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Goeke E. (2005) Garnet Grain Distribution along a Pelitic Eclogite to Amphibolite Path: Adula Nappe, Switzerland
Goeke E, Foster CT & Baumgartner L

Goekpinar T. (2013) Challenges Connected with Experimental Upscaling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media
Englert A, Vaitl T, Frank S & Goekpinar T

Goeku N. (2015) Development of Single-Step Column Separation Method for Hf and Nd Isotopic Analyses of Geological Samples
Shinjo R, Goeku N & Ikei A

Goel G. (2011) Isotope Fractionation due to Temperature Gradients: Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Goel G, Lacks D, Van Orman J, Lundstrom C & Lesher C

Goel V.

Goemann K. (2019) Characterising Trace Element Distribution in Pyritised Microfossils: A Tool to Test Biogenicity
Mukherjee I, Corkrey R, Goemann K, Large R & Danyushevksy L
(2019) New Olivine (MongOl Sh11-2) Reference Material for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schoenberg@ifg.uni-kiel.de D, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Goemann K, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Sobolev A
(2017) Preliminary Data on New Olivine Reference Material MongOL Sh11-2 for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Sobolev A, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Goemann K, Portnyagin M, Garbe_Schoenberg D, Hauri E, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Ionov D
(2015) Stability and Metastability of Arsenian Pyrite
Stepanov A, Goemann K, Large R, Meffre S & Danyushevsky L
(2015) Colloform Zn-S-O-Al-Pb-Si as a Precursor to Sphalerite in the Grieves Siding Peat, Tasmania
Awid-Pascual R, Kamenetsky V & Goemann K
(2015) Geochemical Constraints on Kimberite Ascent Mechanisms Revealed by Phlogopite in Kimberlite and Mantle Xenoliths
Giuliani A, Phillips D, Kamenetsky VS & Goemann K
(2014) Geochemical Signature of PTB Sediments in the Perth Basin Reveals a Toxic Ocean at the End of Permian and Anoxic Ocean in Early Triassic
Lounejeva E, Large R, Danyushevsky L, Mantle D, Halpin J, Goemann K & Gilbert S
(2013) Zn-Pb-Fe Sulfide Formation in Grieves Siding Peat, Tasmania
Pascual R, Kamenetsky V, Goemann K, Noble T & Allen N
(2008) Origin of “Quartz Eyes” and Fluid Inclusions in Mineralized Porphyries
Vasyukova O, Kamenetsky D & Goemann K
(2007) The Source and Fate of Silica in Mineralized Porphyries Revealed by SEM-Cl Textures of Quartz
Goemann K, Vasyukova O & Kamenetsky V

Goenaga-Infante H. (2017) Characterisation Measurements of 13C/12C Isotope Amount Ratios in Glycine Candidate Reference Materials by MC-ICPMS and EA-IRMS
Malinovskiy D, Dunn P, Holcombe G & Goenaga-Infante H

Goepel A. (2010) Buchite Type Glasses in the West Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany)
Goepel A, Heide K, Merten D & Büchel G

Goepel C. (2012) Constraints on the Mg Initial Isotopic Composition of the Solar System from CM & CR Chondrite
Galy A, Goepel C & Birck J-L

Goepfert T. (2023) Seawater Pb Isotopes Record Early Miocene to Modern Circulation Dynamics in the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean
Huang H, Gutjahr M, Song Z, Fietzke J, Frank M, Kuhn G, Hillenbrand CD, Christl M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Goepfert T & Eisenhauer A
(2022) Determining the Utility of Rhenium as a Novel Redox Tracer in Carbonate-Rich Sediments
Morford JL, Elrick M, Romaniello SJ, Gilleaudeau G, Algeo TJ, Goepfert T, Wilson E, Berry L, Meyers K, Driscoll E & Patzkowsky S
(2020) The Impact of MC-ICP-MS Plasma Conditions on the Accuracy and Precision of Stable Isotope Measurements Evaluated for Barium Isotopes
Yu Y, Siebert C, Fietzke J, Goepfert T, Hathorne E, Cao Z & Frank M
(2018) 231Pa/230Th Profiles in a Depth Transect on the Blake Ridge over the Last 30 ka
Süfke F, Pöppelmeier F, Blaser P, Lippold J, Goepfert T, Gutjahr M & Grützner J
(2017) Multiproxy Evidence from Bermuda Rise for Holocene AMOC Stability
Lippold J, Gutjahr M, Pöppelmeier F, Blaser P, Jaccard S, Friedrich O, Süfke F, Link J, Wacker L & Goepfert T
(2009) Hybrid-Type Metal Biogeochemistry in the South Atlantic: A Full-Depth Zonal Ocean Section of Total Dissolved and Labile Cobalt, and Comparison to Iron and Manganese Vertical Structure
Noble A, Saito M & Goepfert T
(2009) Trace Element Distributions and Phytoplankton Colimitations on a Full Depth Ocean Section in the South Atlantic Ocean
Saito M, Noble A, Cox A & Goepfert T

