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Gaillardet Jérôme (2024) The Global Imprint of Shale Weathering on Molybdenum Isotope Ratios in River Waters
Charbonnier Q, Tipper ET, Hilton R, Archer C, Vance D, Bouchez J & Gaillardet J
(2024) Fluvial Knickpoints and Transient Erosion on Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe, with Implications for Estimates of Chemical Weathering
Sak PB, Miller SR, Ma L & Gaillardet J
(2023) Denudation and Weathering Rates of Carbonate Lithologies from Meteoric 10Be/9Be Ratios
Wittmann H, Bouchez J, Calmels D, Gaillardet J, Frick DA, Stroncik N, Team* A & von Blanckenburg F
(2023) Examining Diurnal Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Dynamics at the River-Groundwater Interface
Mathews M, Guillon S, Rivière A, Floury P, Gaillardet J & Derry LA
(2023) Congruent vs. Incongruent Silicate Weathering as a Function of Climate Hydrochemistry in Two Subduction-Related Granitoids
Derry L, Suhr N, Fernandez NM, Chorover J, Geisbrecht I, Druhan JL & Gaillardet J
(2023) Relationship between Chemical Weathering and Physical Erosion in the Critical Zone: The Case Study of La Réunion
Chen C, Gayer E, Derry LA & Gaillardet J
(2023) Human and Climate Impacts on the Critical Zone Dynamic over the Past 10, 000 Years in the French Alps
Rapuc W, Guinoiseau D, Bouchez J, Dellinger M, Poulenard J, Sabatier P, Arnaud F & Gaillardet J
(2023) The Fate of Riverine Alkalinity: A Case Study in the Upper Mekong and Salween River
Jin C, Bouchez J, Calmels D, Paris G, Jin Z & Gaillardet J
(2023) Rapid Secondary Phase Formation and Associated Si Isotope Fractionation during Lab Weathering Experiments of Andesite
Baronas JJ, Bouchez J, Derry LA, Dessert C & Gaillardet J
(2022) Titanium Transport and Isotopic Fractionation in the Critical Zone
Aarons S, Dauphas N, Greber ND, Roskosz M, Bouchez J, Liu X-M, Rudnick R & Gaillardet J
(2022) Geochemical and Isotopic Investigation of Diurnal Variations in a River System
Mathews M, Floury P, Gaillardet J & Derry LA
(2021) The Ancestors of the Earth's Thermostat or How to Link the Rocks with the sky
Gaillardet J & Galvez ME
(2021) Constraining Sulphide Weathering in the Mackenzie Basin Using Molybdenum Isotopes
Charbonnier Q, Archer C, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Hilton RG & Vance D
(2021) On the Heterogeneity of POC Transport Mode in the Four Largest Chinese Rivers
Ke Y, Calmels D, Bouchez J, Massault M, Noret A, Cai H, Chetelat B, Chen J, Gaillardet J & Quantin C
(2021) Controls of Climate and Organic Matter on Uranium Fluxes to Lake Sediments over the Holocene
Lefebvre P, Sabatier P, Mangeret A, Gourgiotis A, Le Pape P, Develle A-L, Louvat P, Diez O, Reyss J-L, Gaillardet J, Cazala C & Morin G
(2021) Quantitative Evaluation of Human and Climate Forcing on Erosion over the Last 2000 Years in Northern Italy
Rapuc W, Bouchez J, Sabatier P, Genuite K, Poulenard J, Gaillardet J & Arnaud F
(2021) δ30Si – Q Relationships in Headwater Catchments Reveal Site-Specific Solute Dynamics
Fernandez NM, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J & Druhan JL
(2021) When Geophyics Meet Geochemical Reactive Transport in a Tropical Volcanic Critical Zone
Pasquet S, Fernandez NM, Hayes JL, Ma L, Sak P & Gaillardet J
(2021) Evolution of Noncrystalline Uranium in Lake Sediments over 3, 300 Years
Lefebvre P, Gourgiotis A, Mangeret A, Sabatier P, Le Pape P, Diez O, Louvat P, Menguy N, Merrot P, Baya C, Zebracki M, Blanchart P, Malet E, Jézéquel D, Reyss J-L, Bargar J, Gaillardet J, Cazala C & Morin G
(2019) The Pandora's box of Reverse Weathering Reactions: Clues from Li and Si Isotopes in a Paleo-Delta
Zhang X, Gaillardet J, Barrier L & Bouchez J
(2019) Reconstitution of the Isotopic Composition of Boron in Seawater over Geological Times
Buisson M, Louvat P, Rollion-Bard C, Bouchez J, Horita J & Gaillardet J
(2019) Black Shale Weathering in Mackenzie Basin: Constraints from Barium Isotopes
Charbonnier Q, Bouchez J & Gaillardet J
(2019) Enhanced Chemical Weathering by Subsurface Flow Below Knickpoints
Le Traon C, Gaillardet J, Ma L, de Dreuzy J-R, Davy P, Sak P & Le Borgne T
(2019) Isotopic Composition of Boron Adsorbed on Amorphous Silica
Saldi G, Louvat P, Schott J & Gaillardet J
(2019) C-Q Relationships Viewed by High Frequency Temporal Monitoring of Rivers
Gaillardet J, Floury P, Bouchez J, Gayer E, Blanchouin A, Tallec G & Ansart P
(2019) How Far Back in Time do River Sediments Integrate the Effects of Weathering?
Bouchez J, Cogez A, Cai H, Ke Y, Chetelat B, Calmels D, Chen J & Gaillardet J

