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Glaser M. (2020) Mobility and Binding Mechanisms of Glyphosate in Agricultural Soils
Glaser M, Richards B, Steenhuis T & Aristilde L

Glaser P.H. (2010) Partitioning Peatland Gas Prodution: Determining the Fraction of CO2 Produced from Methanogenesis
Corbett JE, Chanton JP, Burdige D, Glaser PH, Cooper WT, Siegel DI, Dasgupta SS & Tfaily MM
(2010) Multi-Scale Measurement and Monitoring of CH4 Dynamics in Peatlands Using Geophysical Methods
Slater L, Comas X, Parsekian A, Nolan J, Reeve A & Glaser P

Glaser S. (2010) Trace Elements in Sulfides from Precambrian Stromatolites and Banded Iron-Formations
Glaser S, Swanner E & Mojzsis S

Glasmacher U. (2020) Thermo-Tectonic History of the Rio Grande Rise (South Atlantic Ocean)
Hackspacher P, Silva B, Peres G, Glasmacher U & Santos A

Glasnák P. (2008) Heat Capacity and Entropy of Stoichiometric Jarosite Compounds
Glasnak P, Majzlan J, Dachs E & Boerio-Goates J
(2007) Single Crystal X-Ray Refinement and Thermodynamic Properties of Stoichiometric Jarosite, KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6
Glasnák P

Glass Billy (2007) Ivory Coast Tektites, Microtektites, and Glassy Fallback Particles of the Lake Bosumtwi Impact Crater, Ghana: Geochemical Differences
Luetke S, Deutsch A & Glass B

Glass Billy P. (2023) Mineralogical and Geochronological Study of a Relict Monazite Inclusion in a Muong Nong Tektite from Indochina
Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Rochette P, Zanetta P-M & Glass BP
(2021) Isotope Fractionation of Fe by Hypervelocity Impacts Evidenced by Australasian Microtektites
Chernonozhkin SM, González de Vega C, Artemieva N, Soens B, Belza J, Bolea Fernandez E, van Ginneken M, Glass BP, Folco L, Genge MJ, Claeys P, Vanhaecke F & Goderis S

Glass Jennifer (2020) Deep Subsurface Bacterial Proteins Bind and Modify Clathrate
Johnson A, Huard D, Kim J, Raut P, Petrov A, Williams L, Dai S, Lieberman R & Glass J
(2020) Potential Biotic-Abiotic Nitrous Oxide Production in Oceanic Oxyclines
Cavazos A & Glass J
(2020) From Tweeds to Tweets: Democratizing and Diversifying the Ivory Tower and Science Communication Through Social Media
Glass J
(2019) Habitability of Methane Hydrates: Insights from Omics
Glass J, Ranjan P, Kretz C, Nunn B, Johnson A, McManus J & Stewart F
(2018) Metaproteomics Reveal Uncharacterized Betaproteobacterial Electron Conduits
Szeinbaum N, Henny C, Crowe S, Stewart F, DiChristina T, Reinhard C, Nunn B & Glass J
(2017) The Metabolic Potential of Freshwater Bathyarchaeota
Crowe S, Zhou C, Simister R, Glass J, Bray M, Morgan-Lang C, Hahn A, Vuillemin A, Henny C, Stewart F, Kallmeyer J & Hallam S
(2017) Tales from the Crypt(ic): The Phantoms of the Nitrogen Cycle
Glass J, Cavazos A, Stanton C, Tang Y, Taillefert M, Stewart F & Ostrom N
(2016) How did Ferruginous Archean Oceans Make Methane?
Glass J, Bray M, Wu J, Reed B, Kretz C, Stewart F, DiChristina T, Brandes J, Fowle D & Crowe S
(2014) Nano-Scale Elemental Imaging of Microbes and Minerals from Deep Sea Methane Seeps
Glass J, McGlynn S, Chadwick G, Dawson K, Chen S, Vogt S, Lai B, Deng J, Ingall E, Twining B & Orphan V
(2014) Linking Trace Metal Geochemistry and Microbial Metagenomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone
Glass J, Ranjan P, Ganesh S, Seston S, Buck K & Stewart F
(2013) Metal Micronutrients for Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Glass J, Steele J, Dawson K, McGlynn S, Reinhard C & Orphan V

