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Gimeno Maria José

Gimeno Torrente D. (2017) Textural, Geochemical and Leaching Study of Volcanic Ash: Environmental Impact of the Calbuco Volcano Eruption, April 2015
Benet Morant D, Gimeno Torrente D, Carrazana Di Lucia A & Karlbach R
(2009) Geochemical Study of the Garrotxa Volcanic Field (NE Spain Volcanic Province)
Gisbert Pinto G, Gimeno Torrente D, Fernández Turiel JL & Gasperini D
(2009) Archaeometric Evidence of Trade of Leucite-Bearing Volcanic-Made Roman Mills of Pompeian Style in NE Hispania (Spain)
Gimeno-Torrente D, Aulinas M, Fernandez-Turiel J-L, Pugès M & Novembre D

Gimmi T. (2023) Electrostatic Effects and Reactive Transport in Different Clay Materials: Observations and Modelling Approaches
Jenni A, Gimmi T & Mäder U
(2023) Relevance of Diffuse Layer, Stern-Layer and Interlayer Transport in Diffusion Experiments with Various Clays and Ions
Krejci P, Gimmi T, Van Loon L & Glaus MA
(2023) Chloride Accessible Porosity Fractions Across the Jurassic Sedimentary Rocks of Northern Switzerland
Zwahlen C, Gimmi T, Jenni A, Kiczka M, Mazurek M, Van Loon L, Mäder U & Traber D
(2020) Evolution of Mineralogy and Porosity of Cement-Clay Interfaces
Luraschi P & Gimmi T
(2019) The Ionic Strength – EDL Effect on Diffusion in Clay. Modeling an in situ Experiment at Mont Terri
Soler J, Steefel C, Gimmi T, Leupin O & Cloet V
(2019) Long-Term Evolution of Porosity and Mineralogy at Cement-Clay Interfaces
Luraschi P & Gimmi T
(2019) Modelling Diffusion of Sorbing Cations in Opalinus Clay
Krejci P, Gimmi T & Van Loon L
(2016) Implementing an Explicit Diffuse Layer in Reactive Transport Simulations by Using the Nernst-Planck Equation
Alt-Epping P, Gimmi T, Wersin P & Jenni A
(2016) Anion Diffusion (36Cl) in Clay Rocks with Different Cations (Na, Ca & Cs)
Wigger C, Van Loon LR & Gimmi T
(2015) Pore Size Distribution Measurements in Low Porosity Argillaceous Rocks
Wigger C, Van Loon L & Gimmi T
(2015) Modeling the DR-A in situ Diffusion Experiment (Opalinus Clay): Ionic Strength Effects on Solute Transport
Soler J, Steefel C, Leupin O & Gimmi T
(2013) Perturbing a Field Diffusion Experiment: First Results of the DR-A Test in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (Switzerland)
Gimmi T, Leupin OX, Soler JM & Van Loon LR
(2011) Two Step Up-Scaling of Molecular Diffusion Coefficients in Clays
Churakov S, Gimmi T & Tyagi M
(2009) Reactive Transport Modelling of a Long-Term Core Infiltration Experiment with Claystone
Mäder U & Gimmi T
(2008) Diffusion and Retention Experiment in Clay Formation: An International Field, Lab and Modelling Exercise
Leupin OX, Dewonck S, Savoye S, Wersin P, Van Loon LR, Gimmi T, Samper J, Soler JM, Eikenberg J & Bayens B
(2007) Large-Scale Matrix Diffusion in Crystalline Rocks Revealed by Natural Cl, δ18O and δ2H Tracers in Pore Water
Waber N, Gimmi T & Smellie J
(2005) In situ Diffusion at Mont Terri URL
Soler J, Gimmi T, Cartalade A, Wersin P & Van loon L

Gimon O. (2007) Temporal Distribution and Cyclicity in Formation of Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits
Ponomarchuk V, Sotnikov V, Fedorin M, Gimon O & Shaporina M

