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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gibbs Samantha (2019) Drivers of Anoxia in an Epicontinental Seaway – An Organic Geochemical Transect Across the Cretaceous Interior Seaway
Robinson L, George K, Whiteside J, Gibbs S & Twitchett R

Gibbs-Davis J. (2015) How Ion Identity, Ion Concentration, and pH History Affect the Silica/Water Interface
Darlington A, Azam MS, Sikder MD & Gibbs-Davis J

Gibert B. (2009) Experimental Study of Carbon Sequestration Reactions Controlled by the Percolation of CO2-rich Brine Through Peridotites
Andreani M, Luquot L, Gouze P, Godard M, Hoise E & Gibert B

Gibert Benoit (2023) Melt/rock Interaction in Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle (Tanzanian Craton)
Parat F, Clutier A, Baudouin C, Gibert B, Grégoire M, Gautier S & Tiberi C

Gibert E. (2012) Variability of 13C-14C in Soil CO2: Impact on 14C Groundwater Ages
Gillon M, Barbecot F, Gibert E, Plain C, Corcho-Alvarado J-A & Massault M
(2012) Interaction between Eu(III), Phenolic Acids and Al2O3 Nanoparticles
Moreau P, Colette-Maatouk S, Reiller PE, Gibert-Brunet E & Gareil P
(2011) Short Term Environmental Reconstruction from Rich CO2-Spring Deposits (Massif Central, France)
Barbecot F, Ghaleb B, Gibert E & Noret A

Gibert F. (2005) Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Lanthanides and Solubility of Synthetic Pure Nd Monazite
Pourtier E, Ballerat-Busserolles K, Devidal J, Gibert F & Majer V
(2004) Lanthanide Behaviour in Hydrothermal Fluids
Pourtier E, Ballerat-Busserolles K, Devidal J, Gibert F & Majer V

Gibert Luis (2017) Implications of Elevated Sr Values in Mirobial Mediated Dolomites
Sánchez-Román M, Blok C, McKenzie J, Davies G, Vroon P, Gibert L & Crisogono V

Gibert Luis B (2015) Geochemistry and Mantle Source Characteristics of the Woranso-Mille Pliocene Basalts, West-Central Afar Rift, Ethiopia
Alene Araya M, Saylor BZ, Deino A, Hart WK, Mertzman SA, Gibert LB & Haile-Selassie Y

Gibert-Brunet E. (2013) Experimental Approach of Carbonate Isotopes Fractionation Related to Kinetic Effect during Travertine Growth
Fleurent L, Gibert-Brunet E & Barbecot F

Gibicar D. (2003) Mercury Speciation in an Esturay Influenced by Past Mercury Mining Activities
Horvat M, Kotnik J, Covelli S, Piani R, Gibicar D & Logar M

Giblin A.E. (2018) The Role of Nitrate as an Electron Acceptor in Salt Marsh Organic Matter Decomposition
Bulseco-McKim AN, Vineis JH, Murphy AE, Giblin AE, Sanderman J, Spivak A & Bowen JL

Giblin J.L. (2022) Orogenic Exhumation History Using Multi-Mineral Detrital Thermochronology
Giblin JL, Hodges K & Gallagher K

Gibrilla A. (2018) Groundwater Recharge Estimation and Associated Mechanism Using Hybrid Chloride Mass Balance, Water Level Fluctuation and Isotopic Methods in the White Volta River Basin of Ghana
Gibrilla A, Anornu G & Adomako D

Gibsher A (2003) Paleozoic Upper Mantle of the Southern Frame of the Siberian Platform: Structure and Composition
Malkovets V, Gibsher A, Litasov Y, O’Reilly S & Griffin W

Gibsher Anastasia (2019) Re-Os Dating of Sulfide Inclusions in Cr-Pyropes from the Upper Muna Kimberlites
Malkovets V, Rezvukhin D, Griffin W, Tretiakova I, Pearson N, Gibsher A, Belousova E, Zedgenizov D & O'Reilly S
(2016) U-Pb Dating of Zircons from Paleozoic Lamprophyric Dykes of Western Sangilen (CAOB)
Gibsher A, Malkovets V, Tretiakova I, Belousova E, Rudnev S, Gibsher A, Tsujimori T & Shelepaev R
(2016) Ar-Ar Dating of K-Richterite from the Bab'e Leto (An-134) Kimberlite Pipe, East Ukukit Field, Siberian Craton
Malkovets V, Yudin D, Rezvukhin D, Gibsher A, Tretiakova I & Tsujimori T

