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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Giubbina F. (2013) Ethanol Variability in Rainwater and its Impact on the Chemistry of the Troposphere
Kieber R, Willey J, Avery B, Mead R, Giubbina F & Campos L

Giudice G. (2022) Rapid Source Shifting of a Deep Magmatic System Revealed by the Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
Halldorsson SA, Marshall E, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Bali E, Rasmussen M, Ranta E, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Guðfinnsson GH, Sigmarsson O, Maclennan J, Jackson M, Whitehouse MJ, Jeon H, van der Meer QHA, Mibei G, Kalliokoski M, Repczynska M, Rúnarsdóttir R, Sigurdsson G, Pfeffer M, Scott S, Kjartansdóttir R, Kleine BI, Clive O, Aiuppa A, Ilyinskaya E, Bitetto M, Giudice G & Stefánsson A
(2019) Volcanic Gas Emissions along the Colombian Arc Segment: Implicatons for the Andean Volatile Budget and on-Going Monitoring
Lages J, Chacon Z, Burbano V, Mesa L, Arellano S, Liuzzo M, Giudice G, Aiuppa A, Bitetto M & Lopez C
(2019) ABOVE: Aerial-Based Observations of Volcanic Emissions, Papua New Guinea
Liu E, Aiuppa A, Alan A, Arellano S, Bitetto M, Bobrowski N, Carn S, Cerdes G, Clarke R, Corrales E, de Moor M, Diaz JA, Edmonds M, Fischer T, Freer J, Fricke M, Galle B, Giudice G, Gutmann A, Jones J, Mason E, McCormick Kilbride B, Mulina K, Nowicki S, Richardson T, Rüdiger J, Schipper CI, Watson IM & Wood K
(2015) Fumarolic and Diffuse Soil CO2 Output from Furnas Volcano (Azores)
Pedone M, Viveiros F, Aiuppa A, Giudice G, Grassa F, Francofonte V & Ferreira T
(2015) Refining the Approach for Volcanic CO2 Output Estimation at San Cristobal Volcano
Robidoux P, Aiuppa A, Rotolo S, H. Hauri E, Frezzotti ML & Giudice G
(2013) Volcanic CO2 Flux Measurements by Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
Pedone M, Aiuppa A, Giudice G, Grassa F & Chiodini G

Giuffre A. (2016) The Structure of Nacre in Jurassic Pinna Shells
Gilbert PUPA, Giuffre AJ, Bergmann KD, Myers CE, Marcus MA, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan E, Tamre E, Tamura N, Lemer S, Giribet G, Eiler J & Knoll A
(2014) Deciphering Chemical and Morphological Patterns of Mineralization
Dove P, Blue C, Mergelsberg S, Giuffre A & De Yoreo J
(2014) Deciphering Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Crystallization Pathway Using Stable Isotope Labels
Giuffre A, Gagnon A & Dove P
(2014) Polysaccharide Chemistry and Ionic Strength Regulate Calcite Nucleation Barriers Through Continuum of Competing Interfacial Forces
Giuffre A, De Yoreo J & Dove P
(2014) Calcification by Amorphous Pathways: Revisiting Mineralization Process(es) and Controls on Compositional Signatures
Dove P, Blue C, Distad M & Giuffre A
(2014) Mechanisms Driving Sub-Micron Proxy Heterogeneity in Biominerals: Lessons from Planktic Foraminifera
Gagnon A, Giuffre A, Russell A, Spero H, Zhu Z & Perea D
(2012) Me/Ca Proxies and Foram Biomineralization: The Role of Cation Transport
Gagnon A, DeYoreo J, DePaolo D, Spero H, Russell A & Giuffre A
(2012) Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Calcite Nucleation on Self-Assembled Monolayers
Hamm L, Han N, Giuffre A, De Yoreo J & Dove P
(2012) Controls of Polysaccharide Chemistry on Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Calcium Carbonate Nucleation
Giuffre A, Hamm L & Dove P
(2012) The Influence of Mineralization Pathway on Composition and Isotope Signatures in Calcite
Dove P, Giuffre A, Han N, De Yoreo J & Gagnon A

