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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Ginn T.R. (2016) Controlling the Distribution of Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation in the Subsurface
Fujita Y, Smith R, Ginn T & Weathers T
(2016) Mathematical Modeling of MICP in Meter-Scale 2-D Transient Reactive Transport Experiments
Nassar M, Gurung D, Bastani M, Gomez M, Graddy C, DeJong J, Nelson D & Ginn T
(2010) Modeling UO2 Bioprecipitation and Reoxidation by Fe(III) (Hydr)oxides
Spycher N, Issarangkun M, Stewart B, Sengor S, Ginn T, Sani R & Peyton B
(2009) A Comparison of Approaches to Model Thermodynamics and Maintenance Energy Requirements of Microbial Metabolism
Sengor SS, Brugato CJ, Gikas P, Fletcher M & Ginn TR
(2007) Interactions of Uranium with Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides Under Sulfate Reducing Conditions
Sani R, Peyton B, Ginn T & Dohnalkova A

Ginnane C. (2013) The Fate of Small Active Margin River POC in the Marine Environment
Blair N, Childress L, Ginnane C & Leithold L

Ginon L. (2007) Comparative Study of Organic Cd and Zn Complexation in Lake Waters
Sander S, Ginon L, Anderson B & Hunter K

Ginot P. (2023) 200 Years of NH3 Inventory in Europe Inferred from 15N of NH4+ in Mont-Blanc Ice Core with Unexpected Recent Combustion-Related Emissions
Lamothe A, Akers P, Ginot P, Albertin S, Caillon N, Eichler A, Gilbert A & Savarino J
(2023) Ammonium is a Significant Reservoir of Nitrogen in the Orgueil Meteorite
Laize-Générat L, Soussaintjean L, Poch O, Bonal L, Savarino J, Caillon N, Ginot P, Vella A, Flandinet L, Gounelle M & Bizzarro M
(2017) Chemical and Isotopic Characterisation of the Chari and Logone Rivers, Lake Chad Basin: A Comparison between the 1970's and 2010's Fluxes
Mahamat Nour A, Deschamps P, Vallet-Coulomb C, Poulin C, Bouchez C, Hamelin B, Ginot P & Sylvestre F

Ginoux P. (2021) Contribution of Ephemeral Lakes on Dust Impacts on the Earth’s Climate System
Ginoux P
(2021) Global Dust Optical Depth Climatology Derived from CALIOP and MODIS Aerosol Retrievals on Decadal Time Scales: Regional and Interannual Variability
Song Q, Zhang Z, Yu H, Ginoux P & Shen J
(2021) A Reanalysis-Based Study of Desert Dust in Northern Africa, the Middle East and Europe in a Recent Decade
Di Tomaso E, Escribano J, Ginoux P, Basart S, Macchia F, Barnaba F, Castrillo M, Formenti P, Jorba O, Mona L, Montané G, Mytilinaios M, Obiso V, Schutgens N, Votsis A, Werner E & Pérez García-Pando C
(2019) Large Variability of Springtime African Dust in Recent Decades: A Consistent Characterization from Multiple Remote Sensing Observations
Yu H, Yuan T, Bian H, Chin M, Tan Q, Zhang Z & Ginoux P
(2017) Dust Activity in the United States: From Satellite Detection to Climate Models Projection
Ginoux P & Pu B
(2013) Understanding Long-Term Variability of Dust in Different Parts of the World
Ginoux P, Malyshev S & Shevliakova E

Ginturi E. (2019) Uptake of K, Cs and Rb and their Influence on Accumulation and Reduction Capacity of Cr(VI) by Highly Resistant Arthrobacter Species
Rcheulishvili O, Rcheulishvili A, Ginturi E, Tugushi L, Metreveli N, Holman H-Y, Gurielidze M & Lomidze L