Glass Jennifer B (2022) Bacterial Clathrate-Binding Proteins in the Deep Subsurface Biosphere: Implications for Gas Clathrate Stability and Habitability
Johnson AM, Huard D, Lieberman R, Dai S & Glass JB
(2021) Planetary Metabolism: Linking Solid Interiors to Gaseous Biosignatures via Bioinorganic Chemistry
Glass JB

Glass L (2006) Petrogenesis and geochronology of the Cambrian Kalkarindji low-Ti CFB Province - northern Australia
Glass L, Bennett V & Phillips D
(2004) A New Flood Basalt Province from Northern Australia: Geochronology and Petrogenesis of the Cambrian Kalkarindji Low-Ti Basalts
Glass L, Bennett V & Phillips D

Glass Leah (2018) Losses of Soil Organic Carbon with Deforestation in Mangroves of Madagascar
Arias-Ortiz A, Glass L, Masqué P, Benson L, Kennedy H, Garcia-Orellana J, Ridgway S, Salgado G, Duarte CM & Lovelock CE

Glasscock S. (2018) Detecting Changes in Antarctic Bottom Water Formation Using Authigenic Uranium during Marine Isotope Stage 11
Glasscock S & Hayes C

Glasser F.P. (2002) Geochemical Impacts of Combustion Wastes in Reuse and Disposal
Glasser FP

Glatt E. (2016) Dynamic Simulation of Diffusion Controlled Celestite Precipitation in a µCT-generated Pore Space
Hinz C, Enzmann F, Chagneau A, Schäfer T, Glatt E & Kersten M

Glatzel P. (2015) Manganese Speciation in Bivalve Shell Aragonite
Soldati A, Jacob D, Glatzel P, Grattage J & Geck J
(2012) Physico-Chemical and Structural Controls on Copper Isotope Fractionation during its Sorption by Benthic Algae and a Phototrophic Biofilm
Coutaud A, Pokrovsky OS, Glatzel P, Pokrovski GS, Viers J & Rols J-L
(2011) Effect of Alkali Content and Fe Oxidation State on the S Oxidation State and Solubility in Rhyolitic Glasses
Giuli G, Paris E, Mori R, Glatzel P, Cicconi MR, Scaillet B & Eeckhout S

Glaubke R. (2023) Southeastern Indian Ocean Seawater Isotopes (δ18O) Across the Subtropical Front
Wagner AJ, Glaubke R, Sikes EL & Croteau A
(2023) Evolution of δ13C of Surface Water Masses in the Southeastern Indian Ocean over the Last 50, 000 Years
Sikes EL, Umling N, Starr A, Glaubke R & Martin E
(2022) High-precision Measurements of Southern Indian Ocean Seawater Isotopes (δ18O) Using Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
Wagner AJ, Sikes EL, Glaubke R & Peltier JM
(2021) Deglacial CO2 Release and Ventilation in the Indian Ocean Sector Attributed to a Southern Ocean Deep Gateway Effect
Sikes EL, Glaubke R, Umling NE, Wiliams TJ, Starr A & Martin E

Glaus Martin (2019) Diffusion of 226Radium Through Opalinus Clay: A Combined Diffusion and Sorption Study
Brandt F, Van Loon L, Klinkenberg M, Poonoosamy J, Glaus M & Bosbach D
(2016) Migration Behaviour of Carboxylic Acids in Compacted Illite, Kaolinite and Opalinus Clay
Chen Y, Glaus M, van Loon L & Mäder U
(2015) Migration of Small Organic Molecules in Dense Clay Systems
Chen Y, Glaus M, Van Loon L & Mäder U

Glaus Martin A (2023) Relevance of Diffuse Layer, Stern-Layer and Interlayer Transport in Diffusion Experiments with Various Clays and Ions
Krejci P, Gimmi T, Van Loon L & Glaus MA

