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Gong B (2006) Water in granitic minerals: implications for oxygen isotope geothermometry
Gong B, Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Chen R-X
(2006) Protolith nature of deeply subducted continent: Zircon U-Pb age, Hf and O isotope constraints from UHP eclogite and gneiss in the Dabie orogen
Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F, Wu Y-B & Gong B

Gong Beini (2016) APTES Grafted Montmorillonite Used as an Efficient Adsorbent for Removal of CO2+
Gong B & Wu P

Gong Bengen (2019) Arsenic Species in Fly Ash and Soil Near Ash Dump from a Lignite Fired Power Plant in Inner Mongolia, China
Gong B, Yong Q, Xiong Z, Zhao Y & Zhang J

Gong Bing (2020) Water in Minerals from Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks: Implications for Fluid Activity in Continental Subduction Zone
Chen R-X, Gong B & Zheng Y-F
(2014) Water Content and Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Phenocrysts from Cenozoic Continental Basalt in North China: Implications to the Hydrous Properties of Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle
Xu Z, Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Gong B
(2010) Hydrogen Isotopes and Water Contents in Minerals from UHP Metamorphic Rocks
Chen R-X, Zheng Y-F & Gong B
(2010) The Presence of Molecular Water in Addition to Structural Hydroxyl in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals from UHP Metamorphic Rocks
Gong B & Zheng Y-F
(2008) Mineral Water Concentration and H Isotope Evidence for Decompressional Dehydration during Exhumation of Deeply Subducted Continental Crust
Chen R-X, Zheng Y-F & Gong B
(2007) Mineral H Isotopes and Water Contents in UHP Eclogite-Gneiss Contact from CCSD Core Samples
Chen R-X, Zheng Y-F & Gong B
(2007) H-O Isotopes and Water Content in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals from UHP Eclogite in the Dabie Orogen
Gong B, Zheng Y-F & Chen R-X
(2005) SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Dating for Impure Marbles in the Jiaobei Terrane of East-Central China: Implication for its Tectonic Affinity
Tang J, Zheng Y, Wu Y & Gong B
(2005) O Isotope Constraints on Radiometric Dating for UHP Eclogite and Granitic Gneiss at Taohang in the Sulu Terrane of East-Central China
Gong B & Zheng Y
(2004) Zircon U-Pb and O Isotope Evidence for a Large-Scale 18O Depletion Event in the Neoproterozoic Large Igneous Province of South China
Zheng Y, Wu Y & Gong B
(2003) Zircon U-Pb Dating on Fluid Mobility during UHP Rock Exhumation
Zheng Y, Wu Y & Gong B
(2002) A Large Scale of Meteoric-Hydrothermal Alteration at Neoproterozoic in the Yangtze Craton of China
Zheng Y-F, Gong B, Li L & Feng W-M
(2002) Disequilibrium Sm-Nd and O Isotope Systems in Garnet Peridotite during UHP Metamorphism
Zheng Y-F, Gong B, Yang J-J & Jahn B-M
(2002) Oxygen Isotope Mapping of UHP Metamorphic Rocks in the Dabie-Sulu Orogen of China
Zheng Y-F, Li L, Zhao Z-F & Gong B
(2001) Carbon Concentration and Isotopic Ratio of Granitic Orthogneiss and Paragneiss Associated with UHP Eclogites at Shuanghe in the Dabie Mountains
Zheng Y-F, Gong B, Fu B & Li Y-L
(2001) An EA-Ms Online Analysis of Both Carbon Concentration and Isotope Composition of Phanerozoic Granites from Southeast China
Zhao Z-F, Zheng Y-F, Gong B & Wei C-S
(2000) Carbon Concentrations and Isotopic Ratios of Eclogites from the Dabie and Sulu Terranes in China
Zheng Y, Gong B, Li Y, Wang Z & Fu B

Gong C. (2001) Compositional Changes of Crude Oils during Simulated Migration Through Quartz and Clay Minerals
Tseng H-Y, Gong C, Otten GA, Noke KJ, Bennett B & Larter SR

Gong D. (2020) The Origin of Bitumen and its Significance of Hydrocarbon Accumulation
Wang Z, Ma C, Gong D & Jiang H
(2018) Characteristics of Sinian and Cambrian Natural Gases in Sichuan and Tarim Basins, China
Wang Z, Li Y, Gong D & Hu G
(2016) Bacteria Effects in Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Natural Gas–A Case Study in Shinan Gas Field, NW China
Ma R & Gong D
(2016) Geochemical Characteristics of Biodegraded Low Molecular Weight Hydrocarbons
Gong D, Sun J & Zhao L
(2015) Geochemical Characteristics of the Marine/Terrestrial Shale Gas in China
Dai J, Dong D, Ni Y, Wu W, Gong D & Huang S

Gong E.

