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Ghiglieri G. (2019) Fluoride Release from Rocks and Sediments from East African Rift Valley
Domènech C, Navarro-Ciurana D, Canals MÀ, Cossío O, Barbieri M, Pittalis D, Soler A & Ghiglieri G

Ghigo J-M. (2020) In situ Monitoring of Exopolymer-Dependent Mn Mineralization on Bacterial Surfaces
Couasnon T, Alloyeau D, Ménez B, Guyot F, Ghigo J-M, Benning LG & Gélabert A

Ghilardi M. (2016) Sedimentary Record of Environmental Contamination in Antimony over the Industrial Revolution: The Case Study of Meria Valley (France)
Fagel N, Fontaine F, Vrancken F, Lechenault M & Ghilardi M

Ghim Y. (2009) An Investigation into Seasonal and Regional Aerosol Characteristics in East Asia Using Model-Predicted and Remotely-Sensed Aerosol Properties
Song C, Park M, Lee K, Ahn H, Lee Y, Kim J, Han K, Kim J, Ghim Y & Kim Y

Ghinescu E. (2021) Is There a Eutectic Mixture of the Halite Daughter Phase with Sulphate±Carbonate±Phosphate±Borate±Fluoride in the Hydrosaline Melt Inclusions from Porphyry Cu-Au (±Mo) Deposits in Metaliferi Mountains, Western Romania?
Pintea I, Iatan EL, Udubasa SS, Berbeleac I & Ghinescu E
(2021) Minerals-, Glassy-, Globular Opaque and Fluid Inclusions from Metamorphic Recrystallized “MVT” Sulfide Mineralization from Blazna-Guşet Prospect, Rodna Mountains, Romania
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Ghinescu E, Nutu ML, Iatan EL & Berbeleac I
(2020) Remnants of ”nelsonitic” Apatite as a Possible Source of Phosphorous from Epithermal and Porphyry Copper Deposits of Carpathians (Romania)
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Ghinescu E, Iatan EL, Berbeleac I & Petrescu L
(2019) Geochemical and Mineralogical Characteristics of the Thermal Mineral Waters from Harsova, Romania
Simion C, Dumitras D-G, Baltres A, Persa D & Ghinescu E
(2019) Clathrasil Compound Evidence in Fluid and Brine Inclusions by Microthermometry and Raman Spectroscopy
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Nutu-Dragomir ML, Iatan EL, Berbeleac I, Petrescu L & Ghinescu E

Ghinet C. (2015) Application on X-Ray Diffractometry on the Skarn Mineralization, in the Upper Basin of Mraconia Valley, Romania
Anason MA, Marincea S, Dumitras DG, Ghinet C & Iancu A
(2015) High-Temperature Metamorphic Process in Ciclova – Oraviţa Area (Banat, Romania)
Ghinet C, Marincea S, Dumitras DG, Anason MA & Iancu AM
(2013) Mineralogical and Geochemical Zoning at High-Temperature Contacts as a Function of CO2 Pressure: An Example from Romanian Skarns
Marincea S, Dumitras D-G, Anason AM, Ghinet C & Iancu AM
(2013) REE Content of Phosphogypsum from Romania
Iancu AM, Dumitras DG, Bilal E, Marincea S, Ghinet C, Calin N & Anason AM
(2013) Geochemical Considerations of the Gehlenitic Skarns from Valea Crişenilor – Oraviţa (Romania)
Ghinet C, Marincea S, Bilal E & Iancu A-M

Ghiorse W. (2016) The Biomass and Biodiversity of the Continental Subsurface Biosphere
Onstott T, Magnabosco C, Lau M, Kieft T, vanHeerden E, Dong H, Lin L, Pedersen K, Ghiorse W & Sherwood Lollar B

Ghiorso Mark (2020) Next Generation Cyberinfrastructure for Geochemistry & Petrology: Connecting Data (EarthChem) and Models (ENKI)
Lehnert KA, Antoshechkina P, Block K, Ghiorso M, Grossberg M, Ji P, Nielsen R, Profeta L, Ustunisik G, Walker D & Wolf A
(2020) Tracking the Degree of Disequilibrium during Magma Ascent and Reheating
Ruprecht P, Huggins E & Ghiorso M
(2020) Wet or Oxidizing? Deciphering the Dominant Determinant of Calc-Alkaline Differentiation Using a Monte Carlo MELTS Methodology
Pitcher B, Gualda G & Ghiorso M
(2019) ENKI: A Framework for Building, Maintaining and Using Chemical Thermodynamic and Fluid Dynamical Models
Ghiorso M, Wolf A, Spiegelman M, Adams J, Evans O, Tweed L & Wilson C
(2019) Redox Model for Silicate Melts at Mantle Conditions
Wolf AS, Ghiorso MS, Till C & Unterborn C
(2018) Calculating Equilibrium Phase Assemblages in Systems Subject to Generalized Chemical Potential Constraints
Ghiorso M

