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Klug Martin (2019) A Biogeochemical Curiosity in Sediments of an Active Pockmark (Vestnesa Ridge, Svalbard)
Sauer S, Knies J, Lepland A, Yao H, Klasek S, Hong WL, Eichinger F, Klug M, Panieri G, Himmler T, Steen IH, Dahle H, Vulcano F & Schubert CJ

Kluge S. (2023) Biogenic Minerals Formation by an FeIII-Reducing Desulfitobacterium sp. Isolate
Cardaio I, Kluge S, Cherkouk A, Müller K, Stumpf T & Mayordomo N
(2019) Microorganisms Present in Bentonites from a Deep Underground Experiment
Lopez-Fernandez M, Drozdowski J, Kluge S & Cherkouk A
(2018) Bentonite – A Natural Habitat for Sulfate-Reducers
Matschiavelli N, Kluge S & Cherkouk A
(2017) Bentonite – Geotechnical Barrier and Source for Microbial Life
Matschiavelli N, Steglich J, Kluge S & Cherkouk A

Kluge T. (2023) Upper Rhine Graben: Understanding a Geothermal Fluid System as Basis for Raw Material Potential
Jungmann M, Walter BF, Kluge T, Eiche E & Kolb J
(2023) Is Zeolite 13X a Potential Sorbent for Direct Li Extraction?
Reich R, Danisi RM, Kluge T, Eiche E & Kolb J
(2020) Ultramafic Rock Carbonation between 40° and 255° C
Oskierski HC, Kluge T, Beinlich A & Ashley PM
(2019) Reproducibility and Accuracy of Fluid Inclusion Isotope Studies Using the CRDS Technique
Weissbach T, Kluge T, Fohlmeister J, Riechelmann D & Vonhof H
(2019) Investigating Kinetic Effects on Clumped Isotopes during Formation of (Speleothem) Calcite: Insights from Cave Analogue Laboratory Experiments
Hansen M, Kluge T & Scholz D
(2017) Using Clumped Isotopes on Hydrothermal Carbonate Sequences for Assessing Thermal Water Flow and Fluid Mixing
Kluge T, Lütkes L, Kraml M & Neumann T
(2017) Identification of Hydrological Extreme Events from High-Resolution Trace Element Distributions in Speleothems
Holz P, Hartmann A, Eiche E, Neumann T, Kluge T, Meyer G & Schuh M
(2016) Growth Dynamics of Geothermal Carbonate Scalings: Petrographic, Trace Element & Stable/Clumped Isotopic Studies
Boch R, Mindszenty A, Szanyi J, Kluge T, Leis A, Deák J, Demeny A & Dietzel M
(2016) Paleoclimate Reconstruction from Speleothem Fluid Inclusions – Are Isotope Ratios Really Preserved?
Kluge T, Haderlein A & Weißbach T
(2015) Influence of Disequilibrium Effects on the Application of Clumped Isotopes
Kluge T, John C & Kele S
(2015) Transformation of Mg Bearing ACC to Mg-Calcite Traced by 18/16O and Clumped Isotopes
Dietzel M, Purgstaller B, Mavromatis V, Immenhauser A, Leis A & Kluge T
(2014) Calibration of the ‘Clumped Isotope’ Thermometer on Natural Travertine Carbonates in the 5-95℃ Temperature Range
Kele S, Bernasconi S, Kluge T, John C, Deak J, Millan I, Meckler N, Ziegler M, Breitenbach S, Capezzuoli E, Ozkul M, Gokgoz A, Yan H & Liu Z
(2014) Clumped Isotopes in Speleothems: Accounting for Disequilibrium
Affek H, Kluge T & Zaarur S
(2013) Establishing the Magnesium Isotope (δ<sup>26</sup>Mg) Signature of Early and Late Diagenetic Dolomite Types
Geske A, Goldstein R, Richter D, Buhl D, Kluge T, John C & Immenhauser A
(2013) Constraints for the Clumped Isotope Application in Diagnetic Environments Involving High Salt Concentrations
Kluge T, John C & Davis S
(2013) Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of Travertine Carbonates in the 22-95℃ Temperature Range
Kele S, Bernasconi S, Kluge T, John C, Millán I, Meckler N, Ziegler M, Breitenbach S, Capezzuoli E, Özkul M, Gökgöz A & Deák J
(2013) Clumped Isotope Thermometry on Ultramafic-Hosted Magnesium Carbonates
Garcia del Real P, Kluge T, John C, Johnson N, Maher K, Bird D & Brown G
(2012) Clumped Isotopes Role in a Multi-Proxy Paleoclimate Reconstruction
Affek H, Zaarur S, Kluge T, Dublyansky Y, Spoetl C, Douglas P, Ivany L, Saenger C & Zhang Y
(2011) Kinetic Isotopes Effects in Speleothems: Insight from Clumped Isotopes and Fluid Inclusions
Affek H, Zaarur S, Kluge T, Matthews A, Burstein Y, Ayalon A & Bar-Matthews M
(2009) Noble Gas Temperatures from Speleothems
Aeschbach-Hertig W, Kluge T, Marx T, Scholz D, Spötl C, Niggemann S & Mangini A
(2006) An automatic mass spectrometric system for determining noble gas concentrations in large and small water samples
Palcsu L, Friedrich R, Kluge T, Zimmek G, Träumner K & Aeschbach-Hertig W

