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Ghosal P.S. (2023) Status of Emerging DBPs in Drinking Water and their Remediation Techniques: A Review
Sinha R & Ghosal PS

Ghosal S. (2022) Beach Placers of South-Eastern Peninsular India: A Petrological, Geochemical, Geophysical and Radiometric Perspective
Ghosal S, Venkatesh AS, Agrahari S & Sengupta D
(2018) REE Resource Estimation in the High Background Radiation Areas (HBRA’s) of Coastal Odisha, India
Ghosal S, Agrahari S, Banerjee D & Sengupta D

Ghose D. (2021) Microstructural Origins of Chemomechanical Changes in Novaculite
Anovitz L, Flores-Betencourt A, Allard LF, Bosomworth P, Irle S, Mamontov E, Ghose D, Tajuelo Rodriguez E, Erdman D, Lowden RR, Ilavsky J, Kuzmenko I, Bleuel M & Littrell K

Ghose S. (2010) Structure and Reactivity of Hydrated Goethite (100) Interface and Arsenic Sorption: CTR and RAXR Study
Ghose S, Waychunas G, Eng P & Trainor T
(2008) Structure and Reactivity of Hydrated Goethite (100) Interface and Arsenic Sorption: CTR and RAXR Study
Ghose S, Waychunas G, Eng P & Trainor T
(2008) Structural Investigation of Fe(II) Adsorption on Hematite (0001) and (1-102)
Tanwar K, Petitto S, Ghose S, Eng P & Trainor T
(2008) Water Structure on Mineral Surfaces: Comparisons between Quartz, Corundum and Goethite
Waychunas G, Ghose S, Zhang L, Tian C & Shen YR
(2008) Parameters Controlling Metal Adsorption at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface: Evidence for a Diffusion Limited Process and Comparison with Thermodynamic Modeling
Gelabert A, Wang Y, Ha J, Ona-Nguema G, Spormann AM, Bargar JR, Rogers J, Eng P, Ghose S & Brown GE
(2007) Synchrotron-Based Studies of Fluids, Mineral-Water Interfaces and Glasses
Sutton S, Newville M, Eng P, Rivers M & Ghose S
(2006) Structure of the iron-oxide - aqueous solution interface: surface x-ray diffraction and density functional theory studies
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S & Petitto S
(2006) Enviromental Surface and Interface Science at GSECARS
Eng PJ, Ghose SK & Trainor TP
(2005) Structure and Reactivity of Hydroxylated Hematite Surfaces: Application of Surface X-Ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S, Brown G, Catalano J, Waychunas G & Templeton A
(2005) Sorption and Structural Properties of Aquous-Mineral Surfaces Interfaces: Surface X-Ray Techniques
Ghose S, Eng P & Trainor T

Ghosh Aratrika (2023) Siderophores Assisted Recovery of Critical Metals from Mining Residues
Jain R, Pollmann K, Ghosh A, Dhiman S, Mondol PP & Jain P

Ghosh Ashok (2020) Citizen Science in Schools and Colleges in Patna, Bihar, India for Groundwater Contaminant Mapping & Knowledge Transfer
Addison S, Polya D, Richards L, Chakravorty B, Chakraborty R, Ambuehl B, Podgorski J, Kumar A & Ghosh A
(2019) Toolkit Approach for the Selection of Sustainable Arsenic Remediation Approaches for Rural Communities
Richards LA, Kumari N, Ghosh A, Joshi H, Mukherjee A, Clayton GE, Reynolds DM & Polya DA
(2014) Arsenic Mobilsation in the Ganga Fluvial Plane: A Case Study of Bhojpur, Bihar, India
Bhat A, Donselaar M, Bruining H, Ghosh A & Bose N

Ghosh Avishek (2018) Unsupervised Machine Learning Through Geochemical Data to Interpret Provenance
Ghosh A & Sarkar S

Ghosh Bidisha (2017) Probing PM2.5 Sources with Laser Ablation: A Case Study of Traffic Emissions in Dublin City, Ireland
Gallagher M, McNabola A, Kamber B, Gill L, Ghosh B & Alam MS

