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Karan E.a. (2015) Nacre and the Environment
Gilbert PUPA, Myers CE, Bergmann K, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan EA, Tamre E & Knoll AH

Karan Elizabeth (2016) The Structure of Nacre in Jurassic Pinna Shells
Gilbert PUPA, Giuffre AJ, Bergmann KD, Myers CE, Marcus MA, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan E, Tamre E, Tamura N, Lemer S, Giribet G, Eiler J & Knoll A

Karanasiou A. (2009) Impact of Fine, Coarse and PM10 Size Fractions on the Solution of Positive Matrix Factorization Analysis of Atmospheric Aerosol Data
Karanasiou A & Eleftheriadis K
(2009) Volatility of Nuclei Mode Arctic Aerosol
Eleftheriadis K, Vratolis S, Karanasiou A, Biskos G & Ondráček J

Karancz S. (2023) Constraining Sulfur Incorporation in Calcite Using Controlled Growth Experiments
Karancz S, Uchikawa J, de Nooijer LJ, Conner K, Richard Z & Reichart G-J
(2021) Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Marine Inorganic Carbon Chemistry in the Benguela Upwelling System during the Last 25 ka
Karancz S, de Nooijer LJ, Hennekam R, Erdem Z, Haghipour N, Schouten S, van der Wagt B & Reichart G-J
(2019) Carbonate Chemistry Reconstruction of the South Pacific with Implications for Deglacial CO2 Degassing
Karancz S, Raitzsch M, Buisson M, Tian R & Bijma J

Karangutkar S. (2010) Enhanced Phytoplankton Productivity Induced by Anthropogenic Nutrient Enrichment and Iron Fluxes in the Coastal Water of Alang, Gujarat
Jaiswar JR, Jaiswar AR, Rokade MA, Karangutkar S & Phadake S

Karanveer K. (2022) Appraisal and Spatial Distribution of Potential Toxic Elements in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Land from Alluvial Plains of Punjab, India
Karanveer K, Bala R & Das D

Karaoglu Ö. (2015) Holocene and Upper Pleistocene 40Ar/39Ar Ages from Nemrut Volcano
Barfod D, Goff J, Karaoglu Ö & Özdemir Y

Karaoz U. (2014) Trait-Based Approaches to Modeling the Microbial Biogeochemistry from Terrestrial to Aquatic Ecosystems
King E, Karaoz U, Cheng Y, Tang J, Riley W, Molins S, Bouskill N & Brodie E
(2014) The GEWaSC Framework: Multiscale Modeling of Coupled Biogeochemical, Microbiological, and Hydrological Processes
Steefel C, Brodie E, Bouskill N, Molins S, Arora B, Yabusaki S, Karaoz U, Spycher N, Maxwell R, Trebotich D, Navarre-Sitchler A & Beisman J

Karapurkar S.G. (2011) Variability of Nitrogen Stable Isotope in Suspended Organic Matter in Waters of the Western Continental Shelf of India and the Mandovi Estuary
Maya MV, Karapurkar SG, Soares MA, Agnihotri R, Roy R, Naik H & Naqvi SWA

Karasawa N. (2014) Strontium, Lithium and Lead Isotope Ratios in Atmospheric Deposits in Fukuoka, Southwest Japan in the 1960s
Kikawada Y, Matsumoto Y, Karasawa N, Akamine T, Oi T & Hirose K

Karaseva O. (2017) How Biopolymers Control Calcite Precipitation
Lakshtanov L, Karaseva O, Okhrimenko D, Belova D, Generosi J & Stipp S
(2015) Inhibition of Calcite Growth by Alginate and Polyaspartate
Karaseva O, Lakshtanov L & Stipp SLS
(2013) Monomeric and Polymeric Silica Sorption on Calcite
Belova D, Karasava ON, Lakshtanov NZ & Stipp SL
(2011) Behaviour of Dissolved Silica (Adsorption and Coprecipitation) in the Presence of Calcite
Belova D, Karaseva O, Lakshtanov L & Stipp S
(2009) Interaction between Dissolved Silica and Calcite
Karaseva O, Belova D, Lakshtanov L & Stipp S
(2007) The Behaviour of Strontium and Zinc during Ageing of Fe(III) Hydroxide
Karaseva O, Lakshtanov L & Ivanova L

Karaseva T. (2019) Regularities of the Transformation of Organic Matter at Great Depths Based on the Results of Deep and Ultra-Deep Drilling in the North of Western Siberia
Meshcheriakov K, Meshcheriakova O, Karaseva T & Kozhanov D

