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My Goldschmidt

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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gobeil C. (2023) Lanthanides as Tracers of Sediment Export from the Mackenzie River to Coastal and Abyssal Arctic Ocean
Bosse-Demers T, Gobeil C, Juhls B, Matsuoka A, Lizotte M, Gaudy A, Mareque S & Couture R-M
(2016) Unsteady Sulfur Diagenesis in Freshwater Sediments Under Changing Oxygenation Conditions
Couture R-M, Gobeil C & Van Cappellen P
(2016) Iron Isotopic Compositions in Shelf, Slope and Abyssal Sediments from the Arctic Ocean
Royer-Lavallée A, Gobeil C & Poirier A
(2012) Total Mercury and Methylmercury Accumulation in Aquatic Sediments
Cossa D, Garnier C, Gobeil C, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Mikac N, Patel-Sorentino N & Tessier E
(2012) 210Pb and 137Cs in Margin Sediments of the Arctic Ocean: Controls on Boundary Scavenging
Kuzyk ZZ, Gobeil C & Macdonald R
(2012) Benthic Iron Flux in the Arctic Ocean
Gobeil C & Macdonald RW
(2012) Stable Pb Isotope Ratios as Mid-1800s Stratigraphic Markers for Sediments from Eastern Canada Lakes
Tessier A, Gobeil C & Couture R-M
(2012) Historical Atmospheric Deposition of PAHs in Lakes East of the Athabasca Oil Sands Operations
Jautzy J, Ahad J, Gobeil C & Savard M
(2010) Arsenic Dynamics in Lake Sediments
Couture R-M, Gobeil C, Tessier A, Shafei B & Van Cappellen P
(2009) History of Atmospheric Deposition of Mercury Reconstructed from Sedimentary Records Corrected for Diagenesis
Feyte S, Gobeil C, Tessier A & Cossa D
(2009) Arsenic Reactions and Mobility along Redox Gradients in Lake Sediments
Couture R-M, Gobeil C & Tessier A
(2008) Chronology of Atmospheric Deposition of Arsenic Inferred from Reconstructed Sedimentary Records
Couture R-M, Gobeil C & Tessier A
(2008) Sequestration Mechanisms and Sources of Rhenium in Lacustrine Sediments, Eastern Canada
Chappaz A, Gobeil C & Tessier A

Goberna Ferron S. (2021) Magnetite-Catalyzed Selenium Reduction
Poulain A, Goberna Ferron S, Charlet L & Fernandez-Martinez A
(2021) Oxyanions Reactivity Towards Magnetite: Towards Defining a Driving Force?
Charlet L, Fernandez-Martinez A, Goberna Ferron S, Poulain A, Wang K & Guida C
(2019) Surface Chemistry of the Magnetite-Water Interface: Control over Silica Adsorption
Goberna Ferron S, Fernandez Martinez A & Charlet L
(2019) Early Stages of the Formation of Nanocrystalline C-S-H Colloids
Besselink R, Poulain A, Goberna-Ferron S, Asta-Andres MP, van Driesche A & Fernandez-Martinez A

Gobert T. (2021) High-Precision Elemental and Stable Isotope Mapping of a Mesoarchean Stromatolite: Implications for Primitive Phototrophic Metabolism and Paleoecology
Nicol L, Sans-Jofre P, Fralick PW, Afroz M, Patry L, Homann M, Gobert T & Lalonde SV

Goblet P. (2020) Pore Water Isotope Fingerprints to Understand the Spatiotemporal Groundwater Recharge Variability in Ungauged Watersheds
Mattei A, Barbecot F, Goblet P & Guillon S
(2017) Using Soil Water Isotope Signature Obtained from Liquid-Vapor Equilibration and Cryogenic Extraction to Investigate Mobile vs Immobile Soil Water Signatures
Mattei A, Barbecot F, Guillon S & Goblet P
(2008) Testing Noble Gas Temperature Systematics in the Field with an Instrumented Monitoring Well
Sun T, Hall C, Castro MC, Lohmann K & Goblet P
(2002) Calibration of Regional Groundwater Flow Models – Working Toward a Better Understanding of Site-Specific Systems: He Insights
Castro MC & Goblet P