Ghiorso Mark S (2023) PyDEW: A Python Interface for Calculations with the Deep Earth Water Model
Matthews S, Ghiorso MS, Sverjensky DA, Huang F & Siron G
(2023) New Activity Coefficients & Standard State Properties for CO2 in Aqueous Fluids in the Extended Deep Earth Water (DEW) Model
Sverjensky DA, Matthews S & Ghiorso MS
(2023) MELTS+DEW: Modeling Major element+Cl+F+S Phase Equilibria, Redox Reactions and Elemental Partitioning in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Ghiorso MS, Matthews S & Sverjensky DA

Ghiorso Mark S. (2017) Determining Magma Ascent Rates from Diffusive D/H Fractionation in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Gaetani G, Bucholz C, Le Roux V, Klein F, Wallace P, Sims K & Ghiorso M
(2016) Climbing the Crustal Ladder: Magma Storage-Depth Evolution during a Volcanic Flare-Up
Gualda GAR, Gravley DM, Connor MR, Hollmann BE, Pamukcu AS, Bégué F, Ghiorso MS & Deering CD
(2016) Highly CO2-supersaturated Melts in the Carpathian-Pannonian Lithosphere
Creon L, Rouchon V, Delpech G, Szabo C, Asimow PD, Antoschechkina PM, Ghiorso MS & Guyot F
(2016) Modeling Carbonate Assimilation into Crustal Magmas: Quantifying Overpressure and Eruption Triggers
Ghiorso M
(2016) Determining the Activity of H2O in Silicate Melts at H2O-Undersaturated Conditions
Moore G, Touran J, Pu X, Ghiorso M & Cottrell E
(2016) The Internal Trigger Test: Mapping Overpressure Regimes for Giant Magma Bodies
Tramontano S, Gualda G & Ghiorso M
(2015) TraceDs: An Experimental Trace Element Partitioning Database
Nielsen R & Ghiorso M
(2015) Mantle CO2 Fluxes to the Pannonian Lithosphere Inferred from Mantle Xenolith Investigation
Creon L, Delpech G, Rouchon V, Szabo C, Asimow PD, Antoshechkina PM, Ghiorso MS & Guyot F
(2015) Improved Thermodynamic Model Calibration with Bayesian Methods
Antoshechkina P, Wolf A, Hamecher E, Asimow P & Ghiorso M
(2013) High-Silica Rhyolites and Granites: Products of the Shallow Crust
Gualda GAR & Ghiorso MS
(2013) A Tool for Exploring the Impact of Crustal Contamination: The Magma Chamber Simulator
Bohrson W, Spera F, Ghiorso M & Creamer J
(2013) The Future of Thermodynamic Databases: Community Driven Data Systems Fueled by the Geoinformatics Revolution
Ghiorso M
(2010) Development of Cyber-Infrastructure for Experimental Data and Trace Element Partitioning (traceDs)
Nielsen R, Ghiorso M, Koppers A & Cunningham J
(2010) The LEPR 2.0
Ghiorso M
(2010) Library of Experimental Phase Relations (LEPR): Status, Prospects, Challenges
Hirschmann M, Ghiorso M & Nielsen R
(2005) Thermodynamic Models of Mantle Melting to Very High Pressures: Objectives, Motivations and Sources of Data
Ghiorso M
(2001) Utilizing Thermodynamic Models to Better Understand the Phase Equilibria and Energetics of Melting of the Upper Mantle: Achievements, Perspectives and Future Directions
Ghiorso MS

Ghnahalla M. (2023) Revisiting the Mid-Proterozoic Marine Oxygenation Event at ~1.1 Ga
Tu C, Ghnahalla M, El Albani A, Tino CJ, Owens JD & Lyons TW
(2022) Co-evolving Redox and Ecosystem Structures in the Early Oceans: Probing the Earliest Environmental Controls and Consequences of Complex Life
Tu C, Ghnahalla M, El Albani A & Lyons TW

