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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Jun F. (2010) The Carlin Type Gold Deposits and its Geochemistry of Ore-Forming Fluid in Dian, Qian, Gui Provinces
Jun F & Han R

Jun J. (2016) Phosphate Complexation on Maghemite Using in situ ATR-FTIR: pH Effects
Han J, Jun J, Lee S, Jung J & Ro H-M

Jun O. (2010) Study on the Pollutant Transport in Unsaturated Sand Using CT
Zhou N, Yang W, Song W & Jun O

Jun S-C. (2022) A Modified and Rapid Method for Single Well Push-Pull Test Using Inert Gas Tracers
Joun W-T, Ha S-W, Lee S, Do H-K, Jun S-C, Kim Y, Ju Y, Kim Y & Lee K-K
(2022) An Integrated Well Network System(WNS) Developed for Groundwater Resource Protection and Management
Lee S-S, Park I, Jun S-C, Im J-H, Lee S-H & Lee K-K
(2017) CO2-infused Groudnwater Injection and Leakage Test Using Shallow-Depth Groundwater and Gas Monitoring Network
Lee S-S, Ju Y, Jun S-C & Lee K-K

Jun Y (2005) Effects of Cobalt on Oxide Film Formation on Manganese Carbonate
Jun Y & Martin S
(2005) Nucleation and Growth of Manganese Oxide Films
Martin S, Jun Y, Kendall T & Duckworth O

Jun Yao (2013) Occurrence of Aerobic and Methanogenic Oil Biodegradation in a Water-Flooded Oil Field
Jiménez Garcia N, Cai M, Jun Y, Krüger M & Richnow HH

Jun Young-Shin (2024) The Effects of Iron on Olivine Utilization for Simultaneous CO2 Storage and Nickel Extraction
Wang Y & Jun Y-S
(2024) Effective Extraction of Cobalt from Carbonates via Sulfidation and Subsequent Oxidation
Liu X & Jun Y-S
(2023) Interfacial Energy Evolution of Heterogeneous CaCO3 Nucleation in the Presence of Sulfate
Zhu Y & Jun Y-S
(2018) Exploring Energetics of Confined Nucleation for Bioapatite Formation
Kim D, Lee B, Thomopoulos S & Jun Y-S
(2014) Roles of Arsenate and Phosphate in the Nucleation and Growth of Iron (III) (Hydr)oxides
Neil C, Lee B & Jun Y-S
(2012) In situ GISAXS Studies of Carbonate Mineral Nucleation on Mineral Surfaces
Fernandez-Martinez A, Hu Y, Jun Y-S & Waychunas G
(2011) Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms and Kinetics of Environmentally Important Oxides and Carbonates
Jun Y-S, Lee B, Hu Y, Ray J, Waychunas G & Fernandez-Martinez A
(2011) Effects of Organic Ligands on Supercritical CO2–Induced Phlogopite Dissolution and Secondary Mineral Formation
Jun Y-S, Shao H & Ray J
(2010) Surface-Mediated Nucleation and Growth of Iron Oxides
Jun Y-S, Waychunas G & Lee B
(2010) Mineral Dissolution and Nanoparticle Evolution on Phlogopite Surfaces Under CO2 Geologic Sequestration Conditions
Shao H & Jun Y-S
(2008) Nature of Environmental Nanoparticle Development at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Jun Y-S, Waychunas G & Lee B
(2002) Microscopic Observations of Manganite Reductive Dissolution
Martin S & Jun Y-S

Junca H. (2009) In situ Investigation of Microbial Diversity and Anaerobic Chlorobenzene Degradation along a Vertical Gradient
Nijenhuis I, Martinez P, Junca H, Stelzer N, Imfeld G, Weber S & Richnow H

Juncal L. (2017) Influence of O2 on the Photochemistry of Sulfur Organic Species – Matrix Isolation Experiment
Seng S, Tamone L, Bava Y, Juncal L, Tobon Y, Sobanska S, Picone L & Romano R

