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Gharamohammadi Z. (2019) Fractal Geometry of Enclaves as a New Concept to Determine the Viscosity of Magmas on the Conditions of Magma Mixing: A Case Study from the Dehe Bala Complex, Central Iran
Gharamohammadi Z, Kananian A & Eliassi M

Gharasoo M. (2023) Winter Soil Processes in Cold Region Agroecosystems: Impacts on Nitrogen Cycling
Rezanezhad F, Green D, Krogstad KJ, Jensen GB, Gharasoo M, Jordan S, Slowinski S, Hug LA, Wagner-Riddle C, Henry H, Rudolph D & Van Cappellen P
(2023) Soil Biogeochemistry Under Variable Moisture Content and the Role of Anaerobic Processes
Van Cappellen P, Fairbairn L, Ramezanzadeh M, Ye J, Gharasoo M, Parsons CT, Macrae M, Slowinski S & Rezanezhad F
(2023) Isotope Fractionation Reveals Limitations and Microbial Regulation of Pollutant Biodegradation at Low Concentrations
Elsner M, Sun F, Kundu K, Ehrl B, Gharasoo M, Marozava S, Mellage A, Merl-Pham J, Peters J, Wang Z, Bakkour R, Melsbach A, Cao X, Zimmermann R, Griebler C, Thullner M & Cirpka OA
(2017) How Porous Media Heterogeneities Influence Biodegradation of a Self-Inhibiting Substrate
Gharasoo M, Elsner M & Thullner M
(2016) Compound-Specific Isotope Fractionation of Dispersion and Diffusion at Natural Isotopic Abundance in Sediment Flow-Through Tanks
Gharasoo M, Peters J, Meyer A, Griebler C, Cirpka O, Thullner M & Elsner M
(2013) CO2 Injection into Submarine, CH4-Hydrate Bearing Sediments: Geochemical Implications of a Hydrate Conversion Technology
Deusner C, Kossel E, Bigalke N, Gharasoo MG & Haeckel M
(2011) Pore Scale Heterogeneity of Porous Media Influencing the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Microbial Metabolic Activity
Stolpovsky K, Gharasoo M & Thullner M

Ghareh Mahmoodlu M. (2012) Vapour Phase Oxidation of Trichloroethylene, Ethanol and Toluene by Solid Potassium Permanganate: Kinetic Study
Ghareh Mahmoodlu M, Hartog N & Hassanizadeh SM

Gharib J. (2006) Scientific drilling of a cold-water carbonate mound: Shipboard biogeochemical results from IODP Expedition 307
Ferdelman T, Cragg B, Frank T, Gharib J, Leonide P, Mangelsdorf K, Sakai S, Samarkin V, Spivack A, Kano A & Williams T

Gharib-Nezhad E. (2017) The Carbon Isotope Composition of the Sun
Lyons J, Gharib-Nezhad E & Ayres T

Gharun M. (2022) Measuring Dissolved Gases in Trees
Marion C, Kipfer R, Brennwald M & Gharun M

Ghasemi A.
(2017) Stream Sediment Geochemical Exploration for Cu in North of Moghestan, Yazd, Iran
Ghasemi A
(2016) Petrology and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks of Mohammad Abad Khonesorkh Copper Deposit, SW of Rayen, Kerman
Ghasemi A
(2016) Geochemistry and Tectonic Setting of Volcanic Rocks in Cheltan Area, SW of Bardsir, Kerman, Iran
Bagheri H & Ghasemi A
(2016) Evaluation of Geochemical Data of Mohammad Abad Konesorkh Copper Deposit, SW of Rayen, Kerman, Iran
Tabatabaei manesh SM & Ghasemi A
(2015) Multivariate and Statistical Analyses of the Spatial Distribution and Origin of Heavy Metals in the Soils of Kamoo Area, Iran
Ghasemi A, Tabatabaei manesh SM, Farahmandian M, Mokhtari AR & Shabankareh M
(2015) Geochemistry of the High-Potassium, Calc-Alkaline, I-Type Granitoid Rocks from the Qazan Pluton, Central Iran
Ghasemi A & Tabatabaei Manesh SM
(2015) Petrography, Mineral Chemistry, Thermobarometry and the Determination of Magmatic Series in the Qazan Enclaves, North of Isfahan, Iran
Ghasemi A & Tabatabaei Manesh SM
(2011) Composition Modeling of Pollution of Groundwater by Usage of Geoelectrical & Hydrogeochemical Studies
Shabankareh M, Ghasemi A & Afshari S
(2010) Advanced Argillic Alteration in Tarom Zone, Central Alborz, Iran
Ghasemi A & Taghipour B

