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Giraud F. (2021) Determining the Style and Provenance of Magmatic Activity during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a)
Percival L, Tedeschi LR, Creaser R, Bottini C, Erba E, Giraud F, Svensen H, Savian J, Trindade R, Coccioni R, Frontalini F, Jovane L, Mather TA & Jenkyns H
(2021) The Surface Properties of Carbonate Rocks Across Scales: Elucidating the Role of Biominerals
Moya A, Giraud F, Agenet N, Charlet L, Van Driessche AES & Fernandez-Martinez A

Giraud G. (2017) Dynamic Modelling of the Raw Material and Energy Nexus
Vidal O, Francois C, Rostom F & Giraud G
(2016) The Energy-Mineral Resources Nexus
Vidal O, Francois C, Rostom F & Giraud G

Giraud M. (2019) Benthic Manganese Cycle Studied with 2D High Spatial Resolution Methods at Contrasted Oxygen Conditions in Gullmar Fjord
Choquel C, Metzger E, Geslin E, Jauffrais T, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Filipsson H, Launeau P, Giraud M, Risgaard-Petersen N & Mouret A

Giraud X. (2009) Was the Inventory of the Marine Fixed Nitrogen Twice as Large at the LGM Compared to the Holocene?
Eugster O, Gruber N, Flückiger J & Giraud X

Giraudeau J. (2013) Geochemical Investigations of Fjord Sediments Reveal Zr, Ni and Ca as NAO Proxies in Central Norway
Faust J, Knies J, Fabian K, Rodriguez A, Blaschek M, Milzer G & Giraudeau J
(2012) Analysis of Sea Ice and Phytoplankton Biomarkers in Marine Sediments from the Nordic Seas – A Calibration Study
Navarro Rodriguez A, Cabedo Sanz P, Belt S, Brown T, Knies J, Husum K & Giraudeau J
(2012) Applications of the Arctic Sea Ice Proxy IP25: Quantitative Versus Qualitative Considerations
Belt S, Cabedo Sanz P, Navarro Rodriguez A, Knies J, Husum K & Giraudeau J
(2012) Geochemical Investigations of Fjord Surface Sediments as Basis for Holocence Climate Change Studies in the Trondheimsfjord Area
Faust J, Knies J, Giraudeau J & Milzer G

Giraudet S. (2017) Adsorption of Antibiotics onto Mixtures of Goethite and Manganese Oxide
Kamagate M, Marsac R, Assadi A, Giraudet S, Coulibaly L & Hanna K

Girault F. (2021) Sulfur Signature of Hydrothermal Systems in Central Nepal
Thapa S, Girault F, Labidi J, Muller E, Deldicque D, Losno R & Perrier F
(2020) The Carbon Budget of the Himalayan Orogeny from Source to Sink
France-Lanord C, Derry LA, Feakins SJ, Galy A, Galy V, Girault F, Lupker M & Tachambalath A
(2017) Carbon Dioxide in the Nepal Himalayas: Segmentation of the Crustal Source?
Girault F, France-Lanord C, Agrinier P, Koirala BP, Bhattarai M, Adhikari LB, Sapkota SN & Perrier F

Girei M.B. (2023) A Review of the Genesis and Timing of Enrichment of Critical Metals in A-Type Granites, North-Central Nigeria: Insights from Zircon U-Pb-Hf Isotopes, Whole-Rock and Zircon Geochemistry
Amuda AK, Girei MB & Aare MY
(2022) Evolution of the Rare Metal-Bearing Jurassic Dutsen Wai and Roponmo Plutons of the Alkaline Anorogenic Granites, North-Central Nigeria: Constraints from Whole-Rock Geochemical Data and Zircon Trace Element Composition
Amuda AK, Salau SL, Faisal M, Girei MB, Rwabuhungu DER & Kamaunji VD

Giret A. (2005) The Val Gabbro Plutonic Suite, Kerguelen Archipelago: Evolution of a Volcanic Feeder System in an Oceanic Island
Scoates J, Weis D, Franssens M, Mattielli N, Annell H, Frey F, Nicolaysen K & Giret A
(2005) Small-Scale Heterogeneities in the Enriched Component of the Kerguelen Mantle Plume: Pb-Hf-Sr-Nd Isotopic Constraints from the Kerguelen Baie Charrier Section
Hanano D, Weis D, Scoates J & Giret A
(2002) High-MgO Basalts and Picrites from the Kerguelen Archipelago: Inferences for the Composition of the Kerguelen Mantle Plume
Doucet S, Scoates JS, Weis D & Giret A