Goes A.M. (2023) Biogeochemical Signatures of the Quaternary Ironstones of the Xingu River
Freire MP, Gautheron CE & Goes AM

Goes S (2003) Synthetic Seismic Signature of Thermal Mantle Plumes
Goes S, Cammarano F, Hansen U & Rehkämper M

Goes Saskia (2018) Compositional Heterogeneity Near the Base of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath Hawaii
van der Hilst R, Yu C, Day E, de Hoop M, Campillo M, Goes S & Blythe R
(2016) On the Relationship between Volcanic Hotspot Locations, the Reconstructed Eruption Sites of Large Igneous Provinces and Deep Mantle Seismic Structure
Goes S, Davies R & Sambridge M

Goesmann F. (2015) A Perspective on the Complex Organic Composition of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Giri C, Ehrenfreund P, Goesmann F, McKenna-Lawlor S, Meierhenrich U, Roll R, Steininger H, Szopa C & Ulamec S
(2014) In situ Detection of Organic Molecules on the Martian Surface with the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) on ExoMars 2018
Arevalo Jr. R, Li X, Pinnick V, van Amerom F, Danell R, Getty S, Brinckerhoff W, Mahaffy P, Goesmann F & Steininger H
(2010) MOMA: Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer: Instrument Concept and Results
Becker L, Richardson C, Chaicharoen K, Cornish T, Antione M, VanAmerom F, Pinnick V, Cotter R, Goesmann F, Raulin F & Ehrenfruend P
(2009) MOMA-LDMS: Instrument Concept and Results
Becker L, Cornish T, Antione M, Cotter R, Evans-Nguyen T, Doroshenko V, Goesmann F, Raulin F & Ehrenfreund P

Goessler W. (2011) Arsenic and its Compounds in Plants Growing in Soils Contaminated by Mining Activities
Pacáková I, Száková J, Goessler W & Tlustoš P

Goethals J. (2017) Incorporation of Rare Earth Elements in Perovskites: The Case of Neodymium Incorporation in CaSnO3
Goethals J, Fourdrin C, Tarrida M, Hatert F, Bedidi A & Rossano S

Goethals M. (2009) Evidence for a High 3He or Low 10Be Production Rate from Cosmogenic Nuclide Cross-Calibration
Niedermann S, Goethals M & Pilz P
(2009) The SP Basalt Flow: A New Primary Calibration Site for Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates
Fenton C, Niedermann S & Goethals M
(2007) Cosmogenic Nuclide Intercalibration and Erosion Rate Study on Fault Scarps of the Bishop Tuff, CA, USA
Goethals M, Niedermann S, Hetzel R & Fenton C
(2007) Assessing the Relative Production Rates of Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne in Olivine, Pyroxene and Quartz
Niedermann S, Pilz P & Goethals M
(2007) Cosmogenic 21Ne/3He in Olivines and Pyroxenes from a Pleistocene Basalt Flow, Western Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA
Fenton C, Niedermann S, Goethals M & Schneider B

Goetschl Katja (2022) Dual Clumped Isotope Data for Amorphous Carbonates and Transformation Products Reveal Novel Mechanisms for Nonequilibrium Effects
Lucarelli JK, Purgstaller B, Ulrich R, Parvez ZA, Leis A, Goetschl K, Eagle RA, Dietzel M & Tripati AE
(2022) Controls of Temperature and Mineral Growth Rate on Mg Incorporation in Aragonite
Mavromatis V, Brazier J-M & Goetschl K
(2021) Effect of Growth Rate on Zn Incorporation in Calcite and Aragonite
Brazier J-M, Goetschl K, Dietzel M & Mavromatis V