Gochis D. (2014) Biological Aerosol Particles and Ice Nuclei that Come out during the Rain
Huffman A, Prenni AJ, DeMott P, Pöhlker C, Mason R, Si M, Schumacher C, Li Y, Fröhlich-Nowoisky J, Tobo Y, Després V, Schmer B, Gochis D, Andreae M, Kreidenweis S, Bertram A & Pöschl U

Gocht T. (2007) Indications for Pedogenic Formation of Perylene in Terrestrial Soil: First Results from Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios
Gocht T, Barth J, Epp M, Herklotz I & Grathwohl P

Gocke M. (2014) Ancient Calcified Roots Reveal Long-Term Rhizomicrobial Activity in the Deep Subsoil
Gocke M, Huguet A, Derenne S, Fosse C, Dippold M, Kolb S & Wiesenberg GLB
(2014) Plant Root Encrustation Processes: Insights from a Multitechnique Characterization Strategy
El Khatib R, Bernard S, Huguet A, Deldicque D, Anquetil C, Gocke M, Wiesenberg G & Derenne S
(2014) Root-Associated Branched GDGTs in Terrestrial Archives: Potential Bias on Temperature Estimates
Huguet A, Gocke M, Derenne S, Fosse C & Wiesenberg GLB

Gockeln M. (2015) Colloidal Retention on Crystal Surfaces – An Experimental Analogue Study
Gockeln M, Fischer C, Kiefer P & Luttge A

Göçmengil G. (2017) Petrogenesis of Middle Eocene Post-Collisional Magmatism Around Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture Zone (Pontides, NE Turkey)
Göçmengil G, Karacık Z, Genç ŞC, Prelević D & Billor Z

Gocmez G. (2013) Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic Investigation Around the Manisa
Gocmez G & Hafizoglu E
(2011) Hydrochemical Characteristics of Bigadiç (Balıkesir) Geothermal Area, Turkey
Gocmez G & Ölmez E

Godad S. (2021) Reinterpreted Sea Surface Temperature Proxies Alter Understanding of Interglacial Warmth
Bova S, Rosenthal Y, Liu Z, Godad S & Yan M

Godard G. (2017) Partial Melting of Ultramafic Granulites from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: Melt Inclusions and Thermodynamic Modelling
Cesare B, Ferrero S, Godard G, Palmeri R & Wunder B
(2015) Panafrican (?) HP Relics in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks from Antarctica (Dronning Maud Land and Shackleton Range)
Palmeri R, Di Vincenzo G, Godard G, Sandroni S & Talarico F
(2009) Calibration of Carbonate Composition Using Micro-Raman Analysis: Application to Planetary Surface Exploration
Rividi N, van Zuilen M, Menez B, Poidatz E, Godard G & Philippot P
(2007) What the Nonsberg-Ultental Region Tells us About Subduction Zones
Tumiati S, Godard G & Martin S

