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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Kanji Z. (2015) Field Measurements of Ice Nucleating Particles on the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch
Lacher L, Kanji Z & Lohmann U

Kankaala A. (2009) Reduction of Aqueous Hexavalent Chromium by Steel Slag
Hanski E & Kankaala A

Kanke H. (2003) Source Apportioning of Sedimentary PAHs in an Urban Reservoir by Combined Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis and Petroleum-Biomarker Analysis
Kanke H, Uchida M, Okuda T, Takada H, Yoneda M & Shibata Y

Kanke N. (2016) Redox State of Mantle Wedge Above Subducting Slab Inferred from the Mantle Section of Oman Ophiolite
Tani M, Takazawa E, Satish-Kumar M, Akasaka M, Kanke N, Murakami R, Suetake A & Tamura Y

Kanna N. (2016) Dissolution of Iron from Sea Ice-Derived Particles in Seawater
Kanna N, Nishioka J, Van der Merwe P & Lannuzel D
(2015) Iron Enrichment by Sea Ice Melting in the Surface Water in the Okhotsk Sea
Kanna N, Nishioka J & Toyota T

Kannan K. (2016) Airborne PM2.5/PM10-Associated Phthalate Diesters in Suburban Area in Shanghai, China
Ma J, Yang M, Luo WY & Kannan K

Kannan Naidu P. (2019) Temperature and Environmental Reconstruction for Early Burdigalian Using Carbonate ‘clumped Isotope’ Paleothermometer on Fish Otoliths
Kannan Naidu P, Ghosh P, Kapur V & Mishra D

Kannappan R. (2015) Simulating U(VI) Desorption and Transport from Decimeter-Scale Experiments to the Plume-Scale
Curtis G, Kohler M, Briggs M, Ye M, Day-Lewis F & Kannappan R

Kanner L. (2013) Diagnosing the Hydroclimate Influences on Soil Water δ18O: Precipitation δ18O, Evaporation, or Moisture Transport?
Kanner L, Buenning N, Stott L, Timmerman A, Noone D & Sloan L

Kanngießer B. (2022) Imaging Distribution and Speciation of P Across Natural Fe Oxides, Clay Minerals, Microorganisms, and Diatoms by Nano-Xrf and Nano-NEXAFS
Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Haidl A, Fröse H, Luehl L, Hönicke P, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche KU
(2021) XRF and P K-Edge XANES on Natural Mineral-Organic Associations
Thieme J, Eusterhues K, Luehl L, Haidl A, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche KU
(2020) Natural Mineral-Organic Associations Studied by XRF and P-Edge XANES
Thieme J, Eusterhues K, Luehl L, Haidl A, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche K
(2008) Sapphirine Granulites of the Gruf Complex (Central Alps, N-Italy): In situ Monazite Dating by SHRIMP and Confocal Synchrotron µ-XRF
Möller A, Schmitz S, Wilke M, Nelson DR, Malzer W, Kanngießer B, Schefer S & Bousquet R

Kanno S. (2022) Magma Feeding System of the Latest Magmatic Unit of Azuma Volcano, NE Japan
Ban M, Kanno S, Sato M & Imura T

Kano A (2006) Scientific drilling of a cold-water carbonate mound: Shipboard biogeochemical results from IODP Expedition 307
Ferdelman T, Cragg B, Frank T, Gharib J, Leonide P, Mangelsdorf K, Sakai S, Samarkin V, Spivack A, Kano A & Williams T
(2003) High-Resolution Stable Isotopic Analyses of an Annually Laminated Tufa, Southwest Japan
Matsuoka J & Kano A
(2003) Ion-Microprobe U-Pb Age of Neoproterozoic Phosphorite from South China
Kano A, Terada K, Kojo T & Wang W

Kano Akihiro (2016) Biogeochemical Cycle of Methanol in Anoxic Deep-Sea Sediments of the Eastern Japan Sea
Yanagawa K, Tani A, Yamamoto N, Hachikubo A, Kano A, Matsumoto R & Suzuki Y
(2016) Holocene Stalagmite Growth and Farming by Jomon Man in Japan
Kano A
(2016) Heinrich Events in a Stalagmite Record from Central Mie, Japan
Mori T, Kano A, Hu H-M, Shen C-C & Kashiwagi K