Klügel A. (2023) Evidence of Bubble-Assisted Magma Mixing in the Early Stage of the Cumbre Vieja 2021 Eruption, La Palma, Canary Islands
González-García D, Boulesteix T, Klügel A & Holtz F
(2019) The Subduction Zone Signal in Continental Basalts
Pfänder J, Jung S, Klügel A, Münker C, Romer R, Sperner B & Kroner U
(2019) Magma Transport beneath Serreta Ridge and Santa Bárbara Volcano, Azores
Romer RHW, Beier C, Haase KM, Klügel A & Hamelin C
(2015) A Geochemical Budget of 8 Myrs of Oxidative Ocean Basement Alteration
Bach W, Rouxel O, Nakamura K, Türke A & Klügel A
(2014) Carbonatite Exsolution from Evolved Mantle Melts: Evidence from Inclusions in Green-Core Clinopyroxene
Loges A, Schultze D & Klügel A
(2014) Mixing in the Deep: Magma Plumbing in Space and Time at El Hierro, Canary Islands
Longpré M-A, Klügel A, Diehl A & Stix J
(2014) REE Abundances in Ediacaran to Early Cambrian Phosphate Deposits, Yangtze Platform (South China) by LA-ICPMS
Hippler D, Klügel A, Guo Q & Franz G
(2014) Experimental Constraints on the Formation of Basanites-Phonolite Series (Cumbre Vieja, La Palma)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A
(2013) Correlated Chemical and Temporal Evolution of Cenozoic Magmatism in SE-Germany (Heldburg Region)
Pfänder J, Klügel A, Jung S & Rohrmüller J
(2013) Petrological Constraints on Magma Plumbing Dynamics of the 2011 El Hierro Eruption (Canary Islands)
Klügel A, Longpré M-A & Stix J
(2013) Experimental Constraints on the Magma Evolution of the Basanite-Phonolite Series from Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A
(2012) Unravelling the Crustal Architecture of Cape Verde; The Xenolith Record
Barker A, Nilsson D, Troll V, Hansteen T & Kluegel A
(2011) Phase Equilibria Constraints on the Magma Evolution of Basanite-Phonolite Series of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A
(2011) Compositions of Phyllosilicates from the TAG Hydrothermal System at 26°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge as Guide to Subseafloor Entrainment of Seawater: Results from ODP Leg 158
Shu L, Bach W, Klügel A & Jöns N
(2011) Calcium Carbonate Veins in Ocean Crust Record a Threefold Increase of Seawater Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in the Past 30 Million Years
Rausch S, Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Klügel A & Bach W
(2011) Basanite-Phonolite Mixing Indicated by Trace Elements in Green-Core Clinopyroxenes from La Palma
Klügel A
(2011) Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Dolomite Formation
Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Fietzke J, Rausch S, Klügel A & Bach W
(2009) Calcium Isotope Systematics of Low Temperature Alteration Carbonates in the Ocean Crust
Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Rausch S, Bach W & Klügel A
(2009) Carbonate Veins as Recorder of Seawater-Crust Interaction
Rausch S, Klügel A, Bach W & Böhm F
(2009) Geothermobarometric and Fluid Inclusion Data of Historic Lavas of Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde Islands
Hildner E & Klügel A
(2008) Low Temperature Alteration Carbonates in the Ocean Crust and their Importance for CO2 Uptake and the Global Ca Cycle
Böhm F, Rausch S, Eisenhauer A, Bach W & Klügel A
(2007) Fluid Venting at a Cretaceous Seamount, Canary Archipelago
Klügel A, Hansteen T, van den Bogaard P & Strauß H
(2005) HIMU Lithospheric Mantle beneath Northwest Africa
Wittig N, Duggen S, Baker J, Kluegel A & Hoernle K