Juneja A. (2019) Groundwater Arsenic Enrichments Associated with Coal Burn Remnants along Sutlej River, Punjab, India
Kaur N, Bhanu Y, Juneja A, Negi P & Paikaray S

Junfeng J. (2012) The Evolution of Clay Minerals and Rift Structure in Zhanhua Depression, China
Ming Z, Junfeng J, Xiaoming C, Changzhi W, Bing W & Yuguan P

Jung B. (2016) UGS Convergence R&D Project (2014-2017): Geological Aspects of Road Collapse in the Urban Areas, Republic of Korea
Yum B-W, Jung B, Bang E, Lee H-J, Jeong SW, Ryu D, Kim SW & Lee I-H

Jung C. (2007) Trace Element SIMS Investigation of Multistage Garnet – Constraints on Partial Melting Processes in Crustal Rocks
Jung C, Jung S, Hellebrand E & Hoffer E

Jung Da Hee (2016) Microbial Fe, As and S Redox Cycle Aossociated with Mineral Alteration/Precipitation in Extreme Environment, Yellowstone National Park, USA
Koo T-H, Kim J-Y, Kim JE, Park KR, Jung DH, Geesey G & Kim J-W

Jung Dietmar (2020) Nitrogen Isotope Ratios Trace High pH in a Terrestrial Mars Analog Site
Tino C, Stüeken E, Arp G, Jung D & Lyons T
(2019) Evaluating δ15N as a High pH Proxy for Closed-Basin Lacustrine Systems
Tino C, Stüeken E, Gregory D, Arp G, Jung D & Lyons T
(2018) δ15N as a pH Proxy for the Miocene Ries Impact Crater Lake
Tino C, Stüeken E, Arp G, Jung D & Lyons T
(2018) Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Analyses by Mid Infrared Laser Spectroscopy as a Tool for Stratigraphic Classification of Upper Jurassic Carbonate Rocks
Nowak M, Smajgl D, Wolpert P, Wagner B, Jung D & Mandic M
(2017) Allanite as Provenance Indicator of Volcanic Ashes
Dunkl I, Arp G, Jung D, Lukács R & von Eynatten H

Jung E.c. (2015) Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Uranyl Tricarbonate
Jung EC, Cho H-R & Cha W
(2011) Laser-Induced Breakdown Detection (LIBD) of Uranium and Silica Colloids
Jung EC, Cho H-R & Park MR

Jung Eun-Ha (2009) Arsenate, Chromate and Selenite Sorption on Schwertmannite
Keum G-J, Jung E-H, Lee J-M, Bae JH & Kim Y

Jung Euo Chang (2023) Potential for Aqueous uranium(VI) Removal by Indigenous Bacteria in Deep Granitic Groundwater
Jeong D, Baik MH, Jung EC, Ko M-S, Um W & Ryu J-H

Jung G. (2001) MC-ICPMS — High Resolution Isotope Ratio Measurements of Fe and Ca
Weyer S, Schwieters J, Hamester M, Jung G, Pesch R & Rottmann L
(2000) Neptune: A New High Precision Multicollector ICP Mass Spectrometer
Schwieters J, Hamester M, Jung G, Pesch R, Rottmann L, Tuttas D & Wills J

Jung H G (2000) Behavior of a Freiberg Mining Waste Dump during Leaching Processes
Jung HG, Rammlmair D, Bosecker K & Tufar W

Jung H. S. (2017) Sedimentary Mercury in East Asian Marginal Seas: A Comprehensive Study in the Yellow and East China Seas
Lim DI, Kim J, Jung HS & Xu Z

