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Gao Xin-Yu (2017) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of the Donggou Porphyry Mo Deposit at the Southern Margin of the North China Craton: Evidence from Chemistry of Biotite
Jin C, Gao X-Y, Chen W & Zhao T-P

Gao Xinjuan (2018) Hydro-Biogeochemical Controls on Ammonium Behaviors Across the River-Estuary Interface: Addition or Removal
Yu D, Chen N, Krom M, Cheng P, Yu F, Hong H & Gao X

Gao Xinyu (2015) Petrogenesis of the Early Cretaceous Intermediate and Felsic Intrusions at the Southern Margin of the North China Craton: Implications for Crust-Mantle Interaction
Gao X & Zhao T

Gao Xiong (2011) Kinetic Study of Brucite Carbonation
Zhu C, Zhao L, Gao X, Ji J, Chen J & Teng HH

Gao Xk (2007) Intra-Reservoir Geochemical Heterogeneity in the Shixi Oilfield of the Central Junggar Basin, China
Tao G, Hu W, Cao J & Gao X

Gao Xu (2016) A Preliminary Discussion on Some Important Advances of the Rare Metal Deposit
Zhou Z, Che H, Ma X & Gao X

Gao Xubo (2016) Evaluation of Groundwater Quality and Contamination of Fluoride, Medak Region, Telangana, South India
Adimalla N, Sanda R, Venkatayogi S & Gao X
(2011) Effect of Phosphate Fertilizer on the Mobility of Arsenic in Fairdpur Soil, Central Bangladesh
Gao X, Wang Y, Hu Q & Ma T
(2010) Bicarbonate Competition in the Desorption of Arsenic Species from Sediments
Gao X, Hu Q, Wang Y & Liu X

Gao Xue (2020) Iron Isotope Constraints on the Genesis of Giant Beiya Au-Base Metal Deposits, Yunnan, Southwest China
He W, Xing Y, He Y & Gao X

Gao Y (2005) The Life History and Stock Structure of Groundfish from Stable Isotopic Analysis of Otoliths
Gao Y, Svec R, Joner S & Bryant B

Gao Y. W. (2001) Seasonal Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Records of Cod Otoliths (Gadus Morhua): A Potential Thermometer and Migration Indicator in the Canadian Atlantic
Gao YW, Schwarcz HP & Brand U

Gao Yajie (2023) Minor Element Effects on the Partitioning of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) between Pargasitic Amphibole and Melt
Gao Y, O'Neill HSC & Mavrogenes JA
(2022) Distinguishing the Garnet Signatures in a Global Database of Adakites
Gao Y, O'Neill HSC & Mavrogenes JA

Gao Yang (2022) Carbonate Metasomatism of the Lithospheric Mantle Induced by Continental Subduction in the Eastern North China Craton
Gao Y, Zong K & Zhang L
(2021) Water in the Early Paleozoic Lithospheric Mantle beneath the North China Craton: Constraint from Olivine in the Mengyin Kimberlites
Gao Y, Wang Y-F, Wen D-P, Xu H & Zhang J

Gao Yi (2023) Prediction of PFAS Interfacial Partitioning Under a Wide Range of Environmentally Relevant Conditions
OCarroll D, Gao Y, Le ST, Glamore W & Kibbey T

Gao Yiming (2008) Study on Experiment and a Mechanism of Utilization of Calcite in Phosphor Removal from Eutrophic Water
Xu H, Zhang J & Gao Y

Gao Ying (2013) Historical Trends of Heavy Metal Pollution Recorded in Sediments from Lake Qionghai, China
Xu W, Shi Z-M, Ni S-J & Gao Y
(2012) Determination of Trace Mercury in Geological Samples by Photo Induced Chemical Vapour Generation with Isotope Dilution ICP MS
Gao Y, Xia X & Yue F

Gao Yongbao (2011) LA-ICP-MS Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of Granites and its Geological Implication in the Baiganhu W-Sn Deposit, NW China
Gao Y, Li W & Zhang Z
(2011) ID-TIMS Zircon U-Pb Age of Yulonggou Intrusive Rocks and its Geological Significance in South Qilian Mountains, NW China
Zhang Z, Li W, Gao Y & Guo Z

Gao Yonghua (2008) New Discoveries in the Study of Carp Otoliths
Li S, Luo J, Cao Y, Yang L, Gao Y, Tong J, Xu H & Shen J

