Jung Hee-Won
Geologic Control of Groundwater Contamination in a Basaltic Aquifer beneath an Agricultural Field, South Korea
Jung H-W, Yun S-T, Kim K-H, Oh S-S & Kang K-G
Distribution of Vanadium in a Basaltic Aquifer of Jeju Island, Korea: Effects of Geochemical Reactions and Hydrological Mixing
Jung H-W, Yun S-T, Mayer B, Kim K-H, Go Y-H, Oh S-S & Kang K-G
Jung Heewon
Optimal Oxidant Injection Method Investigated Using a Reactive Transport Approach for Remediation of a Heavy Metal Contaminated Aquifer
Son S, Park S, Park J-W, Son B, Kim W & Jung H
Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Surface Reaction Sites from the Breakthrough Curves of a Dual Tracer Test: A Pore-Scale Reactive Transport Model Study
Lim S & Jung H
Resolving Environment-Microbe Feedback at the Pore Scaling Using a Reactive Transport Model Integrated with Genome-Enabled Microbial Metabolism
Jung H, Meile C, Song H-S, Asgari S & Lim S
Modeling Microbially-Mediated Biogeochemical Dynamics in Porous Media Under Various Flow Conditions
Jung H & Meile C
Pore Scale Reactive Transport Modeling of Microbial Dynamics in Heterogenous Porous Media
Jung H & Meile C
Pore-Scale Mineral Dissolution Rates Measured in Reactive Microfluidics at Variable pH and Fluid Velocity
Navarre-Sitchler A, Malenda M, Jung H, Heil E, Gorman B & Squier J
The Fabrication of Plagioclase Feldspar Microdevices: Experimental Tool for Pore Scale Mineral Weathering Studies
Jung H, Navarre-Sitchler A, Worts N & Squier J
Physical Heterogeneity Controls on Geochemical Reaction Rates
Navarre-Sitchler A & Jung H
Using Micromodels with Reactive Substrates to Access the Relationship between Transport and Reaction at the Pore Scale
Jung H, Navarre-Sitchler A, Worts N, Block E & Squire J
Jung Hoi Soo
Sedimentary Records of Mercury in the Okinawa Trough during the Late Pleistocene
Kim J, Lim D, Xu Z & Jung HS
Jung Hoi-Soo
Spatial Variations of Sediment Size, Organic Carbon, and Porewater Salinity of Surface Sediments in Jeungdo Tidal Flat, Shinangun, West Coast of Korea
Lee J, Jung H-S, Ryu H & Woo HJ
Assessment of the Distribution and Emission Sources of Isomers (PAHs and PCBs) in the Nakdong River Estuary (NRE), South Korea
Lee J-H, Woo H-J, Jung H-S, Jung JB & Lee D-H
Characteristics of the Brackish Water Zone Using a MEIS System in the Nakdong River Estuary (NRE), Busan City, South Korea
Lee J-H, Woo HJ & Jung H-S
Sediment–Water Interface Flux of Methane in the Gunsan Basin of the South-Eastern Yellow Sea, Off the Coast of Western Korea
Lee J-H, Jeong K-S & Jung H-S
Biogeochemical Significance of Asian Aerosol Deposition in the Southern East Sea
Kang J, Choi M-S, Woo HJ, Jeong K-S & Jung H-S
Jung Hyejin
Contemporary (1979-2014) Climate Variability Recorded in Styx-M Ice Core from Northern Victoria Land, East Antarctica
Nyamgerel Y, Han Y, Hwang H, Lee S, Han C, Jung H, Moon J-I, Kim S, Hong S-B, Hur SD & Lee J
Jung Hyejung
Influences of Artificial Snow on the Quality of Nearby Groundwater
Jung H, Nyamgerel Y, Ko K-S, Koh D-C & Lee J
Variabilities in Soil Moisture and Temperature by Natural and Artificial Snow in Mt. Balwang Area, Gangwon-Do, South Korea
Nyamgerel Y, Jung H, Koh D-C, Ko K-S & Lee J
Diurnal Patterns of Hydrochemistry and Isotopic Compositions of a Meltwater Stream on King George Island, Antarctica
Jung H, Jeen S-W, Lee H & Lee J
Jung I-H.