Ghosh Biswajit (2023) Constraining the Plate Interface Fluid Composition during Subduction Infancy – An Attempt by Linking the Metamorphic Sole and Peridotite from Andaman Ophiolite, India
Bandyopadhyay D, Ghosh B & Iwamori H
(2019) Identifying the Source Characteristics of Intraplate Alkali Basalts, Hosting the Lithopsheric Mantle Xenolith from Kutch Area, Western India
Chattopadhaya S, Ghosh B, Bandyopadhyay D & Morishita T
(2019) Melt Migration and Interactions in the Lower Oceanic Crust: Insights from Atlantis Bank Interlayered Series at IODP Hole U1473A (Southwest Indian Ridge)
France L, Boulanger M, Ferrando C, Ildefonse B, Sanfilippo A, Ghosh B, Morishita T, Liu C-Z, Koepke J & Bruguier O
(2018) Origin of the Interlayered Series at Atlantis Bank (SWIR): New Insights on Lower Oceanic Crust Accretion Processes
Boulanger M, France L, Ildefonse B, Ghosh B, Sanfilippo A, Liu C, Morishita T & Koepke J
(2017) Clinopyroxene Composition of Volcanics from the Manipur Ophiolite, Northeastern India: Implications to Geodynamic Setting
Ovung TN, Ray J, Ghosh B, Koeberl C, Topa D & Paul M
(2017) Clue to the Subduction Initiation from Andaman-Nicobar Ophiolite: A Computational Petrologic Approach
Bandyopadhyay D, Ghosh B, Bera A, Morishita T & Tamura A

Ghosh Devanita (2017) Characterization of High Exopolysaccharide Produced by a Halophilic Thermotolerant Bacteria Halomonas Nitroreducens Strain WB1
Ghosh D, Mukherjee S, Kishore A & Chikanna A
(2011) Arsenite Oxidation by Indigenous Bacteria in the Bengal Delta Plain Aquifers (West Bengal, India)
Ghosh D, Routh J & Bhadury P

Ghosh Dhritiman (2020) Life at the Bleeding Energy Edge: Resource Conservation Strategies of Microbes at Blood Falls, Antarctica
Ohlsson I, Ghosh D, Virginia R & Mikucki J
(2014) Evidence for Iron and Sulfur-Driven Chemosynthesis Below Antarctic Ice
Mikucki J, Ghosh D, Purcell A, Mitchell A & Science Team W

Ghosh Dipta (2014) First Principles Simulations of Model Basalt Melts at High Pressure
Karki B, Bajgain S & Ghosh D
(2012) First Principles Study of the Structure and Compressibility of MgSiO3 Glass
Karki B, Ghosh D & Stixrude L

Ghosh Dipta B (2022) First-Principles Simulations of Grain Boundaries and Crystal-Melt Interfaces in Mg2SiO4 Under Pressure
Karki BB, Ghosh DB & Wang J
(2021) Behavior and Properties of Water in Silicate Melts Under Deep Mantle Conditions
Karki BB, Ghosh DB & Karato S-I

Ghosh G. (2023) Pre-GOE Platformal BIF from the Wester Iron Ore Group, Singhbhum Craton, India: Constraining the Age from Neoarchean Detrital Zircons
Mukhopadhyay J, Ngobeli R & Ghosh G
(2022) Metamorphic Evolution of Baijnath Klippe, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya North West India
Mukherjee S, Ghosh G, Sorcar N & Bose S
(2013) A Mesoarchean Paleosol from Eastern India—the Second Oldest Paleosol on Earth
Mukhopadhyay J, Crowley QC, Ghosh G, Ghosh S, Chakrabarti K, Mishra B & Bose S

Ghosh J.G. (2021) Characterization of Borosilicates Bearing Rocks of Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica: Implications for their Polygenetic Evolution
Sadiq M, Arora D, Dharwadkar A, Roy SK, Pant NC, Ghosh JG & - R

Ghosh N. (2018) U-Pb Zircon Ages of Deccan Acid Igneous Complexes and their Temporal Relationship with the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
Basu A, Chakrabarty P, Ibanez Mejia M, Georg B & Ghosh N
(2018) Geochemical Inferences from Bimodal Afar Volcanism
Basu A, Ghosh N, Ghatak A, Gregory R, Richards I, Georg B, Ebinger C, Quade J, Zou H & Chakrabarty P
(2012) Accounting for Post-Depositional Effects of a neo-Tethyan Permian-Triassic Section in the Himalayan Mountains
Williams J, Hannigan R, Basu A, Ghosh N & Brookfield M

