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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gentaz L. (2018) Limestone Weathering in the Urban Atmospheric Environment, a Reactive Transport Model for Unsaturated Porous Medium
Gentaz L, Saheb M, Verney-Carron A & De Windt L
(2018) Alteration Mechanisms and Kinetics of Limestone Materials Used in Built Cultural Heritage
Saheb M, Gentaz L, Verney-Carron A, Sessegolo L, Rémusat L, Nuns N, Mertz J-D & Chabas A
(2017) Effect of Secondary Phases on the Evolution of Glass Alteration
Gentaz L, Lombardo T, Chabas A, Loisel C, Neff D & Rebiscoul D

Gente P. (2011) An Unusual Hf-Pb Signature Below the East Pacific Rise – Mathematician Hotspot System
Mougel B, Agranier A, Hemond C & Gente P
(2002) Central Indian Ridge and Reunion Hotspot in Rodrigues Area: Another Type of Hotspot – Ridge Interaction ?
Hemond C, Dyment J, Maia M & Gente P

Gentelli L.A. (2021) Metal Provenance of Late Bronze to Iron Age Hacksilber Hoards in Southern Levant
Gentelli LA, Blichert-Toft J, Davis G, Gitler H & Albarède F

Gentes S. (2023) Methylmercury δ13C Compound Specific Stable Isotopic Analysis: Application to Freshwater and Oceanic Fish Samples
Point D, Lagane C, Malberti LM, Lorrain A, Gentes S & Maury-Brachet R

Gentes Z. (2018) Highly Oxidized, Near-Primary Arc Magmas Influenced by Slab Melting
Kelley K, Cottrell E, Gentes Z & Arculus R

Gentile P. (2016) Raman Spectroscopy as a Tool for Magnesium Estimation in Mg-Calcite
Borromeo L, Zimmermann U, Andò S, Coletti G, Bersani D, Egeland N, Basso D, Gentile P & Garzanti E

Gentili S. (2017) Which Came First, Amphibole or Clinopyroxene? A New View on Chemical Evolution of Metasomatic Process
Pelorosso B, Bonadiman C, Coltorti M & Gentili S
(2013) A New Insight of the Role of the Fluids Below Victoria Land (Harrow Peaks, Antarctica)
Gentili S, Comodi P, Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Biagioni C & Zucchini A

Gentry D. (2018) Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling Through Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR)
Stockton A, Amador E, Cable M, Cullen T, Duca Z, Gentry D, Murukesan G, Rennie V, Rader E, Stevens A, Tan G, Cullen D & Geppert W
(2018) From Biodiversity to Biomarker Variability: Sampling Strategy in Planetary Analogue Missions
Gentry D, Amador E, Cable M, Cantrell T, Cullen T, Duca Z, Jacobsen M, Kirby J, McCaig H, Murukesan G, Rader E, Rennie V, Schwieterman E, Stevens A, Sutton S, Tan G, Yin C, Cullen D, Geppert W & Stockton A

Genty D. (2019) LIBS Imaging for Geological Samples: Short Review of Applications
Motto-Ros V, Fabre C, Trichard F, Pelascini F, Panczer G, Gaft M, Cugerone A, Genty D, Cauzid J, Tarantola A & Munoz M
(2008) Absolute Speleo-Thermometry, Using Clumped Isotope Measurements to Correct for Kinetic Isotope Fractionations Induced by CO2 Degassing
Daëron M, Guo W, Eiler J, Genty D, Wainer K, Affek H, Vonhof H & Blamart D
(2008) 13C-18O Bonds in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon: Implications for Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Guo W, Daeron M, Niles P, Genty D, Kim S-T, Vonhof H, Affek H, Blamart D, Wainer K & Eiler J

Genty T. (2022) Performance of Modified Materials for Mine Water Treatment
Neculita CM, Braghiroli FL, Calugaru IL, Genty T & Koubaa A
(2012) Acid Mine Drainage Multi-Step Passive Treatment System: The Lorraine Case Study
Genty T, Bussiere B, Neculita CM, Benzaazoua M & Zagury GJ

Gentz T. (2019) Development of Novel En-Route Measuring System for Continuous Measurements of pCO2 in the Surface Water
Hartmann JF, Krägefsky S, Eschenröder J, Gentz T & Isenbeck-Schröter M
(2009) Quantification of Methane Emissions from Pockmarks (Lake Constance) by Online and Onsite Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry
Schlüter M, Gentz T & Bussmann I

Gentzis T. (2022) Sulfur Differentiation in Siliceous Shales by Means of Advanced Open-System Programmed Pyrolysis Methods: New Insights into the Hydrocarbon Potential and Sulfur Risk Assessment of the Onnagawa Formation from Akita Prefecture, Japan
Martizzi P, Carvajal-Ortiz H, Gentzis T, Chiyonobu S, Mansour A, Ostadhassan M & Takeuchi T
(2010) Stability Analysis of a Horizontal Coalbed Methane Borehole in the San Juan Basin, USA
Gentzis T