Klüglein N. (2013) Microbial Redox Cycling of Surface Fe Ions in Magnetite Nanoparticles
Byrne J, Klüglein N & Kappler A

Klumb A. (2008) Constraints of Carbon Uptake by Seafloor Weathering of Ocean Plates
Klumb A, Gillis K, Paul H & Fitzgerald C

Klump J Val (2023) Fluxes and Transformation of Sedimentary Phosphorus in Green Bay, a Hypereutrophic Freshwater Estuary
Guo L, Lin P & Klump JV

Klump Jens (2022) The Role of Unique Identifiers in Tracing the Life Cycle of a Sample and any Data Derived from it
Ramdeen S, Wyborn LAI, Lehnert KA & Klump J
(2022) Cataloguing and Organisation of Geochemistry Laboratories Capabilities Through the AuScope Geochemistry Network Laboratory Finder
Golodoniuc P, Florin GJ, Fazio V, Prent AM, Li Y, Hodgekiss S-A & Klump J
(2020) Digging into Deep Time & Deep Cover
Williams M, Klump J, Barnes S & Huang F
(2020) Building Open Source Geochemical Research Tools in Python
Williams M, Schoneveld L, Barnes S & Klump J
(2017) Geochemical Mineral Exploration Under Cover: Considerations, Challenges and Innovative Approaches
Gonzalez-Alvarez I, King A, Smith G, Klump J, Butt CRM & Fraser R
(2002) Direct Versus Indirect Determination of Biogenic Barium as a Proxy for Productivity
Reitz A, Pfeifer K, de Lange GJ & Klump J

Klump S. (2012) Noble Gases in Geothermal Waters as Tracers for Deep Fluid Circulation
Klump S, Brennwald M, Morrison D & Kipfer R
(2008) Excess Air as a Proxy for Hydrostatic Pressure?
Klump S, Cirpka OA & Kipfer R
(2008) Concentration Fronts in the Dissolution of Entrapped Gas
Cirpka O & Klump S
(2007) Unfractionated Excess Air: The Result of Incomplete Dissolution of Entrapped Air?
Klump S, Cirpka OA & Kipfer R
(2007) Excess Air as a Potential Tracer for Paleohydrological Conditions
Klump S, Grundl T, Purtschert R & Kipfer R
(2004) A New Method for the Measurement of Air/Soil Sorption of CFCs
Hofer M, Klump S, Preuschoff P & Kipfer R
(2004) Using Environmental Tracers to Develop a New Conceptual Groundwater Model in Southern Botswana
Klump S, Sanesi M, Hofer M & Kipfer R
(2004) Assessment of Methane Emission from Bubble Plumes in the Black Sea by Noble Gases
Holzner C, Amaral H, Brennwald M, Klump S & Kipfer R

