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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Godelitsas A. (2017) Vanadium in Al-Ore (Bauxite) from Mines of Central Greece
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kasama T, Fiordaliso E, Goettlicher J & Steininger R
(2017) Critical and Hazardous Metals and Metalloids in Mn-Oxide Ore from Thessaly, Greece
Godelitsas A, Schindler M, Gamaletsos P & Goettlicher J
(2016) Nano-Mineralogy & -Geochemistry of Karst Bauxites (Greece): Implications of the Origin of the Deposits
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kasama T, Göttlicher J & Steininger R
(2016) TEM Study on the Localisation of Th in an Al-Ore Industrial Residue
Kasama T, Gkamaletsos P & Godelitsas A
(2015) Sulfur Mineralogy and Speciation in the Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments off Milos Island (Greece)
Kotopoulou I, Godelitsas A, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Price R, Fike DA, Amend J, Gilhooly WP, Druschel GK, Mertzimekis TJ, Gamaletsos P & Kafantaris F-CA
(2015) New Insights into the Mineral Chemistry of Au-Bearing pyrite/As-Pyrite/arsenopyrite Concentrate from Olympias Deposit, Kassandra Mines (Chalkidiki, Greece)
Godelitsas A, Tzamos E, Filippidis A, Sokaras D, Wenk T-C, Griego G, Papadopoulos A, Stoulos S, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Daftsis E & Dimitriadis D
(2015) A Distinct Source and Differentiation History for Kolumbo Submarine Volcano, Santorini, Aegean Arc
Klaver M, Nomikou P, Carey S, Godelitsas A, Smet I & Vroon P
(2013) Antimony in Hydrothermal Chimneys of Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Vent Field (Santorini, Greece)
Kilias S, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Nomikou P, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Argyraki A, Gousgouni M & Papanikolaou D
(2013) New Insights into Iron Mineralogy and Geochemistry in Saharan Dust Precipitated over Greece
Godelitsas A, Nastos P, Mertzimekis T, Hatzikonstantinou N, Douvalis A, Toli K, Goettlicher J, Steininger R & Simon R
(2013) New Insights into Environmental Characterization of Bauxite Residues (Red Mud) from Greece
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kuzmin A, Lagos M, Xanthos S, Mertzimekis T, Goettlicher J, Steininger R, Zarkadas C, Komelkov A, Pontikes Y & Angelopoulos G
(2011) Mobilization of Pb from Weathered Shots at a Firing Range in Athens, Greece
Argyraki A, Godelitsas A, Petrakaki N, Astilleros JM & Karageorgis A
(2011) Assessment of the Nanoscopic Dissolution Rate of Basic Lead Carbonate (Hydrocerussite)
Katsikopoulos D, Godelitsas A & Astilleros J-M
(2011) Characterization of Saharan Dust from Red Rain Precipitated over Athens, Greece
Godelitsas A, Nastos P, Mertzimekis T, Toli K, Douvalis A & Simon R
(2009) Uranium Distribution and Speciation in Greek Tethyan Limestones by μ-XRF and μ-XANES Spectroscopy
Göttlicher J, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Kafandaris F & Steininger R
(2009) Arsenate-Bearing Natural Schwertmannite-Type Phase in Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Precipitates from N. Greece
Godelitsas A, Goettlicher J, Foustoukos D, Sanakis I, Chrissafis K, Kehagias T, Zorba T & Paraskevopoulos K
(2009) Partitioning and Speciation of Fe, Ti and Cr in High-Quality Diasporic Bauxite from Greece
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kasama T, Dunin-Borkowski R, Goettlicher J, Church N, Economou G, Bakas T & Douvalis A
(2009) Nanoscale Processes during the Interaction of Aluminosilicate and Carbonate Mineral Surfaces with Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)
Kollias K, Godelitsas A, Astilleros JM, Ladas S, Kennou S, Potamitis C, Zervou M, Lagoyiannis A, Harissopulos S & Mavromoustakos T
(2007) Interaction of Calcite with Cr(III) and Evidence for Direct Inorganic Formation of Vaterite
Godelitsas A, Astilleros J-M, Hallam K, Wright K, Tomaschek F & Putnis A
(2007) Uraniferous Carbonate Rocks from Mt. Kithaeron, Central Greece
Kafandaris F-C, Godelitsas A, Kostopoulos D, Xanthos S, Chatzitheodoridis E & Baltatzis E
(2007) Interaction of Gypsum with Pb Bearing Aqueous Solutions
Astilleros JM, Rodriguez Blanco JD, Godelitsas A, Fernández Díaz L & Prieto M
(2004) Direct Nanoscale Observations of Mixed REE Phosphate Crystal Growth on the Dissolved Surface of REE Fluorocarbonate Minerals
Godelitsas A, Tomaschek F & Putnis A
(2002) Dissolution/precipitation Phenomena on Ca Carbonate Crystals Interacted with Pb2+ Ions in Aqueous Solutions
Godelitsas A, Astilleros J-M, Hallam K & Putnis A