Godard M. (2023) Fe, Cu and Zn Isotopes: Proxies to Constrain the Magmato-Hydrothermal History at Oceanic Core Complexes (Mid-Atlantic Ridge Kane Area, MARK, 23°N, ODP Leg 153)
Coltat R, Debret B, Tilhac R, Andreani M, Patten CGC, Godard M & Escartin J
(2023) Listvenites and Listwaenites – A Review of Controlling Factors and Feedback Processes Allowing Complete Peridotite Carbonation
Menzel MD, Sieber MJ & Godard M
(2023) In situ CO2 Mineralization in Fractured Serpentinized Peridotite Basements: Insights from Reactive-Flow Experiments
Godard M, Escario S, Leprovost R & Gouze P
(2022) Retrieving Timescales of Crustal Evolution beneath a Slow-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge: The Case of Atlantis Massif (IODP Site U1309D, MAR 30°N)
Ferrando C, Lynn KJ, Basch V, Ildefonse B & Godard M
(2022) Deep Sourced Fluids for Peridotite Carbonation in the Shallow Mantle Wedge
de Obeso JC, Kelemen P, Leong JA, Menzel MD, Manning C, Godard M, Cai Y & Bolge L
(2022) Coupling of Reactive Fluid Flow and Deformation during Carbonation of Peridotite at the Base of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
Menzel MD, Urai JL, Ukar E, Decrausaz T, Godard M & Kelemen P
(2022) Initial Results from the Oman Drilling Project Multi-Borehole Observatory: Petrogenesis and Ongoing Alteration of Mantle Peridotite in the Weathering Horizon
Kelemen P, Leong JA, de Obeso JC, Matter J, Ellison ET, Templeton AS, Nothaft DB, Eslami A, Evans K, Godard M, Malvoisin B, Coggon JA, Warsi N, Pezard P, Cho S, Teagle D, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E & Al Sulaimani Z
(2022) Origin of Fe-Ca-Metasomatism and Associated Mineralization Hosted in Detachment-Related Exhumed Mantle Rocks at the MARK Area, 23°N, ODP Leg 153
Coltat R, Debret B, Godard M, Andreani M & Escartin J
(2021) Halogens in Serpentinised-Troctolites (Atlantis Massif): Implications for the Role of Serpentinization in Volatile Subduction Budgets
Kendrick MA, Godard M & Marks MAW
(2021) Osmium Isotope Evidence for Rapid Melt Migration Towards the Moho in the Oman Ophiolite
Klaessens D, Reisberg L, Jousselin D, Godard M & Aupart C
(2021) Geochemical Transfers Associated to Peridotite Carbonation: Results from Drilling the Listvenite-Metamorphic Transition in the Basal Megathrust of the Semail Ophiolite (Oman Drilling Project Hole BT1B)
Godard M, Carter E, de Obeso JC & Kelemen P
(2021) Investigating Migration of CO2-bearing Fluids into Peridotites at a Subduction Plate Boundary: The Case Study of Listvenites Series at OmanDP Site BT1 (Wadi Mansah, Oman Ophiolite)
Decrausaz T, Godard M, Parat F & Oliot E
(2021) Iron Redox and Potential for Hydrogen Production during Serpentinization of Fine-Grained Lherzolites: Results from a 417-Day Batch Hydrothermal Experiment
Tichadou C, Godard M, Munoz M, Leprovost R, Bonnet C & Gouze P
(2020) Numerical Modeling of a Seafloor Hydrothermal System during Incipi-Ent Serpentinization
Gouze P, Lods G & Godard M
(2020) Unraveling Carbon Uptake Sequences in Fast Cooling Oceanic Serpentinites (Batin, Oman Ophiolite): Insights from O and C Isotopes
Godard M, Noel J, Martinez I, Williams M, Gouze P & Boudier F
(2019) Melt Migration and Dunite Formation in the Mantle Section of the Oman Ophiolite: Insights from Lithophile and Highly Siderophile Elements Coupled with Structural Observations
Klaessens D, Reisberg L, Jousselin D & Godard M
(2019) The PGE and Os Isotope Variations in the Mantle Transition Zone from the Samail Ophiolite from the Oman Drilling Project Cores
Senda R, Suzuki K, Morishita T, Takazawa E, Michibayashi K, Kelemen P, Teagle D, Coggon J, Godard M & The Oman Drilling Project SP
(2019) Serpentinization and Potential for Natural Hydrogen in North-Western Pyrenees
Tichadou C, Godard M & Manuel M
(2019) The Role of Melt-Rock Reaction in Creating Enriched-Morb Mantle Sources
Rampone E, Borghini G, Class C, Goldstein SL, Cipriani A, Cai Y, Hofmann AW, Zanetti A, Fumagalli P & Godard M
(2019) Linkages between Serpentinization and Carbon Trapping in the Oman Ophiolite: Evidence from the Wadi Dima and Batin Peridotites
Godard M, Noël J, Martinez I, Williams M, Escario S, Oliot E & Boudier F
(2019) Physical Properties of the MohoTZ: Implications from Recent Drilling Projects
Abe N, Okazaki K, Katayama I, Hatakeyama K, Akamatsu Y, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E, Teagle D, Kelemen P, Godard M, Matter J & Coggon J
