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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Kato Hiroaki (2016) Partitiong of Atmospherically Deposited Radiocesium by Forest Canopies Following the Fukushima Dai-Ichi NPP Accident
Kato H, Onda Y, Kawamori A & Hisadome K
(2016) Radiocesium Deposition and Migration in Fukushima Forests: Data Review and Modeling
Gonze M-A, Calmon P, Hurtevent P, Coppin F, Mourlon C, Nicoulaud V, Thiry Y, Kato H, Okada N & Nakai W
(2016) Vertical Profile of Dissolved 137Cs Concentrations of Soil Water in Fukushima after Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Iwagami S, Hada M, Pun I, Kato H, Kawamori A, Tsujimura M & Onda Y
(2016) Landscape Controls Fate and Transport of Radionulides in Fukushima
Onda Y, Taniguchi K, Wakiyama Y, Yoshimura K, Smith H, Brake W, Iwagami S & Kato H

Kato Hiroyasu (2008) The Effect of Microbial Activities on Sorption Behavior of Organic 14C
Hara A, Kozaki T, Sato S, Nakazawa T & Kato H

Kato J (2003) Source Identification of Aerosols in East Asia by Using Metal Concentrations Measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Equipped with Laser Ablation (LA/ICP-MS)
Okuda T, Kato J, Mori J, Tenmoku M, Tanaka S & He K

Kato Joseph (2014) The Neogene Los Frailes Ignimbrites and Evolution of the Andean Crust and Mantle beneath the Altiplano
Kato J, Kay S, Coira B, Caffe P, Harris C & Jimenez N

Kato Kenji (2021) Detection of a Previously Unknown Deep-Water Source for Mt. Fuji’s Freshwater Springs via Dissolved Noble Gases, Microbial DNA and Vanadium
Schilling OS, Nagaosa K, Brennwald M, Brunner P, Kipfer R & Kato K
(2015) Microbial DNA Tells Route of Groundwater
Kato K, Furuta T, Sugiyama A, Katsumata H & Nagaosa K

Kato Koichi (2008) Geochemical Results on the CO2 Georeactor Sequestration Tests at the Ogachi Hot Dry Rock Site, NE Japan
Ueda A, Nakatsuka Y, Kunieda M, Kuroda Y, Kato K, Yajima T, Sugiyama K, Odashima Y, Ozawa A & Ohsumi T
(2007) Preliminary Geochemical Results on the CO2 Georeactor Sequestration Test at the Ogachi HDR Site
Ueda A, Yajima T, Satoh H, Ozawa A, Kaieda H, Ito H, Ohsumi T & Kato K
(2004) Dissolved As Uptake by Inorganic Solids at Geothermal Conditions
Minato M, Pascua C, Yokoyama S, Ueda A, Kato K & Sato T
(2004) As Uptake by Precursory Phases: Insights from the Geothermal Environment
Pascua C, Minato M, Yokoyama S, Ueda A, Kato K & Sato T
(2003) CO2 Sequestration into Geothermal Fields: (1) The Capacity and Possibility
Ohsumi T, Yajima T, Kaieda H, Ito H, Ito Y & Kato K
(2003) CO2 Sequestration into Geothermal Fields: (2) Experimental Study of CO2/water/rock Interaction at Hydrothermal Temperatures
Kato K, Ueda A, Goto A, Odashima Y, Ohsumi T & Yajima T
(2003) Isotopic Analyses Based on Mineral Separation of Carbonate Chimney Induced by Cold Seepage at the Conical Seamount, Mariana Forearc
Kato K, Wada H & Fujioka K

Kato Mami (2021) An Influx of Bioavailable Elements to the Earth 0.8 Billion Years ago Suggested by the Size-Frequency Distribution of the Lunar Craters
Terada K, Morota T & Kato M