Goderis S. (2023) Fe, Zn and Mg Stable Isotope Records of Early Differentiation and Core Formation of the Ureilite Parent Body
Chernonozhkin SM, Goderis S, Hublet GC, Weyer S, Horn I, Pittarello L, Claeys P, Debaille V & Vanhaecke F
(2023) Ruthenium Isotope Composition of the K-Pg Impactor and Terrestrial Impact Structures
Fischer-Gödde M, Tusch J, Goderis S, Bragagni A, Mohr-Westheide T, Messling N, Elfers B-M, Schmitz B, Reimold WU, Tissot FLH, Koeberl C, Claeys P, Maier W & Münker C
(2023) Iron Isotope Signatures of Distal Impact Spherules from the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
Rabin S, Goderis S, Krämer Ruggiu L, Debaille V & Smit J
(2023) Moderately Volatile Elements in CB and CH Chondrites
Roland J, Debaille V & Goderis S
(2023) Tracing Variations in the Flux of Extraterrestrial Material Through Time
Krämer Ruggiu L, Goderis S, Debaille V, Da Silva A-C & Percival L
(2023) Microstructures and U-Pb Ages of Phosphates in Apollo 14 Breccias
Thiessen F, Goderis S, Whitehouse M & Carpenter J
(2023) Non-Traditional Isotopic Variations in the Rochechouart Impact Structures: Tracers of Melting, Mixing, Volatilization and Hydrothermal Alteration
Faucher J, Déhais T, Luais B, Debaille V, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2023) A Volcanological Approach to Better Understand Impact-Related Aggregated Particles: Constraints from the Chicxulub Proximal Ejecta Blanket
Feignon J-G, Kaskes P, Goderis S, Ferrière L, Ledésert B & Claeys P
(2023) CSI Solar System: Clues from Chromites in Cosmic Dust
Van Maldeghem F, Soens B, Maeda R, van Ginneken M, Krämer Ruggiu L, Cordier C, Suttle M, Folco L, Yamaguchi A, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2023) Northwest Africa 13188: A Possible Meteorite... From Earth!
Gattacceca J, Debaille V, Devouard B, Leya I, Jourdan F, Braucher R, Roland J, Pourkhorsandi H, Goderis S & Jambon A
(2023) Trace Element Determination in Ca-Heavy Matrices: Comparing ICP-MS Based Strategies and Protocols
Boonants T, Snoeck C, Gerritzen CT & Goderis S
(2023) Controls on Rare Earth Element Dynamics during Low- and High-Temperature Fluid-Rock Interactions in Carbonatites
Pourkhorsandi H, Debaille V, Decrée S, Simonet C & Goderis S
(2023) A New Eemian-Aged Reconstruction of Temperature and Effective Moisture from Padul Wetland, Southern Iberia
Doyle RM, Marchegiano M, Peral M, Goderis S, García-Alix A, Jiménez-Moreno G, Camuera J, López-Avilés A & Claeys P
(2023) Is Lunar Dust Producing the Late Eocene 3He Anomaly, 36 Ma Ago? New Insights from Extraterrestrial 3He in Iridium Poor Marine Sediments
Fritz J, Blard P-H, Sato H, Ishikawa A & Goderis S
(2023) Hot Carbonates Deep within the Chicxulub Impact Structure as Revealed by Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Kaskes P, Marchegiano M, Peral M, Goderis S & Claeys P
(2023) Understanding Diet Through Combined Stable and Radiogenic Sr Isotope Systematics in Archaeological Skeletal Remains
Gerritzen CT, Goderis S, James HF, Črešnar M, Leskovar T, Gruškovnjak L, Potočnik D, Ogrinc N & Snoeck C
(2023) Uranium-Isotope Records of Global Ocean Deoxygenation during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a)
Percival L, Dickson AJ, Basu A, Castro JM, Ruiz-Ortiz PA, Bottini C, Erba E, Mutterlose J, Goderis S & Claeys P
(2022) Isotope Fractionation of Moderately Volatile Elements in Variably Shocked Ordinary Chondrites
Roland J, Debaille V, Pourkhorsandi H, De Jong J & Goderis S
(2022) Effects of Terrestrial Alteration on Meteorites from Cold and Hot Deserts
Debaille V, Maeda R, Pourkhorsandi H, Goderis S, Hublet GC & Claeys P
(2022) Neoproterozoic Glaciations and their Tally on Seawater Evolution: Stable C, O and Cr Paired with Radiogenic Nd, Sr Isotope-Stratigraphy of the Witvlei Group (Namibia)
Hohl SV, Rodler A, Viehmann S, Gaucher C, Germs G, Goderis S, Frei R & Huang X