(2017) Evidence of Polygenic CO2 Trapping in the Oman Ophiolite Peridotites
Noël J, Godard M, Martinez I, Oliot E, Boudier F, Gouze P, Chaduteau C & Rodriguez O
(2016) Isotopic Constraints on Subduction Initiation and Evolution: IODP Exp. 352 (Bonin Forearc)
Prytulak J, Li H, Taylor R, Godard M, Ryan J, Mangler M, Shervais J, Reagan M & Pearce J
(2016) Origin of Orthpyroxene in Primitive Gabbros Generated at East Pacific Rise
Chatterjee S, Python M, Godard M & Akizawa N
(2016) Formation of Lowermost Oceanic Crust: A Microstructural and Geochemical Study of Troctolites from IODP Site U1415 (Hess Deep)
Akizawa N, Godard M, Ildefonse B & Arai S
(2015) Trace Element Budget along a Section of Fast-Spread Oceanic Crust: Results from Drilling at the Hess Deep Rift (ODP Leg 147 and IODP Expedition 345)
Godard M, Falloon T, Gillis K, Akizawa N, Koepke J, Marks N, Saha A, Garbe-Schonberg D & Meyer R
(2014) Multiphase Serpentinization at the Southwest Indian Ridge (62°-65°E)
Roumejon S, Cannat M, Agrinier P, Godard M & Andreani M
(2013) Melt-Rock Reaction in Oceanic Troctolites (Ligurian Ophiolites, Italy) as Revealed by Trace Element Chemistry of Olivine
Rampone E, Borghini G, Crispini L, Godard M, Ildefonse B & Fumagalli P
(2013) Geochemistry of Fast-Spreading Lower Crust: Results from IODP Expedition 345 at the Hess Deep Rift
Godard M, Meyer R, Saha A, Gillis K, Snow J, Klaus A & Shipboard Scientific Party IE3
(2013) The Main MORB Crustal Contaminant: Geochemistry of Magma Chamber Roof Experimental Anatectic Melts, and Residues
France L, Koepke J, Ildefonse B, MacLeod CJ, Godard M & Deloule E
(2013) Heterogeneity of the Uppermost Mantle in Back-Arc Settings: Insights from Trace-Element Compositions and Water Contents in Japanese Peridotite Xenoliths
Satsukawa T, Godard M, Demouchy S & Michibayashi K
(2013) Trace Element Composition of Clinopyroxenes from the Kızıldağ Ophiolite (S-Turkey): Implication for Multi-Stage Fractionational Melting in a SSZ Setting
Sen AD, Uysal I, Godard M, Saka S, Akmaz RM, Kaliwoda M & Bağci U
(2013) Meter-Scale Chemical Interaction between Pyroxenite-Derived Melts and Mantle Peridotites in the Northern Apennine Ophiolites (Italy)
Borghini G, Rampone E, Zanetti A, Class C, Cipriani A, Hofmann A, Goldstein S & Godard M
(2013) CO2 Mineralization in Percolated Olivine-Rich Rocks: Control of Olivine Crystallographic Orientation and Fluid Flux
Peuble S, Andreani M, Godard M, Van De Moortele B & Gouze P
(2013) An in situ Trace Element Study of Peridotites from the Gakkel Ridge
D'Errico M, Warren J & Godard M
(2011) CO2 Sequestration in Olivine Rich Basaltic Aquifers: A Reactive Percolation Experimental Study
Peuble S, Godard M, Gouze P & Luquot L
(2011) Pervasive Reactive Melt Migration Though the Lower Oceanic Crust: Implications for the Evolution of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt
Lissenberg CJ, MacLeod CJ, Howard KA & Godard M
(2011) Petrogenesis of Mantle Peridotites from the Kizildağ Ophiolite (SE Turkey): Implications from Mineral Composition
Sen AD, Uysal I, Godard M, Bağcı U & Kaliwoda M
(2010) Melting the Hydrothermally Altered Sheeted Dike Complex: Chemical Composition of the Main MORB Crustal Contaminant
France L, Ildefonse B, Koepke J, Godard M & MacLeod C
(2009) Refertilization of Oceanic Mantle by Old Depleted Melts: An in situ Trace Element and Os Isotope Study of ODP Site 1274 Peridotites
Godard M, Alard O, Gréau Y, Lorand J-P, Griffin WL & O'Reilley SY
(2009) Migration and Accumulation of Ultra-Depleted Subduction-Related Melts in the Massif du Sud Ophiolite (New Caledonia)
Garrido CJ, Marchesi C, Godard M, Belley F & Ferré E
(2009) Experimental Study of Carbon Sequestration Reactions Controlled by the Percolation of CO2-rich Brine Through Peridotites
Andreani M, Luquot L, Gouze P, Godard M, Hoise E & Gibert B
(2008) An in situ Trace Elements Study of Serpentinites from the MARK Area (ODP Site 920, 23°N)
Andreani M, Godard M & Mével C
(2004) Origin of the Ontong Java Plateau
Fitton G, Godard M, Mahoney J & Herzberg C
(2002) Melt Freezing at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interface: Geochemical Evidence from the Oman Peridotites
Godard M, Gerbert-Gaillard L & Bodinier J-L
(2002) Nb/Ta Geochemical Reservoirs
Bodinier J-L, Kalfoun F, Godard M, Barsczus HG & Sabaté P