Giuffrida G. (2023) Mineralogical and Isotopic Investigations of the 2019 Stromboli Paroxysm
Renggli CJ, Krause J, Genske F, Gilbricht S, Gattuso A, Berndt J & Giuffrida G
(2013) Determination and Comparison of Acidic Gas Ratios at the Stromboli Volcano and Mount Etna Obtained by Various Active Alkaline Traps
Wittmer J, Bobrowski N, Liotta M, Giuffrida G, Calabrese S & Platt U

Giuffrida M. (2022) Etna 2011-2021: Focus on a Decade of Paroxysmal Eruptions at the Volcano
Viccaro M, Calcagno R, Cardone M, Giuffrida M, Torre C & Zuccarello F
(2019) Rates of Magma Ascent at Mt. Etna Volcano Revealed by Diffusion of Volatiles in Glasses and Crystals
Zuccarello F, Giuffrida M & Viccaro M
(2013) Influence of Tectonics on Magma Residence Times at Mt. Etna Volcano
Viccaro M, Barca D, Bohrson W, Giuffrida M, Nicotra E & Pitcher B

Giuli G. (2013) Spherulites in Trachytic Melts
Arzilli F, Voltolini M, Mancini L, Cicconi MR, Giuli G & Carroll MR
(2013) The Structural Role of Iron in Pantelleritic Glasses
Stabile P, Cicconi MR, Giuli G, Behrens H, Knipping J & Paris E
(2013) μ-XRD, μ-XRF, and µ-XANES Synchrotron Analyses of Heterogeneous Mine-Waste Materials Related to AMD Processes
Carbone C, Giuli G, Sirio C, Pietro M & Lucchetti G
(2012) Amphiboles from the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle of the Northern Victoria Land (Antartica): Implications for Water Activity and Metasomatism
Nazzareni S, Bonadiman C, Comodi P, Faccini B, Coltorti M, Zanazzi PF & Giuli G
(2011) Europium Structural Role in Silicate Glasses
Cicconi MR, Giuli G, Paris E, Ingrisch-Ertel W, Dingwell DB, Ulmer P, Cicconi MR & Cicconi MR
(2011) Effect of Alkali Content and Fe Oxidation State on the S Oxidation State and Solubility in Rhyolitic Glasses
Giuli G, Paris E, Mori R, Glatzel P, Cicconi MR, Scaillet B & Eeckhout S

Giulianelli L. (2013) Primary and Secondary Biomass Burning Aerosols Determined by Factor Analysis of H-Nmr Spectra
Paglione M, Decesari S, Giulianelli L, Tagliavini E, Hillamo R, Carbone S, Saarikoski S, Swietlicki E, Fuzzi S & Facchini MC
(2013) Aerosol Modifications Observed at Mt. Cimone (Italy) during the Eyjafjallajokull Eruption in 2010
Sandrini S, Giulianelli L, Decesari S, Cristofanelli P, Marinoni A, Chiari M, Calzolai G, Canepari S & Perrino C

Giuliani Alexandre (2012) Mid- and Far-Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy of Titan's Tholins
Gautier T, Carrasco N, Mahjoub A, Vinatier S, Giuliani A, Szopa C, Anderson C, Correia J-J, Dumas P & Cernogora G