Ghasemi Habib (2013) The Results of Preliminary Study of Magnetic Fabric in the Panj-Kuh Granitoid, SE Damghan – Iran
Pooralizadeh M, Sheibi M & Ghasemi H

Ghasemi Habibollah
(2008) Petrology and Geochemistry of Chah – Salar Granitoidic Pluton (SW Neishabour, NE Iran)
Farsi Z, Sadeghian M, Ghasemi H & Khanalizadeh A
(2006) Geochemical investigation on quartz-monzonite pluton of Tuye-darvar, in eastern Alborz structural Zone, Damghan, north - east of Iran
Khanalizadeh A, Ghasemi H, Sadeghiyan M & Abedi A

Ghasera K.M. (2022) Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of Mafic and Felsic Rock Weathering Profiles from Southern Bundelkhand Craton, Central India: Implications for Elemental Mobility and Climate Control
Ghasera KM, Rashid SA, Khan H, Ahmad MH & Ganai JA

Ghatak A. (2023) Insights into Selective Enrichment of Heavy Rare Earth Elements in Apatite Associated with Carbonatitic Breccia – An Example from Mongra, Northwest of the Amba Dongar Complex, Gujarat, India
Mohanty S, Ghatak A & Viladkar S
(2018) Geochemical Inferences from Bimodal Afar Volcanism
Basu A, Ghosh N, Ghatak A, Gregory R, Richards I, Georg B, Ebinger C, Quade J, Zou H & Chakrabarty P

Ghavami-Riabi R. (2011) Two Easy Methods in Evaluation of an Exploration Data Set
Ghavami-Riabi R, Khalo-Kakai R & Asadi-Haroni H
(2011) Using Discrimination Analysis for Anomaly Separation and Distinguish the Mineralized Factors
Majlesi MJ, Memarzadeh M, Ghavami-Riabi R & Asadi-Haroni H
(2011) Application of the Correspondence Analysis to Determine Anomalous Elements and Samples
Darabi Gholestan F, Ghavami-Riabi R & Asadi-Haroni H
(2010) Modeling of Index Ratios and Prioritization of the Data Mine
Ghavami-Riabi R, Alizade H & Aslamkish T
(2010) Geochemical Reflection of the Elements and Exploration Index Ratios
Alipurkarmani D & Ghavami-Riabi R
(2010) Application of the Residual Values Instead of Raw Data in the Geochemical Evaluation
Tabasi S & Ghavami-Riabi R
(2009) Estimation of the Gold Concentration Using MARS Model in Shear Zone Mineralization, SW of Saqquez, Iran
Ghavami-Riabi R & Shahsavani D
(2009) Evaluation of Fractal Dimension in Regional Geochemical Investigation, Shear Zone Gold Mineralization Zone
Seyedrahimi-Niaraq M & Ghavami-Riabi R

Ghazali N. (2020) Redox Control on Sulfur Mobility in the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore-Forming Environment
Zajacz Z, Tsay A & Ghazali N
(2018) Redox Conditions Dictate the Fate of Sulfur at the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition
Zajacz Z, Ghazali N & Tsay A

Ghazban F. (2010) Effects of Arsenic-Bearing Deposits on Groundwater Resources along Zagros Orogen in Iran
Ghazban F & Ardestani M
(2008) Origins of Dolomites and Pyrites Associated with the Hormoz Island Salt Dome, in the Persian Gulf, Iran
Ghazban F & Al-Aasm I

Ghazi L. (2023) Understanding the Phase Associations and Weathering Behavior of Rhenium to Assess the Use of Re as a Tracer of Georespiration
Ghazi L, Goñi M, Haley BA & Pett-Ridge J
(2022) Geochemistry of Weathering Profiles in Contrasting Small Mountainous Rivers in the Pacific Northwest, USA: Controls on the Oxidation of Petrogenic Carbon
Ghazi L, Goñi M, Haley BA & Pett-Ridge J

Ghazipour N. (2007) 3-D Modeling of Iron Ore Deposit in Chadormalu Area in the Central Iran
Pirouz B, Ghazipour N, Monsef R & Emami MH

Gheerbrant E. (2012) Nanometer Scale Characterization of Fossil Bacteria in an Eocene Phoshorite Sample
Cosmidis J, Benzerara K, Esteve I & Gheerbrant E