Gibsher Anatoly (2016) U-Pb Dating of Zircons from Paleozoic Lamprophyric Dykes of Western Sangilen (CAOB)
Gibsher A, Malkovets V, Tretiakova I, Belousova E, Rudnev S, Gibsher A, Tsujimori T & Shelepaev R

Gibsher N. (2000) Argon-Argon Dating of Camptonite Dikes of the Sangilen, Southeastern Tuva, Russia
Izokh A, Gibsher N, Malkovets V & Travin A

Gibson Blair (2013) Reactive Transport Modeling of Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Cr(VI) Reduction Under Saturated Flow Conditions
Jamieson-Hanes J, Amos R, Gibson B, Ptacek C & Blowes D
(2012) Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Reduction of Cr(VI) Under Saturated Flow Conditions
Jamieson-Hanes J, Gibson B, Lindsay M, Kim Y, Ptacek C & Blowes D
(2012) Characterization of Hg Leaching from the Riverbank Sediments of the South River, VA
Paulson K, Desrochers K, Ptacek C, Blowes D, Gibson B, Landis R, Dyer J & Grosso N
(2012) Application of X-Ray Spectroscopy to Characterize Metal(loid) Removal in Passive Treatment Systems
Gibson B, Lindsay M, Ptacek C & Blowes D
(2011) Mechanisms Controlling the Release, Transport and Attenuation of Mercury in Riverine Sediments
Ptacek C, Desrochers K, Gibson B, Liu P, Wang O, Tordiff J, Daugherty S, Blowes K, Van de Valk J, Lindsay M & Blowes D

Gibson Brandt M. (2020) Crystallization by Particle Attachment (CPA) in Biominerals over 550 Million Years
Gilbert P, Porter SM, Sun C-Y, Xiao S, Gibson BM, Shenkar N & Knoll A

Gibson D. (2018) Decoupling of U-Pb Zircon and Lu-Hf Garnet Dates during High-Pressure Metamorphism in the Snowbird Tectonic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada
Thiessen E, Gibson D, Regis D, Pehrsson S & Smit M

Gibson E. (2010) Biological Diversity in the Archean: New Results from NanoSIMS
Oehler D, Robert F, Walter M, Sugitani K, Meibom A, Mostefaoui S & Gibson E
(2008) Bona Fide Biosignatures: Insights from Combined NanoSIMS-Sims
Oehler D, Robert F, Chaussidon M & Gibson E

Gibson H. Daniel (2012) The Mid-Cretaceous Canadian Cordillera: Paired Orogenic Belts or an Altiplano-Esque Plateau Deflated by Deep Crustal Flow?
Gibson HD

Gibson Harold

Gibson Harold L. (2020) SMS Deposit Size and Abundance – Mining Districts and the Ore System Concept: The INDEX Seafloor Sulfide Perspective
Schwarz-Schampera U, Gibson HL, Klischies M & Freitag R
(2012) Trace Element Geochemistry of VMS-Deprived and VMS-Endowed 2720 Ma Greenstone Belts in the Wawa Subprovince, Superior Craton
Lodge RWD, Gibson HL & Stott GM
(2002) Geochemical, Mineralogical, Textural, and Fluid Dynamic Constraints on Endogenous Growth in Differentiated Komatiite Flows
Lesher CM, Houle MG, Levesque M, Gibson HL, Williams DA & Kerr RC

Gibson J J (2012) Hydrogeochemical Setting of the Northern Athabasca Oil Sands Area
Gibson J, Yi Y, Birks J, Moncur M, Fennell J & Tattrie K
(2012) Characterizing the Dissolved Organic Composition of Water in the Oilsands Region via FT-ICR MS
Yi Y, Han J, Birks J, Gibson J & Borchers C
(2012) Saline Groundwater Discharges in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region: A Chemical Mass Balance
Jasechko S, Gibson JJ, Birks SJ, Yi Y & Marandi A
(2010) Sulfur Cycling in a High-Sulfide Tailings Impoundment
Moncur M, Ptacek CJ, Mayer B, Blowes DW, Birks SJ & Gibson JJ
(2006) Stable isotope tracing of water exchange along a dryland river
Cendon Sevilla DI, Gibson J, Sadek M, Stone D, Hughes C, Hankin S & Hollins S

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