Kato Mutsumi (2016) Evidences of Magma-Mixing for Post-Metamorphic Alkali ~ Highly Potassic Dyke Rocks on LHC, East Antarctica
Miyamoto T, Shimada K, Tsunogae T, Daniel J. D & Kato M
(2013) Experimental Studies of Partial Melting at the Contact between Limestone and Pelitic Gneiss
Kato M, Hiroi Y & Arima M
(2012) High-Pressure and High-Temperature Experimental Study of Carbon Isotope Fractionation in the Mg-Si-C-O System
Mizutani S, Satish-Kumar M, Yoshino T & Kato M
(2012) Experimental Studies on Carbon Isotope Fractionation in the Deep Earth
Satish-Kumar M, Yoshino T, Mizutani S, So H & Kato M
(2003) Contribution of Rice Straw Carbon to IC, DOC, and Methane in Percolation Waterfrom a Submerged Paddy Soil: A Microcosm Experiment Using 13C-Enriched Rice Straw
Kimura M, Kato M, Murase J & Sugimoto A

Kato S (2003) Reactive Gaseous Mercury Formation in the North Pacific Ocean’s Marine Boundary Layer: A Potential Role of Halogen Chemistry
Laurier F, Mason R, Whalin L & Kato S

Kato Shingo (2021) The art of Biomineralization
Chan CS, McAllister SM, Keffer JL, Zhou N, Hoover RL, Kato S, Koeksoy E & Emerson D
(2015) Microaerophilic Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria and Oxygenic Phototrophs in the Chesapeake Bay: Implications for Microbial Roles in the Production of Ancient Iron Formations
Field E, Kato S, Findlay A, MacDonald D, Luther G & Chan C
(2015) Using Modern Fe-Oxidizing Microbes to Unravel the Evolutionary and Geologic History of Fe Oxidation
Chan C, Kato S, McAllister S, Field E, Gartman A & Luther G

Kato Shinsuke (2016) Off-Campus Geoscience Seminar Organized by Graduate Students: A Unique Activity of Nagoya University
Sugahara H, Kondo T, Kato S & Kawamura E

Kato Shogo (2019) Element Fluxes for Sinking Particles in the Northwest Pacific
Yamaoka K, Suzuki A, Tanaka Y, Shimamoto A, Fukuhara T, Matsui T, Kato S, Okamoto N & Igarashi Y

Kato Shungo (2010) Chemical Association of Iron in Individual Atmospheric Particles during Asian Outflow Season
Furutani H, Jung J, Miura K, Takami A, Kato S, Kajii Y & Uematsu M

Kato Souichiro (2023) Methanol Bridges Syntrophic Symbiosis
Huang Y, Igarashi K, Cheng L, Kato S & Masaru NK
(2014) Electron Exchange between Microorganisms and Conductive Minerals
Kato S
(2011) Electron Transport Across a Black Smoker Chimney
Nakamura R, Takashima T, Kato S, Takai K, Yamamoto M & Hashimoto K

Kato Susumu (2011) Rare Earth Elements in Crude Oil
Nakada R, Takahashi Y, Zheng G, Kato S & Waseda A

Kato T (2003) Base Metal Concentration in Single Fluid Inclusions from Granitic Pegmatite and Hydrothermal Veins
Kurosawa M, Shima K, Shimano S, Ishii S & Kato T

Kato Takenori (2016) Monazite Ages in the HT Ryoke Belt (SW Japan): Cooling Ages ?
Skrzypek E, Kawakami T & Kato T
(2016) Petrographic and Geochemical Characteristics of Monazite and Zircon Associated with Biogenic Graphite in > 3.7 Ga Metasedimentary Rocks, Isua Supracrustal Belt, West Greenland
Ohtomo Y, Kato T & Otake T
(2016) Rb/Sr Ratio in Lake Baikal Sediment Core:the New Geochemical Proxy for East Asian Winter Monsoon Strength during Cool Climate Period
Nara F, Yamasaki S-I, Watanabe T, Tsuchiya N, Miyahara H, Kato T, Minoura K & Kakegawa T

Kato Tatsuya (2020) Kinetic Modeling of pH and Temperature Effects on Silica Polymerization
Tajima S, Kato T, Fuchida S, Kitagawa T & Tokoro C
(2020) Influence of Calcium Ion and pH on Oxidation Rates and Secondary Mineral Formation on Pyrite Surface
Xue J, Ishida S, Kato T, Fuchida S, Kuroiwa S, Aoki Y, Kikutani H & Tokoro C
(2016) Removal Mechanism of Mn(II) by Coagulation-Sedimentation Method Using Calcium Hydroxide
Yagisawa M, Mitani Y, Kato T & Tokoro C

