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Gillham R. (2008) Carbon and Chlorine Isotope Fractionation during Degradation of Trichloroethene by Metals
Zhang M, Shouakar-Stash O, Gillham R, Frape S & Drimmie R
(2004) Formation of Poorly Crystalline Iron Monosulfides: Surface Redox Reaction on High Purity Iron
Hansson E, Odziemkowski M & Gillham R

Gilli A. (2023) Tin Stable Isotope Variations for Tracing Anthropogenic Contaminations in Sediments of Lake Zurich, Switzerland
Meister ACE, Fehr MA, Gilli A & Schönbächler M
(2012) Geochemical and Bacterial Evidence for 9800 Years of Meromixis and Euxinia in Alpine Lake Cadagno
Wirth SB, Gilli A, Dahl TW, Niemann H, Ravasi D, Lehmann MF, Peduzzi R, Peduzzi S, Tonolla M & Anselmetti FS
(2011) Validation and Application of a Novel, Terrestrial Biomarker-Based Paleo Thermometer to Holocene Sediments of Lake Cadagno, Switzerland
Niemann H, Wirth SB, Stadnitskaia A, Gilli A, Anselmetti FS, Sinninghe Damsté JS, Schouten S, Hoppmans EC & Lehmann MF

Gilli R.S. (2017) Mercury Isotope Signatures as Tracer for Industrial Hg Contamination
Wiederhold JG, Grigg ARC, Gilli RS & Kretzschmar R
(2017) Hg Isotope Analysis and Sequential Extractions of Industrially Contaminated Soils in Valais, CH
Grigg A, Kretzschmar R, Gilli R & Wiederhold J

Gilliard D. (2023) Variability in Seawater Cr Concentration and Stable Isotope Composition along Atlantic Meridional Transect 29 (AMT29)
Gilliard D, Jaccard SL, Janssen DJ & Schuback N
(2021) Elucidating Biogenic Components of the δ53Cr Cycle in the Modern Ocean
Janssen D, Rickli J, Abbott A, Ellwood M, Twining B, Ohnemus D, Nasemann P, Gilliard D & Jaccard S

Gillies J. (2008) Enhanced Particulate Matter Surveillance Program: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understanding Mineral Dusts from the Middle East
Engelbrecht J, McDonald E, Gillies J & Gertler A

Gillies S. (2012) Prediction and Observation of Dissolved Geochemistry of the Fraser River, British Columbia
Voss B, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Eglinton T, Marsh S, Gillies S, Fiske G, Wollheim W, Stewart R, Alamwala M, Bennett M, Downey B, Fanslau J, Fraser H, Herbert J, Macklam-Harron G & Wiebe B

Gilligan C.R.D. (2022) Applying the Isotope Geochemistry Toolkit to Nuclear Forensics
Dunne JA, Higginson MA, Gilligan CRD & Cross S

Gillikin David (2021) Mercury Concentrations in Pacific Ocean Tunas are Driven by Both Anthropogenic and Natural Factors
Médieu A, Point D, Itai T, Angot H, Buchanan P, Allain V, Griffiths S, Fuller L, Gillikin D, Sonke JE, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E, Menkes CE, Madigan D, Tagliabue A, Bopp L, Verheyden A & Lorrain A
(2019) Tracking Oil and Gas Isotopic Signatures in Freshwater Bivalves
Warner N, Piotrowski P, Dorman F, Geeza T, McDevitt B, Tasker T & Gillikin D
(2018) Methane Cycling in the Serpentinizing Shallow-Sea Vents of the Prony Hydrothermal Field, New Caledonia
Price R, Sutcliffe C, Sherwood-Lollar B, Erauso G, Quéméneur M, Postec A, Monnin C, Wehrmann L, Gillikin D, Menez B, Pelletier B, Payri C & Hoehler T
(2018) Strontium, Barium, and Radium as Tracers of Oil and Gas Contaminant Accumulation in Biota and Sediment
Warner N, Geeza T, Van Sice K, McDevitt B & Gillikin D
(2017) Isotope Dendrochronology of African Mahogany (Entandrophragma Macrophyllum) from the Central African Republic as a Hydroclimate Proxy
Verheyden A, Crampe E, Gillikin D & Bouillon S
(2017) African Freshwater Bivalve Shells as Hydroclimate Proxies
Gillikin D, Kelemen Z, Puleio C, Vanhove D, King M & Bouillon S