(2021) Oxygen Isotope Variability in Unmelted Micrometeorites from the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica
Van Maldeghem F, Soens B, Kaufmann FEDED, van Ginneken M, Hecht L, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2021) Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Shergottite Asuka 12325
Roland J, Debaille V, Hublet G, Pourkhorsandi H & Goderis S
(2021) Longitudinal Isotope Ratio Variations in Human Hair
Rodiouchkina K, Rodushkin I, Goderis S & Vanhaecke F
(2021) Isotope Fractionation of Fe by Hypervelocity Impacts Evidenced by Australasian Microtektites
Chernonozhkin SM, González de Vega C, Artemieva N, Soens B, Belza J, Bolea Fernandez E, van Ginneken M, Glass BP, Folco L, Genge MJ, Claeys P, Vanhaecke F & Goderis S
(2019) Unmelted Antarctic Micrometeorites at the Nanoscale
Van Maldeghem F, Goderis S, Laforce B, Soens B, De Pauw E, Suuronen J-P, Van Ginneken M, Debaille V & Claeys P
(2019) Sedimentary Markers of Ocean Plateau Volcanism during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Percival L, Tedeschi L, Creaser R, van Helmond N, Snoeck C, Debaille V, Mattielli N, Bottini C, Erba E, Goderis S, Mather T, Jenkyns H & Claeys P
(2019) Neoproterozoic Environmental Conditions: A Novel Metal Stable Isotope Perspective
Rodler A, Hohl S, Gaucher C, Germs G, Hegenberger W, Goderis S, Claeys P & Frei R
(2019) Stable Isotope Signatures of Ureilites on a Mineral Scale
Chernonozhkin S, Goderis S, Hublet G, Dehais T, Claeys P, Debaille V & Vanhaecke F
(2019) Rare Earth Element Distribution and Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Isotopic Effects in Antarctic H and CM Chondrites
Maeda R, Debaille V, Hublet G, Pourkhorsandi H, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2018) Micrometeorites from the Sør Rondane Mountains, Antarctica
Van Ginneken M, Goderis S, Soens B, Debaille V & Claeys P
(2018) Temporal HSE Variation and Core Formation in Vesta
Debaille V, Slotte N, Wainwright A, Goderis S & Luguet A
(2018) Petrographic and Geochemical Characterization of a Chondrule-Like Object Preserved in an Antarctic Micrometeorite
Soens B, Peeters G, Van Ginneken M, Debaille V, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2018) Tracing Meteoritic Components in Cretaceous-Paleogene Microkrystites Using XRF Nano-Analysis
Goderis S, Laforce B, Belza J, Tucoulou Tachoueres R, Van Malderen S, Vekemans B, Vincze L & Claeys P
(2017) Isotopic Variations in Bone Material during Burning
Snoeck C, de Winter N, Goderis S & Claeys P
(2017) Measuring Oxygen Isotopes in Micrometeorites Using SHRIMP
Van Ginneken M, Avila J, Holden P, Mckibbin S, Goderis S, Soens B, Claeys P, Debaille V, Ireland T, Folco L & Rochette P
(2017) NanoSIMS Triple-Oxygen Isotope Analyses of Glass-Type Cosmic Spherules from the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica
Soens B, Franchi I, Goderis S, McKibbin S, Van Ginneken M, Debaille V & Claeys P
(2017) The Enigma of Large-Scale Os Isotopic Homogeneity Across the Solar System
Goderis S, Brandon AD, Mayer B & Humayun M
(2017) Implications of Fe and Ni Stable Isotope Ratios for the Formation of the Pallasite Parent Body
Chernonozhkin S, Goderis S, Weyrauch M, Costas-Rodrígues M, Oeser M, Horn I, McKibbin S, Weyer S, Claeys P & Vanhaecke F
(2015) Nucleosynthetic Os Isotope Anomalies Expressed by Melting in Ureilites
Goderis S, Brandon A, Mayer B & Humayun M
(2015) Fe and Ni Isotope Fractionation in Magmatic and Non-Magmatic Iron Meteorites
Chernonozhkin SM, Goderis S, Claeys P & Vanhaecke F
(2014) High-Precision Os Isotopes of CV-CK Carbonaceous Chondrites
Goderis S, Brandon AD & Humayun M
(2013) Formation of the IIE Non Magmatic Iron Meteorites
Van Roosbroek N, Debaille V, Goderis S, Valley J, Spicuzza M & Claeys P
(2010) The Geochemistry of the Brent Impact Structure, Ontario, Canada
Goderis S, Vleminckx B, Paquay F, Chakrabarti R, Renson V, Debaille V, Sluyts W, Vanhaecke F, Spray J, Jacobsen S & Claeys P

