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Gkamaletsos P. (2016) TEM Study on the Localisation of Th in an Al-Ore Industrial Residue
Kasama T, Gkamaletsos P & Godelitsas A

Gkinis V. (2013) Inferring a West Antarctica Firn Temperature History from a Shallow Ice Core Using a New Proxy
Gkinis V, Jones T, White J, Vaughn B, Steig E, Markle B & Schoenemann S
(2013) Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy for the High-Precision Analysis of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Water and Water Vapor
Steig E, Gkinis V, Schauer A, Hoffnagle J, Tan S & Schoenemann S

Gkritzalis-Papadopolous A. (2013) Daily Geochemical Monitoring of Volcanic Rivers: A Tool for Eruption Prediction?
Jones M, Gkritzalis-Papadopoulous A, Palmer M, Mowlem M & Gislason S
(2011) Combining Spot Samples and Continuous Sampling to Study Small Catchment Storm Runoff
Palmer M, Gkritzalis-Papadopolous A & Mowlem M

Glabonjat R. (2018) The Role of Biotransformation in the Environmental Cycling of Arsenic
Francesconi K, Glabonjat R, Jensen K, Raber G, Stiboller M & Xiong C
(2016) A Novel Arsenolipid Biosynthesised by Dunaliella Tertiolecta Under Varying Arsenate/Phosphate Regimes
Glabonjat R, Raber G, Jensen K, Stiboller M, Ehgartner J, Guttenberger N, Francesconi K, Duncan E, Foster S & Maher W
(2016) Arsenolipids in Biota from Low and High Phosphate Oceanic Waters
Glabonjat R, Raber G, Jensen K, Francesconi K & Van Mooy B
(2015) Arsenolipids in Sediments from Great Salt Lake
Glabonjat R, Raber G, Jensen K, Francesconi K, Schubotz F, Boyd E, Marvin-DiPasquale M & Naftz D
(2014) Organic Arsenic Compounds in Seawater
Glabonjat R, Raber G, Van Mooy B & Francesconi K

Gladding T. (2011) Influence of Conditions Past and Present on Bacterial Calcium Mineral Precipitation
Polacsek TK, Cockell CS & Gladding T

Glade R. (2019) Projections of Erosion for a Temperate Watershed on a 10, 000 Year Timescale
Barnhart K, Tucker G, Doty S, Glade R, Shobe C, Rossi M & Hill M

Gladish E. (2013) Evaluating the Role Mafic Crustal Assimilation in the Generation of Western US Continental Basalts
Ramos F, Gladish E, Slater N & Paliewicz C

Gladkis L. (2006) The Development of AMS Measurements of Manganese-53 for Erosion Rate Studies
Morton C, Fifield K, Gladkis L, Barrows T & Tims S
(2006) Aluminium-26 measurements with beryllium-10 counting statistics
Fifield K, Tims S, Gladkis L, Morton C & Barrows T

Gladkochub D (2004) New Archean to Proterozoic SHRIMP Ages on Granulites from the Siberian Carton
Poller U, Gladkochub D, Donskaya T, Mazukabzov A, Sklyarov E & Todt W
(2003) Paleoproterozoic U-Pb Single Zircon Ages from Southern Siberia
Poller U, Gladkochub D, Donskaya T, Sklyarov E & Todt W

Gladkochub Dmitrii (2019) Geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic Mafic Magmatism in the South Siberian Post-Collision Magmatic Belt
Donskaya T, Gladkochub D, Mazukabzov A, Demonterova E & Pisarevsky S
(2019) Geochemical Features of Dolerites as Indicator of Distance to Center of Mantle Plume (A Test of Proterozoic LIPs of the Siberian Craton)
Gladkochub D, Donskaya T & Ernst R
(2017) Paleoproterozoic Granitoids Related to the Siberian Craton Assembly
Donskaya T, Gladkochub D, Mazukabzov A & Pisarevsky S
(2017) Main Mafic Dyke Swarms of the Southern Siberian Craton: Their Ages and Geochemical Features
Gladkochub D, Donskaya T, Ernst R & Pisarevsky S

Gladkov A. (2021) Some Features of the Geological Structure and Ore Mineralization of the Anorogenic Gold Deposits in the West of Aldan Shield (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia)
Trumm T, Tishin P, Sokhorev K & Gladkov A

Gladu A. (2008) Pb Purification by HBr-Hcl and HBr-Hno3 – A Comparison
Gladu A & Kamber B

Gladyshev S. (2019) Organic Matter Effect on Fe(II) Oxidation Kinetics in the Labrador Sea
Santana-González C, González-Dávila M, Santana-Casiano M, Gladyshev S, Sokov A, González A & González-Santana D
(2017) Carbonate Characteristics and Buffer Capacity of Water Masses along the North-Atlantic Section 59.5ºN as a Response to Ocean Acidification
Gonzalez-Davila M, Gonzalez-Santana D, Santana-Casiano JM, Gladyshev S & Sokov A

Glaeser S.P. (2017) Stenotrophomonas Bentonitica BII-R7T, a Novel Bacterial Strain with Bioremediation Potential
Sánchez-Castro I, Bakkali M, Kämpfer P, Glaeser SP, Busse HJ & Merroun ML