Gioda A. (2023) Protection Provided by Quercetin in Cardiomyocyte Culture (H9c2) Exposure to Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5)
Gioda A, Santa-Helena E, De Falco A & Gioda CR
(2015) Receptor Modeling in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro: What is the Role of PAHs, N-Alkenes, Meteorological Conditions on Source Apportionment of Fine Aerosol?
Gioda A, Ventura L, Massone C, Lionel V & Wagener A
(2013) Hydrocarbon Source Appraisal in PM<sub>2.5</sub> in Rio de Janeiro
Massone C, Wagener A, Gioda A & Scofield A

Gioda C.R. (2023) Protection Provided by Quercetin in Cardiomyocyte Culture (H9c2) Exposure to Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5)
Gioda A, Santa-Helena E, De Falco A & Gioda CR

Gioia D. (2013) Pleistocene Weathering and Climate Evolution in Southern Italy: Data from Intermontane Basins
Di Leo P, Giano SI, Gioia D, Pulice I & Schiattarella M

Gion A.M. (2023) Partial Melting of Hyperaluminous Metasediments: The Origin of Rare-Metal Granites and Pegmatites?
Horányi B, Gion AM, Gaillard F, Plunder A, Gloaguen E, Melleton J, Moradell-Casellas A & Garde J
(2023) A Mass Action Model for the Determining the Composition of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluids
Gion AM & Gaillard F
(2022) The Exchange of Metals between Low-Salinity Vapors and Felsic Melts
Gion AM, Gaillard F, Scaillet B, Freslon N, Erdmann S & Di Carlo I
(2021) Experimental Constraints on the Formation of Pegmatite-Forming Melts by Anatexis of Amphibolite: A Case Study from Evje-Iveland, Norway
Gion AM, Piccoli PM, Fei Y, Candela PA & Ash RD

Gioncada A. (2023) Tracking Volatile Evolution at La Fossa Volcano (Vulcano Island, Aeolian Arc, Italy) Through Apatite Chemistry
Dallara E, Fulignati P, Costa S, Gioncada A, Pistolesi M & Langone A
(2022) Formation of Magmatic Rift Segments: Evidence from the Ma’Alalta Volcanic Field (MVF) Near the Western Margin of the Afar Rift
Pagli C, Tortelli G, Gioncada A, Walker R & Keir D
(2022) Insights into the Crustal Magmatic Systems during Rift Evolution in Central Afar (Ethiopia)
Tortelli G, Gioncada A, Pagli C, Braschi E, Gebru EF & Keir D
(2021) New Insights on the Pre-Eruptive Volatile Budget of Vulcano Island (Italy) Magmas: Clues from Apatite Composition
Fulignati P, Costa S, Gioncada A, Pistolesi M & Dallara E
(2021) Chalcophile Element Fertility of Shoshonitic Arc Magmas: Insights from Platinum-Group Element Geochemistry at Vulcano Island (Italy)
Costa S, Fulignati P, Campbell IH, Gioncada A, Carrasco Godoy CI & Pistolesi M
(2019) Magmatic Sulphide Composition at La Fossa Active Volcano (Italy)
Costa S, Fulignati P, Gioncada A, Pistolesi M, Bosch D & Bruguier O
(2013) Volatile Content in Melt Inclusions of Vulcanello’s Explosive Activity: Implications for the Last 1000 Years of Activity at Vulcano Island (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy)
Fusillo R, Di Traglia F, Gioncada A, Pistolesi M, Rosi M & Wallace P

Gionfriddo Caitlin (2021) Effects of Syntrophic Interactions on Methyl-Mercury Generation
Elias D, Wilpiszeski R, Wymore A, Gionfriddo C & Podar M
(2010) Chalcophile Elements in Peridotites as a Proxy for Sulfide Mineralization during Serpentinization
Gionfriddo C, Bizimis M, Sen I & Salters V