Klump V. (2011) Seepage of Subsurface Brines into a Major Lake System Using Ra and Stable Isotopes of Oxygen and Hydrogen: A Case Study from Lake Huron
Baskaran M, Novell T, Ruberg S, Biddanda B, Johengen T, Hawley N & Klump V

Klumpp E. (2019) Soil Colloidal Characterization Regarding P and Corg in the Atacama Desert
Moradi G, Trbojevic L, Missong A, Mörchen R, Fuentes B, Lehndorff E, Amelung W, Bol R & Klumpp E
(2017) Size Distribution and Composition of Soil Nanoparticles and Small Microaggregates in Dependence of Clay Content
Krause L, Rodionov A, Schweizer S, Lehndorff E, Klumpp E & Amelung W
(2017) Effect of Colloids on the Retention and Release of Engineered Nanoparticles in Soil
Klumpp E

Klun K. (2015) Po-210 and Pb-210 in Coastal Waters (Gulf of Trieste, Northern Adriatic Sea)
Falnoga I, Benedik L, Jeran Z, Klun K & Faganeli J
(2014) 210Po (Bio)accumulation in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea)
Falnoga I, Benedik L, Jeran Z, Klun K & Faganeli J

Klunder Maarten (2013) Interactions of Dissolved CO2 with Cadmium Isotopes in the Southern Ocean
de Baar H, van Heuven S, Middag R, Neven I, Klunder M, van Ooijen J, Xue Z, Abouchami W, Rehkamper M & Galer S
(2012) Dissolved Iron in the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
De Baar H, Klunder M, Thuroczy C-E, Laan P, Gerringa L, Alderkamp A-C, Middag R & Arrigo K

Klunder Martin (2011) Quantifying Fluxes of Metals to Surface Waters of the South-East Atlantic
Henderson GM, Achterberg E, Baker A, Chance R, Geibert W, Homoky W, Hwieh Y-T, Klunder M, Lohan M, Martin P, Mills R, Milne A, Palmer M, Sanders R, Thomas A, Wake B & Woodward M

Klunk M.A. (2014) Geochemical Speciation Sofware Comparative Study and Development of a New Software
Klunk MA, Damiani LH, Conceicao RV & Freitas CMDS

Klüpfel L. (2015) Particulate Organic Matter in Northern Peatlands as a Terminal Electron Acceptor
Jacobson K, Klüpfel L & Sander M
(2015) Enzymatic Oxidation of Phenolic Moieties in Dissolved Organic Matter
Sander M, Klüpfel L & Walpen N
(2013) Redox Characterization of Fe-Bearing Clay Minerals Using Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Techniques
Gorski C, Klüpfel L, Voegelin A, Sander M & Hofstetter T
(2013) Quantification of Organic Matter Redox States by Mediated Electrochemical Analysis
Sander M, Klüpfel L, Piepenbrock A, Kappler A & Aeschbacher M
(2011) An Electrochemical Approach to Determine the Redox Properties of Iron-Bearing Clay Minerals
Gorski C, Sander M, Aeschbacher M, Klüpfel L & Hofstetter T

Klusek Z. (2018) Deep Submarine Groundwater Discharge Indicated by Chloride Anomalies in the Sediment Pore Water in the Gulf of Gdańsk, Southern Baltic Sea
Szymczycha B, Kłostowska Ż, Kuliński K, Winogradow A, Jakacki J, Klusek Z, Grabowski M, Bordecka-Goluch A, Graca B, Stokowski M, Koziorowska K & Rak D

