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Kelley S (2006) High Spatial Resolution Analysis of Noble Gases using UV lasers
Kelley S
(2006) Two Diffusive Pathways for Argon in Quartz and Feldspar
Baxter E, Clay P, Kelley S, Watson B, Cherniak D & Thomas J

Kelley Sam (2012) The Last Glacial Termination in the Southern Alps, New Zealand
Putnam A, Schaefer J, Denton G, Kaplan M, Barrell D, Andersen B, Birkel S, Doughty A, Kelley S, Koffman T, Finkel R & Schwartz R

Kelley Samuel (2023) Tracking Ice-Sheet Dynamics by Detrital Provenance Pb-Isotope and 87Rb/87Sr Dating during the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition, Prydz Bay, Antarctica
Neofitu R, Mark C, Rösel D, Zack T, Kelley S & Daly JS

Kelley Shari (2008) Thermal Histories in Sedimentary Basins from Integrated Low-Temperature Thermochronometry: An Example from the High Plains of New Mexico and Western Texas
Flowers R & Kelley S

Kelley Simon (2018) Five Years of Earth and Moon: History of a Virtual Microscope
Kelley S, Schwenzer S & Tindle A
(2018) Infering Diffusion Rates and Closure K/Ca Dating of Micas and K-Feldspar
Kelley S, Storey C, Darling J, Warren C & Jenner F

Kelley Simon P. (2017) Potential of the Earth’s Core as a Reservoir for Noble Gases?
Bouhifd MA, Jephcoat A, Kelley S, Porcelli D & Marty B
(2017) A Comparative Study of Blended and Online Learning Using the Virtual Microscope for Earth Sciences
Herodotou C, Muirhead D, Aristeidou M, Hole M, Kelley S, Scanlon E & Duffy M
(2017) Experimental Constraints on Noble Gas Recycling into the Mantle
Parman S, Krantz J, Kelley S, Jackson C, Smye A & Cooper R
(2015) Assessing Ar Solubility in Metamorphic Muscovite
Warren C, Kelley S & Dobson D
(2015) Implications of Quantified Noble Gas Partition Coefficients for Ar-Ar Dating
Kelley S
(2014) Recycling Ar Through Metamorphic Reactions: The Record in Symplectites
McDonald C, Warren C, Sherlock S & Kelley S
(2014) Transport Modeling of Noble Gases during Subduction
Smye A, Hesse M, Jackson C, Kelley S & Parman S
(2013) Which Age is the True Age? Unravelling within-Flow Ar/Ar Age Variations in Faroe Islands Basalt Lavas
Cramer E, Sherlock S, Halton A, Blake S, Barry T, Kelley S & Jolley D
(2013) Noble Gas Recycling and He-Ne-Ar Solubility in Ring Structure-Bearing Minerals
Jackson C, Parman S, Kelley S & Cooper R
(2012) Degassing a Rhyolite: Are the Old Ar-Ar Ages Real, Inherited or Excess?
Wilkinson C, Kelley S, Sherlock S, Wilson C & Charlier B
(2012) Metamorphic Rocks Seek Meaningful Cooling Rates: New Views from Muscovite 40Ar/39Ar Dating
Warren CJ, Kelley SP & Sherlock SC
(2012) Helium Solubility in Ring Site Bearing Minerals and Implications for Noble Gas Recycling
Jackson C, Kelley S, Parman S & Cooper R
(2011) Beyond the Closure Temperature Concept: When Does 40Ar/39Ar Dating Constrain Exhumation?
Kelley S, Warren C & Hanke F
(2009) Testing the Limits to High Spatial Resolution Laser Analysis of Noble Gases in Natural and Experimental Samples
Kelley S, Cherniak D, Farley K & Schwanethal J
(2009) Organic Geochemistry of the Crater-Fill Sediments from Boltysh Impact Crater, Ukraine
Watson J, Gilmour I, Kelley S, Jolley D & Gurov E
(2009) Partitioning and Diffusion of Noble Gases in Olivine at Mantle Pressures
Parman S, Kelley S, Ballentine C & van Orman J
(2009) Noble Gas Partitioning at Magma Ocean Conditions in the LHDAC and the Earth’s He/Ne Budget
Bouhifd MA, Jephcoat A, Kelley S & Porcelli D
(2008) Two Diffusion Mechanisms for Argon in K-Feldspar?
Kelley SP, Baxter E, Cherniak D, Clay P, Thomas J & Watson B
(2008) The 40Ar/39Ar System in Young Glass (Arico Formation, Tenerife): Implications for Partitioning of Excess Ar between Glass and Sanidine
Clay P, Sherlock S & Kelley SP
(2004) Noble Gas Diffusion in Mantle Minerals: High Resolution UV Laser Depth Profiling
Heber V, Brooker R, Kelley S & Wood B
(2002) The 'Zero Charge' Partitioning Behaviour of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting
Brooker R, Wood B, Kelley S, Chamorro E & Blundy J
(2002) Experimental Determinations of Ar Diffusion and Solubility in Plagioclase and Leucite
Kelley S, Wartho J-A & Steven E
(2002) Ar-Ar Ages in Xenolith Phlogopites – Information on the Earth's Lithospheric Mantle and Kimberlites
Wartho J-A & Kelley S
(2002) The Evolution of the Youngest Toba Tuff: A Crystal Disequilibrium Study
Thomas L, Blake S, Kelley S & Morgan D
(2002) Assessing the Role of Incongruent Weathering
Sherlock S, Burton K, Kelley S & Reynolds B
(2000) Determinations for the Duration and Timing of the Deccan CFB
Widdowson M, Kelley S & Spicer R
(2000) An Experimental View of the Behaviour of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting
Kelley SP, Brooker RA, Chamorro-Perez E, Wartho J & Wood B
(2000) Low-Degree Mantle Melting beneath Tibet: Signals of Heterogeneous Lithosphere Erosion
Williams HM, Turner SP, Kelley SP & Harris NBW