Glamoclija M. (2021) Subsurface Fluid Geochemistry Shape Microbial Community Structure and Function at Solfatara-Pisciarelli Hydrothermal Systems, Italy
Ugwuanyi IR, Glamoclija M, Steele A, Fogel M, Bowden R, De Natale G, Troise C, Somma R, Piochi M & Mormone A
(2010) Microbial Nitrogen and Sulfur Cycles at the Dune Field, White Sands National Monument (New Mexico)
Glamoclija M, Fogel ML, Kish A & Steele A
(2009) Signatures of Life in Ice (SLIce): An Analog Study for in situ Detection of Biosignatures Elsewhere
Tobler DJ, Benning LG, Fogel ML, Glamoclija M, Kerr L, Steele A, Amundsen HEF & Eigenbrode JL

Glamore W. (2023) Prediction of PFAS Interfacial Partitioning Under a Wide Range of Environmentally Relevant Conditions
OCarroll D, Gao Y, Le ST, Glamore W & Kibbey T

Glancy S. (2021) Historical Mata Volcano Boninites and Primary Magma Musings
Rubin KH, Hellebrand E, Glancy S & Michael PJ
(2015) Composition within and between Tonga Arc/Lau Basin Backarc Eruptions Reveal Wide Variety of Parent Melts Linked to Eruption Styles
Rubin K, Michael P, Jenner F, Clague D, Glancy S, Hellebrand E, Arculus R, Gill J, Todd E, Lupton J & Embley R
(2014) Wedge and Slab Inputs to Boninite Magmas in the NE Lau Basin
Glancy S, Rubin K, Hellebrand E, Jennner F, Arculus R & Embley R
(2013) Timescale and Petrogenesis of 2009 and Older W. Mata Boninite Magmas
Rubin K, Michael P, Gill J, Clague D, Plank T, Escrig S, Glancy S, Todd E, Cooper L, Keller N, Soule A, Hellebrand E, Kelley K, Cottrell L, Jenner F, Arculus R, Ruprecht P, Lupton J, Langmuir C & Embley R

Glanzman R. (2005) Boise Valley Groundwater Geochemistry – Origin, Infiltration Rate and Transport Characteristics
Glanzman R & Squires E

Glasauer S. (2010) Biochemistry of Metal Interactions with Shewanella putrefaciens Cytoplasmic Membranes
French S & Glasauer SR
(2010) PH Dependent Proton Reactivity of Rough LPS on Live Cells
Puddephatt D & Glasauer SR
(2009) Redox- and Metal-Dependent Surface Modifications of Shewanella putrefaciens CN32
French S & Glasauer S
(2008) Shewanella Cell Surface Modification Upon Exposure to Soluble Cations
French S & Glasauer S
(2008) Defining Biomineralization from the Bacterial Cell Wall to the Bulk Solution
Glasauer S, Fakra S, Tyliszczak T & Shuh D
(2007) The Sedimentation Rate Controls Microfossil Preservation
Glasauer S & Gehring A
(2005) X-Ray Microprobe Investigations of Mineral-Metal-Microbe Interfaces
Kemner K, Kelly S, Boyanov M, Lai B, Glasauer S, Langley S, Kulpa C, Beveridge T & Nealson K
(2003) Immobilization of Metals at the Cell Wall of Subsurface Bacteria during Anaerobic Respiration
Glasauer S, Lloyd J, Renshaw J, Gehring A & Beveridge T
(2002) Controls on Fe Reduction and Mineral Formation by a Subsurface Bacterium
Glasauer SM, Langley S & Beveridge TJ
(2001) Precipitation of an Intracellular Fe Mineral during Reduction of Ferrihydrite by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32
Glasauer S, Langley S & Beveridge TJ

Glasby G.P. (2009) The Enrichment of Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Co-rich Crusts from the Central and Western Pacific
Bu W, Shi X, Liu J & Glasby GP

Glascock M.D. (2001) Gold Solubility, Speciation and Partitioning in Granite-Volatile Phase Systems
Frank MR, Candela PA, Piccoli PM & Glascock MD

Glaser B. (2011) Coupling Isotope Labelling with Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis of Microbial Biomarkers
Dippold M, Apostel C, Sauheitl L, Glaser B & Kuzyakov Y
(2007) Long-Term Turnover of Plant Derived Sugars in Soils Below Natural Forest and Eucalyptus Plantation in Ethiopia
Freier K, Glaser B & Zech W

Glaser David (2014) Suppression of Methylmercury in Sediments by Manganese(IV) Oxide
Vlassopoulos D, Goin J, Henry E & Glaser D

Glaser Donald (2018) Solid-Earth Processes are Key Drivers in the Evolution of Earth’s Redox State and Set the Stage for the Great Oxidation Event
Hartnett H, Till C, Anbar A, Glaser D, Guild M, Iacovino K, Johnson A, Leong J & Ostrander C

Glaser Donald M (2023) Mineral Composition Affects Water Vapor Adsorptionin Unsaturated Soils
Glaser DM & Hartnett H
(2021) Mineralogy Affects Water Vapor Adsorption and Water Content in Experiments Simulating Atacama Soil Conditions
Hartnett H & Glaser DM

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