Girgius P. (2021) Voltage Dependent Mineral Deposition Mediated by Hydrothermal Vent Microbes
Enalls BC, Delaney J & Girgius P

Girguis Peter (2018) Diving into the ABISS: Technologies for Advancing the Study of Biogeochemical Processes and Patterns in the Deep Sea
Girguis P, Hoer D, Michel A, Wankel S & Farr N
(2018) Mineral Colonization Samplers Reveal Patterns in Microbial Community Composition and Structure at Hydrothermal Vents
Olins H, Gartman A & Girguis P

Girguis Peter R (2022) Bioelectrochemical Processes in Some of Earth’s most Dynamic Aquatic Environments, and Implications for Life on Ocean Worlds (Including Our Own)
Girguis PR, Picard AA, Marlow J, Crucilla S & Enalls BC

Girguis Peter R. (2017) Revisiting Biogenic Iron Sulfide Minerals
Picard A, Gartman A, Cosmidis J, Clarke D & Girguis P
(2016) Arsenic Concentrations and Species in Three Hydrothermal Vent Worms
Maher W, Duncan E, Dilley G, Foster S, Delaney J, Krikowa F, Lombi E, Scheckel K & Girgius P
(2016) New Internal Biothermometer in biomass-Po4 to Study Vent Macrobiota at the Seafloor
Li H, Blake R & Girguis P
(2015) Microbial Nitrogen Cycling in Cold Oceanic Crustal Fluids at North Pond
Kraft B, Wankel S, Glazer B, Huber J & Girguis P
(2015) Characterizing Interactions between Electrical Potential, Microbial Activity and Mineralogy at Hydrothermal Vents
Gartman A, Picard A, Clarke D & Girguis P
(2015) Microbial Sulfate Reduction and Sulfide Mineral Formation at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents
Picard A, Gartman A, Clarke D & Girguis P
(2014) The Microbial Methane Observatory for Seafloor Analysis (MIMOSA): Long-Term Coupled Geochemistry and Microbiology Experimentation in the Deep-Sea
Orcutt B, Lapham L, Girguis P, Wheat CG, Marshall K & Delaney J
(2013) Oxygen and Carbon Cycling in Basaltic Crust
Orcutt B, Bach W, Edwards K, Girguis P & Wheat G
(2012) Interrogating the Mechanisms Controlling Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Sulfate Reduction
Johnston DT, Leavitt WD, Schmidt M, Wankel SD, Bradley AS & Girguis PR
(2012) Hot-Wired: The Role of Extracellular Electron Transfer in Sustaining Primary Production by Hydrothermal Vent Microbes
Girguis P & Nielsen M
(2012) Eating Iron and Loving it: Ferrous Iron Metabolism in Rhodopseudomonas Palustris Tie-1
Bose A, Newman D & Girguis P
(2011) In situ Stable Isotopic Detection of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Monterey Bay Cold Seeps via Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy
Wankel S, Gupta M, Leen JB, Provencal R, Parsotam V & Girguis P
(2011) Biogeochemical Patterns and Processes in Buoyant, Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Plumes
Wendt K, Ananatharaman K, Breier J, Dick G, Edwards K, Girguis P, Sorensen J, Sylvan J & Toner B
(2011) Calibrating S Isotope Fractionation in Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
Johnston DT, Bradley AS, Cummins R, Leavitt WD & Girguis PR
(2011) Insights into Marine Microbial Communities that Couple Anaerobic Biogeochemical Cycles to Remote Oxidants
Girguis P, Song P & Nielsen M
(2010) Evidence for Seismicity Influencing Deep Sea Primary Productivity: A Year-Long Study of Microbial Processes at the Juan de Fuca Ridge Using Biological Osmotic Samplers
Girguis P, Robidart J, Wheat CG & Frank K
(2010) Are Hydrothermal Vents Natural Microbial Fuel Cells?
Nielsen M & Girguis P
(2009) Methane Cycling at Lost City: A Biological View of Geochemistry
Bradley A, Song P, Summons R & Girguis P
(2009) Real-Time in situ Volatile Characterization and Methane Carbon Stable Isotopic Composition in the Deep Sea
Wankel SD, Lilley MD, Olson E & Girguis PR
(2009) Coupling Metabolite Flux to Proteomics: Insights into the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Primary Productivity by Tubeworm Symbionts
Girguis P, Robidart J & Nyholm S
(2005) Using Electrochemical Methods to Study Redox Processes and Harvest Energy from Marine Sediments
Reimers C, Girguis P, Westall J, Newman D, Stecher H, Howell K & Alleau Y