Giuliani Andrea (2023) In situ Rb-Sr Dating of Mica Without Employing the MicaMG Standard
Giuliani A, Guillong M, Maas R & Howarth GH
(2023) New Constraints on Kimberlite Melt Compositions Using Bulk and Groundmass Compositions
Zech RF, Giuliani A & Schmidt MW
(2023) Tracking Crustal Contamination in Arc Batholiths: The Adamello Case Study
Pimenta Silva M, Giuliani A, Schaltegger U, Schoene B, Ulmer P & Müntener O
(2022) Petrogenetic Link between Aillikites and Carbonatites in the Tarim Large Igneous Province
Wang C, Zhang Z, Giuliani A, Cheng Z, Liu B & Kong W
(2021) Remnants of Early Earth Differentiation in the Deepest Mantle-Derived Lavas
Giuliani A, Jackson MG, Fitzpayne A & Dalton H
(2021) Tungsten-182 and Neodymium-142 Evidence for an Ancient Kimberlite Source
Nakanishi N, Carlson RW, Horan MF, Giuliani A, Woodhead J, Pearson DG & Walker RJ
(2021) A Glimpse into the Secular Change of Mantle-Derived Magmatism at the Transition between Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic
Fiorentini M, Caruso S & Giuliani A
(2020) The Role of FOZO-Prema in Kimberlite Genesis
Giuliani A, Jackson MG & Fitzpayne A
(2020) Sampling the C of the Deep Earth: In situ C-O-Sr Isotopes of Kimberlitic Carbonates Worldwide
Castillo-Oliver M, Giuliani A, Griffin W, O'Reilly S, Drysdale R & Li X-H
(2020) Decoupling of Kimberlite Source and Primitive Melt Compositions
Tovey M, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Sarkar C, Pearson G, Nowicki T & Carlson J
(2020) Kimberlite Magmatism in Finland: Distinct Sources and Links to the Breakup of Rodinia
Dalton H, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J, Maas R, Woodhead J, Matchan E & O'Brien H
(2020) The Petrology and Sulphur Isotopic Composition of Sulphide and Sulphate in the Kimberley Kimberlites
Fitzpayne A, Giuliani A, Magalhaes N, Soltys A, Fiorentini M & Farquhar J
(2019) Mantle-Like Oxygen Isotopes in Kimberlites Determined by in situ SIMS Analyses of Zoned Olivine
Giuliani A, Martin LAJ, Soltys A & Griffin WL
(2019) Progressive Metasomatism of the Mantle by Kimberlitic Melts: Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopic Compositions of MARID and PIC Minerals
Fitzpayne A, Giuliani A, Maas R, Hergt J, Janney P & Phillips D
(2019) Petrographic and Geochemical Variations in the Kaavi-Kuopio Kimberlite Field, Finland: The Role of Mantle Assimilation
Dalton H, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J & O'Brien H
(2019) What Controls the Explosive Emplacement of the Diamondiferous Diavik Kimberlites? New Insights from Mineral Chemistry and Petrography of Hypabyssal and Pyroclastic Samples
Tovey M, Giuliani A, Phillips D & Moss S
(2019) An SCLM Control on the Metallogenic DNA of the Continental Lithosphere
Holwell D, Fiorentini M, McDonald I, Lu Y, Giuliani A, Smith D, Keith M & Locmelis M
(2019) Apatite Geochemistry Provides Insights into the Late Magmatic Evolution of Kimberlites
Soltys A, Giuliani A & Phillips D
(2018) Olivine, Kimberlites and the Modification of Carbonated Melts in the Deep Earth
Giuliani A, Soltys A, Lim E, Farr H, Phillips D, Foley SF & Griffin WL
(2017) Southwestern Africa on the Burner: Pleistocene Carbonatite Volcanism Linked to Mantle Upwelling in Angola
Giuliani A, Campeny M, Kamenetsky VS, Maas R, Melgarejo JC, Kohn BP, Matchan EL, Mangas J, Goncalves AO & Manuel J
(2017) New Constraints on MARID- and PIC-Style Mantle Metasomatism and their Relationship to Continental Alkaline Magmatism
Fitzpayne A, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J & Janney P
(2015) Alkali-Carbonate Rich Melt Inclusions in Magmatic Minerals of the Venetia Kimberlite, South Africa
Abersteiner A, Giuliani A, Kamenetsky V & Phillips D
(2015) Geochemical Constraints on Kimberite Ascent Mechanisms Revealed by Phlogopite in Kimberlite and Mantle Xenoliths
Giuliani A, Phillips D, Kamenetsky VS & Goemann K
(2015) Widespread Metasomatism in the sub-African Mantle: Fossil Evidence from Kimberlitic Zircon Megacrysts
Hergt J, Woodhead J, Phillips D, Giuliani A & Maas R
(2013) Dating Mantle Metasomatism: A New Tool (U/Pb LIMA Titanate) and an Impostor (40Ar/39Ar Phlogopite)
Giuliani A, Phillips D, Kendrick MA, Maas R, Greig A, Armstrong R, Felgate MR & Kamenetsky VS

Giuliani Gaston (2010) The Origin of Coloration in Garnets: An Optical Spectroscopic Study
Galoisy L, Feneyrol J, Juhin A, Kiratisin A, Giuliani G & Calas G
(2006) Oxygen isotopes for gem corundums, eastern Australian basalt fields: results and genetic implications.
Sutherland F, Giuliani G, Fallick A & Webb G
(2001) Emeralds in Canada: The Crown Showing, Southeastern Yukon
Groat LA, Marshall DD, Giuliani G, Ercit TS, Gault RA, Wise MA, Wengzynowski W & Eaton WD