Ghobadi M. (2008) Fractionation of Li and Fe Isotopes at Magmatic Temperatures
Weyer S, Seitz M, Ghobadi M, Muenker C & Brey G

Gholipour M. (2007) The Mineralogy, Geochemistry and AMD Consideration of Karmozd Coal Mine and Zirab Coal Cleaning Factory in Mazandaran, Iran
Mazaheri SA & Gholipour M

Gholizadeh H. (2022) Chemical and Isotopic Evidences for Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction Occurrence in Permo-Triassic Carbonate Reservoirs: SW Iran
Gholizadeh H, Krasnova EA & Rabbani A

Gholizadeh M.A. (2019) Imaging the Effects of CO2 Injection on Fluid Transport Properties in Sandstone Using Positron Emission Tomography
Davila G, Gholizadeh MA, Dobrucki LW, Dobrucka I & Druhan JL

Gholizadeh Ansari M. (2022) Chromium Isotopic Fractionation during Oxidation of Cr(III)-bearing Solids by Manganese Oxides at Circum-Neutral pH
Gholizadeh Ansari M & Johnson T

Ghoneim M.F. (2015) Geochemistry of Opholites Metagabbros and Younger Granites Around Wadi Arais, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
Ghoneim MF, Mohamed EM & Zaki M
(2014) Magmatic Evolution of the Area, South Wadi Abu Ziran, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt: A Geochemical Modeling
Ghoneim M, Noweir M & Abu allam T
(2013) Neoproterozoic Granites of Sharm El-Sheikh Area, Egypt: Mineralogical and Geobarometric Variations
Ghoneim M, El Dosuky BT, Heikel MT, Abu-Alam T & Sherif M
(2013) A Review of Radionuclides Impact in South Sinai, Egypt: Case Study of Sharm El Sheikh Area
Sherif MI, Ghoneim MF, Heikal MTS, El Dousky BT & El Galy MM
(2009) Toward a New Concept for the Classification of Granitic Rocks of the Eastern Desert, Egypt: Geothermobarometry Constraints
Ghoneim M, Lebda M, Abu Anbar M & Abdel El Wahed M

Ghorbal B. (2008) Low-T Thermochronology Provides New Insights in the Mesozoic to Present Tectonic Evolution of NW Africa
Ghorbal B, Bertotti G, Foeken J, Stuart F & Andriessen P

Ghorbani G. (2007) Magma Mixing and Mingling Textures and Geochemistry of Microgranular Enclaves in Granitoids of SE Semnan, N Iran
Ghorbani G

Ghorbani Mansour (2014) Petrology of Tertiary Volcanic Rocks in Aradeh Mountain (South of Tehran, Iran)
Akrami S, Masoudi F, Ghorbani M & Allahyari K

Ghorbani Mohammad Reza (2004) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterestics of Massive Sulfide Mineralization of Sheikh-Ali and Ahmad-Abad (Southewest of Dolat-Abad, Baft)
Shayestehfar M & Ghorbani M
(2003) Concurrent Island Arc and Intraplate Volcanism, Eshtehard-Karaj Area, NW Iran
Ghorbani M & Ghaderi M
(2002) A Lamprophyric Dyke from Milakuh, SW Damghan, Iran
Ghorbani MR, Rostami G & Ghaderi M
(2002) Tungsten-Tin Deposits in Southwest of Shazand, Iran
Ghaderi M & Ghorbani MR

Ghorbel M. (2013) Pb, Zn and Cd Dynamics in Mining Areas Under Mediterranean Climate and Carbonated Geologic Context: Northern Tunisia Example
Munoz M & Ghorbel M

Ghorbel S. (2013) Spatial Dispersion at a Watershed Scale of Some Mining-Originated Metals in Various Solid Materials
Ghorbel S, Courtin-Nomade A, Poaty B, Grosbois C & Soubrand M

Ghoreishi-Madiseh S.A. (2020) Carbon Mineralization in Ultramafic Mine Tailings: A Pathway to Negative Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Dipple G, Lu X, Vanderzee S, Wynands E, Baidya D, Ghoreishi-Madiseh SA & Cutts J

Ghosal D. (2017) Relationship between Indian Summer Monsoon and Melting Himalayan Glaciers
Boral S, Sen IS, Ghosal D, Sinha R, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hemingway JD
(2016) Hydrological Dependence of Ganges River on Himalayan Cryosphere
Boral S, Sen I, Sinha R, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Ghosal D

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