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Kettner A. (2012) Steps Towards a Global Chemical Weathering Model Framework: The Role of Erosion and Supply Limitation
Hartmann J, Moosdorf N, Lauerwald R, West J, Cohen S & Kettner A

Kettup A. (2007) An Integrated NMR and FTCIR Mass Spectroscopic Study to Characterize a New and Major Refractory Component of (Marine) Natural Organic Matter (NOM) at the Molecular Level, CRAM: Carboxyl-Rich Alicyclic Molecules
Hertkorn N, Benner R, Witt M, Frommberger M, Kaiser K, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Kettup A & Hedges J
(2005) A Potentiometric and 1<+>13<$>Cd NMR Study of Cadmium Complexation by Natural Organic Matter at Two Different Magnetic Field Strengths
Perdue EM, Hertkorn N & Kettrup A

Ketzer J.M. (2010) Experimental and Numerical Modeling of CO2-Water-Rock Interactions Aimed for Geological Storage in the Denver Basin
Iglesias R, Ketzer M, Sbrissa G, Maraschin A, Bressan L & Steel R
(2008) Experimental and Modeling Studies of CO2-Water-Rock Interactions in the Rio Bonito Saline Aquifer, Paraná Basin, Brazil
Iglesias RS, Ketzer JM, Einloft S, Dullius J, Ligabue R, Lima V & Silva D

Ketzer M. (2023) Metagenomic and Isotope Geochemical Characterization of Deep Subsurface Microbial Methanogenesis at the Siljan Impact Structure, Sweden
van Dam F, Kietäväinen R, Westmeijer G, Ono S, Dopson M, Ketzer M, McIntosh J & Drake H

Keubler C. (2018) Boron Content and Isotopic Composition of Uraninite and U(VI) Alteration Minerals for Nuclear Forensics Applications
Spano T, Simonetti A, Keubler C & Corcoran L

Keul N. (2017) NEW CARBONATE SYSTEM PROXIES: Sr/Ca and U/Ca in Foraminifera
Keul N, Langer G, deNooijer L, Thoms S, Nehrke G, Reichart G-J & Bijma J
(2013) A New Model for Biomineralization and Trace-Element Signatures of Foraminifera Tests
Nehrke G, Keul N, Langer G, de Nooijer L, Bijma J & Meibom A
(2013) Opening the Foraminiferal Proxy Black Box a Bit Further
Bijma J, Brombacher A, Funcke A, Howes E, Kaczmarek K, Keul N, Langer G, Nehrke G, de Nooijer L, Raitzsch M & Reichart G-J

Keulen N. (2023) Using Automated Quantitative Mineralogy (AQM) to Understand Microbe-Mineral Interactions in the Plastisphere
Dodhia MS, Fruergaard M, Keulen N & Posth NR
(2020) Characterization of Glacial Rock Flour and Assessment of its Enhanced Weathering Potential
Ray Sarkar S, Jessen S, Vester-Ebbesen A, Keulen N, Dideriksen K & Rosing MT
(2018) Controls on Element Exchange in Ultramafic-Hosted Plumasite-Type Corundum, South-East Greenland
Poulsen MD, Keulen N, van Hinsberg VJ, Kolb J, Frei R, Wennemann T & Thomsen TB
(2018) Fingerprinting the Origin of Soapstone/Steatite from the Nuuk-Region (Southern West-Greenland)
Poulsen MD, Keulen N & Frei R
(2013) Geochemical Fingerprinting of Corundum from Fiskenæsset, Greenland
Keulen N & Kalvig P

Keum G-J. (2009) Arsenate, Chromate and Selenite Sorption on Schwertmannite
Keum G-J, Jung E-H, Lee J-M, Bae JH & Kim Y

Kevin B. (2021) Trace Volatile Metals and Noble Gases in Deep Sampling at Theistareykir Geothermal Field, NE Iceland: it is not Only About Volcanic Arcs
Saby M, van Hinsberg V, Pinti DL, Berlo K, Rocher O, Sigurðardóttir ÁK, Gautason B & Kevin B

Kevin N. (2007) How Fast do the Alps Erode? A Cosmogenic Nuclide Study on Central Alpine River Basins
von Blanckenburg F, Wittmann H, Tina K, Kevin N & Peter K