Jung Hae-Jin (2016) Volcanic Signatures from Mineralogy of Individual Insoluble Particles in an Ice Core of East Rongbuk Glacier (Mt. Qomolangma, Himalayas) by Low-Z Particle EPMA and ATR-FTIR Imaging
Malek MA, Eom H-J, Yoo H, Geng H, Jung H-J, Hwang H, Hur S & Ro C-U
(2013) Combined Use of ED-Epma and ATR-FTIR Imaging for Characterization of Individual Aged Asian Dust Particles
Kim H, Jung H-J, Eom H-J, Li X & Ro C-U
(2011) Direct Observation of Chemical Modification of Asian Dust Particles during Long-Range Transport
Song Y-C, Jung H-J, Kim H & Ro C-U
(2009) Single-Particle Characterization of Summertime Arctic Aerosols Collected at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
Ryu J, Jung H, Kim H & Ro C-U

Jung Haemin (2016) Minealogical Chariteristics of Naturally Occurring Asbestos from Ultramafic Rocks in the Hongseong, Korea
Jung H & Roh Y
(2014) Mineralogical Characteristics of Asbestos Occurring in Carbonate Rocks in Jecheon, Cungbuk, S. Korea
Jung H, Kim J, Jeong H, Yoon S, Lim H & Roh Y

Jung Haemyeong (2024) Tracing Metasomatic Processes in the Rio Grande Rift Through Nitrogen Isotope Analysis of Mantle Xenoliths
Kim D, Lee H, Park M, Jung H, Kil Y, Takahata N & Sano Y
(2017) Experimental Study on the Deformation Fabrics of Epidote Blueschist and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy
Park Y & Jung H
(2017) Fluid Infiltration in the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Western Margin of Rio Grande Rift, USA: A Fluid Inclusion Study
Park M, Berkesi M, Jung H & Kil Y
(2017) Microstructural Evolution of the Yugu Peridotites in the Gyeonggi Massif, Korea: Implications for Olivine Fabric Transition in Mantle Shear Zones
Park M & Jung H
(2016) Metamorphic History of the Paleoproterozoic Salma Eclogite in the Kola Peninsula, Russia
Imayama T, Oh C-W, Baltybaev S, Park C-S, Yi K & Jung H
(2015) Geochemistry of Upper Mantle Xenoliths from Huangsongpu, Jilin Province, China
Choi J, Kil Y, Jung H, Yang K, Jung W, Seol J & Nguyen TC
(2013) Natural Type-C Olivine Fabrics in Garnet Peridotites in North Qaidam UHP Collision Belt, NW China
Jung H, Lee J, Ko B, Jung S, Park M, Cao Y & Song S
(2011) The Legacy of Plastic Deformation and Pre-Existing Microstructures during Olivine Serpentinization
Plümper O, Austrheim H, Piazolo S & Jung H
(2011) Seismic Anisotropy Produced by Serpentine in the Mantle Wedge
Jung H
(2011) The Formation of Micro-Diamonds in Cracks Caused by a C-O-H Rich Fluid Under Medium to Low Pressure Conditions
Potgieter J, Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Jung H & Gasharova B
(2011) “WEERTMAN” Cracks: A Possible Mechanism for Near Sonic Speed Diamond Extraction from the Earth´s Mantle
Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Gaede O, Jung H & Gasharova B
(2011) Microstructure of Yuka Eclogite, North Qaidam HP/UHP Terrane, Northwestern China
Park M & Jung H
(2011) Coexistent Aqueous Fluid Phase and Melt in Lherzolites from Bultfontein, South Africa
Purchase M, Sommer H, Regenauer-Lieb K, Jung H & Gasharova B
(2010) Lithium Isotopic Fractionation in the Spinel Lherzolite Xenoliths from Boeun, Korea
Kil Y, Jung H & Shin HJ
(2009) The Role of Crystal-Plastic Deformation in the Serpentinization of Olivine
Plümper O, Austrheim H & Jung H

Jung Hagen (2007) Impact of U-Mining Tailings on Water Resources in Mailu-Suu (Kyrg.)
Wagner F, Jung H, Wanke C, Bunnenberg C, Michel R & Himmelsbach T

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