny in the Zhaoyuan-Laizhou Concentration Region of Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China
Fan H-R, Hu F-F, Jiang X-H, Yang K-F & Lan T-G

Lan Vi (2015) Sorption Behavior of As on Iron Phases at a Migrating Redox Front
Neidhardt H, Berg M, Frising A, Stengel C, Winkel L, Kägi R, Trang P, Lan V & Viet P

Lan Vi Mai (2011) Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Vietnam: Delta-Wide Survey and 3D Geospatial Modeling
Berg M, Winkel LHE, Trang PTK, Lan VM, Stengel C, Amini M, Ha NT & Viet PH

Lan X. (2007) Geochemical Constraints on Shaxi Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit: A Possible Link to Adakitic Genesis?
Lan X & Yang X

Lan Zhongwu (2015) Mid-Neoproterozoic Angular Unconformity in the Yangtze Block Revisited: Insights from Detrital Zircon U-Pb Age and Hf-O Isotopes
Yang C, Li X-H, Wang X-C & Lan Z
(2015) Synchronous Initiation of the 2nd Episode of Worldwide Sturtian Glaciation: SIMS Zircon U-Pb and O Isotope Evidence from the Jiangkou Group in South China
Lan Z, Li X, Li Q & Zhang Q

Lan Zhongwu (2014) A Rapid and Synchronous Initiation of the Sturtian Glaciations
Lan Z, Li X, Zhu M, Chen Z, Zhang Q, Li Q, Liu Y & Tang G
(2013) Hydrothermal Origin of the Paleoproterozoic Xenotimes from the King Leopold Sandstone of the Kimberley Group, Kimberley, NW Australia: Implications for a ca 1.7 Ga Far-Field Hydrothermal Event
Lan Z, Chen Z, Li X, Li B & Adams D

Lan Zhongwu (2017) SIMS U-Pb Zircon Ages and Ni-Mo-Pge Geochemistry of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in South China: Constraints on Ni-Mo-Pge Mineralization
Lan Z, Li X-H, Chu X, Tang G, Yang S, Yang H, Liu H, Jiang T & Wang T

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