Godet A. (2004) The Behaviour of U, V, As and Mo in a Carbonate-Rich, Anoxic Lake
Steinmann P, Matera V, Bodin S, Godet A, Adatte T & Föllmi K

Godet B. (2023) Using Extraterrestrial 3He as a New Tool to Reconstruct Terrigenous Fluxes and their Impacts on Primary Production and Carbon Burial during OAE2 in the Vocontian Basin
Godet B, Blard P-H, Suan G, Suchéras-Marx B & Riquier L

Godeto T. (2016) 236-Uranium Records from Coral Cores
Winkler SR, Senzani KK, Steier P, Wallner G, Carilli J, Zinke J, Godeto T, Woodborne S & Kramers J

Godfrey Laurie (2018) Millennial-Scale Controls on Monsoon Precipitation in Madagascar during the Deglaciation
Scroxton N, Burns S, McGee D, Hardt B, Godfrey L, Ranivoharimanana L & Faina P

Godfrey Linda (2022) Biotic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian Boundary (Upper Triassic): Geochemical and Isotope Evidence of a Previously Unrecognised Global Event
Rigo M, Onoue T, Sato H, Tomimatsu Y, Soda K, Godfrey L, Katz M, Campbell HJ, Tackett L, Golding M, Lei J, Husson J, Maron M, Satolli S, Zaffani M, Concheri G, Bertinelli A, Chiari M & Tanner L
(2021) Hydrogeochemical Processes in Volcanic Closed Basins: Insights from Sr and Li Isotopes in the Salar del Huasco and Lagunilla, Altiplano, Chile
Poblete-González C, Alvarez-Amado F, Godfrey L & Quintana-Ortiz C
(2021) The Role of Ignimbrites and Clays in the Lithium Distribution in a Hyperarid Environment: A Geochemical and Li-Isotopic Approach in the Salar de Atacama
Alvarez-Amado F, Rosales M, Godfrey L, Hidalgo A, Volosky D & Poblete-González C
(2020) Hydrogeochemical Processes Controlling Water Composition in the Salar de Atacama: A Modelling Approach
Poblete-González C, Álvarez-Amado F & Godfrey L
(2020) Lithium and Boron Isotopes as Tracers of Hydrogeochemical Processes in the Hyperarid Salar de Atacama Basin, Northern Chile
Alvarez-Amado F, Poblete-Gonzalez C, Quintana-Ortiz C, Rosales M & Godfrey L
(2020) Volatilized Extraterrestrial Zn Isotope Signatures in Marine and Terrestrial K-Pg Boundary Sites
Mathur R, Spencer M, Mahan B, Godfrey L, Garb M, E. Oboh-Ikuenobe F & Landman N
(2019) Sources of Lithium in Brine Deposits of the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile
Álvarez-Amado F, Rosales M, Cofré E & Godfrey L
(2018) Maldives Multispecies Foraminifera Hydrography Reconstruction over the Pleistocene and Oxygen Minimum Zone History
Yu S, Godfrey L, Mortlock R & Wright J
(2016) New Clues on the Complex Late Triassic Carbon Cycle from the Lagonegro Basin (Southern Italy)
Zaffani M, Godfrey L, Katz M, Maron M & Rigo M
(2014) 14C Groundwater Dating in Northern Chile Using Paired DOC and DIC Techniques
Godfrey L, Herrera C, Burr G & Jordan T
(2007) Extreme Hf Isotope Signals from Basement Weathering and its Influence on the Seawater Hf-Nd Isotope Array
Godfrey L, King R, Zimmermann B, Vervoort J & Halliday A
(2002) Isotope Constraints on Brine Formation in Closed Basin Salars, NW Argentina
Godfrey L, Chan L-H, Alonso R, Jordan T & Lowenstein T

