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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gueydan F. (2015) Thermo-Geochemical Modeling of Fluid-Rock Interactions Under Greenschist Facies Conditions: Implications on Fault Formation in Metagabbros (Cap Corse, France)
Gueydan F, Cenki-Tok B, Oliot E & Padron Navarta JA

Guezennec A-G. (2014) Interaction of Polyacrylamide Floculants and Acrylamide with Clays, Soil and Sediments
Mnif I, Hurel C, Guezennec A-G & Marmier N

Guggenberger G. (2020) Modification of Soil Wetting Properties Always Involves the Interface Chemical Composition
Woche SK, Goebel M-O, Guggenberger G & Bachmann J
(2017) XPS Reveals Differences in Surface Elemental Composition of Soil Microaggregates along a Clay Content Gradient
Woche SK, Dultz S, Mikutta R & Guggenberger G
(2017) Geometric Preconditions for Heteroaggregation of Soil Minerals: Light Scattering Experiments and Modelling Approaches
Dultz S, Rupp A, Mikutta R, Woche SK & Guggenberger G
(2011) Are Aliphatic Monomers of Grasses and Herbs Useful Biomarkers for Vegetation Shifts?
Spielvogel S, Prietzel J, Dechamps N, Becker L & Guggenberger G
(2001) Sorption-Desorption of Dissolved Organic Matter in Forest Soil
Kaiser K & Guggenberger G

Guggenheim R. (2001) Ion Exchange during Alteration of Metamict Microlite
Gieré R, Buck EC, Williams CT, Reusser E, Marques J, Guggenheim R & Mathys D

Guggenheim S. (2001) An AFM Study of the Palygorskite/Sepiolite to Smectite Transformation in the Meigs-Attapulgas- Quincy District
Hammerly E, Rakovan J & Guggenheim S

Guggenheim Stephen (2018) In situ Powder X-Ray Diffraction of a Smectite-CO2-Brine Sytem Using a High-Pressure Environmental Chamber
Benavides PA, Kowalik J, Guggenheim S & Koster van Groos A
(2014) Experimental Constraints on Precambrian Seawater Chemistry: Solubility in the Fe2+-SiO2(aq) System
Tosca N & Guggenheim S

Gugger M. (2021) Microbial Ecology of Intracellular Calcium Carbonate Biomineralization by Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria
Gaëtan J, Mehta N, Duprat E, Bruley A, Skouri-Panet F, Gugger M, Bernard C, Duval C, Leloup J & Benzerara K
(2017) Differences in Ca Homeostasis between Cyanobacteria Forming and Not-Forming Intracellular Ca-Carbonates
De Wever A, Coutaud M, Blondeau M, Poinsot M, Skouri-Panet F, Caumes G, Laurent T, Gugger M & Benzerara K
(2017) Cyanobacterial Intracellular Carbonatogenesis: Phylogenetic Distribution, Mechanisms and Environmental Implications
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Blondeau M, Cam N, Caumes G, Coutaud M, Gorgen S, Dewever A, Diop IS, Callebaut I, Cassier-Chauvat C, Dezi M, Duprat E, Ferard C, Gugger M, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, POinsot M, Sachse M & Skouri-Panet F

Guglielmin M. (2016) Complex Rock Varnish from the Dry Valleys (Antarctica) Suggests the Interaction of Biochemical Weathering and Dust Accretion in a Frontier Critical Zone
Zerboni A & Guglielmin M

Guglielmino F. (2013) The Summit Activity at Mt. Etna from 1995 to 2001: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigate the Long-Term Processes of the Magmatic Plumbing System
Carbone D, Corsaro RA, Guglielmino F & Puglisi G

Gui L. (2014) Hydrocarbon Charge History of Main Oil Fields, Western Qaidam Basin as Revealed from an Integrated Fluid Inclusion Study
Meng Q, Gui L, Chen Y, Yuan L, Lu X, Zheng Y & Li X