Godard V. (2009) MC<sup>3</sup>: Mass Conservation, Metamorphic Changes and Modelling Consequences
Hetényi G, Connolly J, Godard V & Cattin R

Godbillot C. (2021) Probing the Use of Coccolith Vital Effects as a Proxy for Past CO2 Concentrations – Insights from Termination II in the Northern Atlantic Ocean
Godbillot C, Hermoso M & Minoletti F

Godchaux M. (2005) The Reynolds Creek Rhyolite Flow: A Large-Volume Evolved Flow
Semple A, Gregg T, Bonnichsen B & Godchaux M

Goddard K. (2019) Distribution of Zinc Isotopes in Breast Cancer Tissues
Sullivan K, Moore R, Larner F, Rehkamper M, Coombes C, Goddard K, Ion C, Layton-Matthews D & Leybourne M

Goddard W. (2011) Recent Advances in First Principles Based Modeling and Simulations of the Physics and Chemistry of Large, Complex Atomistic Systems
Goddard W
(2011) Anions Dramatically Enhance Proton Transfer Across the Air-Water Interface
Hoffmann M, Mishra H, Enami S, Neilson R, Goddard W & Colussi A

Godderis Y. (2023) The Role of the Thickness of the Regolith Cover on the Earth Climate Stability
Goddéris Y, Maffre PJ-Y & Pohl A
(2022) Simulating Neoproterozoic Climate and Redox Evolution from First Principles Using a Climate-Chemical Model
Mills BJW, Merdith A, Le Hir G, Donnadieu Y & Goddéris Y
(2022) Driving Mechanisms of Phanerozoic Climate
Merdith A, Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y & Mills BJW
(2022) New Constraints on Early Paleozoic Carbon Cycle Balance and Climate Change from Modelling
Markussen Marcilly C, Maffre P, Le Hir G, Pohl A, Fluteau F, Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Hatlen Heimdal T & Torsvik TH
(2021) A Simplified Global Vegetation Model for Deep Time
Gurung K, Mills BJW, Batterman S, Goddéris Y, Donnadieu Y, Porada P & Field K
(2021) Modelling Weathering, Climate and Biogeochemistry over Phanerozoic Time
Mills BJW, Donnadieu Y & Goddéris Y
(2021) Modeling the Effects of Carbon Release from the Karoo Large Igneous Province (LIP)
Hatlen Heimdal T, Goddéris Y, Svensen H & Jones M
(2020) Impact of Changing Weatherability on CO2—climate Coupling during the Late Paleozoic
Montanez I, Godderis Y & Richey J
(2019) A Worldwide Survey of Li and Mg Isotopes in River Clays
Vigier N, Ryu J-S, Godderis Y & Bayon G
(2019) Simulating the Combined Response of Climate, Carbon Cycle and Marine Biodiversity Through a LIP Degassing
Hennequin S, Goddéris Y, Le Hir G, Fluteau F & Brayard A
(2018) Simulating the Coupled Response of the Carbon Cycle, Climate and Oceanic Biodiversity to the Onset of the Siberian Traps
Hennequin S, Godderis Y, Le Hir G, Fluteau F, Brayard A, Donnadieu Y, Maffre P & Nardin E
(2018) Floodplain Versus Mountains in the Li Continental Cycle: A Model View
Maffre P, Goddéris Y, Vigier N & Carretier S
(2017) Temperature and CO2 Dependency of Global Carbonate Weathering Fluxes
Romero Mujalli G, Hartmann J, Goddéris Y, Börker J, Gaillardet J & Calmels D
(2016) Flat Continents, Weathering, and Climate Regulation
Maffre P, Goddéris Y, Donnadieu Y, Ladant J-B, Carretier S, Labat D & Vigier N
(2016) Effects of Climate Change on Vegetal Cover Simulations in a Mountainous Forest Catchment
Beaulieu E, Lucas Y, Viville D, Chabaux F, Ackerer P, Goddéris Y & Pierret M-C
