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Goetz W. (2022) Analysis of Aqueous Environments by the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA)
Li X, van Amerom F, Goetz W, Kaplan D, Danell R, Grubisic A, Castillo M & Brinckerhoff WB
(2020) Molecular Signatures from Kerogens Preserved in 3.42 Ga Microbial Mats (Buck Reef Chert, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa)
Reinhardt M, Thiel V, Drake H, Goetz W & Reitner J

Goff F. (2020) Weathering and S Cycle in Volcanic Watersheds Analogous to Mars
Szynkiewicz A, Goff F & Vaniman D
(2018) S Isotope Fractionations in Volcanic Aqueous Systems on Earth and Mars
Szynkiewicz A, Goff F, Vaniman D, Faiia A & Pribil M

Goff Jennifer (2022) Anoxic Photochemical Weathering of Pyrite on Archean Continents
Hao J, Liu W, Goff J, Steadman J, Large RR, Falkowski P & Yee N
(2019) Production of Extracellular Sulfite by Shewanella oneidensis MR1
Goff J, Schaeffer J, Dawson K & Yee N
(2018) Abiotic and Biotic Oxidation of Chemically Synthesized Se(0) Nanoparticles
Mal J, Yee N, Schilling K, Goff J, Dhillon K & Pallud C

Goff Jeremy (2015) Holocene and Upper Pleistocene 40Ar/39Ar Ages from Nemrut Volcano
Barfod D, Goff J, Karaoglu Ö & Özdemir Y

Goff Kathleen (2017) Geochemical Fluxes Through Intensively Managed Critical Zones
Dere A, Miller A, Goff K & Bettis A

Goff Katie (2014) Geodynamic Implications of Amphibolites from the Mariana Forearc
Heywood L, Reagan M, Andreasen R, Righter M, Lapen T, Michibayashi K, Jicha B & Goff K

Goffart N. (2023) Nanok Expedition: An Ice Triathlon in Greenland Partnering with Scientists for Climate Research
Denis G, Goffart N, Opfergelt S, Bertrand B, Bonneville S, Mattielli N, Boxho SL, Fettweis X, Box JE, Ahlstrom AP, Karlsson NB, Defraigne P & Bergeot N

Goffé B. (2009) How do Silica Coatings Affect Mineral Weathering Rates?
Daval D, Martinez I, Sissmann O, Hellmann R, Goffé B & Guyot F
(2009) Calcium Carbonates Distribution in Experimentally Carbonated Portland Cement Cores
Brunet F, Corvisier J, Fabbri A, Bernard S, Findling N, Rimmelé G, Barlet-Gouédard V, Beyssac O & Goffé B
(2009) Imaging Traces of Life in Metamorphic Rocks Using Raman, STXM and NanoSIMS
Bernard S, Beyssac O, Benzerara K, Brown Jr. GE, Mostefaoui S, Meibom A & Goffe B
(2009) A New Thermodynamic Model for C-S-H Solubility Valid in the Range of P-T Conditions Encountered Around CO2-injection Wells
Corvisier J, Brunet F, Morales-Florez V & Goffé B
(2008) Combining Experimental Studies and Kinetic Modelling to Investigate the Carbonation of Ca-Bearing Silicates
Daval D, Martinez I, Corvisier J, Findling N, Goffé B & Guyot F
(2008) New Calibration of Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials (RSCM) Geothermometer: Application in Aquitaine Basin (France) and Gulf Coast (Texas)
Lahfid A, Beyssac O, Deville E, Goffé B & Chopin C
(2007) Carbonation of Ca- and Mg-Rich Silicates: Experimental Investigations and Kinetic Modeling
Daval D, Martinez I, Goffé B & Guyot F
(2005) Thermochemical and Experimental Stability of Synthetic La-Bearing Minerals as Analogues to Nuclear-Waste Forms
Janots E, Brunet F, Goffé B & Poinssot C
(2005) Natural and Thermochemical Stability of Monazite in Low-Grade Metapelites
Goffe B, Janots E, Brunet F, Bollinger L, Grevel K, Cemic L & Negro F
(2004) Anhydrite Solubility in Seawater to 200℃ and to 500bars
Bouchez J, Monnin C & Goffe B
(2003) Stability of La-Bearing Minerals in Metapelites from the Frederico Unit (Internal Rif, Morocco) and from the Lesser Himalayas (Western Nepal): Textural and Thermochemical Constraints
Janots E, Bollinger L, Brunet F, Burchard M, Goffe B & Bouybaouène M
(2003) Effect of Temperature Variations on Mass Transfer in Fluid-Rich Metamorphic Systems: An Experimental Study
Verlaguet A, Goffe B, Brunet F & Fritz B