Gionfriddo Caitlin M (2020) A System Biology Approach to Discern the Native Biochemical Function of Hg Methylation Proteins in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132
Gionfriddo C, Wymore A, Podar M, Gilmour C, Soren A, Wilpiszeski R & Elias D
(2020) Resolving the Molecular Mechanisms Essential to Expression of hgcA by Mercury Methylators
Gionfriddo C, Wymore A, Wilpiszeski R, Schwartz G, Gilmour C & Elias D
(2020) Genome-Resolved Investigation of Potential New Mercury-Methylating Marine Bacterial Phyla
Lin H, Ascher DB, Myung Y, Lamborg CH, Hallam SJ, Gionfriddo CM, Wick RR, Holt KE & Moreau JW

Gionfriddo Caitlin M. (2018) A Systems Biology Approach to Identifying the Native Function of Hg Methylation Proteins in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132
Gionfriddo CM, Moon JW, Wymore AM, Podar M, Brandt CC, Wall JD, Gilmour CC, Wilpiszeski R & Elias DA
(2018) Advancing Accessible Methods for Hg-Methylating Gene Abundance and Diversity in the Environment
Elias D, Gionfriddo C, Wymore A, Soren A, Podar M, Palumbo A, Wilpiszeski R, Brandt C & Gilmour C
(2018) A Systems Biology Characterization of Mercury-Methylating Synthetic Model Communities
Wilpiszeski R, Podar M, Wymore A, Wall J, Gilmour C, Gionfriddo C & Elias D

Giordani M. (2021) Could Soluble Minerals be Dangerous for Human Health? The Epsomite Case Study
Giordani M, Mattioli M, Meli MA, Roselli C, Fagiolino I, Valentini L, Peruzzi F & Betti M

Giordano D. (2022) In situ 4D Dendritic Crystallization in Basaltic Magmas Reveals How Magma Mobility Occurs within the Earth's Crust
Arzilli F, Polacci M, La Spina G, Le Gall N, Llewellin EW, Brooker RA, Torres-Orozco R, Di Genova D, Neave D, Hartley M, Mader HM, Giordano D, Atwood R, Lee PD, Heidelbach F & Burton MR
(2019) Magma Hybridization Recorded in Banded Pumices from the 0.17 Ma El Abrigo Eruption, Tenerife: Preliminary Results
González-García D, Perugini D, Giordano D, Vasseur J, Martí J & Dingwell DB
(2016) Chaotic Flow and Fragmentation Patterns in the Acidic Feeder System from the Paraná-Etendeka Large Igneous Province
De Campos CP, Guimarães LF, de Lima EF, Janasi V, Giordano D & Dingwell DB
(2015) Seismic Properties of Hydrous Phonolite at High Pressure and High Temperature
Tripoli B, Giordano D, Cordonnier B, Kolzenburg S & Ulmer P
(2007) New Spectroscopy Developments to Study Water in Basaltic Melts
Mercier M, Di muro A, Metrich N, Montagnac G, Giordano D, Lesne P & Clochiatti R

Giordano G. (2023) Rapid Ascent and Accumulation of Mafic and Alkaline Magma Precedes Caldera Forming Eruptions
Jorgenson C, Caricchi L, Ágreda López M, Giordano G & Chiaradia M
(2021) Using Microtomography and Machine Learning Thermobarometry to Reconcile the Extreme Explosivity of a Mafic-Alkaline Volcano
Jorgenson C, Caricchi L, Stueckelberger M, Fevola G, Giordano G, Higgins O & Weber G
(2020) Rheological Control on the Eruptive Style during the 472 CE “Pollena” Subplinian Eruption (Somma-Vesuvius)
Vona A, Romano C, Giordano G & Sulpizio R
(2018) Short Time Scales and Recent Replenishment in Large Magmatic Systems: Case Study of Los Humeros Caldera Complex
Carrasco G, Giordano G, Davila P, Bernal JP & Jicha B
(2013) A Rheological and Textural Characterization of the Fall-Out Phase of the Large Volume Pozzolane Nere Mafic Ignimbrite (Colli Albani Volcano, Rome)
Campagnola S, Romano C, Vona A & Giordano G
(2011) New Juvenile Glass Chemistry from Colli Albani, Italy and its Use for Understanding Petrogenesis
Cross J, Smith V, Giordano G, Tomlinson E, Roberge J & Menzies M

