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Kobayashi N (2003) Litho-, Bio-, and Chemostratigraphy of the Middle to Upper Permian Limestone at Chaotian, South China
Kobayashi N, Isozaki Y, Kawahata H & Yao J

Kobayashi Naoki (2014) Hayabusa-2: Sample Return from a near-Earth C-Type Asteroid, 1999 JU3
Tachibana S, Abe M, Arakawa M, Fujimoto M, Ishiguro M, Kitazato K, Kobayashi N, Namiki N, Okada T, Okazaki R, Sugita S, Takano Y, Tanaka S, Watanabe S-I, Yoshikawa M & Kuninaka H
(2013) Hayabusa-2 – Sample Return from a Near-Earth C-Type Asteroid (2014-2020): Current Status
Watanabe S-I, Abe M, Arakawa M, Fujimoto M, Ishiguro M, Kitazato K, Kobayashi N, Namiki N, Okada T, Sugita S, Tachibana S, Tanaka S, Yoshikawa M & Kuninaka H

Kobayashi Natsuko (2016) Radiocesium Redistribution Dynamics in a Forested Ecosystem in Fukushima after the Nuclear Power Plant Accident in March 2011
Ohte N, Murakami M, Endo I, Ohashi M, Oda T, Hotta N, Tanoi K, Kobayashi N & Ishii N

Kobayashi O. (2021) Experimental Constraints on the Origin of Analytical 183W Deficits
Enomoto H, Iizuka T, Homma Y, Kobayashi O, Suzuki K & Kashiwabara T

Kobayashi S (2003) Analysis of Chemical Species of Airborne Particles Collected at Roadsides with Heavy Traffic
Hirabayashi M, Matsuo M, Kobayashi S, Tanabe K & Nomura M

Kobayashi Sachio (2016) Deuterium- and 15N-Signatures of Organic Globules in Murchison and Northwest Africa 801 Meteorites
Hashiguchi M, Kobayashi S & Yurimoto H

Kobayashi Sayumi (2011) Diurnal Cycle of Strontium/Calcium Ratio in a Giant Clam Shell: A Super-Fine Pyrheliometer
Sano Y, Kobayashi S, Shirai K, Takahata N, Watanabe T, Sowa K & Iwai K

Kobayashi Shinji (2016) Optical Properties of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Diesel and Gasoline Engine Exhaust
Nakayama T, Fujitani Y, Sato K, Inomata S, Morino Y, Fushimi A, Kondo Y, Takami A, Tanabe K, Kobayashi S & Matsumi Y

Kobayashi Shoichi (2019) Weathering Process of Andesitic Rock by Hydrothermal Alteration in Tatun Volcanic Area, North Taiwan
Kobayashi S, Song S-R & Gouzu C
(2016) Artificial Chemical Weathering of Volcanic Glass by Acidic Solutions Under the Earth’s Surface Conditions
Mizuguchi M, Ichiyasu A, Naohara J & Kobayashi S
(2015) Relation between Chemical Composition of Seawater and Weathering of Basalt Under the Low Oxygen Condition in Early Stage of Proterozoic era
Kobayashi S, Kanayama A & Naohara J
(2008) Artificial Chemical Weathering of Plagioclase Under Earth Surface Conditions
Baba Y, Kobayashi S & Sakamoto T

Kobayashi Takamichi (2016) Effects of Serpentine on the Organic Synthesis in Impacts of Meteorites on the Early Ocean
Takeuchi Y, Furukawa Y, Kobayashi T, Nakazawa H, Sekine T & Kakegawa T
(2016) Formation of Life’s Building Blocks by Mteorite Impacts
Furukawa Y, Nakazawa H, Sekine T, Kobayashi T & Kakegawa T
(2013) Formation of Glycine from Carboxylic Acid and Ammonia by Shock Conditions: Implication to Chemical Evolution in Primitive Oceans
Suzuki C, Furukawa Y, Kobayashi T, Sekine T & Kakegawa T