(2016) Long-Term Inorganic Phosphorus Dynamic: Weathering, Sorption and Occlusion Modelling on the 4100 kyrs Chronosequence in Hawaii
Violette A, Goddéris Y, Guimberteau M, Goll D, Jornett A, Maignan F, Peng S & Ciais P
(2015) Weathering of Continent-Scale Volcanic Ash Deposit: Geochemical and Climatic Implications
Aragón Tobar CF, Goddéris Y, Delmelle P & Opfergelt S
(2014) Critical Zone and Carbon Cycle in the Deep Time
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y & Carretier S
(2013) Coupled Climate-Geochemical Modeling of the Connections between Break-Up of Rodinia, Weathering of Continental Flood Basalts, Snowball Glaciations and the Strontium Cycle
Hubert-Théou L, Cox GC, Le Hir G, Goddéris Y, Donnadieu Y, Halverson GP, Poirier A & Nelson L
(2013) Using WITCH to Quantify Landscape and Hydrologic Controls on Solute Fluxes in the Critical Zone (Susquehanna Shale Hills Observatory, PA)
Sullivan P, Goddéris Y, Shi Y, Schott J, Duffy C & Brantley S
(2013) A Phanerozoic CO2 History Driven by Tectonics
Donnadieu Y, Godderis Y, le hir G, Lefebvre V & Nardin E
(2013) Rates of Consumption of Atmospheric CO2 Through the Weathering of Loess during the Next 100 Years of Climate Change
Godderis Y, Brantley S, Francois L, Schott J, Pollard D, Deque M & Dury M
(2013) Modelling Carbon Cycle and Major Cations Weathering Fluxes in a Young Temperate Forest
Violette A, Carnol M, Aubinet M, Godderis Y, Erpicum M, Heinesch B & François L
(2012) Climate Change: The Future of Continental Weathering
Godderis Y, Beaulieu E, Donnadieu Y, Labat D & Roelandt C
(2011) Numerical Study of Weathering Fluxes at the Catchment Scale in a Boreal Watershed: A Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Geochemical Mechanistic Approach
Orgogozo L, Goddéris Y, Pokrovsky O, Viers J, Labat D, Prokushkin A & Dupré B
(2010) Sensitivity of the Chemical Weathering of the Continents to Environmental Gradients
Godderis Y, Violette A, Beaulieu E, Williams J, Roelandt C, Vigier N, Schott J, Pollard D, Pierret M-C & Brantley S
(2010) Impact of Atmospheric CO2 Levels on Continental Silicate Weathering
Beaulieu E, Goddéris Y, Labat D, Roelandt C, Oliva P & Guerrero B
(2010) Element Cycling and the Evolution of the Earth System
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Williams J, Roelandt C, Schott J, Pollard D, Pierrehumbert R & Brantley S
(2009) Geochemical Evolution of the Global Ocean during a Mid-Cretaceous OAE: Model Development and Sensitivity Analysis
Arndt S, Regnier P, Donnadieu Y & Godderis Y
(2009) Impact of the Boundary Processes on Si, Ca and Mg Inputs to the Ocean
Jeandel C, Godderis Y, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Lacan F & Arsouze T
(2009) Coupled Hydrogeological and Geochemical Modelling at Watershed Scale Under Sensitive Tropical Climate
Violette A, Godderis Y, Marechal J-C, Braun J-J, Riotte J & Sekhar M
(2009) A Model for “Cold-Snap” Episodes Occurring during the Mesozoic
Donnadieu Y, Goddéris Y & Dromart G
(2008) Coupled Hydrological and Geochemical Modelling of a Tropical Watershed
Violette A, Goddéris Y, Maréchal J-C, Riotte J, Braun J-J, Murari V & Parathe HR
(2008) Causal or Casual Link between the Rise of Nannoplankton Calcification and an Abrupt Tectonically-Driven Atmospheric CO2 Decline in the Late Triassic?