Giordano Mario (2019) Cyanobacteria Sulphur Physiology Under Paleoproterozoic Conditions
Gastoldi L, McGlynn SE & Giordano M

Giordano Michael (2013) CCN Relevant Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosol
Giordano M & Asa-Awuku A

Giordano P (2004) Early Diagenesis and Benthic Fluxes in Manfredonia Gulf (Southern Adriatic Sea)
Spagnoli F, Bartholini G, Marini M, Giordano P, McCorkle D, Fiesoletti F & Specchiulli A

Giordano Patrizia (2013) Benthic Fluxes and Early Diagenesis Processes in Adriatic Sea
Spagnoli F, Bartolini G & Giordano P

Giorgi F. (2009) Dust Aerosol Impact on Monsoon Dynamics and Regional Precipitation over Western Africa, Sensitivity to Absorption Properties
Solmon F, Mallet M, Elguindi N, Giorgi F, Zakey A & Konaré A
(2009) Simulating Regional Climatic Effects of Atmospheric Aerosols
Giorgi F & Zakey A
(2009) Coupling of Dimethly Sulfide and its Contribution to Sulfate Aerosols in Regional Climate Model: From Fluxes to Direct Radiative Forcing
Zakey A, Giorgi F, Bi X & Shalaby A

Giorgioni M. (2023) A Shift in Redox Conditions Near the Ediacaran/Cambrian Transition and its Possible Influence in Early Animal Evolution, Corumbá Group of Western Brazil
Caxito F, Sperling EA, Fazio G, Adorno R, Denezine M, do Carmo DA, Giorgioni M & Uhlein G
(2014) The First Crown Eukaryotic Biomarkers Emerge during the Bitter Springs Carbon Isotopic Anomaly
Brocks J, Jarrett A, Giorgioni M, Poulton S, Klaebe R, Kennedy M & Corrick A
(2013) Microbial and Redox Evolution in the Neoproterozoic of Australia
Jarrett A, Poulton S, Giorgioni M & Brocks J
(2013) A Combined Sedimentological and Biomarker Record Across the Neoproterozoic Bitter Springs Excursion
Giorgioni M, Jarrett A, Kennedy M & Brocks J
(2009) Cretaceous Carbon Cycle and Climate: The Negative Carbon Isotope Spike at the Onset of OAE1a in the Early Aptian
Keller CE, Méhay S, Bottini C, Giorgioni M, Garcia TI, Bernasconi SM, Hochuli PA, Erba E & Weissert H

Giorgis D. (2002) Smaller Means More: UV Laser Ablation 40Ar/39Ar Methods Require Detailed Sample Characterization
Cosca M, Giorgis D, Kramar N, Mulch A & Putlitz B
(2002) Negative δ18O Signatures in Morphologically Complex Zircons: Evidence for Proterozoic Cold-Climate Water/Rock Interaction in the Qinglongshan UHP Meta-Granite (Sulu Terrain, China)
Giorgis D, Rumble D & Cosca M
(2001) Coesite-Eclogite Rocks Preserve Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Evidence of a Temperate Latitude Cold Climate during Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth
Rumble Iii D, Giorgis D, Ireland T, Xu H, Yui TF & Liou JG
(2000) The Influence of Metamorphic History on Intragrain Argon Isotope Variations in Metamorphic White Mica Mapped by in situ UV Laser Ablation 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Cosca M, Giorgis D, Janak M, Kramar N & Mulch A
(2000) Correlated Argon and Oxygen Isotopes in UHP Eclogites from Qinglongshan (Sulu Terrain, China): Evidence for Inherited Argon
Giorgis D, Cosca M, Rumble D & Liou JG

Giorio C. (2015) Characterisation of Organic Aerosols with New Soft Ionisation Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Techniques
Kalberer M, Kourtchev I, Gallimore P, Giorio C, Mahon B & Fee A

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