Goetschl Katja E. (2020) Impact of Amorphous Precursors on Elemental and Isotopic Signatures of Carbonate Minerals
Purgstaller B, Mavromatis V, Goetschl KE & Dietzel M
(2019) The Control of Mineral Growth Rate on Sulfate Partitioning in Calcite and Aragonite – An Experimental Study
Goetschl K, Dietzel M & Mavromatis V
(2019) Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of the Transformation of Amorphous Calcium Magnesium Carbonate to High Magnesium Calcite
Purgstaller B, Goetschl KE, Mavromatis V, Tripati A, Lucarelli J, Ulrich R, Eagle R & Dietzel M
(2018) How do Ligands Affect Mg Partitioning in Calcite Formed via an Amorphous Precursor?
Goetschl KE, Purgstaller B, Dietzel M & Mavromatis V
(2018) Solubility Consideration on the Amorphous Calcium Magnesium Carbonate System
Purgstaller B, Goetschl K, Mavromatis V, Pfarrmaier C & Dietzel M

Goetschl Katja Elisabeth (2017) Effect of Sulfate on Mg Partitioning during its Incorporation in Calcite
Goetschl KE, Mavromatis V & Dietzel M

Goette T. (2000) Preservation and Chemical Alteration of Biogenic Francolite and Calcite from Marine Organism
Habermann D, Banerjee A, Goette T, Meijer J, Stephan A & Richter DK

Goettlicher J. (2019) Structural State of REE in Eudialyte-Hosted Critical Metal Deposits
Borst A, Finch A, Friis H, Horsburgh N, Gamaletsos P, Goettlicher J, Steininger R & Geraki K
(2017) Vanadium in Al-Ore (Bauxite) from Mines of Central Greece
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kasama T, Fiordaliso E, Goettlicher J & Steininger R
(2017) Critical and Hazardous Metals and Metalloids in Mn-Oxide Ore from Thessaly, Greece
Godelitsas A, Schindler M, Gamaletsos P & Goettlicher J
(2013) New Insights into Iron Mineralogy and Geochemistry in Saharan Dust Precipitated over Greece
Godelitsas A, Nastos P, Mertzimekis T, Hatzikonstantinou N, Douvalis A, Toli K, Goettlicher J, Steininger R & Simon R
(2013) New Insights into Environmental Characterization of Bauxite Residues (Red Mud) from Greece
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kuzmin A, Lagos M, Xanthos S, Mertzimekis T, Goettlicher J, Steininger R, Zarkadas C, Komelkov A, Pontikes Y & Angelopoulos G
(2012) Characterization of S-Containing Concretions from the North Sea
Goettlicher J & Steininger R
(2011) Secondary Minerals in Mine Wastes at Sb Deposits in Slovakia
Klimko T, Majzlan J, Lalinská B, Chovan M, Goettlicher J & Steininger R
(2011) Pb and Zn Distribution in Stalagmites
Goettlicher J, Marks S, Simon R, Steininger R, Platte A & Niggemann S
(2009) Arsenate-Bearing Natural Schwertmannite-Type Phase in Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Precipitates from N. Greece
Godelitsas A, Goettlicher J, Foustoukos D, Sanakis I, Chrissafis K, Kehagias T, Zorba T & Paraskevopoulos K
(2009) Partitioning and Speciation of Fe, Ti and Cr in High-Quality Diasporic Bauxite from Greece
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kasama T, Dunin-Borkowski R, Goettlicher J, Church N, Economou G, Bakas T & Douvalis A

Goetz A. (2007) Crystal Orientation Selection during Growth of Brachiopod Shell Calcite
Goetz A, Erika G, Wolfgang S & Carsten L

Goetz Max (2019) The Geochemical Characterization of Shallow Groundwater Flow Systems for Identifying Fugitive Methane and Potential Water Quality Impacts
Kirste D, Cahill A, Allen A, Goetz M & Beckie R

Goetz Megan (2012) Investigating Biogeochemical Alteration of Oil Sand Tailings:field vs. Laboratory Studies
Chen M, Goetz M, Loick N & Weisener C

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