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, De Vargas C, Pierrehumbert R, Dromart G & van de Schootbrugge B
(2008) Integrated Modelling of Biological and Weathering Processes at the Continental Scale
Roelandt C, Godderis Y, Bonnet M-P & Sondag F
(2008) Are We Getting Close to a Mechanistic Description of Weathering in the Field?
Schott J, Goddéris Y, Roelandt C, Williams J, Brantley S, Pollard D & François L
(2007) Interpreting Soil Profiles Developed on Loess Using a GCM and a Watershed Weathering Model
Williams J, Pollard D, Godderis Y, Bandstra J, Schott J & Brantley S
(2007) Modelling Continental Weathering: From the Lab to the Field
Godderis Y, Schott J, Francois L, Dessert C & Dupre B
(2007) Modeling the Effect of Aging on Deccan Traps Weathering and CO2 Consumption
Dessert C, Godderis Y, Schott J & Dupre B
(2006) A plausible link between the onset of Pangea break-up and the evolution of marine biocalcifiers through changes in atmospheric CO2 and ocean chemistry
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Pierrehumbert R & Jacob R
(2006) Modelling transfer of elements from the continents to the ocean at the large watershed scale in a tropical environment
Roelandt C, Goddéris Y, Bonnet M-P & Seyler F
(2005) Modelling the Global Riverine U Fluxes to the Oceans
Riotte J, Goddéris Y, Chabaux F, Munhoven G, François L & Lorenz S
(2005) Basalt Weathering Laws and the Impact of Basalt Weathering on the Global Carbon Cycle
Dessert C, Dupré B, Gaillardet J, Goddéris Y, François L & Schott J
(2005) Links between Climate, Paleogeography and Silicate Rock Weathering: A Cretaceous vs Present day Comparative Study with the GEOCLIM Model
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Tombozafi M, Pierrehumbert R, Gaillardet J, Kump L & Dupre B
(2004) Interactions between Vegetation and Rock Chemical Weathering: A Study with a Coupled Hydrological and Biogeochemical Model
François L, Bureau M, Carignan J, Dambrine E, France- Lanord C, Schott J, Pokrovsky O & Goddéris Y
(2004) Constraining Basalt Erosion Through River Data and Numerical Modeling
Dessert C, Godderis Y, Dupre B & Gaillardet J
(2004) Numerical Modelling of Weathering at the Catchment Scale
Godderis Y, François L, Probst A & Schott J
(2004) Modelling Long Term Climatic and Geochemical Consequences of the Karoo-Ferrar Traps Eruption (183 Ma)
Donnadieu Y, Godderis Y, Cecca F, Pierrehumbert R, Ramstein G, Dessert C & Dupré B
(2002) Snowball Earth and Basaltic Traps
Godderis Y, Nedelec A, Donnadieu Y, Francois L, Grard A & Dupre B
(2002) Modelling the Cenozoic Evolution of Atmospheric CO2
François LM, Gaillardet J & Goddéris Y
(2002) The Role of Basalt Chemical Weathering on the CO2 Cycle
Dupre B, Dessert C, François L, Godderis Y, Allegre CJ & Gaillardet J
(2002) Modelling Chemical Weathering at River Catchment Scale: Design and Calibration of the WiTCh Model
Probst A, Godderis Y, Francois L, Labat D, Schott J & Viville D
(2001) The Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Phanerozoic Seawater Sulfate Based on Structurally Substituted Sulfate in Carbonates
Strauss H, Kampschulte A & Goddéris Y
(2001) Perturbations in the Upper Devonian Carbon Cycle: II. Modeling
Goddéris Y & Joachimski MM

