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Hung K-C. (2014) Characteristics of Carbonaceous Aerosol in Northern Thailand during the Biomass Burning Season
Engling G, Ku I-T, Popovicheva O, Hung K-C, Lee C-T & Lin N-H

Hungate B. (2021) Testing the Relationship between Carbon-Use Efficiency and Soil Carbon Formation in Rhizosphere and Detritusphere Microbial Communities
Sokol N, Foley M, Hungate B, Firestone M, Blazewicz S, Slessarev E, Estera-Molina K, Greenlon A & Pett-Ridge J
(2015) Rising CO2 and the Biogeochemistry of Soil Microbial Ecosystems
Hungate B

Hunger S. (2006) The formation and preservation of greigite.
Hunger S, Newton RJ, Bottrell S & Benning LG
(2005) Greigite – Now you see it now you Don‚t: An in situ ED-Xrd Study
Hunger S, Benning LG & Tarasov KA

Hungerbuhler P. (2016) Variation of Hydrological Cycle in South Brazil Observed by N-Alkane Distribution in Peat Bogs
Froehner S, Hungerbuhler P, Sanez J, Rizzi J & Santos I

Hunka E. (2022) Investigating Cadmium Sorption to Diatoms Using Spectroscopy
Michalchuk BW, Hunka E & Kenney JPL

Hunkeler D (2004) A New Procedure to Evaluate Isotope Fractionation in Contaminants
Elsner M, Hirschorn S, Zwank L, Hunkeler D, Sherwood Lollar B & Schwarzenbach R

Hunkeler Daniel (2022) Buried Paleo-Channel Identification via Dissolved Atmospheric Noble Gases and Preferred Anisotropy Pilot Point Inversion
Schilling OS, Partington D, Doherty J, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P
(2019) Unravelling the Fate of Organic Micropollutants in Aquatic Systems Using Multi-Element Stable Isotope Analysis
Hunkeler D, Ponsin V, Torronto C, Bakkour R, Melsbach A, Hofstetter T, Prasuhn V, Elsner M & Christina L
(2016) Using Isotopic Data for the Calibration of a Coupled Surface Water-Groundwater Model
Schilling OS, Partington D, Gerber C, Purtschert R, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P
(2016) A Plume Scale Model of Chlorinated Ethene Degradation
Murray A, Broholm M, Badin A, Hunkeler D, Holliger C, Maillard J & Binning P
(2015) The Influence of Groundwater Abstraction on Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in the Emmental
Schilling O, Gerber C, Purtschert R, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P
(2009) Fractionation of Stable Isotopes in Organic Contaminants by Volatilization and Sorption
Höhener P, Bouchard D & Hunkeler D
(2002) Use of Stable Isotopes to Evaluate the Fate of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in the Subsurface
Hunkeler D & Aravena R

Hunnestad A.V. (2018) It's not Easy Being Green: Investigating Fe Acquisition Strategies by Analyzing Fe Distribution in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 Under Different Fe Scenarios
Hunnestad AV, Vogel AIM, Hohmann-Marriott MF & Van Ardelan M

Hunnicutt W.A. (2022) Irradiation Impact in Concrete: Gamma Effects on Cement Paste Constituents (Calcium Silicate Hydrates) and Neutron Effects on Minerals Present in Aggregates
Tajuelo Rodriguez E, Baral A, Hunnicutt WA, Garg N, Sun H, Cakmak E, Arregui Mena JD, Anovitz L, Ilavsky J, Le Pape Y & Rosseel TM

Hunsaker C. (2016) Fate of Eroded Soil Organic Matter in Temperate, Forested Catchments: Implications for Erosion-Induced Carbon Sequestration
Berhe AA, McCorkle E, Stacy E, Hart SC, Hunsaker C & Johnson D
(2014) Sources of Soil Organic Matter Transported by Soil Erosion in Fire-Prone Upland Ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada
Berhe AA, McCorkle E, Stacy EM, Hart SC, Fogel ML, Hunsaker C & Johnson D

Hunsche M. (2013) Aerosols and Plant Leaf Surfaces
Burkhardt J, Hunsche M & Pariyar S

Hunt Alison (2008) Deciphering the Sources and Melt Generation Mechanisms of Cenozoic Intraplate Volcanism in Central Mongolia
Hunt A, Parkinson I, Rogers N, Harris N, Barry T & Uondon M

Hunt Alison (2015) The Distribution of P-Process 190Pt in the Early Solar System
Hunt A, Ek M & Schönbächler M