Gillikin David P (2022) Investigating the Structure and Composition of Freshwater Oyster Adhesive and Shell
Metzler RA, Zaborowsky J, Tregidga J, Underhill J, Nichols L, Gillikin DP & Bouillon S
(2022) Investigating the Extent of the Urban Stream Syndrome in and Around Schenectady, NY
Verheyden A, Bechtold C, Andonie E, Higginbotham J & Gillikin DP
(2022) Nitrogen Isotopes in the Shell of the Antarctic Scallop Adamussium Colbecki as a Proxy for Sea Ice Cover in Antarctica
Gillikin DP, Puhalski E, Camarra S, Cronin KE, Verheyden A & Walker SE

Gillikin David P. (2014) The Impact of Salinity on the Incorporation of Mg, Sr and Ba in the Aragonite Shell of Ruditapes philippinarum
Gillikin D, Poulain C, Thebault J, Munaron J, Bohn M, Robert R, Paulet Y & Lorrain A
(2011) Rapid Age Determination of Oysters Using Shell Mg/Ca Ratios
Spence B, Gillikin DP, Goodwin DH, Byrne D, Roopnarine P & Anderson L

Gillings M.M. (2023) Getting the Canary out of the Coal Mine: An Avian Bioindicator of Lead Exposure in Children
Gillings MM, Harris T, Ton R, Taylor MP & Griffith SC

Gillis K. (2013) Geochemistry of Fast-Spreading Lower Crust: Results from IODP Expedition 345 at the Hess Deep Rift
Godard M, Meyer R, Saha A, Gillis K, Snow J, Klaus A & Shipboard Scientific Party IE3
(2013) Deep Fast-Spread Oceanic Crust – Fluid Interactions: Petrography and Volatiles from IODP Expedition 345 Hess Deep Plutonic Crust
Meyer R, Wintsch RP, Nozaka T, Gillis K, Snow JE & Expedition 345 Shipboard Scientific Party 
(2007) Sr Isotope Constraints on Extent and Character of Fluid Flow in EPR Crust
Barker A, Coogan L, Gillis K & Weis D

Gillis Kathryn (2019) The Effect of Solution Chemistry on Li Elemental and Isotopic Fractionation during Calcite Growth
Seyedali M, Coogan L & Gillis K
(2015) Trace Element Budget along a Section of Fast-Spread Oceanic Crust: Results from Drilling at the Hess Deep Rift (ODP Leg 147 and IODP Expedition 345)
Godard M, Falloon T, Gillis K, Akizawa N, Koepke J, Marks N, Saha A, Garbe-Schonberg D & Meyer R
(2014) Hydrothermal Alteration at the Hess Deep Rift
Gillis K, Marks N, Faak K, McCaig A, Nozaka T, Python M, Wintsch R, Snow J & Klaus A
(2014) Characterizing Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Lower Gabbros from Hess Deep
Marks N & Gillis K
(2014) Static and Fault-Related Alteration In The Lower Ocean Crust, IODP Expedition 345, Hess Deep
McCaig A, Titarenko S, Faak K, Harigane Y, Marks N, Nozaka T, Python M, Wintsch R & Gillis K
(2009) Oxidation of Ocean Crust and the Fate of Seawater Sulphate in Axial Hydrothermal Systems
Barker A, Coogan L & Gillis K
(2008) Ti-in-Quartz Thermometry of Hydrothermal Veins in Ocean Crust
Barker A, Coogan L, Gillis K & Weis D
(2008) Constraints of Carbon Uptake by Seafloor Weathering of Ocean Plates
Klumb A, Gillis K, Paul H & Fitzgerald C
(2008) Quantifying the Spatial Scale of Chemical Heterogeneity Created by Off-Axis Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Ocean Crust: An Example from the Lava Sequence of the Troodos Ophiolite
Gillis K
(2008) Lithium Isotopes Provide New Insights into Oceanic Hydrothermal Systems
Brant C, Coogan L & Gillis K
(2007) Oceanic Hornfels: Records of Heat Transport Near Axial Magma Chamber Roofs
Gillis K