Gailler L. (2016) Geochemical Characterization of a High Resolution DC Electrical Resistivity Tomography Crossing the Summit Craters of Mt Etna
Finizola A, Ricci T, Sciarra A, Delcher E, Antoine R, Peltier A, Neri M, Bernard J, Brothelande E, Fargier Y, Fauchard C, Foucart B, Gailler L, Gusset R, Lazarte Zerpa I, Martin E, Mezon C, Poret M, Portal A & Rossi M

Gaillot A (2005) Relation between Cis- or Trans-Vacant Character of 1<!s><$>M Illite and Crystal Morphology. Implications for Metal Sorption
Gaillot A

Gaillot Anne-Claire (2019) Detoxification of Methylmercury in Nanoparticulate HgSe in Tissues of Subantarctic Seabird from XAFS Analysis and STEM-Haadf Imaging
Gaillot A-C, Bustamante P, Cherel Y & Manceau A
(2017) Imaging and Structural Characterization of HgS Nanoparticles in Organic Matrice: Results and Challenges
Gaillot A-C, Lebedev O, Pelloquin D, Lanson M & Manceau A
(2012) Nanoscale Measurement of Manganese Valence in Mn-Oxides
Livi K, Lafferty B, Zhu M, Zhang S, Gaillot A-C & Sparks D

Gaillot Arthur (2021) Water and Suspended Sediments Tracing to Study Hydrosedimentary Transfers in a Drained Context: From the Field to the Catchment Scale
Gaillot A, Cerdan O, Delbart C, Vanhooydonck P, Desmet M & Salvador-Blanes S

Gaillou Eloïse (2015) Sources of Diamonds from Orapa, Botswana and Evolution of the Kaapvaal-Zimbabwe Cratons
Shirey S, Smit K, Gaillou E, Richardson S & Harris J
(2011) On the Peculiarities of Australian and Venezuelan Pink Diamonds: Influence of the Geologic Settings
Gaillou E, Butler J & Post J
(2010) Quantifying Boron in Natural Type IIb Blue Diamonds
Gaillou E, Rost D, Post J & Butler J
(2010) Luminescence of Opals: A Witness to their Geochemistry
Fritsch E, Gaillou E, Massuyeau F & Rondeau B
(2005) Toward a Geochemistry of Opals
Gaillou E, Rondeau B, Fritsch E, Bouhnik-Le Coz M, Cornen G & Ostroumov M

Gaillou Éloïse (2018) In situ Analysis of Inclusions in Diamonds from Collections
Daver L, Bureau H, Gaillou É, Ferraris C, Boulliard J-C, Cartigny P & Pinti D

Gaillou Eloise (2021) Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis of Hydrogen Content in Diamonds
Bureau H, Khodja H, Estève I, Charrondière-Lewis M, Gaillou E, Boulliard J-C, Beneut K, Cartigny P & Demouchy S

Gain Sarah (2022) Nanoparticle Suspensions Elucidate High-Grade Gold Mineralisation Processes
Petrella L, Thebaud N, Fougerouse D, Tattitch B, Martin LAJ, Turner S, Suvorova A & Gain S

Gain Sarah E.M. (2017) CH4 Interaction with Basalt Magma: Super-Reducing Conditions beneath Mt Carmel, Israel
Griffin WL, Gain SEM, Huang J, Toledo V & O'Reilly SY