Ghosh Parthasarathi (2009) Latitudinal Position of Indian Plate during Phanerozoic Period; Revealed Based on Abundances of 13C-18O Bonds in Palaeosol Carbonates
Ghosh P, Vasiliev M, Ghosh P, Sarkar S, Yamada K & Yoshida N
(2005) Carbonate Paleothermometry Based on Abundances of <+>13<$>C-<+>18<$>O Bonds
Eiler J, Ghosh P, Affeck H, Adkins J, Schauble E, Schrag D & Hoffman P
(2004) Diet of Creteceous Crocodile; Revealed from Carbon Isotopic Analysis of Teeth Using UV Laser System
Ghosh P, Linke P, Brand W & Prasad G

Ghosh Prosenjit (2023) A Radiogenic and Stable Strontium Isotopic Study of Fish Otoliths
Saha P, Ganguly S, Ghosh P & Chakrabarti R
(2023) Long-Term Performance of the Break Seal Method for Measuring Carbonate Clumped Isotopes
Sakthivel T & Ghosh P
(2023) Clumped Isotope Thermometry on Modern Pearl Oyster of Paradeep Sea Beach, Odisha, India
Ghosh R & Ghosh P
(2023) Hydroclimate of Eastern Anatolia during Marine Isotope Stage 2: New Insights from Lake Van Tufa Carbonates Using Carbonate Clumped Isotopes
Banerjee Y, Ghosh P, Ghosh R, Yeşilova Ç & Shen C-C
(2022) Trend and Pattern in δ13C and δ18O of Atmospheric CO2 during COVID Lockdown; Observation from Bengaluru, India
Swaraj A, Ghosh P, S T & Fosu B
(2022) Use of Clumped Carbonate Thermometry in Terrestrial Mollusc from Indian Region
Subba R & Ghosh P
(2022) Increased CO2 Reinforcing the Contrast of Continental and Ocean Temperature: A Case Study from United States
Banerjee S, Ghosh P, Eiler J & Campana S
(2022) Understanding the Environment of Early Life: Divergence, and Environment Using Stable Isotope of Badami Sediments, Southern India
Ghosh R, Sen A, Mkhopadhyay S, Samanta P & Ghosh P
(2022) Nitrogen Isotope Proxy in Clay Ammonium as an Indicator of Wildfire Activity over Indian Himalaya
S T, Ghosh P & Nair N
(2021) Clumped Isotope Thermometry for Small Sample Using Isotope Dilution Method
Banerjee S & Ghosh P
(2021) Himalayan Upliftment Enhanced Moisture Transport during Miocene: Evidence from Clumped Isotope Thermometry and Oxygen Isotopes in Globigerinoides Quadrilobatus from the Bay of Bengal
S T, Banerjee B & Ghosh P
(2021) Clumped Isotope Thermometry in Earthworm Carbonates
Banerjee S, Ghosh P, S T, Versteegh E, Black S & Hodson M
(2021) Mid Cretaceous Climatic Oscillations from Southern (40°S) Latitude: Evidence from Bivalves (Gryphea) and Belemnites Using Clumped Isotopes
Banerjee Y, S T & Ghosh P
(2020) The Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Carbonatites
Fosu B, Ghosh P, Weisenberger T, Spürgin S & Viladkar S
(2020) Ab Initio Study of Clumped Isotopic Fractionation during Acid Digestion of Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2)
Pramanik C, Banerjee S & Ghosh P
(2020) Moving Continent and Changing Seasonality in High pCO2 Worlds: A Tale Using Clumped Isotopes on the Mollusc Shell Growth Bands from the Indian Plate, Noa’s Ark in Deep Time
Banerjee Y & Ghosh P
(2020) Seasonal Tempearture Variability Recorded in the Carbonate Bands of Cyclothems in Lacustrine Stromatolites of Early to Mid Miocene(~14-21Ma.) Deposit from the Ebro Basin, North Spain
Banerjee S, Ghosh P, Banerjee Y, Martin-Bello L, Arenas C, Osácar C & Auque LF
(2019) Large-Scale Atmospheric Convection Governs Summer and Winter Precipitation Isotopic Composition at Srinagar, Kashmir
Dar SS & Ghosh P
(2019) Estimation of Dinosaur Body Temperature from Late Cretaceous Sauropod Eggshell from India Using Carbonate Clumped Isotopes
Banerjee Y, Ghosh P, Patnaik R, Jafar SA & Sahni A
(2019) Near Equilibrium Methanogenic Carbonate Formation in Krishna-Godavari Basin, Bay of Bengal Inferred from Clumped Isotopes
Fosu B, Banerjee Y, Gogoi B, Kocherla M & Ghosh P
(2019) Clumped Isotope Depositional Temperatures from Palaeoproterozoic Fine-Agglutinated and Microdigitate Stromatolites: Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah Basin, India
Banerjee S, Banerjee Y, Ghosh P & Riding R
(2019) Temperature and Environmental Reconstruction for Early Burdigalian Using Carbonate ‘clumped Isotope’ Paleothermometer on Fish Otoliths
Kannan Naidu P, Ghosh P, Kapur V & Mishra D
(2018) Assessing the Accuracy of Relative Humidity Prediction Using an Empirical Relationship Based on Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Kaushal R, Ghosh P & Hsing Y-I
(2018) Enhanced Freshwater Flux Near Oman Coast during Post LGM Revealed Analysing Clumped Isotopes on Globigerina bulloides and Orbulina Universa from ODP Hole 727B
Ghosh P, Prakasam M & Mishra D
(2018) Seasonality Based on Stable Isotopes and Clumped Isotope Records in the Growth Bands of Early Miocene Gastropod (Turitella Sp.) from the Kachchh Basin of Western India