Genuite K. (2021) Quantitative Evaluation of Human and Climate Forcing on Erosion over the Last 2000 Years in Northern Italy
Rapuc W, Bouchez J, Sabatier P, Genuite K, Poulenard J, Gaillardet J & Arnaud F

Genzel Philomena (2019) Mineralogy and Oxygen Isotopes of Ultrarefractory Inclusions
Krot A, Ma C, Nagashima K, Simon S, Davis A, Ivanova M, Genzel P & Brenker F

Genzel Philomena-Theresa (2020) Rare Earth Element Analysis of UR CAIs in CV3 Chondrites by SRXRF
Genzel P-T, Bazi B, Krot AN, De Pauw E, Vekemans B, Ivanova MA, Ma C, Lindner M, Garrevoet J, Falkenberg G, Vincze L, Brenker FE & Davis AM
(2020) Chondrule-Like Objects Formed by Arc Discharges Aboard the ISS
Koch TE, Spahr D, Merges D, Beck AA, Christ O, Fujita S, Genzel P-T, Kerscher J, Lindner M, Mederos Leber D, Winkler B & Brenker FE

Geoffroy L. (2015) Mantle Dynamics during a Continental Break-Up: Insights from the North Atlantic Magmatic Province
Stéciuk-Mouillard P, Agranier A, Maury R, Nonnotte P, Chauvet F & Geoffroy L

Geoffroy V (2004) Experimental Evidence for a Direct Use of Nutriments (Fe, Mg) from Basaltic Glass, and MWI Bottom Ash by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Aouad G, Geoffroy V, Meyer J, Crovisier J, Stille P & Damidot D

Geoffroy Valérie (2023) The Role of Bacillus subtilis Spores in the Biogeochemical Cycle of Calcium in Soil
Nuvoli N, Schmitt A-D, Gangloff S & Geoffroy V

Geoghegan M. (2013) Simulating the Role of Extra-Cellular DNA in Cellular Adhesion
Harding J, Freeman C, Walton R, Banwart S, Rolfe S & Geoghegan M
(2010) Interactions at the Cell-Mineral Interface
Romero-Gonzalez M, Andrews J, Zhang Z, Geoghegan M, Swanson L, Scholes J & Banwart S