Godfroy A. (2018) H2-dependent Formate Production by Hyperthermophilic Thermococcales
Le Guellec S, Dulermo R, Courtine D, Godfroy A & Roussel E
(2013) Subseafloor Biosphere of the Canterbury Basin
Ciobanu M-C, Burgaud G, Dufresne A, Breuker A, Redou V, Ben Maamar S, Gaboyer F, Trambouze O, Lipp J, Schippers A, Vandenkoornhuyse P, Barbier G, Jebbar M, Godfroy A & Alain K

Godin J-P. (2021) Variations of Magnesium Isotopic Composition in Tissues and Plasma of Obese Versus Lean Minipigs
Le Goff S, Godin J-P, Ramos Nieves JM, Albalat E & Balter V

Godin L. (2012) Fingerprinting Himalayan Convergence Accommodation Processes
Larson K, Godin L & Cottle J
(2012) Foreland View of the Extruding Himalayan Metamorphic Core, West Nepal
Antolin B, Godin L, Wemmer K & Nagy C
(2012) Characterizing the Cessation of Arc-Normal Mid-Crust Extrusion, NW Nepal Himalaya
Nagy C, Godin L, Cottle J & Antolin B

Godinho J. (2022) Localizing Dissolution Rate Spectra
Winardhi CW, Godinho J & Gutzmer J
(2021) Time Lapse 3D Imaging of Mineral Dissolution
Winardhi CW, Godinho J, Gutzmer J & Frisch G
(2021) 3-Dimensional Distribution of Ore Minerals from the Au-U Witwatersrand Supergroup Using Spectral X-Ray Computed Micro Tomography
Sittner J, Godinho J, Renno AD, Cnudde V, Merkulova M, Guy BM, Boone M, De Schryver T, Van Loo D, Roine A & Liipo J
(2019) Spectral Tomography for 3D Mineral and Chemical Analysis
Godinho J, Renno A, De Schryver T & Masschaele B
(2017) Time-Lapse Imaging of CaCO3 Precipitation in Nano-Micro Pores
Godinho J
(2014) Growth on Barite and Calcite, from a Different Perspective
Godinho J & Stack A
(2013) Direct Observations of Structures Developed on Fluorite Surfaces after Contact with an Aqueous Solution
Godinho J, Putnis C & Piazolo S
(2012) The Effect of Surface Chemistry on Dissolution Rates of CaF2 Suggests a New Dissolution Mechanism
Godinho J, Piazolo S & Evins L

Godon A. (2000) Chlorine Recycling in Subduction Zones: New Constraints from Chlorine Stable Isotopes
Godon A, Jendrzejewski N, Castrec-Rouelle M, Dia A, Pineau F, Boulègue J & Javoy M

Godon N. (2023) Long-Term Performance Assessment of Nuclear Waste Glasses in a Geological Repository: A Reactive Diffusion Model Called “MOS”
Frugier P, Godon N & Minet Y
(2019) Influence of Glass Composition on Vapor Hydration of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Narayanasamy S, Jollivet P, Godon N, Angeli F & Abdelouas A
(2013) Borosilicate Glass Dissolution Driven by Magnesium Silicate Precipitation
Fleury B, Godon N, Ayral A & Gin S
(2013) Geochemical Modeling of Glass Alteration in Mg Rich Ground Water
Frugier P, Jollivet P & Godon N
(2012) New Insight into Long-Term Dissolution Rates of Borosilicate Glasses
Gin S, Frugier P, Angeli F, Jegou C, Godon N & Minet Y
(2011) The Double Effect of Mg on the Long-Term Alteration Rate of a Nuclear Waste Glass
Thien B, Godon N & Ayral A