Banerjee Y, Ghosh P & Halder K
(2018) Effect of Seasonal Parameters in the Mobilization Process of Arsenic in Groundwater at Nadia, WB
Pathak P, Ghosh P & Sikdar PK
(2018) On Field Investigation of the Kinetic Fractionation Factor in the Isotope Evaporation Model
Dar S & Ghosh P
(2017) Ab Initio Study of Oxygen Isotope Fractionation during CO2 Production from Calcium Carbonate and Phosphoric Acid Reaction
Pramanik C & Ghosh P
(2017) On the Isotopic and Thermal Evolution of Amba Dongar Carbonatite Alkaline Complex: New Insights from Carbonate Clumped Isotope Geochemistry
Fosu B, Ghosh P & Viladkar S
(2017) Timing and Variation in the Composition of Fluorapatite in the Amba Dongar Carbonatite Alkaline Complex
Fosu B, Ghosh P, Chew D & Viladkar S
(2017) “Paradise Lost” for the Belemnites: New Insights Using Clumped Isotopes from Cretaceous Trichinopoly, Southern India
Banerjee Y, Ghosh P, Willams IS, Rahul P, Chaudhuri A & Suwas S
(2017) Reconstructing Palaeo-Hydroclimate Using Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grains
Kaushal R, Ghosh P & Pokharia K A
(2016) Clumped Isotope Thermometry on Seasonal Growth Band of Fossil Shell Revealed Occurrences of Winter Time Storm at the Dawn of Cenozoic Era
Ghosh P, Naidu P & Banerjee Y
(2016) New Break Seal Method for High Precision Clumped Isotope Analysis of Carbonate Reference Material
Ghosh P, Naidu P, Banerjee Y, Sarkar A, Fosu B & Meeran K
(2016) Temperature Reconstruction Using (Sr, Mg, Li)/Ca, Li/Mg, Sr/Li, δ44/40Ca, and δ18O Measurements of Seasonal Bands in Porities sp. Coral from Lakshadweep, India
Mondal S, Chakrabarti R & Ghosh P
(2015) Stable Isotopic Composition of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grain: An Indicator of Growing Season Stress
Kaushal R & Ghosh P
(2015) Seasonal Growth Bands in Oyster Shell Recording Signature of River Discharge at the Confluence of River Ganges
Banerjee Y, Bhushan R & Ghosh P
(2015) Seasonal Variation of Silicate and Carbonate Weathering in a Tropical River, Southern India
Bhagat H, Ghosh P & Kumar DN
(2015) Hydrothermal Origin of Cap Carbonate Cement from Lesser Himalayan Proterozoic Strata
Vasiliev MV, Ghosh P, Srinivasan R, Islam R, Singh K & Gupta AK
(2015) Evidence of Decarbonation Process in a Skarn Deposit from Matanumadh Formation, Kachchh Basin, India
Banerjee Y, Dasgupta R, Ghosh P, Chakrabarti R & Hergt J
(2015) Investigating Relationship between Oxygen Level in E.coli Culture Chamber and Carbon Isotopic Composition of Headspace CO2; Relevance to Early Organic Evolution
Kazi NZ, Ghosh P, Chakravortty D & Garai P
(2014) Seasonality and Strong Winter Monsoon during High pCO2 Condition of Early Eocene Based on Clumped Isotope in Mollusc Growth Bands
Banerjee Y & Ghosh P
(2014) Evidence of Extreme Seasonality during Albian and Maastrichtian Period at 30°S Latitude Deduced Clumped Isotope Analyses in Mollusc Growth Band
Ghosh P & Banerjee Y
(2013) Isotopic Composition as Climate Proxy
Rahul P, Ghosh P & Sneha S
(2013) Mollusc Clumped Isotope Thermometry Using a New Approach
Naidu PK & Ghosh P
(2013) Clumped Isotope Thermometry in Belemnite Shells from the Early Cretaceous Karai Shale Formation, Trichinopoly, India
Banerjee Y, Ghosh P & Chakrabarti R
(2012) Reconstruction of the Indian Summer Monsoon at Weekly Resolution Using Terrestrial Giant African Snail Lissachatina Fulica from Northern India
Rangarajan R & Ghosh P
(2012) Rainfall Induced Isotope Effects in Rice ( Oryza sativa L.) Grain Organics: A Palaeo Perspective
Kaushal R, Ghosh P, Brand WA & Geilmann H
(2011) Variation in Contribution of Bay of Bengal Moisture Source Derived from Stable Isotopic Composition of Cave Carbonates in Meghalaya, India
Rangarajan R, Routh J, Ghosh P, Mangini A, Fohlmeister J, Baskar S, Baskar R & Holzkamper S
(2010) δ13C in the Bivalve Shells from the Western Continental Shelf of India during and Before Seasonal Oxygen Deficiency
Jacob J & Ghosh P
(2009) Stable Oxygen Isotopic Variations in Modern Achatina Land Snail Shells from Southern India and their Relation to Rainwater Isotopic Composition
Rangarajan R & Ghosh P
(2009) Latitudinal Position of Indian Plate during Phanerozoic Period; Revealed Based on Abundances of 13C-18O Bonds in Palaeosol Carbonates
Ghosh P, Vasiliev M, Ghosh P, Sarkar S, Yamada K & Yoshida N
(2007) Isotopic Composition of Methane and <Sigma>CO2 from Arsenic Affected Area of West Bengal, India
Ghosh P, Yamada K, Yoshida N, Acharyya S & Shah B
(2007) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Mollusks and its Applications to Pleistocene Gastropod Fossils from South Dakota
Ghosh P, Eiler J & Petersen S