Kato Tomoaki (2018) Removal of TcO4- Using Zero-Valent Manganese
Kato T, Ohnuki T, Kozai N, Tanaka K, Grambow B & Utsunomiya S
(2016) Sorption of Sr2+ into Mn Oxides Produced by MnO4- Reduction Using Biomass
Kato T, Ohnuki T & Yu Q
(2015) Sorption of Co<sup>2</sup><sup>+</sup> To Biogenic Mn Oxides Produced by MnO4- Reduction
Kato T, Ohnuki T, Saito T & Yu Q

Kato Tomomi (2015) Interpretation of Speleothem Calcite 14C Variations from Monitoring Drip Water 14C in the Rygashi Cave in Shizuoka, Central Japan
Minami M, Kato T, Horikawa K & Nakamura T

Kato Toshihiro (2016) Chemical and Isotopic Study of the Impact on Groundwater Environment by an Large Underground Facility
Iwatsuki T, Kato T, Nakata K & Hasegawa T

Kato V. (2007) Geochemical Travertine Records – Insights from µ-EDXRF and µ-XRD
Wittenberg A, Kraml M, Berthold C, van Geldern R, Kato V & Delavaux D

Kato Y (2004) Evidence of a high-O2, high-CO2 and Low-Ch4 Archean Atmosphere in the 3.46 Ga Marble Bar Chert, Western Australia
Ohmoto H, Nedachi M, Kato Y, Bevaqua D & Watanabe Y
(2003) Isotopic Fractionation of Fe Through Biochemical Processes
Hirata T, Kato Y, Endo K, Hashimoto J & Kouge I
(2003) Banded Iron Formations: Their Genesis and Implications for Precambrian Earth
Kato Y
(2003) 3.46 Ga Seafloor Hydrothermal Alteration as a CO2 Sink
Nakamura K & Kato Y
(2003) Osmium Isotopic Composition of Umbers in the Late Cretaceous Japanese Accretionary Complex
Fujinaga K, Kato Y & Suzuki K
(2003) Records of SST and MLD in the Subtropical Western North Pacific during Last 180 kyr
Itou M, Oba T & Kato Y
(2003) Correlation between Ba and Si/N in the Oceans
Kato Y, Kamata M, Watanabe Y & Saito C

Kato Yasuhiko (2015) Synchrotron X-Ray Perspective on Formation Mechanism of REY-Rich Mud in the Eastern South Pacific
Kashiwabara T, Toda R, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nozaki T, Takahashi Y, Suzuki K & Kato Y