Gaina C. (2021) The Upper Mantle beneath the South Atlantic Ocean, South America and Africa from Waveform Tomography with Massive Data Sets
Celli NL, Lebedev S, Schaeffer AJ, Ravenna M & Gaina C
(2021) Constraining the Enigmatic Source of Vesteris Seamount Volcanism
Belosa L, Callegaro S, Tronnes RG, Meyzen CM, Polteau S, Gaina C & Mazzini A

Gaines D. (2010) Hydrogeophysical Quantification of Plume-Scale Flow Architecture and Recharge Processes
Hubbard S, Watson D, Baker G, Chen J, Kowalsky M, Gasperikova E, Gaines D, Smith M & Brooks S

Gaines E. (2017) First Measurements of Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Two Modern Bahamian Island Lake Stromatolites
Griffith E, Li Z, Gaines E, Wronkiewicz D, Paul V, Fan M & Fantle M

Gaines K.K. (2022) A Systematic Evaluation of Mineral-Based Reactive Amendments for in situ Treatment of Fluoride-Contaminated Groundwater at a Former Aluminum Smelter Site
Vlassopoulos D, Vlassopoulos D, Gardner R, Ghosh R & Gaines KK

Gaines R. (2024) Continental Weathering, Clay Formation and Marine Oxygenation Across the Precambrian–Cambrian Transition
Wei G, Zhao M, Zhang F, Li C, Sperling EA, Gaines R, Planavsky NJ & Tarhan L
(2024) Development of Short-Lived, Ferruginous Conditions in the Western Interior Province of Wyoming Under a Highly Oxygenated Carboniferous Atmosphere
Kovalick A, Heard AW, Prokopenko M, Gaines R, Nielsen SG, Goto KT & Bekker A
(2017) Redox State of the Marine Nitrogen Cycle and Evolution of Eukaryotes during Late Neoproterozoic
Prokopenko M, Gaines R, Corcetti F, Loyd S, Zielinski D, Cordova A, Sigman D & Berelson W
(2013) Evidence for Elevated Iron Flux to the Early Phanerozoic Ocean
Gaines R, Havranek R, Metcalfe K & Peters S
(2013) An Abrupt Change in the Nitrogen Cycle and Redox Conditions of Surface Environments in Ediacaran-Cambrian as Recorded in Carbonate Associated Nitrate (CAN)
Prokopenko M, Corsetti F, Gaines R, Loyd S, Kaufman J & Berelson W
(2013) Oxygen Minimum-Zone-Like Conditions from the Early Cambrian of Chengjiang, South China
Hammarlund E, Gaines R, Qi C & Canfield D
(2011) Potential for Widespread Microbial Liberation of Structurally-Coordinated Iron from Common Clay Minerals in Marine Sediments
Gaines R, Trang J, Scott S, Crane E, Prokopenko M & Berelson W

Gainey S. (2018) Interpreting Observations of Amorphous and Poorly Crystalline Materials on Mars: A Combined Field, Laboratory, and Modeling Approach
Hausrath E, Ralston SJ, Bamisile T, Luu N, Rampe E, Peretyazhko T & Gainey S
(2012) Gas Clathrate Hydrate Thermodynamics and Kinetics: Limits on Near-Surface Volatile Fluxes for Cold Terrestrial Planetary Systems Through Deep Time
Elwood Madden M, Root M, Gainey S & Leeman J

Gainsforth Z. (2024) STXM Studies of Samples from Asteroid Bennu
Marcus MA, Gainsforth Z, Dominguez G, Sandford S, Keller LP, Glavin DP, Dworkin JP, Connolly HC & Lauretta DS
(2022) Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Comet Wild 2 Fines
Ogliore RC, Westphal A, Gainsforth Z, Huss G, Joswiak D & Brownlee D
(2022) Large Scale NanoIR Mapping of Ryugu Samples: First Results and Implications for Ryugu’s Formation
Dominguez G, Gainsforth Z, Amano K, Kagawa E, Matsumoto M, Fujioka Y, Nakamura T, Morita T, Kikuiri M, Yurimoto H, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Yabuta H, Naraoka H, Sakamoto K, Tachibana S, Watanabe S-I & Tsuda Y
(2014) Nano-FTIR Studies of a Cometary Dust Grain and Murchison Meteorite
Dominguez G, McLeod A, Gainsforth Z, Keilmann F, Westphal A, Thiemens M & Basov DN
(2008) STXM Analysis of NASA Stardust Returned Samples in Low-Density Silica Aerogel
Butterworth A, Tyliszczak T, Westphal A, Frank D, Gainsforth Z & Ogliore R