Gillis T. (2020) Reactive Transport Constraints on Early Diagenesis in Two Soda Lakes of the Cariboo Plateau, Canada
Tutolo B, Paquette A, Zhou Y, Bossaer S, Arizaleta M, Schroeder S, Mott E, Novotnik B, Gillis T, Vadalamani A, Rattray J, Nightingale M, De La Hoz Siegler H, Lauer R & Strous M

Gillispie E. (2019) Impact of Ettringite Kinetics and Mineralogy on Tc-99 and I-129 Immobilization in Cementious Waste Forms
Gillispie E, Avalos N & Saslow S
(2018) Sediment Manganese Oxide Content as an Indicator of Groundwater Arsenic Pollution Potential
Polizzotto M, Gillispie E & Duckworth O
(2014) Manganese Near-Surface Repartitioning and Delivery to Groundwater in North Carolina
Polizzotto M, Gillispie E, Austin R, Rivera N, Abraham J, Wang S, Bolich R, Bradley P, Duckworth O, Amoozegar A & Hesterberg D

Gillmann C. (2010) Atmospheric Evolution of Terrestrial Planets Constrained by Isotopic Data: The Effects of Degassing on Mars
Gillmann C, Lognonné P, Chassefière E & Moreira M

Gillon M. (2012) Variability of 13C-14C in Soil CO2: Impact on 14C Groundwater Ages
Gillon M, Barbecot F, Gibert E, Plain C, Corcho-Alvarado J-A & Massault M

Gillot F.G. (2001) Determination of Ni Speciation on Aluminous Smectites and Vermiculites
Gillot FG, Robert DR & Sparks DL

Gillot P-Y. (2009) Os Isotope Evolution of an Oceanic Intra-Plate Volcano: Tahiti-Nui (Society Islands, French Polynesia)
Nauret F, David K, Gannoun A, Hildenbrand A, Gillot P-Y, Delpech G & Schiano P
(2002) Differentiation Rates and Geochemical Characterization of Parental Magmas for The Piton des Neiges Volcano (Réunion Island, Indian Ocean)
Kluska J-M, Gillot P-Y & Nativel P

Gillot Pierre-Yves (2015) A Simple Non-Destructive Approach for the Determination of 40K by Gamma Spectroscopy
Ghaleb B, Pinti D, Samper A & Gillot P-Y

Gilman J. (2014) Formation of Organic Aerosol in the Outflow from Urban Areas in the Southeastern United States
de Gouw J, Middlebrook A, Brock C, Gilman J, Graus M, Holloway J, Lerner B, Liao J, Trainer M, Warneke C & Welti A

Gilmer A. (2018) Pushing the Limits of 40Ar/39Ar Precision: Constraining the Eruptive History of the La Garita Caldera
Morgan L, Cosca M, Gilmer A, Johnstone S & Thompson R

Gilmer G (2005) A Kink-Site Limited Model for Growth and Inhibition of Biominerals
DeYoreo J, Chernov A, Zepeda-Ruiz L, Wasylenki L, Elhadj S, Orme C, Gilmer G & Dove P

Gilmer Greer (2018) New Zealand Fjord Records of Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind Variability
Moy C, Hinojosa J, Gilmer G, Browne I, Wilson G, Riesselman C, Stirling C, Gorman A, Lembo C & Eglinton T

Gilmore M. (2019) The Effect of Oxidation on the Visible Near-Infrared Spectra of Basaltic Minerals with Implications for Age Dating Volcanic Flows on Venus
Filiberto J, Trang D, Treiman AH & Gilmore M

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