Kano N. (2003) Isotopic and Chemical Characteristics of Precipitations in Recent Years in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Kano N, Kojima R, Sato A, Kikuchi T & Imaizumi H
(2003) Preconcentration and Speciation of Trace Metal Elements in Environmental Waters in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Iwasaki Y, Kano N, Ohmori K, Ishizuka T & Imaizumi H

Kanojkar D. (2010) The Dongargarh Bimodal Volcanic Province and the Large Igneous Province Conundrum
Asthana D, Pophare A, Crawford A & Kanojkar D

Kanos D.L.K. (2017) The Impact of Land Use Land Cover Changes on Land Surface Temperature Case Study: Serang Municipality, Indonesia
Apriani KA, Oktariani AO, Varania NV & Kanos DLK

Kanoski S. (2022) Stable Potassium Isotopes (41K/39K) Track Transcellular and Paracellular Potassium Transport in Biological Systems
Higgins JA, Saniago Ramos D, Gili S, Spetea C, Kanoski S, Ha D, McDonough AA & Youn JH

Kansiz M. (2023) Non-Contact Submicron O-Ptir and Simultaneous Raman Microscopy with Fluorescence Imaging – A New Paradigm in Vibrational Spectroscopy
Kansiz M & Unger M

Kant Lisa (2019) Origin of Low U/Th Lavas at El Reventador Volcano, Ecuador
Kant L, Sims K, Garrisson J, Yogodzinski G, Scott S, Hall P & Hall M
(2019) Implications from U and Th Concentrations for Drivers of Oceanic Crustal Construction along the Kane-Atlantis Supersegment, 24-30ON MAR
Lyu Y, Elkins L, Langmuir C, Sims K & Kant L

Kant Lisa B (2021) Implications from Uranium-Series Disequilibria for the Origin of Detachment Faulting along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 24-30°N
Messer J, Elkins LJ, Lyu Y, Kant LB, Sims KW & Langmuir C
(2021) The Complicating Influence of Source Variability on the Applicability of U-Th-Ra Disequilibria as a Simple Chronometer of Deep Fluid Addition during Magma Genesis: A Case Study from the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
Kant LB, Sims KW, Langmuir C, Standish JJ & Michael PJ

Kanthurugovindappa A. (2005) Geochemistry of the Granite Intrusion in the Madurai Block, South of Palghat – Cauvery Shear Zone. Asha Manjari K.G and Sharana Basava
Kanthurugovindappa A & Chintamani S

Kantnerová K. (2023) Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Phosphate by Electrospray Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry for Assessing the Microbial Metabolism in the Environment
Bernet NM, Kantnerová K, Neubauer C, Tamburini F & Hofstetter TB
(2022) Unravelling New Isotopic Dimensions of Oxyanions by ESI-Orbitrap
Kantnerová K, Juchelka D, Hilkert A, Kopf S & Neubauer C

Kantola Ilsa (2018) Enhanced Rock Weathering in Agroecosystem Field Trials, Illinois, USA
Andrews G, Pearce C, James R, Masters M, Kantola I, DeLucia E & Beerling D

Kantola Ilsa B (2023) Immobile Trace Element Based Enhanced Rock Weathering Soil Measurements of Carbon Reductions in the US Midwest
Chang ES, Kantola IB, Marklein AR, Masters M, Moore CE, Bernacchi CJ, Epihov DZ, Beerling DJ & DeLucia EH
(2021) Quantifying CO2 Removal via Enhanced Rock Weathering in Constrasting Croplands
Larkin CS, Andrews MG, James RH, Pearce C, Collins A, Goring-Harford H, Jardine GE, Kantola IB, DeLucia EH, Masters M, Benedick S, Yeong KL & Beerling D

Kantola Ilsa B. (2019) Field Trials of Enhanced Weathering in Two Contrasting Climate Zones
Andrews G, Pearce C, James R, Masters M, Kantola I, Yeong KL, Hanapi J, Benedick S, Reynolds G, deLucia E & Beerling D
(2019) Potential of Basalt Amendments to Reduce N2O Emissions from Agriculture
Blanc-Betes E, Kantola IB, Hartman M, Gomez-Casanovas N, Beerling DJ & DeLucia EH

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