Kobayashi Takeshi (2016) Diversity of Methanogenic and Methanotrophic Archaea beneath Bacteria Mats in Shallow Gas Hydrate Bearing Deep Subsurface Sediments
Imajo T, Hashiguchi J, Kobayashi T, Imada C, Terahara T & Matsumoto R

Kobayashi Takuya (2016) Processes Affecting Long-Term Change in 137Cs Abundance in Seabed Sediment off Fukushima
Otosaka S & Kobayashi T

Kobayashi Tetsuo (2016) The Magmatic Evolution of Quaternary Lavas of Sakurajima Volcano, Kyushu Island, Japan
Shibata T, Yoshikawa M, Kobayashi T, Miki D & Takemura K
(2016) Trace Element Signature for Fluid-Inclusion Bearing Olivines in the Pinatubo Harzburgite Xenolith
Yoshikawa M, Shibata T, Kawamoto T, Arau S, John Rivera D, Bariso EB, Okuno M & Kobayashi T
(2015) Mantle Metasomatism in Subduction Zone and Intraplate Settings Based on Halogen and Noble Gas Systematics
Kobayashi M, Sumino H, Nagao K, Burgess R, Ishimaru S, Arai S, Yoshikawa M, Kawamoto T, Kumagai Y, Kobayashi T, Nakamura M, Takahashi E & Ballentine C
(2013) Mantle Wedge Metasomatism Recorded in LREE-Depleted Calcic Amphibole in the Pinatubo Harzburgite Xenoliths
Yoshikawa M, Kawamoto T, Kumagai Y, Arai S, Tamura A, Kobayashi T & Okuno M
(2013) Subducted Halogens and Noble Gases in the Mantle Wedge Peridotites
Kobayashi M, Sumino H, Nagao K, Ishimaru S, Arai S, Yoshikawa M, Kawamoto T, Kumagai Y, Kobayashi T, Burgess R & Ballentine CJ

Kobayashi Tomoyuki (2013) Uptake of Radiocesium by Crops from Soils Contaminated by the Fukushima Accident
Oda K, Muramatsu Y, Ohno T, Kobayashi T & Fujimura S
(2011) Relative B-Li-Cl Compositions: Capability and Limitation to Direct Observation of Deep Geofluid
Yoshida K, Sengen Y, Tsuchiya S, Minagawa K, Kobayashi T, Mishima T, Ohsawa S & Hirajima T
(2007) Raman and Cathodoluminescence (CL) Study of Zircon Inclusions Derived from Gfohl Felsic Rocks in the Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic
Kobayashi T, Hirajima T, Hiroi Y & Svojtka M
(2003) Migration and Fixation of Organic Carbon in Vegetation – Forest Soil System
Ikeda H, Kobayashi T, Nakaya K, Suzuki C & Yasuike S
(2003) Sm-Nd Isotopic Systematics and Trace Element Geochemistry of the LEW86220 and Other Acapulcoites-Lodranites Achondrites
Ohashi S, Kida E, Morikawa N, Nakamura N, Yamashita K & Kobayashi T
(2001) Crystal Residence Times of Magma during Vulcanian and Plinian Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
Black S, Gilbert JS & Kobayashi T

Kobayashi W. (2019) Au-Ag Mineralization in Togi Vein Type Deposits, Ishikawa, Japan
Hamada M, Takikawa T, Takuda A, Kobayashi W, Ishida S, Hiramatsu Y & Hasebe N

Kobayashi Y (2006) Fe-Mg partitioning between post-perovskite and magnesiowustite
Sakai T, Kondo T, Kobayashi Y, Ohtani E, Masaaki M, Yoo JH & Nagase T

Kobayashi Yuri (2016) Geochemical Cycling of Fe, S, C, N, and Mo in the 3.2 Ga Ocean: Constraints from DXCL-Dp Black Shales
Yamaguchi KE, Kobayashi Y, Shena A, Kobayashi D, Fujita S, Nagashima A, Sakamoto R, Naraoka H, Yamagata Y, Hirata T, Ikehara M, Ito T & Kiyokawa S