Gimon V. (2005) Geochronological Heterogeneity of Porphyry Rocks from the Triassic and Jurassic Cu-Mo Deposits of Siberia and Mongolia
Ponomarchuk V, Sotnikov V & Gimon V

Gin Stephane (2017) Contribution of Zeolite-Seeded Experiments to the Understanding of Resumption of Glass Alteration
Fournier M, Frugier P & Gin S
(2017) Structural Role of Zirconium in Nuclear Glass and in Corresponding Alteration Gel
Galoisy L, Calas G, Jollivet P, Angeli F & Gin S
(2017) New Insight into Passivation of Borosilicate Glass by Nanoporous Surface Layers
Gin S, Collin M, Ducasse T, Fournier M, Jollivet P, Perez A & Daval D
(2017) Comparing Reactivity of Glasses with their Crystalline Equivalents: The Case Study of Albite
Perez A, Daval D, Lemarchand D, Fournier M, Vital M & Gin S
(2017) Alteration of Basaltic Glass in Residual Rate Condition: Analogy with Nuclear Glass
Ducasse T, Jollivet P, Frugier P, Gourgiotis A & Gin S
(2017) Impact of Alkali in Solution on Glass Alteration and Water Behavior in Nanoporous Altered Layer
Collin M, Gin S, Fournier M & Charpentier T
(2016) Passivation of Basaltic Glass by Surface Layers: Analogy with Nuclear Glass
Ducasse T, Gin S, Frugier P & Jollivet P
(2014) Contribution of Water Transport Through Basaltic Glass to the Long-Term Alteration Rate
Parruzot B, Rebiscoul D, Jollivet P, Gin S & Fournier M
(2014) Seeding: A New Method for Studying the Resumption of Glass Alteration
Fournier M, Frugier P & Gin S
(2013) Borosilicate Glass Dissolution Driven by Magnesium Silicate Precipitation
Fleury B, Godon N, Ayral A & Gin S
(2013) Long-Term Residual Alteration Rates of Synthetic Basaltic Glass
Parruzot B, Jollivet P & Gin S
(2012) New Insight into Long-Term Dissolution Rates of Borosilicate Glasses
Gin S, Frugier P, Angeli F, Jegou C, Godon N & Minet Y
(2011) Glass Composition Impact on Water Reactivity at the Glass Surface
Rebiscoul D, Bruguier F, Magnin V & Gin S
(2011) Borosilicate Glass Alteration Driven by Magnesium Carbonates
Debure M, Frugier P, De Windt L & Gin S
(2009) Coupled Chemistry-Transport Modeling of Glass Alteration Using Archaeological Fractured Samples
Verney-Carron A, Gin S, Frugier P & Libourel G
(2009) SON68 Nuclear Glass Dissolution Kinetics: Current State of Knowledge and Basis of the New GRAAL Model
Frugier P, Gin S, Minet Y & Chave T
(2008) A Roman Glass Altered 1 800 Years in Seawater: Analogy with Nuclear Waste Glass in Deep Geological Repository
Gin S, Verney-Carron A & Libourel G
(2006) Micro-beam analyses of glass and iron corrosion layers in clayey rock.
De Combarieu G, Neff D, Foy E, Gin S & Barboux P

Gin Stéphane (2019) Recent Advances in the Understanding of Silicate Glass Alteration
Gin S, Du J, Vienna J, Kim S & Frankel G

Ginder-Vogel Matt (2020) Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Through Hyper-Alkalination of the Liquid- Condensed Phase
Constantz B, Bewernitz M, Schneider J, Camire C, Kang S-H, Bourcier W, Ginder-Vogel M & Wade R