Ghosh Rachita (2023) Clumped Isotope Thermometry on Modern Pearl Oyster of Paradeep Sea Beach, Odisha, India
Ghosh R & Ghosh P
(2023) Hydroclimate of Eastern Anatolia during Marine Isotope Stage 2: New Insights from Lake Van Tufa Carbonates Using Carbonate Clumped Isotopes
Banerjee Y, Ghosh P, Ghosh R, Yeşilova Ç & Shen C-C
(2022) Understanding the Environment of Early Life: Divergence, and Environment Using Stable Isotope of Badami Sediments, Southern India
Ghosh R, Sen A, Mkhopadhyay S, Samanta P & Ghosh P

Ghosh Rajat (2022) A Systematic Evaluation of Mineral-Based Reactive Amendments for in situ Treatment of Fluoride-Contaminated Groundwater at a Former Aluminum Smelter Site
Vlassopoulos D, Vlassopoulos D, Gardner R, Ghosh R & Gaines KK

Ghosh Reeya (2023) Fluid Assisted Alteration of Apatite from Beldih, West Bengal, Eastern India: Evidences of REE Mobilization
Ghosh R & Ozha MK

Ghosh Ruby N (2021) Transport-Reaction Modeling of Particulate Organic Matter and Oxygen Dynamics in Riverbed Sediments
Roden EE, Bulur E, Napieralski SA, Loheide SP, Ginder-Vogel M, Zahasky C, Arntzen E & Ghosh RN

Ghosh Rupam (2018) Initial Mineral Phases of Banded Iron Formations
Ghosh R

Ghosh Sambit (2020) Exploring the Use of Biomarkers to Understand the Paradox of the Depository Settings in Eastern Siwaliks of Himalayan Foreland Basin
Roy B, Roy S, Sanyal P & Ghosh S
(2016) Role of Climate and Fluvial Architecture on Temporal and Spatial Variation in C4 Plant Abundance: A Compound Specific Isotopic Evidences from the Late Miocene Siwalik Deposit of NW India
Ghosh S & Sanyal P

Ghosh Sampa (2013) A Mesoarchean Paleosol from Eastern India—the Second Oldest Paleosol on Earth
Mukhopadhyay J, Crowley QC, Ghosh G, Ghosh S, Chakrabarti K, Mishra B & Bose S

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