Gui Z. (2010) The Middle and Upper Ordovician δ13C Excursions in South China: Implication for Paleoceanographic Change
Liu J, Gui Z & Wen J

Guibaud G. (2023) Impact of Nitrogen Source on Vanadium Removal during Anaerobic Digestion Process: Investigating the Feasibility of Anaerobically Treating V(V) and Nitrate Rich Wastewaters
Mattiussi R, Le Guet T, Guibaud G, Lens PNL, Collins G & Abram F
(2015) Bioweathering of Crystalline and Amorphous Cu-Metallurgical Slags
Potysz A, Grybos M, Kierczak J, Guibaud G, Lens P & van Hullebusch E
(2013) Dynamics of Chemical Characteristics of Solubilized Organic Matter in Wetland Soils Under Aerobic or Anaerobic Conditions
Rouwane A, Bouven I, Rabiet M, Guibaud G & Grybos M

Guibbolini M. (2012) A Mesocosm Study of Fate and Effects of CuO Nanoparticles on Endobenthic Species (Scrobicularia Plana, Nereis Diversicolor)
Buffet P-E, Richard M, Caupos F, Vergnoux A, Perrein-Ettajani H, Thomas-Guyon H, Luna-Acosta A, Amiard-Triquet C, Amiard J-C, Risso C, Guibbolini M, Reip P, Valsami-Jones E & Mouneyrac C

Guibert M. (2021) Biogeochemical Interactions between Iron and Nutrient Cycling in a Saline Inland Lake
Margalef Marti R, Sebilo M, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Gonzalez Alvarez I, Mazière C, Guibert M, Tessier E, Lauga B & Amouroux D

Guibourdenche L. (2023) Biogenic Experimental Pyrites Record Lighter Isotopic Signatures Than Inherited from Microbial-Sulfate Reduction
Duverger A, Bernard S, Cartigny P, Guibourdenche L & Busigny V
(2023) Controls on Iron Sulfide Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Composition: Unraveling the Roles of Sulfide Oxidation and of Variable Fractionation Factors during Microbial Sulfate Reduction
Guibourdenche L, Cartigny P & Aloisi G

Guice George (2021) The Boron Isotopic Signature of Serpentine from Obducted Ophiolites: Mixture of Fluids and Tectonic Implications
Martin C, Flores K, Harlow G, Angiboust S, Hodel F & Guice G
(2018) Tracing Early Earth Differentiation with 142Nd
Wainwright AN, Debaille V, Pourkhorsandi H, Zincone SA, Mole DR, Barnes SJ, Maas R & Guice G
(2017) A Lithogeochemical Assessment of Element Mobility in Archaean Cratons: Implications for Nb-Ta Anomalies and PGE Mobility
Guice G, McDonald I, Hughes H & Schlatter D

Guice George L. (2023) Single-Outcrop Petrochronology to Constrain Heterogeneous Prograde Reactivity in the Central Appalachians
George FR, Viete DR, Harvey KE, Walker S, Guice GL & Baxter EF
(2023) The B Isotopic Signature of Serpentine from Supra Subduction Zone Ophiolites: Mixing of Fluids and Tectonic Implications
Martin C, Flores KE, Harlow G, Angiboust S, Hodel F & Guice GL

Guicharnaud R. (2014) Impact of the Soil Weathering Degree on the Fate of Soil Organic Carbon, Fe and Si: Insights from Si and Fe Isotopes in Icelandic Soils
Opfergelt S, Williams H, Cornelis J-T, Van Hoye F, Guicharnaud R, Sigfusson B, Georg B, Siebert C, Gislason S, Halliday A & Burton K
(2011) Seasonal Magnesium Isotope Variations in Soil Solutions Reflecting Physico-Chemical Processes Controlling Soil Weathering Fluxes
Opfergelt S, Georg B, Burton K, Guicharnaud R, Siebert C, Gislason S & Halliday A