Ginder-Vogel Matthew (2022) Combined 226Ra + 228Ra Analysis in Groundwater by MC-ICPMS
Scott SR, Mathews M, Plechacek A, Krinke G, Populin M & Ginder-Vogel M
(2022) Geogenic Radium Mobilization in the Iron- and Manganese-Reducing Zone of a DNAPL-Contaminated Aquifer
Plechacek A, Hook G, Mathews M, Scott SR, Meyer JR, Parker B & Ginder-Vogel M
(2022) Influence of Humic Acids in the Oxidative Transformation of As(III) by Acid-Birnessite
Nielsen-Franco D & Ginder-Vogel M
(2021) Transport-Reaction Modeling of Particulate Organic Matter and Oxygen Dynamics in Riverbed Sediments
Roden EE, Bulur E, Napieralski SA, Loheide SP, Ginder-Vogel M, Zahasky C, Arntzen E & Ghosh RN
(2018) Effects of Solution Conditions on Bisphenol a Oxidation by Manganese Oxide
Balgooyen S, Remucal CK & Ginder-Vogel M
(2018) Transformation of Phenolic Contaminants by Environmentally Relevant Manganese Oxides
Trainer EL, Ginder-Vogel M & Remucal C
(2018) The Limitations of Observed First Order Rate Constants: A Case Study on As(III) Depletion by Mn Oxides
Schacht L & Ginder-Vogel M
(2018) Contaminant Interactions with Redox-Active Transition Metal (Hydr)oxides
Ginder-Vogel M
(2015) Mechanisms and Kinetics of Organic Contaminant Transformation by Mn(IV) Oxides
Ginder-Vogel M, Balgooyen S, Chhouk B & Remucal C
(2014) Transformation of Fe(III) (Hydr)oxides Under Oscillating Redox Conditions
Ginder-Vogel M, Mejia J & Tomaszewski E
(2012) As(III) Oxidation by delta-Mno2: Kinetics, Mechanisms, and Inhibition
Ginder-Vogel M, Lafferty B & Sparks DL
(2011) Time-Resolved Metal(loid) Reactivity at Biogeochemical Interfaces
Sparks D, Ginder-Vogel M & Landrot G
(2010) Amorphous Magnesium Stabilized Calcium Carbonate
Ryan C, Yaccato K, Ginder-Vogel M & Constantz B
(2009) Quantification of Rapid Environmental Redox Processes Using Quick-Scanning X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (Q-XAS)
Ginder-Vogel M, Landrot G & Sparks D
(2009) A Multi-Scale Investigation of the Kinetics and Mechanisms of As(III) Oxidation on Hydrous Manganese Oxide
Sparks D, Ginder-Vogel M, Lafferty B & Parikh S
(2008) Impact of Mineral Surface Modification on As(III) Oxidation by Hydrous Manganese(IV)
Ginder-Vogel M & Sparks DL
(2005) Discerning Geochemical and Biogeochemical Metal Reduction Through Gamma Sterilization
Bank T, Jardine P, Ginder-Vogel M, Fendord S & Baldwin M
(2005) Insitu Biological Reduction of Uranium within Fractured Saprolite
Ginder-Vogel M, Wu W, Gu B, Carley J, Nyman J, Criddle C, Jardine P & Fendorf S
(2005) Reduction and Retention Processes within Arid Subsurface Environments
Ginder-Vogel M, Borch T & Fendorf S

Gindorf S. (2023) Cycling of Mercury in a Warming Arctic
Jonsson S, Azaroff A, Gindorf S, Haugk C & West J
(2023) Photodegradation of Mono- and Dimethylmercury in Natural Water
Gindorf S, West J, Graham A & Jonsson S
(2021) Towards a Better Understanding of Mercury (Hg) Dynamics in the Marine Environment
Gindorf S, Kleindienst A, Malberti LM, García Arévalo IG, Torres-Rodriguez N, Amptmeijer D, Amouroux D, Point D, Knoery J, Guyoneaud R, Lorrain A, Bieser J, Horvat M, Schrum C, Tessier E, Sonke JE, Jonsson S & Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E