Goddoy J.M. (2014) Influence of Microalgae in REE Biogeochemistry at Funil Reservoir, Southeastern Brazil
Santos-Neves J, Manoel Ferreira M, Vidall M, Almeida AC, Goddoy JM & Patchineelam S

Godeau N. (2023) New Time Constraints on Alpine Brittle Structures: Coexistence of Compressive and Transtensive Deformation Since the Miocene
Bilau A, Bienveignant D, Boschetti L, Rolland Y, Schwartz S, Godeau N, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Gautheron CE, Pinna-Jamme R, Brigaud B, Mangenot X & Dumont T
(2023) Calcite – Hematite Dating, Stable and Clumped Isotopes Record the History of Fault Activity, Exhumation and Climate in the Internal Alps (Penninic Frontal Thrust and Briançonnais Zone)
Rolland Y, Bilau A, Schwartz S, Gautheron CE, Brigaud B, Mangenot X, Godeau N, Guihou A, Deschamps P, Pinna-Jamme R, Noret A, Bienveignant D & Dumont T
(2021) U-Pb and Th-Pb Dating of Diagenetic/Hydrothermal Phases in the Pre-Salt Series, Angola Offshore: Implication for the Paleo-Thermal History during South Atlantic Rifting
Godeau N, Girard J-P, Guihou A, Hamelin B & Deschamps P
(2019) Diagenetic Silicification in the Presalt Carbonate Reservoirs of the Kwanza Basin, Offshore Angola: Constrains from Fluid Inclusions, Stable Isotopes and U-Pb Dating
Girard J-P, San Miguel G, Teboul P-A & Godeau N
(2017) An Integrated Study of a Case of Complex Hydrothermal Diagenesis in a PreSalt Reservoir Offshore Angola
Girard J-P, San Miguel G, Godeau N & Deschamps P
(2016) U/Pb Dating of Carbonates: A Novel Approach for Rapid Identification of Appropriate Samples
Godeau N, Deschamps P, Guihou A, Angeletti B, Hamelin B, Girard J-P & Teinturier S

Godebo T. (2020) Fluoride Exposure and Bone Quality Measured Using a Novel Ultrasonic Biomarker
Godebo T, Jeuland M, Tekle-Haimanot R, Shankar A, Alemayehu B, Assefa G, Whitford G & Wolfe A
(2020) Metals and Trace Elements Composition of Maize, Wheat, and Teff Grown in Volcanic-Ash Rich Soils of the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley
Nyachoti S, Adebayo S & Godebo T
(2018) Arsenic Occurrence and Human Exposure in the Main Ethiopian Rift
Godebo T, Vengosh A & Jeuland M

Godefroit P. (2017) Sulfur Speciation in Soft Tissues from a Jurassic Ornithischian Dinosaur
McNamara M, Godefroit P, Benton M, Dhouailly D, Sinitsa S, Reschetova S & Spagna P

Godefroy M. (2017) Gold, Alteration and Sources of Sulfur: Insight from the World-Class Bardoc Shear Zone
Schmitt L, Bath A, Walshe J & Godefroy M

Godel B. (2023) The Sulfide-Fluid Connection, from Magmas to Ore Deposits
Iacono-Marziano G, Le Vaillant M, Barnes S, Godel B & Arbaret L
(2023) A Newly Recognized 2.4 Ga Mafic Sill-Hosted Ni-Sulfide Deposit, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Siegel C, Schoneveld L, Spaggiari C, Le Vaillant M, Barnes S, Godel B & Mahon D
(2021) The Role of Assimilation and Volatiles in the Formation and Metal Enrichment of Magmatic Sulfide Ores: Constraints from Experimental Petrology and Application to the Noril’sk-Talnakh Ore Deposits (Russia)
Iacono-Marziano G, Le Vaillant M, Barnes S, Godel B, Arbaret L, Gaillard F & Arndt NT
(2015) Upward Transport of S, Cu and Au in Magmas by Flotation of Sulphide Melt on Vapour Bubbles
Mungall J, Brenan J, Godel B, Barnes S & Gaillard F
(2014) Transfer of S, Cu and Au to Felsic Magmas by Flotation of Sulfide Melt on Vapor Bubbles
Mungall J, Brenan J, Godel B & Barnes S
(2013) Microstructural Control on Trace Element Diffusion in Pyrrhotite from Komatiite Hosted Massive Ni Sulphides, Yilgarn Craton
Vukmanovic Z, Reddy S, Godel B, Barnes S, Fiorentini M & Barnes S-J
(2011) Microprospecting for Platinum Group Minerals by X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping Using the Maia Detector
Barnes S, Godel B & Ryan C
(2010) PGE in Mantle Nodules from the Newer Volcanics, Victoria: Sulfide Control during Mantle Melting
Keays R, Barnes S, Godel B & Ryan C
(2007) Highly Siderophile Elements in Platinum-Group Element Ore Deposits
Barnes S-J, Prichard H, Cox R, Fisher P & Godel B

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