Giri Anshuman (2019) Neoarchean Mafic Arc Magmatism Prior to the Amalgamation of Western Dharwar Craton: A Case Study
Giri A, Anand R & Balakrishnan S
(2016) Petrogenesis of the Metamorphosed Mafic Rocks of the Shimoga Greenstone Belt, Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Giri A, Anand R, Sharma DS & Mohan MR

Giri Ashok (2009) Mitigation of Geogenic Arsenic-Bearing Groundwaters: Assessing the Importance of Risk Substitution Arising from Waterborne Pathogens
Mondal D, Polya D, Giri A, Banerjee M, Hegan A, Rodriguez-Lado L, Bradford W, Banerjee N, Kundu M & Ganguli B

Giri B. (2023) Effects of Tillage and No-Tillage Agronomic Practices on Soil Carbon Content, Nutrient Dynamics and Microbial Community Change: Field Study to Genomics
Majumdar A, Dubey PK, Upadhyay MK, Giri B, Srivastava AK & Roychowdhury T

Giri C. (2015) A Perspective on the Complex Organic Composition of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Giri C, Ehrenfreund P, Goesmann F, McKenna-Lawlor S, Meierhenrich U, Roll R, Steininger H, Szopa C & Ulamec S

Giri R. (2020) Petrogenesis of Ultrapotassic Lamprophyre in Central Indian Tectonic Zone, Madhya Pradesh: An Insight to Petrogenesis of Lamprophyres of Central India
Giri R & Rao NVC

Giri Samikshya (2022) Taming the Uncultured: Modeling Microbial Life Under Very Low Redox Potential in the Subsurface and Deep-Sea Biosphere
Beckmann S, Farag I, Giri S, Bowen M, Baughan C, Heathman K, Siftar Z, Prouty N & Biddle J

Giri Sharmila (2017) Isotopic Constraints on the Calcifying Fluid pH of Corals Grown Under Elevated Ca2+ Concentrations
Giri S, Swart P & Pourmand A
(2015) The Effect of Mg/Ca Ratios Upon the Mg, Sr, and Other Elements within Coral Skeletons
Giri S, Swart P, Devlin Q & Adkins J

Giribet G. (2016) The Structure of Nacre in Jurassic Pinna Shells
Gilbert PUPA, Giuffre AJ, Bergmann KD, Myers CE, Marcus MA, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan E, Tamre E, Tamura N, Lemer S, Giribet G, Eiler J & Knoll A

Girlanda F. (2011) Alkaline Mantle Melts Pinpoint Late Triassic Thinning of the Southern Alpine Lithosphere (Ivrea Zone, Italy)
Schaltegger U, Müntener O, Ulianov A, Ovtcharova M, Peytcheva I, Antognini M & Girlanda F

Girnis A (2006) Redox melting and composition of near liquidus melts of C-O-H-bearing peridotite
Brey GP, Bulatov V & Girnis A

Girnis Andrei (2017) Experimental Modeling of Sediment-Peridotite Interaction in a Thermal Gradient
Woodland A, Girnis A, Bulatov V, Brey G, Höfer H & Gerdes A
(2015) Experimental Modeling of Sediment–peridotite Interaction Under Temperature-Gradient Conditions
Bulatov V, Girnis A, Woodland A & Brey G

Girnth A-C. (2011) Aerobic Hydrogen Oxidation by a Chemolithotrophic Beggiatoa Strain
Girnth A-C & Schulz-Vogt HN
(2010) Novel, Mat-Forming Thiomargarita spp. Thrive on a Sulfidic Fluid Outflow at the Amon Mud Volcano (Eastern Mediterranean)
Girnth A-C, Grünke S, Lichtschlag A, Felden J, Knittel K, Wenzhöfer F, de Beer D & Boetius A

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