Glaus R. (2013) Element Quantification in Chondritic Components by LA-ICP-MS
Funk C, Wombacher F, Glaus R, Tabersky D, Koch J & Günther D

Glavaš N. (2015) Study of Heavy Metal Leaching in Saline Mud
Glavaš N, Rogan Šmuc N, Dolenec M & Kovač N

Glavin D (2004) Amino and Carboxylic Acids in a Mars Soil Analogue from the Atacama Desert
Buch A, Glavin D, Szopa C, Cabane M, Sternberg R, Raulin F, Navarro-Gonzalez R & Mahaffy P
(2004) Detecting Pyrolysis Products from Bacteria in a Mars Soil Analogue
Glavin D, Cleaves J, Schubert M, Aubrey A, Buch A, Mahaffy P & Bada J

Glavin Daniel (2020) Sugars in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Furukawa Y, Chikaraishi Y, Ohkouchi N, Ogawa N, Glavin D, Dworkin J, Abe C & Nakamura T

Glavin Daniel P. (2022) Amino Acid Analyses of Hayabusa2 Samples via Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Parker ET, Glavin DP & Dworkin J
(2022) Searching for Mineralogical Evidence for the Clay-Sulfate Transition Region in Gale Crater, Mars Using the Sample Analysis at Mars-Evolved Gas Analyzer (SAM-Ega) Onboard the Curiosity Rover
Clark J, Sutter B, Wong G, Lewis J, McAdam A, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Eigenbrode J, Freissinet C, Stern J, Glavin DP, Steele A, Knudson C, House C, Malespin C & Ming DW
(2014) Evolved Gas Analysis of the Rocknest Aeolian Bedform, Gale Crater, Mars
Arevalo Jr. R, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Coll P, Eigenbrode J, Glavin D, Jones J, Leshin L, McAdam A, McKay C, Ming D, Morris R, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Niles P, Pavlov A, Squyres S, Stern J, Steele A & Wray J
(2002) A Search for Extraterrestrial Amino Acids in Antarctic Micrometeorites
Glavin DP, Matrajt G & Bada JL
(2000) Search Strategies for Organic Bio-Signatures in Extraterrestrial Samples
McDonald G, Bada J, Brinton K, Glavin D, Dorn E & Storrie-Lombardi M

Glaze L. (2018) Venus: The Making of an Uninhabitable World
Kane S, Arney G, Crisp D, Domagal-Goldman S, Glaze L, Goldblatt C, Grinspoon D, Head J, Lenardic A, Unterborn C & Way M

Glazer B. (2020) Interactive Feedbacks of Climate, Mineralogy and Microbiological Communities on Soil Carbon: A Deep Soil Warming Experiment
McGrath C, Crow S, Hicks Pries C, Nguyen N, Glazer B & Lio S
(2015) Microbial Nitrogen Cycling in Cold Oceanic Crustal Fluids at North Pond
Kraft B, Wankel S, Glazer B, Huber J & Girguis P
(2015) Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits: Modern Analogues for Precambrian Iron Formations
Rouxel O, Bekker A, Slack J & Glazer B
(2009) The Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Deep Sediment-Buried Basement Biosphere: Juan de Fuca Ridge Flanks
Cowen J, Lin H-T, Glazer B, Rappe M, Matzinger M, Youngbluth S, Jones R, Olson E, Albert D & Amend J
(2009) Iron Cycling at an Ultradiffuse Seafloor Hydrothermal System at the Base of Loihi Seamount: A Seafloor Expression of the Subsurface
Glazer B & Rouxel O
(2007) In situ Redox Chemistry of Hydrothermal Fluids at the Loihi Seamount Microbial Observatory
Glazer B, Briggs R, Nuzzio D, Heshiki Z, Edwards K, Moyer C, Emerson D, Tebo B & Staudigel H
(2004) Environmental Limits of the Circumneutral Iron-Oxidizing Bacterial Isolate ES-1: Field, Culture, and Kinetic Results from Voltammetric Analyses
Druschel G, Emerson D, Glazer B, Kraiya C, Sutka R & Luther G

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