Goffredi S. (2019) Correlating the Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of a Cold Methane Seep in the Costa Rica Pacific Margin
Mullin S, Dawson K, Chadwick G, Yu H, Metcalfe K, Goffredi S, Ashford O, Levin L, Rouse G, Cordes E, Roman C & Orphan V
(2011) Plant Impoundments as Habitats for Methanogenesis in Tropical Rainforest Canopies
Goffredi S & Ussler W

Gogineni S. (2004) Spatial Variations of the Geothermal Heat Flow Measured on the Greenland Ice Sheet
Dahl-Jensen D, Mosegaard K, Gogineni S & Miller H

Gogoi Bibhuti
(2016) Understanding Magma Chamber Dynamics Through Flow Instabilities
Gogoi B, Saikia A & Ahmad M
(2015) Significance of Viscous Folding in Magma Mixing
Gogoi B, Saikia A & Ahmad M
(2014) Evaluation of Magma Mixing from Ghansura Rhyolite Dome of Chotanagpur Granite Gneiss Complex, Eastern India
Gogoi B, Saikia A & Ahmad M

Gogoi Bitopan (2019) Near Equilibrium Methanogenic Carbonate Formation in Krishna-Godavari Basin, Bay of Bengal Inferred from Clumped Isotopes
Fosu B, Banerjee Y, Gogoi B, Kocherla M & Ghosh P

Gogoi R. (2023) U-Th Remobilisation in Granites, Pegmatites and Granite Gneisses
Gogoi R & Hazarika P

Gogoladze S. (2020) Geological Factors of Formation of Radon Containing Water, Tskaltubo Resort, Georgia
Okrostsvaridze A, Acimidze K, Bluashvili D & Gogoladze S
(2017) Thorium Resources of Georgia: Black Sea Coastal Magnetite Sand and its Medical Properties
Gogoladze S, Okrostsvaridze A & Kvanchakhadze R

Gogoll A. (2023) Adsorption Controls on the Composition and Biological Reactivity of Organic Matter in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments
Abbasi M, Groeneveld M, Heffernan L, Kellerman A, Gogoll A, Tranvik L & Kothawala D

Gogos A. (2018) Nanoparticles in Sewage Sludge: Natural, Incidental or Engineered?
Kaegi R, Voegelin A, Gogos A, Sinnet B, Vriens B, Winkel L, Hug S & Berg M

Gogot J. (2016) Dating Diagenesis of Carbonate: In situ Measurements by Laser Ablation
Poirier A, David J, Ghaleb B & Gogot J
(2013) Tracing Industrial Atmospheric Emissions Using Radiogenic Isotopes
Poirier A, Gogot J & Boullemant A
(2012) Multi-Isotope Tracing of Atmospheric Emissons from an Aluminum Smelter
Gogot J, Poirier A & Boullemant A
(2011) Osmium Isotopic Tracing of Atmospheric Emissions from an Aluminum Smelter
Gogot J, Poirier A & Boullemant A