Kluska J-M. (2021) Vertical Movements Recorded in Fe-Mn Crusts:what Interest in Resource Exploration?
Charles C, Pelleter E, Revillon S, Jorry S, Bourles D, Kluska J-M & Barrat J-A
(2020) African Superplume Composition: Insight from the Mozambique Margin
Revillon S, Roche V, Leroy S, Guillocheau F, Ruffet G, Aslanian D, Moulin M, Dall'Asta M & Kluska JM
(2020) Paleoceanographic Reconstruction of the Mozambique Channel: Geochemical Study of Fe-Mn Crusts
Charles C, Pelleter E, Revillon S, Bourles D, Kluska J-M & Barrat J-A
(2002) Differentiation Rates and Geochemical Characterization of Parental Magmas for The Piton des Neiges Volcano (Réunion Island, Indian Ocean)
Kluska J-M, Gillot P-Y & Nativel P

Klymenko N. (2017) Adsorption of Fulvic Acids by Activated Carbon in Aqueous Solutions
Samsoni-Todorova O & Klymenko N
(2013) Microflora of Native Biofilm on Activated Carbon Under Filtration of Fulvic Acids
Samsoni-Todorova O, Klymenko N & Chekhovskaia T

Klysubun W. (2021) Phosphorus Pools in Boreal Forest Podzols: Quantitative and Micro-Spectroscopic Analysis
Tuyishime M, Adediran GA, Olsson B, Spohn M, Klysubun W, Vantelon D & Gustafsson JP
(2019) Effect of Postglacial Weathering on Phosphorus Speciation in Acid Forest Soils
Tuyishime JRM, Adediran G, Vantelon D, Klysubun W & Gustafsson JP
(2017) Phosphorus K-Edge XANES Analysis of Environmental Samples: Critical Steps and Limitations
Gustafsson JP, Eriksson AK, Klysubun W & Hesterberg D

Klyukin Yuru (2011) Fluid Evolution in the Byngi Gold Deposit, Central Urals, Russia
Klyukin Y, Murzin V & Bodnar R
(2011) Application of the Linkam TS1400 x-Y Heating Stage to Melt Inclusion Studies
Bodnar R, Esposito R, Klebesz R, Klyukin Y, Doherty A & Moncada D

Klyukin Yury (2021) Calibration of a Raman Technique for Determining Mg Numbers of Serpentine Solid-Solutions
Robutka H, Pujatti S, Klyukin Y, Earl BC, de Obeso JC & Tutolo B
(2020) Petrographic and Geochemical Controls on δ34S of Pyrite and the Growth of the TAG Hydrothermal Mound, 26°N Mid Atlantic Ridge
Pujatti S, Klyukin Y, Steele-MacInnis M & Tutolo B
(2020) Mineralization at Boiling Conditions in Industrial-Scale Analogs of Hydrothermal Systems
Klyukin Y, Nightingal M & Tutolo B
(2015) Effect of Salt on Energy Transport in MOR Hydrothermal Systems
Klyukin Y, Lowell R & Bodnar R
(2014) Anomalous Properties of H2O-NaCl Fluids in the Critical Region
Klyukin Y, Driesner T & Bodnar R

Kłostowska Ż. (2018) Deep Submarine Groundwater Discharge Indicated by Chloride Anomalies in the Sediment Pore Water in the Gulf of Gdańsk, Southern Baltic Sea
Szymczycha B, Kłostowska Ż, Kuliński K, Winogradow A, Jakacki J, Klusek Z, Grabowski M, Bordecka-Goluch A, Graca B, Stokowski M, Koziorowska K & Rak D

Kmiecik M. (2019) Assessment of Arsenic Compounds Content in Seafood Samples
Nawrocka A, Durkalec M, Kmiecik M, Paciorek A & Posyniak A

Kmiecik N. (2018) Occurrence and Origin of Coal-Seam Gas in the Upper Silesian Basin (Poland): Isotopic, Hydrous Pyrolysis and Geological Approach
Kotarba M, Romanowski T, Kmiecik N & Waliczek M

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