Kobayashi Yutaro (2019) Leaching Behaviors of Sr from Geopolymer and Cement Embedded Titanate Adsorbent
Soonthornwiphat N, Sato T, Otake T, Kobayashi Y, Chaerun RI, Toda K & Kuroda K

Köbberich M. (2017) First Zn Stable Isotope Results on Cultured Marine Cyanobacteria
Köbberich M & Vance D
(2017) Chemistry, not Biology, is the Main Control on Modern Ocean Transition Metal Isotope Budgets
Vance D, Archer C, Little S, Köbberich M, de Souza G & Ciscato E
(2016) Ligand Control on Zn Isotope Signatures of Marine Phytoplankton
Köbberich M & Vance D
(2015) The Oceanic Biogeochemical Cycle of Zinc and its Isotopes: The Dominance of Diatoms and the Southern Ocean
Vance D, Little S, De Souza G, Köbberich M, Zhao Y, Cullen J & Lohan M
(2015) Iron Limited Diatoms do not Fractionate Zinc Isotopes: Culturing Evidence
Köbberich M, Ritscher A, Cox AD & Vance D
(2013) Zinc Isotopes as a Tool to Study Zinc Uptake by Marine Phytoplankton
Köbberich M, Cox A & Vance D

Kobchenko M. (2011) Porosity Evolution, Fracturing and Liesegang-Banding during Spheroidal Weathering
Jamtveit B, Kobchenko M & Malthe-Sørenssen A

Kobek M. (2004) Hydrogeochemistry of the Active Tailings Impoundment Talabre, Chuquicamata, Chile
Dold B, Vogt M, Spangenberg J & Kobek M

Kober B. (2013) TRACE: A Multi-Tracer Analysis of Shallow Aquifers to Improve Geothermal Potential Assessment
Freundt F, Al Najem S, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Isenbeck-Schroeter M, Kober B, Kraml M, Grobe R & Wenke A
(2002) Granite Alteration Processes Determined by Sr- Pb-Isotopes and Th/U Disequilibria
Marbach T, Kober B & Mangini A

Kober F. (2013) Complex in situ Cosmogenic 10Be-14C Data Suggest Mid-Holocene Climate Change on the Bolivian Altiplano
Hippe K, Kober F, Ivy-Ochs S, Lupker M, Wacker L, Christl M & Wieler R
(2009) Short and Long-Term Denudation Rates at the Altiplano Margin, La Paz Region, Bolivia
Hippe K, Kober F, Zeilinger G, Ivy-Ochs S, Kubik P & Wieler R
(2009) Altitudinal Scaling of Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne in Artificial Quartz Targets
Vermeesch P, Baur H, Heber VS, Kober F, Oberholzer P, Schaefer JM, Schlüchter C, Strasky S & Wieler R
(2009) An Evaluation of the Cosmogenic 21Ne/10Be Ratio and the 21Ne Production Rate in Quartz
Kober F, Alfimov V, Ivy-Ochs S, Kubik PW & Wieler R
(2008) Comparison of Age Pairs Derived from Cosmogenic 21Ne and 10Be
Kober F, Ivy-Ochs S, Kubik PW & Wieler R
(2008) Performance of the ETH Zurich in situ 14C Extraction Line
Hippe K, Kober F, Baur H, Wacker L & Wieler R
(2003) Testing Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rate Scaling Models Using in situ Cosmogenic 14C from Surfaces at Secular Equilibrium
Lifton N, Pigati J, Jull A, Quade J, Bierman P & Kober F
(2002) The Dependency of Cosmognenic Nuclides to Climate and Surface Uplift in Transient Landscapes
Kober F, Schlunegger F, Ivy-Ochs S & Wieler R

Köber R. (2017) Influence of Nitrate Addition on Bioremediation of Ethylene Glycol Contaminated Sediments – A Laboratory Study
Lienen T, Dörr C, Westphal A, Köber R & Würdemann H

Kobesen H. (2011) Carbonation of Steel Slag II
van der Laan S, Liebske C, Kobesen H, Berryman E, Williams-Jones A & Migdisov A

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