Hunt Alison C. (2023) Can Nucleosynthetic Isotope Variations Reveal the Impact Origin of Pallasites?
Liszewska KM, Hunt AC, Ek M & Schönbächler M
(2020) Platinum Isotope Variations in Chondrite Meteorites
Hunt A, Iseli L & Schönbächler M
(2020) The Origin of S-Process Isotope Heterogeneity in the Solar Protoplanetary Disk
Ek M, Hunt AC, Lugaro M & Schönbächler M
(2019) Timing of Rapid Core Cooling Events in the Early Solar System Revealed by the Pd-Ag Chronometer
Hunt AC & Schönbächler M
(2018) Palladium-Silver Chronology of Iron Meteorite Parent Bodies
Hunt A, Theis K & Schönbächler M
(2018) Mass-Dependent Pd Isotope Systematics of Iron Meteorites
Ek M, Hunt AC & Schönbächler M
(2017) Combining W and Pt Isotopes with Thermal Modelling to Determine the Evolution of the IAB Parent Asteroid
Hunt AC, Cook DL, Lichtenberg T, Reger PM, Ek M, Golabek GJ & Schönbächler M
(2016) Nucleosynthetic Pd Isotope Variations in Iron Meteorites
Ek M, Hunt AC & Schönbächler M

Hunt Andrew (2018) Noble Gas Characteristics in Groundwaters Near Selected Oil Fields from the San Joaquin Basin, USA
Barry P, Hunt A, Kulongoski J, Tyne R, Davis T, Wright M, McMahon P, Landon M & Ballentine C
(2017) Doing More with Less: Optimizing the Helix SFT for Routine Noble Gas Analysis of Waters and Gases
Hunt A & Lech K
(2017) La Barge, Wyoming: A Non-Magmatic Carbon Dioxide and Helium Accumulation
Merrill M & Hunt A
(2017) Distinct Carbon Dioxide Charge Locations in Northeastern New Mexico
Brennan S & Hunt A
(2017) Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Overlying the Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, and Haynesville Shale Unconventional Oil and Gas Production Areas, USA
McMahon P, Barlow J, Engle M, Belitz K, Ging P, Hunt A, Kharaka Y, Jurgens B, Tollett R & Kresse T

Hunt Andrew G (2016) Evaluation of Excess Helium Isotopic Compositions from Groundwaters of the Continental United States
Hunt AG, McMahon PB, Jurgens BC & Lech K

Hunt Andrew G. (2014) Magmatic Gas Emissions at Holocene Volcanic Features Near Mono Lake
Evans W, Bergfeld D, Howle J & Hunt A
(2012) Helium-4 Dating of Groundwater in the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Northwestern, Colorado, USA
Hunt AG, McMahon PB, Thomas JC & Moscati RJ
(2010) Noble Gases in the Natural Gas of Western New York and North-Central Pennsylvania: Natural Analogs for Evaluating Possible Impacts of Carbon Sequestration and Horizontal Drilling
Hunt AG, Laughrey CD & Poreda RJ

Hunt B. (2019) Assessing Sources and Fate of Heavy Metals in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Li M, Weis D, Smith K, Smith W, Hunt B, Pakhomov E & Sunderland E
(2018) Assessing Lead Contamination Sources of Northeast Pacific Ocean
Li M, Weis D, Hunt B, Smith W & Pakhomov E

Hunt C. (2011) Marine and Terrestrial Palaeoclimate Proxies from the Stable Isotope Analysis of North African Molluscs
Prendergast A, Stevens R, O'Connell T, Hunt C & Barker G

Hunt E. (2019) Fate of Energetic Compounds as Influenced by Environmental Conditions
Dontsova K, Taylor S, Hunt E, Qin C, Brusseau M, SImunek J, Troya D & Wang Y

Hunt G. (2010) Marine-Terrestrial Linkages Associated with Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) Global Change
Ludvigson G, Gonzalez L, Gulbranson E, Rasbury T, Hunt G, Joeckel M, Murphy L & Kirkland J

Hunt J (2005) Painite (CaZrBAl9O18): A Second Source in Myanmar and Metasomatic Origins
Rossman G, Naung S, Harlow G & Hunt J
(2005) CL in Support of Interpreting Gem Deposits
Harlow G, Sahm E & Hunt J

Hunt James R. (2009) Mercury Isotope Fractionation due to Permeation of a PVC Polymer
Koster van Groos PG, Esser BK, Williams R & Hunt JR
(2007) Identifying Environmental Sources of Mercury Using Stable Mercury Isotopes
Koster van Groos P, Esser B, Williams R & Hunt J

Hunt John (2014) In situ Immobilization of Uranium in Groundwater via Phosphate Reprecipitation
Adilman D, Delemos J, Zeeb P, Larson D, Quicksall A, Hunt J, Thompson B, Lammers L, Schillig P, Capaldi L & Hagar H

Hunt Jonathan (2014) The Influence of pH on the Oxygen Isotope Composition of Calcite
Hunt J, Watkins J, Ryerson F & DePaolo D
(2014) The Source and Persistence of Kinetic Isotope Effects in Ionic Minerals
Nielsen L, Watkins J, DePaolo D, Hunt J & Ryerson R
(2010) The Role of NaCl and CO2 on the Upper Critical End Point in SiO2-H2O: Insights from Solubility Experiments
Cruz M, Manning C & Hunt J
(2009) Aluminosilicate Polymerization in Dense Aqueous Fluids: Implications for Subduction-Zone Mass Transfer
Manning CE, Newton R, Thomas R, Hunt J & Cruz M
(2007) Predicting Raman Spectra of Aqueous Silica and Alumina Species in Solution from First Principles
Hunt J, Schauble E & Manning C

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