Kelley-Kern J. (2022) The Impacts of Microbial Physiology on the Stable Isotopic Biosignature of Nitrate Reduction
Asamoto CK, Ryu Y, Mottram J, Kelley-Kern J & Kopf S

Kellock Celeste (2019) Aragonite Precipitation: Exploring the Influence of Biomolecules
Kellock C, Penkman K, Kroger R & Allison N

Kellock Celeste Cecilia Indidi (2021) Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron and Carbon from Forested Environments to Coastal Waters and Sediments
Kellock CCI, Smeaton C, Shah N, Austin W & Schröder C

Kellogg James (2008) Origin and Evolution of Mantle Heterogeneities
O'Connell R, Jacobsen S & Kellogg J
(2005) A Comparison of Methods for Modeling Chemical Variability in the Earth's Mantle
Kellogg J & Tackley P
(2004) Isotopic Heterogeneity in the Mantle: In Search of the Final Explanation
Jacobsen S, Kellogg J & O'Connell R
(2004) Heterogeneity and Geochemical Reservoirs in the Mantle
O'Connell R, Kellogg J & Jacobsen S
(2002) Relating Mixing in the Mantle to Nd, Sr, and Pb Ratios in Oceanic Basalts
Kellogg J, Jacobsen S & O'Connell R

Kellogg Jonathan (2019) InFORMing Perceived Risks from Fukushima Through Scientific Engagement from Data Collection to Social Media
Cullen J, Kellogg J, Buesseler K, Chen J, Cooke M, Frank E, Gurney-Smith H, Mercier J-F, Velazquez S, Smith J & Trudel M

Kellogg Louise (2018) The Urey Reaction and the Continental Crust as a Sink for Global Carbon
Kellogg L, Lokavarapu H & Turcotte D

Kellogg Louise H. (2014) Mantle Mixing and the Persistence of Geochemical Reservoirs
Kellogg L
(2012) Modeling Mantle Mixing and the Persistence of Geochemical Reservoirs
Kellogg L
(2009) Mantle Mixing in 3D: Using Strain Markers to Model Persistence and Scales of Heterogeneity
Kellogg L, Natarajan CS & Turcotte D
(2008) Mantle Mixing and the Origin and Persistence of Geochemical Reservoirs
Kellogg L, Natarajan CS & Turcotte D
(2007) Constraints from Earth's Heat Budget on Mantle Dynamics
Kellogg L & Ferrachat S
(2002) Heterogeneity in the Lower Mantle: Constraints from Numerical Models and Chemical Geodynamics
Kellogg L
(2002) Simulating Partial Melting and Chemical Fractionation in Mantle Dynamics Models
Ferrachat S & Kellogg LH
(2001) Constraints on the Structure of the Deep Mantle from Geochemistry, Heat Flow, and Numerical Models of a Hot Abyssal Layer
Kellogg LH