Gindre-Chanu L. (2020) Salt Mineralogy and Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous Evaporites of the West African Margin
Pichat A, Gindre-Chanu L, Delhaye-Prat V, Gaucher E, Ferrage E & Pedley A

Ginebreda A. (2023) Assessment of the Tracer Potential of Emerging Contaminants in Aquatic Systems
Nikolenko O, Pujades E, Scheiber L, Labad F, Pérez S, Ginebreda A & Jurado A

Gines A. (2020) A Late Holocene Sea Level Rise Event Inferred from Precisely Dated Speleothems from Mallorca
Asmerom Y, Onac B, Mitrovica J, Tuccimei P, Fornos J, Polyak V, Gines J, Gines A, Soligo M & Villa I

Gines J. (2020) A Late Holocene Sea Level Rise Event Inferred from Precisely Dated Speleothems from Mallorca
Asmerom Y, Onac B, Mitrovica J, Tuccimei P, Fornos J, Polyak V, Gines J, Gines A, Soligo M & Villa I

Ging P. (2017) Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Overlying the Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, and Haynesville Shale Unconventional Oil and Gas Production Areas, USA
McMahon P, Barlow J, Engle M, Belitz K, Ging P, Hunt A, Kharaka Y, Jurgens B, Tollett R & Kresse T

Gingele F. (2009) Radiogenic Isotope Signatures of Clay-Size Sediments in the Eastern Indian Ocean: Weathering Inputs and Current Regimes during the Latest Quaternary
Ehlert C, Frank M, Haley B, Gingele F & DeDeckker P

Gingerich Stephen B. (2017) A Combined Noble Gas and Stable Isotope Study to Characterize Groundwater Sources on the Island of Maui, Hawaii
Niu Y, Ferguson CM, Castro MC, Hall CM, Gingerich SB & Scholl MA

Gingerich Steve B. (2015) Noble Gas Signatures on the Island of Maui, Hawaii – Developing a New Noble Gas Application in Fractured Groundwater Systems
Castro MC, Niu Y, Warrier RB, Hall CM, Gingerich SB & Scholl M

Gingras Murray (2012) Geochemical and Textural Characterization of Fresh Water Microbialites of Laguna, Bacalar, Mexico
Castro-Contreras S, Pecoits E, Aubet N, Petrash D, Gingras M & Konhauser K
(2012) First Record of Ediacaran Iron Formations: Origin and Paleoenvironmental Significance
Pecoits E, Aubet N, Gingras M, Poulton S, Bekker A, Veroslavsky G & Konhauser K
(2011) Mn(IV) Reduction: A Driving Mechanism for Mg2+ -Enrichment in Shallow Marine Carbonates?
Petrash D, Lalonde S, Gingras M & Konhauser K
(2010) Microbially-Catalyzed Cementation of Modern Gypsum-Dominated Thrombolites
Petrash D, Lalonde S, Pecoits E, Gingras M & Konhauser K
(2007) Ni Signatures from the Dales Gorge Member of the Hamersley Group, Australia: Constraints on the Origin of Banded Iron Formations
Pecoits E, Gingras M & Konhauser K
(2005) Microscale Oxygen Distribution in Invertebrate Burrows from Willapa Bay, Washington
Zorn M, Lalonde S, Gingras M & Konhauser K
(2005) Wide Range of Infaunal Animal Behaviors Means the Geochemical Impacts of Sediment-Animal Interactions are Extremely Variable
Gingras M