Giuliani Giordano (2013) AMERIGO: A New Benthic Lander for Dissolved Flux Measurements at Sediment-Water-Interface
Spagnoli F, Ciceri G, Giuliani G, Martinotti V & Penna P

Giuliani L. (2013) Textural Evolution of a Basaltic Melt in Function of Cooling Rate
Giuliani L, Cauti F, Iezzi G, Vetere F, Poe B, Cavallo A, Misiti V, Ventura G, Mollo S & Behrens H

Giunta Thomas (2023) Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Clumped Isotope Signatures Among Microbially-Mediated Methane
Giunta T, Labidi J, Ruffine L, Donval J-P, Brandily C, Sans-Jofre P, Jézéquel D & Young ED
(2023) Geochemical and Iron Isotopic Study of Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits at Mayotte Submarine Volcanic System
Rouxel O, Giunta T, Cathalot C, Mastin M, Manoux M, Jaudon P, Guyader V, Donval J-P, Germain Y, Mazeas F & Rinnert E
(2023) Submarine Venting of Liquid Carbon Dioxide in the Horseshoe Structure Offshore Mayotte Island
Mastin M, Donval J-P, Guyader V, Germain Y, Giunta T, Scalabrin C, Gaucher EC, Dehez S, Jouenne S, Rouxel O, Rinnert E & Cathalot C
(2021) Chlorine Isotopes from Chlorides in Sedimentary Fluids of the Ocean Crust and the Cl Budget of Earth Surface Chlorine
Agrinier P, Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Giunta T, Lucazeau F & Ader M
(2020) Subsurface 18O Exchange at Low Temperatures: The (GMWL) Plot Thickens
Warr O, Giunta T, Onstott T, Kieft T, Harris R, Nisson D & Sherwood Lollar B
(2019) Ion Filtration in Oceanic Clay-Rich Sediments: Evidence from Chlorine Stable Isotopes of Pore Fluid Chlorides
Agrinier P, Destrigneville C, Giunta T, Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Lucazeau F & Ader M
(2019) Understanding Hydrogeological Events in Sedimentary Basins with 1D Modelling of Noble Gases
Cheng A, Sherwood Lollar B, Giunta T, Warr O, Hillegonds D & Ballentine C
(2018) Formation Processe(s) of Methane in Submarine Mud-Volcanoes from the Marianna Trench (IODP Exp. 366)
Labidi J, Sissmann O, Giunta T, Price R, Takai K, Kohl I & Young E
(2017) Methane Production and Evolution within the Crystalline Basement
Warr O, Young ED, Kohl IE, Ash JL, Giunta T, Ballentine CJ & Sherwood Lollar B
(2017) Position-Specific 13C Isotope Analysis of Propane from Southwest Ontario
Gilbert A, Sherwood Lollar B, Giunta T, Yamada K, Yoshida N & Ueno Y
(2017) Thermogenic and Microbial Methane in Southwest Ontario: Insights from 13CH3D and 12CH2D2
Giunta T, Young ED, Kohl IE, Ash JL, Warr O & Sherwood Lollar B
(2015) Bromine Isotope Measurement by MC-ICP-MS in Wet Plasma Conditions
Louvat P, Coleman M, Bonifacie M, Giunta T & Michel A
(2015) Chlorine and Bromine Stable Isotope Diffusion Through Natural Porous Media
Giunta T, Maineult A, Ader M, Bonifacie M & Agrinier P
(2014) Chlorine Stable Isotope Diffusion Through Natural Porous Media
Giunta T, Ader M, Bonifacie M, Meineult A & Agrinier P
(2013) Experimental Determination of Chlorine Isotope Fractionation in Cl<sub>2</sub>-Cl<sup>-</sup><sub>aq</sub> And ClOH<sub>aq</sub>-Cl<sup>-</sup><sub>aq</sub>
Giunta T, Labidi J & Eggenkamp HGM

Giunta Thomas M. (2018) Large Accumulations of He, Ar and H2 in Fracture Fluids in Precambrian Shield Rocks
Warr O, Giunta T, Ballentine C & Sherwood Lollar B
(2018) Helium Distribution in the Williston and the Southwest Ontario Basins
Cheng A, Sherwood Lollar B, Giunta TM, Mundle SOC & Ballentine CJ
(2018) Near Equilibrium, Non-Thermogenic, Methane in Sedimentary Systems: The Unrecognized Role of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane?
Giunta T, Young E, Martini A, Warr O, Kohl I, Ash J & Sherwood Lollar B