Ghent E. (2018) Lawsonite Oxygen Isotope and Trace Element Records of Subduction Fluids
Kang P, Whitney D, Martin L & Ghent E
(2016) Investigation on Natural Bitumen Occurrence in Birch Mountains Kimberlite Pipes in Northern Alberta
Sonei R, Ghent E, Brown M, Oldenburg T & Larter S
(2012) Evaluation of Zr in Rutile Geothermometry for Pelitic Rocks from the Mica Creek Area, British Columbia
Ghent E & Tinkham D
(2012) Protracted Tectonometamophic History at the Base of an Orogenic Channel in the Southeastern Canadian Cordillera
Gervais F, Crowley JL, Hynes A & Ghent E

Gherardi F. (2021) Thermodynamics for Clay Minerals: Calculation Tools for Estimating Thermodynamic Properties
Blanc P, Gherardi F, Vieillard P, Marty N, Gailhanou H, Gaboreau S, Letat B, Geloni C, Gaucher E & Made B
(2020) Helium Isotopes in 79 a.D. Mt.Somma-Vesuvius Paleofluids
Magro G & Gherardi F
(2013) Anomalous CO2 Contents in a Shallow Aquifer of the Mt. Amiata Geothermal Area, Italy
Pierotti L, Cortecci G, Facca G & Gherardi F

Gherardi J-M. (2013) A New Database for Nd Isotopes in Marine Environments
Lacan F, Tachikawa K, Arsouze T, Bayon G, Bory A, Colin C, Dutay J-C, Frank N, Gherardi J, Gourlan A, Grousset F, Hillaire-Marcel C, Jeandel C, Meynadier L, Montagna P, Puceat E, Matthieu M & Waelbroeck C
(2013) New Sedimentary Pa/Th Records from the Northern Brazilian Margin over MIS3
Burckel P, Waelbroeck C, Gherardi J & Pichat S
(2011) An Atlantic Ocean Pa/Th Survey
Lippold J, Pichat S, Luo Y, Gherardi J-M & Francois R
(2009) New Mg/Ca Calibration of Benthic Foraminiferal Species: Mapping of the Tropical Thermocline Dynamics
Tisserand A, Dokken T, Scao V, Jorissen F, Fontanier C & Gherardi J-M
(2008) Glacial-Interglacial Circulation Changes Inferred from Sediment 231Pa/230Th in the North Atlantic
Gherardi J, Francois R, Labeyrie L, Nave S, McManus J, Cortijo E & Jaccard S

Ghezzehei T. (2020) Mineralogical Controls on the Retention and Chemical Composition of Dissolved Pyrogenic Carbon
Santos F, Yan J, Li H, Herndon E, Parikh S, Ghezzehei T, Blanchette F, Bird J & Berhe A
(2017) Drought Mitigation Through Carbon Management: Improved Understanding of the Role of Soil Aggregates in Agriculture
Ying S, Avila CC, Berhe A, Bogie N, Brodiee E, Dubinsky E, Ghezzehei T, Marklein A, Nico P, Parikh S, Rath D, Riley W, Schaefer M, Scow K & Torn M

Ghezzi L. (2023) Exploring Non-Isobaric Treatment in Exoplanetary Atmospheric Retrieval
Novais A, Fisher C, Ghezzi L & Heng K

Ghezzo C. (2002) Cenozoic Magmas Monitor Climate Change in Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
Dallai L, Ghezzo C & Longinelli A
(2002) U-Pb Geochronology from the Howard Peaks Intrusive Complex (Northern Victoria Land – Antarctica: New Evidence for Magmatic Age and U-Pb Resetting in Zircons
Bomparola RM, Dallai L, Belousova E, Ghezzo C, Griffin W & O'Reilly S

Ghica D. (2022) Earliest Fossil Record of Cyanobacterial Microbialites >120 Myr Before the Great Oxygenation Event
Hickman-Lewis K, Gasparotto G, Maris A, Poggiali G, Brucato JR, Baneschi I, Boschi C, Siketić Z, Jakšić M, Barac M, Brajković M, Krmpotić M, Ghica D, Stefan M & Cavalazzi B

Ghidan O.Y. (2023) Low Blank Single Reaction Chamber Microwave Digestion of Refractory Rocks and High-Matrix Biological Materials
Ghidan OY, Kamber BS, Murphy DT & Matthews J

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