Gogou A (2013) Impact of Saharan Dust and Polluted Aerosol on the Microbial Food Web of the Eastern Mediterranean – A Mesocosm Approach
Pitta P, Krom MD, Tsagaraki TM, Giannakourou A, Gogou A, Lagaria A, Mihalopoulos N, Panagiotopoulos C, Parinos C, Rahav E, Shi Z, Tsapakis M, Tsiola A, Violaki K & Herut B
(2003) Evaluation of Atmospheric Transport as Source of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Organic Compounds in Marine Sediment of Eastern Mediterranean
Stephanou E, Gogou A & Tsapakis M

Gogou Aleka (2021) Environmental Reconstruction of the Saronikos Upper Pleistocene Paleolake, Central Greece; Preliminary Results
Kafousia N, Kaberi E, Rousakis G, Triantaphyllou M, Mavromatis V, Koutsopoulou E, Gogou A & Karageorgis A

Gogouvitis M.D. (2023) Linking Atmospheric Oxygenation to Marine Deoxygenation during Earth’s Great Oxidation
Havsteen JC, Eickmann B, Kleinhanns IC, Rosca C, Gogouvitis MD, Izon G, Beukes N & Schoenberg R
(2023) Selectively Targeting Authigenic and Detrital Components in Impure Chemical Sedimentary Rocks of the 1.85 Ga Duck Creek Dolomite, Western Australia
Gogouvitis MD, Rosca C, Kleinhanns IC, Havsteen JC, Van Kranendonk MJ & Schoenberg R

Gohl K. (2019) St. Helena Type HIMU Plume Involved in Zealandia-Antarctica Breakup
Hoernle K, Timm C, Hauff F, Tappenden V, Werner R, Jolis EM, Mortimer N, Weaver S, Riefstahl F & Gohl K
(2012) Rapid Early- to Mid-Holocene Thinning of Pine Island Glacier Detected Using Cosmogenic Exposure Dating
Johnson J, Schaefer J, Bentley M, Fogwill C, Smith J, Schimmelpfennig I & Gohl K

Gohn G. (2007) The Late Eocene Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure – Status of Research, Insights, and Implications
Horton JW, Gohn G & Powars D

Goin J. (2016) Modeling Natural Attenuation of Nickel in an Acidic Plume
Kanematsu M, Vlassopoulos D & Goin J
(2016) Redox Manipulation: A Novel Approach for Passive in situ Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Sediments
Vlassopoulos D, Kanematsu M, Leven A, Goin J, Henry E & O'Day P
(2015) Natural Attenuation of Fluoride at a Former Aluminum Smelter Site
Vlassopoulos D, Carey M, Goin J, Voges H & Larson M
(2014) Suppression of Methylmercury in Sediments by Manganese(IV) Oxide
Vlassopoulos D, Goin J, Henry E & Glaser D
(2013) Siderite Amendment for in situ pH Control in Hyperalkaline Environments
Vlassopoulos D, Goin J & Carey M
(2008) Analytical HRSEM, HRTEM and FIB Characterization of Carbonaceous Remains Associated with Hydrothermal Deposits
Cady SL, Hugo RC, Smythe WF, Parenteau MN, Goin JC, Oakes-Miller H, Hode T, Pogula S, Huster J & Cavalazzi B

Goiran J-P. (2012) Reconstruction of Trace Metal Contamination in Coastal Sediments from Cape Corsica (France) during Ancient Times
Goiran J-P, Fagel N, Halleux C, Lefebvre L, Arnaud P & de la Briere G
(2012) The Record of Human Impact in the Sedimentary Record at Portus, the Harbor of Ancient Rome
Delile H, Blichert-Toft J, Goiran J-P, Bravard J-P & Albarede F
(2012) Paleo-Environmental Characterization of the Pelusiac Branch of the Nile (Egypt)
Tronchere H, Veron A, Goiran J-P & Forstner-Muller I

Gois de Lima R. (2014) Evidence of Magma Mingling in the Brazilian Northeast
da Cunha Torres Mota I, Magalhães Pinto V & Gois de Lima R

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