Georg B. (2018) U-Pb Zircon Ages of Deccan Acid Igneous Complexes and their Temporal Relationship with the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
Basu A, Chakrabarty P, Ibanez Mejia M, Georg B & Ghosh N
(2018) Geochemical Inferences from Bimodal Afar Volcanism
Basu A, Ghosh N, Ghatak A, Gregory R, Richards I, Georg B, Ebinger C, Quade J, Zou H & Chakrabarty P
(2018) Silicon Isotope Doping Method for Measuring Silicate Reaction Rates in the Critical Zone
Zhang Y, Zhu C, Hu B, Wang J, Rimstidt D, Yuan H & Georg B
(2014) Impact of the Soil Weathering Degree on the Fate of Soil Organic Carbon, Fe and Si: Insights from Si and Fe Isotopes in Icelandic Soils
Opfergelt S, Williams H, Cornelis J-T, Van Hoye F, Guicharnaud R, Sigfusson B, Georg B, Siebert C, Gislason S, Halliday A & Burton K
(2014) Coupling between Dissolution and Precipitation during Chemical Weathering of Albite
Gruber C, Zhu C, Kutuzov I, Zakon Y, Georg B & Ganor J
(2013) Resolving the Gap between Laboratory and Field Rates of Weathering
Gruber C, Zhu C, Georg B & Ganor J
(2013) Silicon Isotopes as a New Tool to Identify the Main Cause of the Field-Lab Apparent Discrepancy of Feldspar Dissolution Rates
Zhu C, Wang C & Georg B
(2013) Evaporation of Mg- and Si-Rich Melts: Evolution of Chemical and Isotopic Compositions of FUN CAIs
Mendybaev R, Richter F, Teng F, Georg B & Fedkin A
(2012) A Silicon Isotopic Record of Long Term Changes in Continental Weathering
Savage P, Georg B, Williams H & Halliday A
(2012) Silicon Isotopes – A Global Weathering Proxy?
Georg B
(2011) High Pressure and Temperature Silicon Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate
Shahar A, Hillgren V, Young E, Deng L, Fei Y, Macris C & Georg RB
(2011) Contrasting Silicon and Magnesium Isotope Fractionation with Clay Mineralogy in Volcanic Soil Weathering Sequences, Guadeloupe
Delvaux B, Opfergelt S, Georg B, Cabidoche Y-M, Burton K & Halliday A
(2011) Silicon Isotopes in Granitoid Rocks
Savage PS, Georg RB, Williams HM, Burton KW, Halliday AN & Chappell BW
(2011) Seasonal Magnesium Isotope Variations in Soil Solutions Reflecting Physico-Chemical Processes Controlling Soil Weathering Fluxes
Opfergelt S, Georg B, Burton K, Guicharnaud R, Siebert C, Gislason S & Halliday A
(2011) Fractionation of 238U/235U during Weathering and Hydrothermal Alteration
Noordmann J, Weyer S, Sharma M, Georg B, Rausch S & Bach W
(2010) Silicon Isotopes and Magmatic Evolution
Savage P, Georg B, Williams H, Burton K & Halliday A
(2009) Uniform Silicon Isotopes in the Depleted Mantle and No Melt-Induced Fractionation
Savage P, Georg B, Williams H & Halliday A
(2009) Carbonates, Riverine Chemistry and Incongruent Weathering of Hafnium
Rickli J, Frank M, Georg RB & Halliday AN
(2009) Variations of the 238U/235U Isotope Composition in Rivers
Noordmann J, Weyer S, Sharma M & Georg B
(2009) Silicon Isotope Fractionation at High Pressures and Temperatures
Schauble EA, Young ED, Ziegler K, Shahar A, Halliday AN & Georg RB
(2009) Silicon Isotopes in Achondrites and the Light Element in Earth’s Core
Armytage R, Georg B & Halliday A
(2009) The Miocene Ocean 187Os/188Os Curve: Driven by Continental Weathering
Georg B, West J, Gannoun M, Burton K & Halliday A
(2009) Sponge Spicules as Recorders of Deep-Water Silicic Acid
Hendry KR, Georg RB, Rickaby REM, Robinson LF & Halliday AN
(2008) Isotope Fractionation of Dissolved Silicon in Groundwater – Weathering of Secondary Minerals?
Georg B, Zhu C, Basu A & Halliday A
(2007) Estimating Magnesium and Silicon Isotope Fractionation with First-Principles Lattice Dynamics
Schauble E, Tonui E, Georg RB, Young E & Halliday A
(2007) Growth of the Earth's Core
Halliday A, Georg B, Grove T, Lee D-C, Markowski A, Quitte G, Schauble E, Singletary S & Williams H
(2007) Isotopic Evidence for Silicon within the Earth's Core
Georg RB, Halliday AN, Schauble EA & Reynolds BC
(2007) Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Variations Accompanying Continental Weathering
Burton K, Gannoun A, Georg B, Gislason S, James R, Pogge von Strandmann P, Mokadem F, Sigfusson B & Vigier N
(2006) Co-variations of δ30Si and δ18O during contact metamorphism.
Georg B, Reynolds B, Valley J & Halliday A
(2004) Submarine Hydrothermal Trace Metal Input into the Ocean Through Island Arc Volcanism in the Lesser Antilles
Georg B, Frank M, Marbler H, Koschinsky A, Van de Flierdt T, Bolz V, Kubik P & Halbach P

Georg R B (2006) Silicon Isotope Variations in River Waters: A Weathering Proxy?
Reynolds B, Georg RB, Burton KW, James RH & Halliday AN
(2006) An inter-laboratory calibration of Si isotope reference materials
Reynolds BC, Aggarwal J, Brzezinski MA, Cardinal D, Engström E, Georg RB, Land M, Leng M, Opfergelt S & Vroon PZ

Georg R. Bastian (2019) Sm-Nd and Sr Isotope Systematics of Western Abitibi Scheelites and Andradite Garnets, Implications for Gold Mineralization
Bouvier A, Van Kessel A, Geiger J, Linnen RL, Georg RB, Zajacz Z & Withers AC
(2018) Using Isotopic Tracers to Decode Concentration-Discharge Relationships
Torres M, Baronas JJ, West AJ & Georg RB

Georg S. (2012) U(VI)-organic Phosphate Complex Formation Studied by ESI-FTMS
Galindo C, Del Nero M, Courson O & Georg S

Georgatou A.A. (2021) Dissolution of Sulfide-Rich Cumulates in Nisyros Volcano
Georgatou AA & Chiaradia M
(2019) What can Magmatic Sulphides Tell us About Magma Fertility in Porphyry Systems?
Georgatou AA & Chiaradia M
(2018) Magmatic Sulphide Saturation in Subduction and Post-Subduction Magmas
Georgatou AA & Chiaradia M

George Abraham (2013) Melting of Rutile Under Pressure
Arafin S, Singh R, Al-Saidi Y & George A
(2012) Pressure Dependence of Enthalpy, Viscosity and Diffusivity of Olivine and its Constituent Minerals Near Melting
Arafin S, Singh R & George A
(2011) An Empirical Approach to Estimate Melting Temperature and Its Pressure Dependence of Some Rocks of Oman Ophiolite Suite
Arafin S, Singh R & George A
(2010) Thermal Conductivity of Oxide and Silicate Minerals, and Harzburgite
Arafin S, Singh R & George A

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