Optimization of Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of P2O5 and CaO-P2O5 Systems
Hudon P & Jung I-H
Jung Jaewon
Phosphate Complexation on Maghemite Using in situ ATR-FTIR: pH Effects
Han J, Jun J, Lee S, Jung J & Ro H-M
Jung Jaewoo
Antarctic Climate Record in Illite Crystallinity (IC) and Crystal-Size Distributions (CSDs)
Jung J, Kim J, Lee J, Yoo K-C, Yoon HI, Hwang CY, Seong Y, Domack E & Park D-H
Variations of Clay Mineralogy during Glacial – Interglacial Period : The Southern Drake Passage
Park YK, Back M, Jung J, Lee J, Yoo K-C & Kim J
Jung Ji Eun
A Biogeochemical Study at the Eunsan Gold Mine, Haenam District in Korea
Jung JE, Kim J-N & Chon H-T
Jung Ji-Eun
Theoretical Investigations of Mercury Interaction with the Hematite (1-102) Surface
Jung J-E, Jew AD, Rupp EC, Aboud S, Brown Jr. GE & Wilcox J
Jung Jin Young
Structural Controls on the Explosive Volcanism of Hunga Volcano, Tonga
Park S-H, Kim S-S, Cronin S, Kang S-G, Choi H, Jung JY, Yoo K-C & Kim J
Isotopic Insights for External Iron Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Amundsen Sea Polynyas
Tian H-A, van Manen M, Bunnell Z, Jung JY, Kim T-W, Conway TM, Reichart G-J & Middag R
Biogeochemical Characteristics of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Carbon in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Jung JY, Ha S-Y, Hyun J-H, Park J, Yang EJ, Shin K-H & Lee S
Jung Jin-Young
Light-Absorbing Aerosol Radiative Forcing in the Kathmandu Valley during Suskat-Abc Field Campaign
Yoon S-C, Kim S-W, Kim J, Cho CY, Jung J-Y & Ruparkheti M
Jung Jinsang
Carbonaceous Component of an Asian Aerosol Plume: Tracking the Chemical Signature during Transport
Gonzaga-Cayetano M, Jung J, Batmunkh T, Damduy A, Lee K, Kim DG & Kim YJ
Chemical Characteristics of Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollutants from Asian Continent Observed at Two Remote Sites and One Urban Site in Korea
Jung JS, Lee KY, G-Cayetano MB, Batmunkh T, DamDuy A, Kim YJ, Chang IS & Kim JS
Jung Jinyoung
Distribution of Atmospheric Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus over the Western North Pacific and their Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles
Jung J, Furutani H & Uematsu M
Chemical Association of Iron in Individual Atmospheric Particles during Asian Outflow Season
Furutani H, Jung J, Miura K, Takami A, Kato S, Kajii Y & Uematsu M
Jung Jinyoung
Estimation of S, F, Br and Cl Fluxes at Mid Ocean Ridges
Kagoshima T, Sano Y, Takahata N, Jung J, Amakawa H & Kumagai H
Jung Jinyoung
Dissolved Iron in the Amundsen Sea
Middag R, Bertrand E, Brussaard C, Eich C, Gerringa L, Jung J, Lee S, Lee Y, van Manen M, McCain S, Pont S, Reichart G-J & Tian H-A
Jung Jonathan
Photosymbiosis on a Mid-Devonian Reef: Evidence from Coral-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes
Jung J, Zoppe SF, Söte T, Duprey N, Foreman A, Sigman DM, Haug GH, Vonhof H & Martinez-Garcia A
Jung Joo Bong
Assessment of the Distribution and Emission Sources of Isomers (PAHs and PCBs) in the Nakdong River Estuary (NRE), South Korea
Lee J-H, Woo H-J, Jung H-S, Jung JB & Lee D-H
Jung Jun Mo
Nutrient Flux by Resuspension of Sediment in the East China Sea
Kim SH, Rho T, Choi KY & Jung JM
Fractionation and Risk Assessment of Metals in the Sediments of Ocean Dumping Sites, Rep. of Korea
Jung JM, Kim SH, Choi KY & Chung CS
Jung Junmo
Evaluation of Heavy Metal Contamination in the Surface Sediment of the East Sea-Byeong Ocean Dumping Site Using the Calculation of the Regional Background Level
Gu H, Choi KY, Jung J, Kim C & Chung C-S
Jung K-M.
Hydrochemistry of an Alluvial Aquifer at Point-Bar in Low Reach of Nakdon River, South Korea: Implication for the Use of Bank Infiltration Technology
Md M, Kim K-H, Jung K-M & Yun S-T
Jung Michael
PANGA: A New Tool for the Evaluation of Noble Gas Data
Jung M & Aeschbach-Hertig W
Jung Min-Ji
COM-1 and Hongcheon: New Monazite Reference Materials for the Microspot Analysis of Oxygen Isotopic Composition
Yi K, Kim J, Park C, Lee S, Kim SJ, Jung M-J & Cheong C-S
Jung P.C.
Phase Relations of the Solid Solutions Sm(Ca, Ce)PO4 and La(Sr, Ce)PO4
Neumann A, Hirsch A, Heuser J, Jung PC, Zaddach J, Neumeier S, Schlenz H, Bosbach D, Peters L & Roth G