Giuntoli F. (2023) Tracking the Migration and Conversion of Metamorphic H2 and Reduced Carbonic Fluids in Orogenic Belts
Vitale Brovarone A, Boutier A, Olivieri OS, Ressico F, Giuntoli F, Siron G, Pastore Z & Peverelli V
(2021) Fresh, Pseudotachylyte-Bearing Mantle Peridotites from the Lawsonite Eclogite-Facies San Petrone Unit, Alpine Corsica
Vitale Brovarone A, Piccoli F, Frasca G & Giuntoli F
(2015) Tracing Permian Metamorphism in Fragments of Continental Crust Through Rifting, Subduction and Orogenesis
Kunz BE, Manzotti P, von Niederhäusern B, Regis D, Burn M, Giuntoli F & Engi M
(2013) Dating Metamorphic Stages in HP-Terranes: Case Study in the Sesia Zone (NW-Alps, Italy)
Giuntoli F, Engi M & El Korh A

Giurgiu A. (2014) Guano as Proxy for Paleoclimate Studies: Examples from Romania
Forray FL, Onac BP, Giurgiu A, Tamas T, Geanta A & Dumitru OA

Giustina E. (2018) Tectonothermal Evolution and Muliphase Ore-Forming Processes at Turmalina Gold Deposit, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil
Fabricio-Silva W, Rosière C, Giustina E & Bühn B

Giustina M.e.s.d. (2015) Chronus: A New U-Pb Data Reduction Program
Oliveira FV, Pimentel MM, Giustina MESD, Zacchi EN, Lima BAF, Dantas EL, Rodrigues JB, Bühn BM, Matteini M & Santos RV

Giustina Maria Emilia S. Della (2019) Multiple Mineralization Stages and Relative Timing of Gold Distribution in the Satinoco Deposit, NW of Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil
Fabricio-Silva W, Giustina MESD, Frimmel HE & Rosière CA

Giustini F. (2022) Radon Hazard in Central Italy: Comparison Among Areas with Different Geogenic Radon Potential
Bigi S, Sciarra A, Ruggiero L, Giustini F, Beaubien S, Graziani S, Galli G, Pizzino L, Lucchetti C, Sirianni P, Tuccimei P, Voltaggio M & Ciotoli G
(2019) Relationships between Geogenic Radon Potential and Gamma ray Maps with Indoor Radon Levels at Ciampino, Caprarola and Celleno Municipalities (Central Italy)
Sciarra A, Ruggiero L, Bigi S, Ciotoli G, Dehandschutter B, Galli G, Giustini F, Lucchetti C, Pizzino L, Tartarello MC & Voltaggio M

Giustiniani M. (2009) A Crustal Seismic Profile Across Sicily: Preliminary Results
Accaino F, Catalano R, Di Marzo L, Giustiniani M, Tinivella U, Nicolich R, Sulli A & Valenti V
(2009) Gas Hydrate and Mud Volcanoes Offshore Antarctic Peninsula: A Geophysical Study
Tinivella U, Accaino F, Giustiniani M & Loreto MF

Givelet N. (2002) Atmospheric Mercury Deposition Rates in Ombrogenic Bogs from Southern Ontario
Givelet N & Shotyk W

Gize A. (2009) Molecular Interactions of Planar PAHs with Mineral Surfaces
Bryant Y, Wogelius R & Gize A
(2002) Diffusive Emission of Halocarbons from Volcanic Flanks and Craters
Schwandner FM, Gize AP, Seward TM, Hall PA & Dietrich VJ
(2000) Natural Halocarbon Compounds in Volcanic Gases
Schwandner FM, Gize AP, Seward TM, Hall K & Dietrich VJ

Gjata I. (2023) Effects of Several Rare Earth Elements on the Growth, Photosynthetic Pigments, Ascorbate Content, and Lipid Peroxidation Level of Lemna Minor L
Gjata I, Paciolla C, De Leonardis S & Tommasi F

Gjelle S. (2001) Isotope Stratigraphy Applied to High-Grade Marbles from the Norwegian Caledonides for Dating of Carbonate Sedimentation
Melezhik VA, Gorokhov IM, Fallick AE & Gjelle S

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