Guichet X. (2017) Geochemical Characterization of Dissolved Noble Gases in Thermal Springs in the Betic Cordillera (Spain)
Lix C, Zuddas P, Inguaggiato C, Guichet X & Barbier M
(2015) Can CO2 be Sourced by Mineral Reactions in Deep Sediments?
Brosse E, Bachaud P, Ferrando N, Richard L, Guichet X, Kohler E, Michel A & Gaucher E
(2007) Magnesite Dissolution in the Presence of Organic and Inorganic Ligands
Jordan G, Pokrovsky O, Guichet X & Schmahl W
(2005) Reactive Transport Experiments and Modelling of CO<->2<$> Sequestration in Deep Aquifers
Guichet X, Schott J, Oelkers EH, Vincent B, Magnier C & Brosse E

Guida C. (2023) Nanoscale Mineral/Contaminant Redox Reaction Processes: Impact on Oxyanion Contaminant Fate in Oscillating Anoxic Environments
Charlet L, Guida C, Poulain A, Ding R, Ramothe V, Papaslioti EM, Kirsch R, Fernandez-Martinez A, Scheinost AC, Greneche JM, Menguy N & Rosso KM
(2023) Rhenium Geochemistry Under Sulfidic Conditions: When the Sulfide Acts as Both Ligand and Reducing Agent
Guida C, Chappaz A, Grant C, Fernandez-Martinez A & Charlet L
(2021) Oxyanions Reactivity Towards Magnetite: Towards Defining a Driving Force?
Charlet L, Fernandez-Martinez A, Goberna Ferron S, Poulain A, Wang K & Guida C

Guida M. (2023) REE Levels in Abandoned Mining Sites
Brouziotis AAA, Heise S, Saviano L, Giarra A, Tommasi F, Guida M, Libralato G & Trifuoggi M

Guidi L.

Guidi M. (2013) Cold Marine Patagonia Waters and Stable Isotopes and Trace Elements from Quaternary Mollusk Shells
Consoloni I, Zanchetta G, Baneschi I, Dallai L, Guidi M, Tiepolo M & D'Orazio M
(2013) The Modern Hydrogeochemistry of Small Pools in Corchia Cave, Italy: Implications for Palaeoclimate Reconstruction
Drysdale R, Zanchetta G, Baneschi I, Couchoud I, Daeron M, Hellstrom J, Paul B, Gagan M, Greig A, Isola I, Regattieri E & Guidi M
(2013) Isotopic Signature of Naturally Cr(VI) Contaminated Spring Waters from Western Tuscany (Italy)
Chiarantini L, Agostini S, Baneschi I, Guidi M, Natali C, Tonarini S & Frei R

Guido D. (2023) Between Heaven and Hell: Early Environments for Life in the Palaeoarchaean
Westall F, Bréhéret JG, Hickman-Lewis K, Campbell KA, Guido D, Foucher F & Cavalazzi B
(2023) From a Fertile Mantle Source to Epithermal Deposits: Tracing the Flux of Precious Metals Across the Lithosphere
Tassara S, Rooney A, Ague J, Guido D, Reich M, Barra F & Navarrete C
(2022) Geomolecules in the Late Jurassic Claudia Paleo-Geothermal Field: Evidence of a Complex Geological and Biological Environment
Teece B, Guido D, Campbell KA, Van Kranendonk MJ, Galar A & George S
(2022) Regional to Micron-Scale Controls on Preservation of Biosignatures in Phanerozoic Hot Spring Microbial Sinter
Campbell KA, Guido D, Hamilton A, Rowe M, Lyon B, Teece B, Foucher F, Westall F, Ruff S & Van Kranendonk MJ

Guido-Garcia F. (2022) Study of U Sorption onto Granite and Bentonite
Guido-Garcia F, Walker A, Racette J, Nagasaki S & Yang T(
(2015) Speciation of Iodine during Biocycling in Model Sediment and Mineral Systems
Guido-Garcia F, Law G, Lloyd J & Morris K

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