Gingras Murray K. (2023) Investigating the Ediacaran Byng Formation from the Neoproterozoic Miette Group: Geochemical and Palaeobiological Implications
Coutret B, Konhauser KO, Lazowski CN, Kononovs D, Rozanitis KJ, Li L & Gingras MK
(2023) Surface Reactivities of Biogenic Ferrihydrite Aggregates Formed during Oxygenic Photosynthesis: A Look into the Trace Element Cycling in Ancient Oceans from a Surface Adsorption Perspective
Li Y, Tang L, Schad M, Gutierrez Rueda D, Coutret B, Acikelli A, Alessi DS, Gingras MK & Konhauser KO
(2022) Biological Productivity and Primary Producers Recorded in the Depositional Record of Middle to Late Devonian Mudstones from the Horn River Group, Northwest Territories, Canada
LaGrange MT, Li K, Li L, Konhauser KO, Harris BS, Biddle SK, Terlaky V & Gingras MK
(2022) Synthetic Biochar vs Forest Fire Generated Pyrogenic Carbon: A Comparison of Physicochemical Properties
Snihur KN, Tang L, Rozanitis K, Lazowski C, Kononovs D, Gutierrez Rueda D, Swaren LR, Gingras MK, Kenney JPL, Flynn SL, Konhauser KO & Alessi DS

Ginibre C. (2007) Assimilation of the Plutonic Roots of the Andean Arc: Evidence from CO2-rich Fluid Inclusions in Olivines
Ginibre C & Dungan M
(2004) Sr Isotope Zoning in Feldspars at Laacher See Volcano, Germany
Ginibre C, Davidson J & Wörner G
(2004) Crystal Isotope Clues to Subvolcanic Magmatic Evolution and Eruption Triggering
Davidson J, Charlier B, Morgan D, Chertkoff D, Ginibre C & Nowell G
(2002) Progress in Understanding Magma Chambers Based on High-Resolution Phenocryst Microprobe Analysis
Ginibre C & Wörner G

Ginley D. (2018) Thermodynamic Origins of Diverse Polymorphism during the Multistage Crystallization of Manganese Oxides
Sun W, Kitchaev D, Chen B-R, Garten L, Ginley D, Schelhas L, Toney M & Ceder G

Ginley S. (2014) Categorizing Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Algoma Type Banded Iron Formation, Temagami, ON
Ginley S, Diekrup D & Hannington M

Ginn B. (2016) The Effect of High Amplitude Redox Cycles on Soil Fe Reduction Rates and Mineral Composition
Ginn B, Meile C, Tang Y & Thompson A
(2012) Imposed Redox Frequency and Amplitude Flux in the Study of Iron Biogeochemical Dynamics
Wilmoth J, Meile C, Ginn B, Pasakarnis T, Hall S, Scherer M & Thompson A
(2012) Fe Reduction and Atom Exchange Rates during Redox Oscillation of Luquillo CZO Forest Soils
Thompson A, Ginn B, Tishchenko V, Meile C, Wilmoth J, Pasakarnis T & Scherer M
(2010) The Effect of Redox Cycles on the Partitioning of Fe, C, and P within Soil Systems
Ginn B, Meile C, Scherer M & Thompson A
(2009) Dissolution Morphology of Iron (Oxy)(hydr)oxides Exposed to Shewanella oneidensis
Stack A, Zhang M, Ginn B & DiChristina T
(2009) Adhesion of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 to Iron (Oxy)(hydr)oxides: Microcolony Formation and Isotherm
Zhang M, Ginn B, DiChristina T & Stack A
(2008) The Role of Extracellular Polysaccharides in the Adsorption of Metals onto Biofilms
Kenney J, Ginn B & Fein J
(2007) Proton and Lead Adsorption onto Roots of the Grass Species Festuca rubra
Ginn B & Fein J
(2005) Metal Adsorption onto Bacterial Cell Walls: Testing Universal Adsorption Behavior over a Wide Range of Bacterial Diversity
Ginn B & Fein J

Ginn F. (2009) Bio-Mediated and Abiotic Dolomite Formation in Saline Lakes of the Northern Great Plains of Canada
Last W & Ginn F
(2009) Unraveling the Microbialite Web: Formation and Diagenesis of Laminated and Massive Carbonate Sediments in Saline Lakes of North America and Australia
Ginn F, Last W & Halden N

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