Karaskova P. (2019) Contrasting the Transport and Fate of PCBs and PFASs Across the Atlantic Ocean
Lohmann R, Markham E, Yanishevsky T, Karaskova P, Becanova J & Klanova J

Karason H. (2001) On the Nature and Scale of Mantle Convection: New Views and Constraints from Seismic Imaging and Geochemistry
van der Hilst RD, Albarede F & Karason H

Karastergios S. (2022) Characterization of Mineral Parageneses and Metamorphic Textures in Eclogite- to High-Pressure Granulite-Facies Marble at Allmenningen, Roan, Western Norway
Karastergios S

Karasyova O. (2004) Experimental Study and Modelling of Adsorption of Strontium on Iron and Manganese Oxides
Karasyova O, Lakshtanov L & Ivanova L

Karato S-I. (2022) Elasticity of Stishovite and Post-Stishovite at High Pressure: Implications for Understanding VS Anomalous Seismic Scatterers beneath Subduction Zones in the Lower Mantle
Zhang Y, Fu S, Karato S-I, Okuchi T & Lin J-F
(2021) Behavior and Properties of Water in Silicate Melts Under Deep Mantle Conditions
Karki BB, Ghosh DB & Karato S-I
(2013) Loss of Volatile Elements after the Moon-Forming Giant Impact
Pahlevan K, Karato S & Fegley B
(2013) Geophysical Constraints on the Water Content of the Lunar Mantle and its Implications for the Origin of the Moon
Karato S-I
(2013) Experimental Study of the Reaction Kinetics between CO2-Bearing Solution and Olivine
Qiu L, Wang Z, Zhang S, Karato S-I, Ague J, Oristaglio M, Bolton E & Bercovici D
(2012) Experimental Study of the Kinetics of CO2-sequestration by Olivines and Hawaiian Picrites
Qiu L, Wang Z, Karato S-I, Ague J, Oristaglio M, Bolton E & Bercovici D
(2011) A New Model of the Asthenosphere
Karato S-I
(2006) Unsolved problems in the lowermost mantle
Hirose K, Karato S, Cormier V, Brodholt J & Yuen D
(2004) The Transition-Zone Water-Filter Model: Geochemical Implications
Bercovici D & Karato S
(2004) The Role of Volatiles on the Physical Properties of Mantle Minerals
Karato S
(2001) Origin of Lateral Variation of Seismic Wave Velocities and Density in Earth's Mantle
Karato S & Karki BB

Karátson D. (2015) 'Water' in Quartz from Various Rhyolitic Pyroclastic Horizons: A New Correlation Tool?
Biró T, Kovács I, Király E, Falus G, Karátson D, Bendő Z, Fancsik T & Sándorné Kovács J

Karatzas G. (2009) Origin, Fate and Trasport of Chromium(VI) in Oropos, Greece
Moraetis D, Nikolaidis N & Karatzas G

Karavoltsos S. (2019) Assessing the Natural Background of Cr(VI) Impacted Aquifers in Central Greece
Pyrgaki K, Argyraki A, Kelepertzis E, Botsou F, Megremi I, Karavoltsos S & Dassenakis E

Karban J. (2011) PM2.5 Chemical Composition at Rural Background Site in Central Europe
Schwarz J, Karban J, Havránek V, Chalupníčková E & Smolík J

Karcher Michael (2019) Surface Water Changes during Transit from North Pole to Fram Strait
Rutgers van der Loeff M, Stimac I, Casacuberta N, Wefing A-M, Laukert G, Bauch D, Paffrath R, Provost C, Karcher M, Meyer H, Schaffer J, Rabe B, Graeve M & Ludwichowski K-U
(2019) Pacific Water Pathways Through the Arctic Ocean
Dodd PA, Hattermann T, Karcher M, Kauker F, Summates H & Stedmon C

Karcher Micheal (2011) Tracer Application of Chemical Speciation of 129I in Arctic Seawater
Hou X, Luo M, Fan Y, Gwynn JP, Karcher M, Aldahan A & Possnert G

Karcher R. (2022) Legacy of Coal Ash Contamination in Lake Sediments Revealed by Trace Elements and Strontium Isotope Ratios
Wang Z, Cowan E, Seramur K, Dwyer G, Wilson J, Karcher R & Vengosh A

Karchevsky P. (2002) Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Carbonatite Complexes from the Kola Peninsula, Russia
Zaitsev A, DemÈny A, Wall F, Sindern S, Sitnikova M & Karchevsky P

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