Kevorkian R. (2023) Single-Cell Amplified Genomes from a Deep-Sea, Serpentinizing, Mud Volcano
Mitchell S, Kevorkian R, Kiel Reese B, Barry PH & Lloyd KG
(2019) Uncultured ANME-1 Archaea Gain Energy from Either Methanogenesis or Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Kevorkian R, Callahan S, Winstead R, Barber B & Lloyd K
(2013) A Meta-Analysis Reveals Biases in Methods to Quantify Marine Microorganisms
Lloyd K, May M, Kevorkian R & Steen A

Key R (2004) Elements of the Global Ocean Circulation Inferred from the WOCE Tritium and 14C Data Sets
Schlosser P, Jenkins W, Key R, Newton R, Roether W & Top Z
(2003) Inconsistent Model Uptake of Anthropogenic Tracers in the Southern Ocean
Matsumoto K, Gnanadesikan A, Gruber N, Key R & Sarmiento J
(2000) Transient Tracers and Interannual Variability in the Pacific Subtropical Cell
Rodgers K, Dutay J, Orr J, Monfray P, Madec G, Peacock S & Key R

Key Robert (2018) Bottom-Water Acidification and CaCO3 Dissolution at the Seafloor Caused by Anthropogenic CO2
Sulpis O, Boudreau B, Mucci A, Dufour C, Jenkins C, Trossman D, Arbic B & Key R

Keyes S. (2017) Multimodal Imaging and Modelling of Rhizosphere Processes
van Veelen A, Keyes S, Daly K, McKay-Fletcher D, Scotson C, Koebernick N, Cooper L, Mosselmans F, Roose T & Duncan S

Keykha Hosseinpoor M. (2017) Compositional Multivarite Analysis of Stream Sediment Geochemical Data to Identify Hydrothermal Gold Deposit, East of Iran
Keykha Hosseinpoor M & KOHSARY2 AH

Keykhayhosseinpoor M. (2023) Identifying Multivariate Geochemical Anomalies Using Deep Learning Auto-Encoders with Compositional and Classical Vision Approaches, Lut Block Polymetallic Belt, Iran
Keykhayhosseinpoor M & Amani M

Keym M. (2004) Predicting Petroleum Formation and Composition: Insights from Petroleum Asphaltne Pyrolysis
Keym M & Dieckmann V

Keyser W. (2018) Nanoscale Mineralogy of Zirconium in Iron-Oxides
Keyser W, Ciobanu C, Cook N, Feltus H, Slattery A & Ehrig K
(2016) New P-T and Geochronological Constraints on High-Pressure Garnet-Bearing Paragonite-Epidote Amphibolite in the Yuli Belt, Eastern Taiwan
Tsai C-H, Liu C, Webb L & Keyser W

Khabarov E. (2002) D13C-, 87Sr/86Sr-Evolution Trends of the Meso-Neoproterozoic Carbonate Deposits: West Margin of the Siberian Craton
Khabarov E, Ponomarchuk V & Morozova I

Khabibullina Y. (2019) Trace Element Geochemistry in Scheelite from the Kekura Gold Deposit, Chukchi Peninsula, Russia
Nagornaya E, Volkova M, Baksheev I, Khabibullina Y & Anosova M

Khac Nguyen G. (2019) Mineral Composition of Serpentinized Ultramafic Rocks in Ba Vi Area, North Viet Nam: A Preliminary Results
Smoliński W, Natkaniec-Nowak L, Khac Nguyen G, Gunia P & Heflik W

Khachatryan G. (2008) Mineralogy of Natural Diamond-Forming Fluids
Kopylova M, Navon O, Dubrovinsky L & Khachatryan G

Khadhem L. (2019) Volatile Contents Explain High Vesicularity of Deep Sea Eruptions
Barker A, Weis F, Khadhem L, Samrock L & Hansteen T

Khadivi S. (2018) Direct U-Pb Age Constraints on Arctic Speleothem Formation and their Implications for Climate Change in Deep Time
Gambino C, McGee D, Ramezani J, Khadivi S, Shakun J & Wong C

Khadke N. (2021) New Information on the Geochemistry of Neoarchean Sanukitoids from Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India; Implications to Regional Tectonics
Khadke N, Teeda VK, Yerraguntla BR & Babu EVSSK

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