Gong Heyang (2013) Relationship between Leaf C, N and Soil C, N:A Case Study of Degraded Grassland in Western Jilin Province
Gong H, Li Y, Wang D, Wan S & Zhao Y

Gong Hongmei (2022) MORB Fe Isotope Variation as a Consequence of Mantle Source Heterogeneity and Crustal Level Magma Differentiation
Niu Y, Chen S, Sun P, Chen Y, Guo P, Duan M, Gong H, Wang X, Xue S & Xiao Y

Gong Hujun (2010) Crustal Growth of North China as Revealed by Detrital Zircons
Yang J, Gao S, Chen C, Tang Y, Yuan H, Gong H, Xie S & Wang J

Gong Jian (2020) New Insights on the Biogenicity of South Africa’s Oldest Stromatolites
Homann M, Lalonde S, Van Zuilen M, Gong J, Patry L, Hayles J, Walsh M, Lowe D & Byerly G
(2020) Rapid Release of Molecular Hydrogen during Anaerobic Weathering of Basaltic Glass
Gong J, Cannon K, Hurowitz J, Stack K, Weiss B & Bosak T
(2018) Recognizing Microbial Life Preserved in Rocks: Insights from Population Morphometry
Rouillard J, Havas R, Gérard E, García-Ruiz J-M, Gong J & van Zuilen MA
(2017) Terrestrial Microbial Mats at 3, 220 Myr ago (Moodies Group, SA)
Homann M, Heubeck C, Airo A, Van Kranendonk M, Van Zuilen M, Gong J, Sansjofre P & Lalonde S
(2014) The Significance of Conical Mats
Tice M, Gong J & Zeng Z
(2014) A Geochemical Marker for Ancient Motile Communities of Filamentous Microorganisms
Gong J & Tice M

Gong Juncheng (2020) Bacterial Communities and their Geochemical Constrains in Continental Serpentinites from Northern China
Liu Y, Wang X, Huang Z, Zhuo S, Yu X, Gong J & Yang H
(2020) Occurrence of Macrocyclic Alkanes in Hurleg Lake, Northwest China
Zhang T, Zhang M, Gong J, Wang Y, Wei Z, Wang G, Yang H, Ma H & Wang Z

Gong Junfeng (2011) (U-Th)/He Geochronological Evidence for Rapid Uplift of Tianshan Orogenic Belt Since Miocene
Chen W, Sun J, Ji H, Li J, Yin J, Gong J & Liu X

Gong Lei (2023) Linking Molecular-Level Processes on Crystal Surfaces and Macroscopic Thermodynamics and Kinetics Modeling of Reactions
Zhang Y, Zhu C, Gong L & Bracco JN
(2023) Bridging Basic Science of Geochemical Kinetics and Applications to CO2 Removal and Sequestration Through Geochemical Modeling
Lu P, Zhu C, Zhang Y, Gong L & Skaneda S
(2022) Silicate Dissolution Reaction Mechanisms and Rates as Foundational Science for Carbon Sequestration
Zhu C, Zhang Y, Gong L & Burkhart J
(2020) Unidirectional Kaolinite Dissolution Rates at Near-Equilibrium and Near-Neutral pH Conditions Using Si Isotope Tracers
Gong L, Zhang Y & Zhu C

Gong Li (2011) Characteristic of Mineral Component in Carlin-Type Gold Deposit in Qinling Area
Ma G, Gong L, Dong Y, Chen K & Zhang G
(2011) The Isotope Evidence of Ore-Forming Materials of the Erdaogou Gold Deposit in Beipiao Liaoning Deriving from Magmatic Rocks Mixed by the Crust and Mantle Source
Gong L, Ma G, Zhang G & Chen K
(2010) Type Au(Cu) Ore Body Discovered First-Time in Tonglushan Deposit in Hubei Province
Ma G, Gong L, Hu S, He S & Gao E
(2010) The Model of the Element Geochemistry of Metamorphic Rock in Early Precambrian Period in Liaoning
Gong L, Ma G, Hu S, He S & Gao E

Gong Liwen (2016) Geological Features of Dalinor Volcanic Swarm, Inner Mongolia, NE China
Li N, Gong L & Zhao Y

Gong P. (2014) A Basidiomycete Fungus Isolated from a Lignite-Associated Sediment at 1, 929 M Below the Subseafloor
Liu C, Gong P, Zhao T, Xue Y, Lever MA, Hinrichs K-U & Inagaki F