Kato Yasuhiro (2016) REE and Y Distribution in Deep Submarine Ferromanganese Crusts
Azami K, Hirano N, Machida S, Yasukawa K & Kato Y
(2016) Rapid Growth of Mineral Deposits at Artificial Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents
Nozaki T, Ishibashi J-I, Shimada K, Nagase T, Takaya Y, Kato Y, Kawagucci S, Watsuji T, Shibuya T, Yamada R, Saruhashi T, Kyo M & Takai K
(2016) Origins of Transition Elements of the BIFs: Implications for the Archean Seawater Chemistry
Aoki S, Sakata S, Kato Y, Hirata T & Komiya T
(2016) Pb Isotope Ratios of the Akeshi Au Deposit, Kagoshima, Japan: Implication for Gold Mineralization
Murakami S, Fujinaga K, Araki S, Ohta J, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Kato Y, Kurokawa K, Iwamori H, Nagaishi K & Ishikawa T
(2016) REY-Rich Mud: A Perspective on Science and Engineering of the New REY Resource
Kato Y, Fujinaga K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Takaya Y, Nozaki T, Machida S, Nakamura K & Iwamori H
(2016) Geochemical Features and Distribution of the Extremely REY-Rich Mud in the Minamitorishima EEZ
Fujinaga K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Nakamura K, Takaya Y, Nozaki T, Machida S, Iijima K & Kato Y
(2016) The Origin of Seafloor Surface Sediment in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Tanaka E, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Miyazaki T, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Iwamori H & Kato Y
(2016) Chemostratigraphic Correlation of Deep-Sea Sediments in the Western North Pacific Ocean and its Implication for the Origin of the Extremely REY-Rich Mud
Mimura K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S & Kato Y
(2016) Spatiotemporal Distribution of Independent Components Constituting Deep-Sea Sediments
Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Fujinaga K, Iwamori H & Kato Y
(2016) Dissolution Characteristics of Altered Tuffceous Rocks Under High CO2 Pressure: Implications for the Site Selection of CO2 Geological Storage
Takaya Y, Nakamura K & Kato Y
(2016) Marine Osmium Isotope Record in the Upper Triassic Deep-Sea Deposits from Japan: The Middle to Upper Norian Transition
Sato H, Nozaki T, Onoue T, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Takaya Y, Kato Y & Suzuki K
(2016) A Distribution of Cretaceous to Paleogene Deep-Water Agglutinated Foraminifers in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Ohta J, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Iijima K, Iwamori H & Kato Y
(2015) Late Jurassic Ocean Anoxic Event: Evidence from Voluminous Sulfide Deposition and Preservation in the Panthalassa Ocean
Nozaki T, Kato Y & Suzuki K
(2015) Geology and Geochemistry of Fe-Mn Nodules in the Japanese Exclusive Economic Zone Around Minamitorishima Island, W Pacific
Machida S, Fujinaga K, Ishii T, Nakamura K, Hirano N & Kato Y
(2015) Decoding Geochemical Signals: Independent Components Constituting Deep-Sea Sediments
Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Fujinaga K, Iwamori H & Kato Y
(2015) Grain Size Distributions of Extremely REY-Enriched Pelagic Sediments in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Ohta J, Yasukawa K, Machida S, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Takaya Y, Iijima K & Kato Y
(2013) An Insight into Negative Feedback Mechanisms in a Recovery Phase of the PETM
Yasukawa K & Kato Y
(2013) Geochemical Variations of Basalts from Petit-Spot Volcanoes in the Northwestern Pacific
Machida S, Hirano N, Kato Y, Tamura A & Arai S
(2012) Temporal and Depth Variation of Os Isotope Composition in Ferromanganese Crusts from the Takuyo Daigo Seamount (#5 Takuyo Smt), Northwestern Pacific Ocean
Tokumaru A, Nozaki T, Goto KT, Takaya Y, Suzuki K, Chang Q, Kato Y, Usui A & Urabe T
(2011) Re-Os Ages of Besshi-Type Massive Sulfide Deposits Associated with in situ Basalt as a New Age Constraint for Ridge Subduction
Nozaki T, Kato Y, Suzuki K, Takaya Y & Nakayama K
(2011) Analysis and Application of Water-Rock-CO2 Reaction Using Basalt to Underground CO2 Sequestration
Katayama T, Shikazono N, Takaya Y & Kato Y
(2009) REE+Y Geochemistry of the 3.46 Ga Marble Bar Chert Recovered by the Archean Biosphere Drilling Project (ABDP)
Yamaguchi K, Kato Y, Nakamura K, Suzuki K, Watanabe Y, Nedachi M & Ohmoto H
(2009) Re-Os Geochronology of the Iimori Besshi-Type Massive Sulfide Deposit in the Sanbagawa Belt, Japan
Nozaki T, Kato Y & Suzuki K
(2008) Glacial-Interglacial Oceanographic Variations over the Past 340, 000 Years at the Mid-Latitude of Southwest Pacific Based on a Multi-Proxy Approach
Ho S-L, Nuita M, Yamamoto M, Minagawa M, Sagawa T, Horikawa K, Murayama M & Kato Y
(2004) Validity of Obducted Umbers as a Recorder of Os Isotopic Composition of Ancient Seawater
Kato Y, Fujinaga K & Suzuki K
(2003) Re-Os Isotope Systematics of 3.8-Ga Banded Iron Formation and Cherts from Isua Supracrustal Belt, SW Greenland
Suzuki K & Kato Y

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