Kellom M. (2013) Giving Microbial Communities a Solar Supercharge: Does the Transition to Photosynthesis in Extreme Environments Drive Taxonomic, Biochemical, and Metabolic Novelty?
Raymond J, Alsop E & Kellom M

Kelloway S. (2016) Profiling of P and S in Mozambique Coal Using an XRF Core Scanner
Esterle J, Rodrigues S, Kelloway S, Marjo C & Ward C

Kelly Abigail (2018) Using Carbon Isotopes, Trace Metals, and Microfossils to Understand the Late Devonian Kellwasser Events
Cohen P, King Phillips E, Kelly A, Boyer D, Uveges B & Junium C

Kelly Amy (2018) Sulfur Isotope Disequilibrium in the Rum Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland
Kelly A & O'Driscoll B
(2012) Geochemical Perpectives on Local Versus Global Ocean Redox at 1.64 Ga
Kelly A, Lyons T, Alsop E, Love G, Planavsky N, Kendall B & Anbar A
(2012) Tracking Proterozoic Biospheric Evolution and Marine Redox Structure Using Lipid Biomarkers
Love G, Kelly A, Li C & Rohrssen M
(2009) C-Isotopic Studies of Hydrocarbons in Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Samples
Kelly A, Rothman D, Love G, Grosjean E, Fike D, Zumberge J & Summons R

Kelly Anne E. (2012) Exploring the Effects of Bedrock Nutrient Density on Life and Topography in the Sierra Nevada Batholith, California
Hahm WJ, Araki S, Jessup BS, Lukens CE, Kelly AE & Riebe CS

Kelly B.F.J. (2019) Fertilizers Rule REYs: Agricultural Catchments of Eastern Australia
Cendón DI, Harris SJ, Kelly BFJ, Peterson M, Hankin S, Rowling B, Watson J & Xiao S

Kelly Clay (2018) The Global Hydrological Cycle during Early Eocene Hyperthermals: O-Isotope and Other Constraints
Zachos J, Ballaron E, Harper D, Rush W, Babila T, Kiehl J, Bowen G, Kelly C, Kozdon R, Penman D & Huber M
(2011) In situ δ18O and Mg/Ca Analyses of Diagenetic and Foraminiferal Calcite: Implications for Paleoceanographic Proxy Records
Kozdon R, Kelly C, Kitajima K, Strickland A & Valley J
(2009) The “Cool Tropic Paradox”: Reassessing Aberrant δ18O in Foraminifera by SIMS
Kozdon R, Kelly DC, Kita N & Valley J

Kelly Colter (2015) LA-ICP-MS Approaches to Depth-Profiling and Chemical Mapping of Unpolished Zircon
Kelly C, Schneider D, McFarlane C & Jackson S
(2015) Revealing Low-Temperature Alkaline Alteration of Zircon via Unpolished Grain Mapping
Kelly C, Schneider D, Jackson S & Harlov D

Kelly Eric (2012) Kinetics of Garnet Nucleation: Inferences from Natural Occurrences
Carlson W, Kelly E & Ketcham R

Kelly Eugene F. (2002) The δ30Si Values of Soil Weathering Profiles: Indicators of Si Pathways at the Lithosphere/Hydro(bio)sphere Interface
Ziegler K, Chadwick OA, Kelly EF & Brzezinski MA
(2000) Silicon Isotope Fractionation during Weathering and Soil Formation: Experimental Results
Ziegler K, Chadwick OA, Kelly EF, Brzezinski MA & DeNiro MJ

Kelly Jacque (2009) A Multi-Proxy Approach to Submarine Groundwater Discharge Studies: Examples from Santa Barbara, CA and Maunalua Bay, HI
Swarzenski P, Izbicki J, Grossman E, Glenn C, Plath C & Kelly J
(2005) PENELOPE Computer Simulations of Secondary Fluorescence in EPMA
Kelly J, Gosses J, Webber C, Staffier K & Fournelle J

Kelly James (2020) Spatially Resolved Carbon Isotope Measurements for Tracing Root Exudates into the Rhizosphere
Moran J, Linley T, Kriesel J, Denis E, Ilhardt P & Kelly J

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