Godoy B. (2023) Same Old Same Old... Has the Petrogenetic Influence of the Altiplano-Puna Magma Body beneath the Andean Central Volcanic Zone, Northern Chile, Changed Much Since the Pliocene?
Mashego MR, González-Maurel O, le Roux P & Godoy B
(2023) Contrasting Old and Young Volcanism in Irruputuncu Volcano, Central Andean Volcanic Zone, Chile
Guzmán-Marusic G, González-Maurel O, Pineda C, Rodríguez I, le Roux P & Godoy B
(2023) Scales of Change: Intra-Flow, Intra-Volcano, and Intra-Volcanic Chain B Isotope Variations
le Roux P, Ncetani S, González-Maurel O, Godoy B, Deegan FM, Garbe-Schönberg D, Rodríguez I, Guzmán-Marusic G & Muena N
(2023) Thermodynamic Modeling of the Magmatic Processes Controlling the Evolution of El Negrillar Monogenetic Field (Central Andes, Chile)
Loaiza CC, Larrea P, Godoy B, Parra Encalada D, Salinas S, Caceres D & Cartagena R
(2022) A Multi-Isotopic Study of the Central Sector of One of the most Voluminous Monogenetic Fields in the Central Andes: El Negrillar Volcanic Field, Chile
Parra Encalada D, Larrea P, Godoy B & le Roux P
(2022) Understanding Late-Stage Rhyolitic Magmatism in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone Through a Melt Inclusion Geochemical Study in Silicic Lava Domes
Hernández Prat L, Astudillo Manosalva D, Cannatelli C, Godoy B, Castruccio A, Morata D & Elardo SM
(2021) Mapping Silica Content of Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex Using ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset
Ito G, Flahaut J, Barthez M, González-Maurel O, Godoy B, Martinot M & Payet V
(2021) Boron Isotope Systematics in the Magmatic Evolution of San Pedro and La Poruña Volcanoes, Central Andes, Northern Chile
Godoy B, le Roux P, Deegan F, Garbe-Schönberg D, González-Maurel O & Rodríguez I
(2021) Geochemical Variation of the Central El Negrillar Volcanic Cluster: in the Midst of One of the Largest Monogenetic Fields in the Central Andes, Chile
Parra D, Larrea P, Godoy B & le Roux P
(2018) Geochemical Evolution of La Torta Lava Dome, El Tatio, Chile, Through Melt Inclusions
Hernández L, Cannatelli C, Godoy B & Morata D
(2017) Geochemical Character of Less-Differenciated Volcanism in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ), Northern Chile
González-Maurel O, le Roux P, Menzies A & Godoy B

Godoy F. (2009) Geochemical Map for Major and Trace Elements in PM10 of Andalusia (South of Spain)
de la Rosa JD, Alastuey A, Querol X, Ramos JL, Gonzalez-Castanedo Y, Sánchez de la Campa AM, Fernández-Camacho R, Contreras J, Godoy F & Lozano A

Godoy José

Godoy José Marcus (2017) Reconstruction of Paleoenvironmental Changes Using Molecular Markers in Sediments from Continental Shelf off Rio de Janeiro, SE – Brazil
Lazzari L, da Silva Carreira R, Massone CG, Godoy JM, Boyle EA, Eglinton TI & de Luca Rebello Wagener A
(2012) Application of Light Isotopes as a Tool for Watermasses Tracing – Results of South Atlantic JC-057 Cruise
Godoy JM, Godoy ML & Campos E
(2011) Intermediate Water Δ14C off Brazil between 3-40 ka BP
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(2009) Deep Sea Corals off Brazil Verify a Reduction of NADW Formation during H3, H1 and the YD
Mangini A, Godoy JM, Godoy ML, Kowsmann R, Santos G, Ruckelshausen M, Schroeder-Ritzrau A & Wacker L

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(2009) Deep Sea Corals off Brazil Verify a Reduction of NADW Formation during H3, H1 and the YD
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(2009) REE Contents in Minerals and Water from Hydrothermal Veins
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(2009) Remobilization of REE in F-Rich, Low-Temperature Environments
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(2009) Dating Late Holocene Glacier Advances with 10Be: Enchantment Lakes Basin, Washington, USA
Goehring B, Schaefer J, Finkel R & Schwartz R
(2009) Precise 10Be Production Rate Calibration in New Zealand’s Southern Alps for the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum Periods
Putnam A, Schaefer J, Vandergoes M, Barrell D, Kaplan M, Finkel R, Goehring B, Schwartz R & Denton G

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