Gainville R. (2004) Zn Isotopic Composition of Fumarolic Gases from Merapi Volcano (Indonesia), Preliminary Results
Nonell A, Toutain J, Polve M, Munoz M, Viers J, Sortino F, Gainville R & Dupre B
(2004) New Insights on Metal Biogeochemistry in Tropical Environment: The Role of Vegetation in Metal Cycles at a Small Watershed Scale
Oliva P, Viers J, Dupre B, Gainville R, Ndam J & Freydier R

Gaitan C.E. (2023) Clay Mineralogy and Hf-Nd Isotopic Compositions on Clay Fractions: Source-To-Sink Analysis of Signal Propagation in the Cape Basin during the Late Cretaceous
Gaitan CE, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Adatte T, Robin C, Guillocheau F & Bayon G

Gaitan E. (2021) Response of Weathering and Erosion to the Intense Tectonic Uplift of the South African Plateau during the Late Cretaceous: Preliminary Insights
Gaitan E, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Guillocheau F, Robin C & Bayon G

Gaither T. (2015) Thermochemical Diversity of Zircon Crystallizing from the Youngest Toba Tuff, Indonesia
Reid M, Gaither T & Vazquez J

Gajdesechova Z. (2017) Inductively Coupled Plasma Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (ICP-Tofms) as a New Monitoring Tool for Nanoparticles and Trace Metals in the Environment
Tanner M, Borovinskaya O, Bussweiler Y, Gajdesechova Z, Raab A, Krupp E & Feldmann J

Gajendra N. (2021) Lugworm Bioturbation Controls Microbial Abundance, Activity, and Community Assembly and Biogeochemical Cycles in Intertidal Sediments
Deng L, Meile C, Fiskal A, Bölsterli D, Han X, Gajendra N, Bernasconi SM & Lever MA
(2021) Controls on Carbohydrate Compositions and Pool Sizes in Quaternary Sediments of Lake Cadagno
Gajendra N, Berg JS, Schubert CJ, Glombitza C & Lever MA
(2018) Endospore Distribution in the Nankai Trough Deep Biosphere – Insights from IODP Expedition 370
Viehweger B, Gajendra N, Wörmer L, Heuer V & Hinrichs K-U
(2016) Assessing Abundance and Relevance of Bacterial Endospores in the Marine Subsurface
Wörmer L, Hoshino T, Viehweger B, Meador T, Gajendra N, Stern B, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U

Gajewska M. (2024) Dust from Tram Tracks and Streets in Krakow (Poland) as a Source of Magnetic Components of the Atmospheric Aerosol
Michalik M, Michalik JM, Gajewska M, Wilczynska-Michalik W, Jarosz K, Grzybczak D & Krzyzowska J
(2023) Magnetic Fraction of the Particulate Matter Emitted from Coal Fired Power Plants
Michalik M, Michalik JM, Gondek Ł, Wliczyńska-Michalik W & Gajewska M
(2020) Magnetic Fraction in Atmospheric Aerosols in Krakow (Poland)
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Michalik JM, Tokarz W, Żukrowski J, Gajewska M & Michalik M

Gajos N. (2022) Detection of Fallout in Smoke from Forest Fires along the Pacific Coast: A Study of Actinide and Fission Product Transport
Gartman B, Noyes K, Estrada J, Friese J, Gajos N, Pratt S, Woods V, Eslinger P, Munley W, Tedrow S, Greenwood L, Cantaloub M, Spitler G, Beck C, Arnold E & Metz L
(2014) Assessing Stable Isotope Fractionations during Differentiation Through Spatial Sampling
Lundstrom C, Zambardi T, Gajos N, Huggett N, Kehoe K & Perfit M
(2013) Experimental Constraints on Fe Isotope Fractionation in Fluid-Melt-Oxide-Sulfide Assemblages
Bilenker L, Simon A, Lundstrom C, Gajos N & Zajacz Z
(2012) Non-Traditional Isotope Variations in the Cordillera del Paine Pluton
Gajos N, Lundstrom C & Michael P
(2011) Production of the Cordillera del Paine Igneous Complex by Thermal Migration Zone Refinining
Lundstrom C, Gajos N & Michael P

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