Gong Q (2009) Using REE and Isotope Geochemistry to Trace the Origin of Ore Forming Materials in Yixian Fluorite Deposits, China
Sun X, Deng J, Yang Z, Yang L, Gong Q & Wang Q

Gong Qing (2017) Volcanic Driver of the Ordovician-Silurian Mass Extinction: Evidence from Mercury Anomaly in South China
Zhao L, Gong Q, Wang X, Grasby S, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L, Li Y, Cao L & Li Z
(2016) Mercury Deposition as a Proxy for Volcanism Through the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary, South China
Gong Q, Zhao L, Chen Z & Wang X

Gong Qingjie (2020) A Geochemical Lithogene in Parent Rock and its Weathered Products
Yan T, Gong Q & Li R
(2014) Geochemical Characteristics of the Sijiazhai Gold Deposit, Sichuan Province, China
Zhang Z, Gong Q & Wang Q
(2011) Structure and Mineralization Characteristics of Kangding Gold Orefield, Sichuan Province, China
Zhang. Z, Deng J, Gong Q & Wang Q
(2009) Dissolution Rates of Standstone Type Uranium Ore in Ordos Basin, China
Gong Q, Deng J, Wang W & Chen L
(2008) Superimposed Processes of Gold and Silver Mineralization in the Dayingezhuang Gold Deposit, Jiaodong Gold Province, China: Constraint of Ore-Forming Fluid Geochemistry
Yang L, Deng J, Zhang J, Guo C, Jiang S, Gao B, Gong Q & Wang Q
(2008) Tracing Ore Forming Fluids of Gold Deposits Hosted in Kangding Complex in Sichuan Province, China
Deng J, Gong Q, Wang Q, Yang L & Zhang Z
(2008) Hot Spring Spurted into Laterite Layer: Geology and Geochemistry Evidence
Gong Q, Deng J, Yang L, Wang Q & Wang W
(2007) A Fractal Concentration-Mass Method for Geochemical Anomaly Separation in Shizhuyuan Tungsten Deposit Area
Gong Q, Deng J, Xiang Y, Wang Q & Yang L
(2007) Experimental Determination of Pyrite Dissolution Rate in Acidic Media at 21° to 61℃
Deng J, Gong Q, Yang L, Wang Q, Zhang J & Yuan W
(2007) Using Isotope Geochemsity to Trace the Origin of Oreforming Materials in the Jiaodong Gold Province, China
Yang L, Deng J, Gong Q, Zhang J, Wang Q & Yuan W
(2007) Mineral Compositions and Geochemical Features of Sanhe Bauxite Deposit in Western Guangxi Province
Wang Q, Deng J, Gong Q, Zhang Q, Wan L & Gao B

Gong Se (2015) Effect of Volcanic Activity on Hydrocarbon Generation in China
Luo X, Gong S & Sun F
(2009) Laser Micropyrolysis-GC/MS of Biomarkers in Authigenic Carbonates
Bauermeister J, Volk H, Fuentes D, Gong S, Leefmann T, Hoffmann V-E, Reitner J & Thiel V

Gong Shanggui (2023) Controls on Barium Isotopes in Seep Barites from the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope
Feng D, Sun T, Crockford PW, Tian L-L, Gong S & Roberts HH
(2023) Calcium Isotope Systematics of Authigenic Carbonates at Cold Seeps
Gong S, Luo M & Feng D
(2020) Carbonate-Associated Sulfate in Seep-Bivalve Shells: A New Proxy for Isotope Composition of Seawater Sulfate
Gong S, Feng D & Chen D
(2020) Timing the Greening of the Land
Peng Y, Bao H, Guan C, Gong S, Kirsimäe K, Wei Z & Somelar P
(2018) Triple Sulfur Isotope Fractionations during Sulfate Reduction in Modern Marine Sediments: New Interpretation on Sulfur Cycles
Gong S, Feng D, Peng Y, Bao H & Cao X
(2018) Triple Sulfur Isotope Relationship during Sulfate Reduction via Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Peng Y, Gong S, Bao H, Feng D, Cao X, Crockford P, Roberts H & Chen D

Gong Shuhua (2013) Natural Gas Genetic Types in the Northern Margin of the Qaidam Basin, NW China
Zhou S, Gong S, Li J, Fu D & Zhang H

Gong W. (2011) Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Marine Algae: Salinity Effect
Zhang Z, Gong W & Gao K

Gong Xiang (2016) Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum Layer Acting as a Nutrient Trap in Typical Stable Water Columns
Gong X, Gao H & Yao X

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