Gao Yongjun (2015) Copper and Zn Isotope Compositions of Altered Oceanic Crust from IODP Site 1256 at the East Pacific Rise
Huang J, Liu S-A, Gao Y, Xiao Y & Huang F
(2015) Analysis of Low Abundance Trace Metals and 51V/50V Isotope Ratios in Crude Oils: New Methods For Characterization and Exploration
Casey J, Gao Y & Weihang Y
(2010) Contrasting Behavior of Nb and Ta during Magma Differentiation and Subduction Dehydration Processes: Implications for the Continental Crust
Xiao Y, Huang J, Gao Y & Wu W
(2002) Oxygen Isotope Profile of the Lower Ocean Crust: An in situ Study by UV-Laser-Ablation Oxygen Isotope Microprobe
Gao Y, Hoefs J & Snow J

Gao Youfeng (2014) Crystallization Temperature, Scale and Contribution to Source Rocks of Basic Intrusive Rocks in the Eastern Depression of Liaohe Basin
Zhang Y, Gao Y, Bian W, Huang Y & Tang H
(2013) Geology and Geochemistry of Basic Intrusive Rocks in the Eastern Fault Depression of Liaohe Basin
Zhang Y, Bian W, Huang Y, Yu X, Gao Y & Tang H

Gao Yu-Ya (2020) In situ Measurements of Li Isotopes in Quartz: Implications for Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of Koktokay No.3 Rare Metal Pegmatite
Gao Y-Y, Zhou Q-F & Qin K-Z
(2017) Zircon O-Li Isotopic Constraints on the Origins of the Cretaceous Low-δ18O Nianzishan Granite, NE China
Gao Y-Y, Griffin W, Chu M-F, O'Reilly S, Pearson N, Li Q-L & Li X-H
(2013) Li Isotopes in Zircon: Effects of Li Substitution and Kinetic Fractionation
Gao Y-Y, Li X-H, Griffin W, O'Reilly S & Pearson N

Gao Yuan (2020) A Study of Distribution and Sources of Organic Matter of Marine Core Sediments from North of South China Sea
Gao Y, Tan J-Q & Han Y-Q
(2020) Nano-XANES: Chemical Mapping with Hard X-Rays
Pattammattel A, Tappero R, Ge M, Chu Y, Huang X, Gao Y & Yan H
(2019) The Air-Sea Chemical Exchange in the Arctic Ocean: Lessons Learned from the 2015 GN01 US GEOTRACES Cruise
Gao Y, Marcay C, Yu S, Fan S, Mukherjee P, Buck C & Landing W
(2017) Quantify Atmospheric Iron over West Antarctic Pinensula
Gao Y
(2017) Evaluation of Labile Iron Processing in Atmospheric Models
Ito A, Myriokefalitakis S, Kanakidou M, Mahowald N, Baker A, Jickells T, Sarin M, Bikkina S, Gao Y, Shelley R, Buck C, Landing W, Bowie A, Perron M, Meskhidze N, Johnson M, Feng Y & Duce R
(2013) Pristane Isomerization Ratio: Novel Maturity Index for Highly Mature and Overmature Oils
Wu Y, Wang Y, Lei T, Ma S, Wang Y, Gao Y & Xia Y

Gao Yue (2018) The Geochemical Behaviour of Trace Metals along the Belgian Coasts: What can We Learn from the Use of DGT?
Gaulier C, Superville P-J, Guo W, Baeyens W, Billon G & Gao Y
(2017) Early Diagenesis of Arsenic in Electro-Active Sediments
van de Velde S, Burdorf LD, Callebaut I, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Gao Y & Meysman FJ
(2017) The Geochemical Behaviour of Trace Metals in the Water Column of the Belgian Coastal Zone
Gaulier C, Superville P-J, Guo W, Baeyens W, Billon G & Gao Y
(2016) Long-Distance Electron Transport Drives Biogeochemical Cycling of Fe, Mn and Ca in the Coastal Seafloor
van de Velde S, Lesven L, Burdorf L, Hidalgo Martinez S, Geelhoed J, Gao Y & Meysman F
(2015) Development of DGT for the Estimation of the U Bioavailable Fraction in Mining Environments
Drozdzak J, Leermakers M, Gao Y, Phrommavanh V & Descostes M

Gao Yuesong (2017) Oceanographic Mechanisms and Penguin Population Increases during the Little Ice Age in the Southern Ross Sea, Antarctica
Yang L, Sun L, Emslie S, Huang T, Gao Y, Yang W, Chu Z & Wang Y

Gao Yunpei (2017) Redox Evolution of the Ediacaran Ocean and Atmosphere Constrained by Chromium Isotopes
He X, Fang Z, Gao Y, Shen Y & Qin L

Gao Yuqiao (2008) Inorganic Dioxide Carbon and Organic Hydrocarbon Charge History in Wuerxun Depression, Hailaer Basin, NE China
Gao Y & Hu W

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