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Guerra P. (2013) An Integrated Geochemical, Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Approach to Model Arsenic at a Fluvial Confluence
Guerra P, Escauriaza C, Gonzalez C, Pizarro G, Morales V & Pasten P
(2012) Chemical-Hydrodynamic Control of Arsenic Mobility at a River Confluence
Guerra P, Gonzalez C, Escauriaza C, Bonilla C, Pizarro G & Pasten P

Guerra-Tschuschke I. (2021) Responses of the Bentonite Microbial Community to Se(IV)exposure: Insights into Selenium Biogeochemical Cycle
Morales-Hidalgo M, Povedano-Priego C, Jroundi F, Vilchez-Vargas R, Guerra-Tschuschke I, Abad-Ortega MDM, Martín-Sánchez I & Merroun ML

Guerreiro M.A. (2021) Effect of Temperature on Induced Denitrification – Large Differences in Reaction Rate and Modified Microbiology
Ortmeyer F, Begerow D, Guerreiro MA & Banning A

Guerrero B. (2010) Impact of Atmospheric CO2 Levels on Continental Silicate Weathering
Beaulieu E, Goddéris Y, Labat D, Roelandt C, Oliva P & Guerrero B

Guerrero Fernando Javier (2023) A Reactive Lateral Flow Model in Deep Limestone of the Acoculco Geothermal System, México
Santos-Raga G, Guerrero FJ, Santoyo PDE & Yáñez-Dávila D

Guerrero Francisco (2017) Multidisciplinary Study of a Mediterranean Hypersaline Pond (Laguna Honda, Southern Spain)
Quijano ML, Castro JM, Guerrero F, de Gea GA, Galotti A, García F, García-Zafra S, Jiménez-Gómez F, Jiménez-Melero R, Martínez J, Morales JA, Nieto LM, Rey J, Ruiz-Ortiz PA, Ruiz-Valenzuela L & San Miguel EG

Guerrero J.C. (2019) Laser Ablation-Based Techniques LIBS, LA-ICP-MS/OES and LAMIS: An Ideal Toolbox for Direct Chemical Analysis of Solids
Gonzalez J, Guerrero JC, Sisson C, Oropeza D, Chirinos JR, Chan G, Mao X, Russo RE & Zorba V
(2019) Automated LIBS Analysis for the Factory Floor
Sisson C, Guerrero J & Gonzalez J
(2019) Analysis of Trace-Elements in Durango Apatite via Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Using Femtosecond Laser and Intensified Charge-Coupled Device
Guerrero JC, Sisson C, Gonzalez J & Foster D
(2019) Elemental Analysis of Zircons via Tandem Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Pandey S, Guerrero JC, Gonzalez J & Mueller P

Guerrero Saul (2020) Elevated Concentrations of Gaseous Elemental Mercury in Air and Surface Soil in the Historical Silver Mining Region, Guanajuato, Mexico
Loria A, Ramos Arroyo YR, Rocha D, Cruz-Jiménez G, Alfaro de la Torre C, Guerrero S & Wang F

Guerrero Simon (2019) Iron Oxides Stimulate Methane Emission in Rewetted Dutch Agricultural Soils
de Jong A, Guerrero S, Van Diggelen J, Vaksmaa A, Smolders A, Lamers L, Jetten M & Rasigraf O

Guerrero Moreno E. (2017) Contamination Mechanisms and Hazards of Mine Waste-Affected Surface Waters on the Bolivian Altiplano
Guerrero Moreno E, Hudson-Edwards K, Edwards SJ, Zamora Echenique G & Alem N

Guerrot C. (2023) Using Lithium Isotopes to Track the Origin of Lithium in Li-Ion Batteries
Desaulty A-M, Monfort Climent D, Peralta D, Lefebvre G, Perret S & Guerrot C
(2017) Life Cycle of a Catchment from Weathering to Human Impact Traced by Lead Isotopes
Negrel P, Petelet-Giraud E, Guerrot C & Millot R
(2014) Multi-Isotopic Monitoring of Industrial Metal Emissions (Cu-Zn-Pb) within the Loire River Basin, France
Desaulty A-M, Millot R, Widory D, Guerrot C & Bourrain X
(2014) Using DGT Passive Samplers and MC-ICPMS to Determine Pb and Zn Isotopic Signature of Groundwaters
Desaulty A-M, Millot R, Guerrot C & Berho C
(2014) B-Li Isotope Characterization to Design a Frame of Hydrogeological Functioning of a Wetland System (Massif Central, France)
Négrel P, Guerrot C, Millot R & Petelet-Giraud E
(2014) Chemical and Multi-Isotope Fingerprinting to Constrain Groundwater Salinization of a Coastal Mediterranean Multilayer Aquifer (the Roussillon Basin, France)
Petelet-Giraud E, Négrel P, Aunay B, Ladouche B, Bailly-Comte V, Guerrot C & Dorfliger N
(2013) δ<sup>97/95</sup>Mo in Molybdenites from the Azegour Skarn (Morocco)
Breillat N, Guerrot C, Negrel P & Marcoux E
(2013) Sedimentary and Diagenetic Features of the Oolithe Blanche Formation (Middle Jurassic): New Contribution from Ca, Sr, C, O Isotopic Compositions
Rad S, Maklhoufi Y, Guerrot C, Flehoc C & Collin P-Y
(2013) Pb-Zn-Cd-Hg Multi Isotopic Characterization of the Loire River Basin, France
Desaulty A-M, Millot R, Widory D, Guerrot C, Innocent C, Bourrain X, Bartov G & Johnson TM
(2012) B-Sr-U Isotope Systematics and 14C Dating of Groundwaters from Southwestern France
Innocent C, Malcuit E, Flehoc C, Guerrot C, Kloppmann W, Petelet-Giraud E & Negrel P
(2012) Man Made Water Cycles: Isotope Tracing of Desalinated Seawater Through Water Supply, Sewage and Groundwater
Kloppmann W, Negev I, Guttman J, Catherine G, Christine F, Marie P, Goren O & Burg A
(2011) Redox Conditions in Infiltration Basins of a Large Scale Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) of Effluent
Goren O, Gavrieli I, Burg A, Negev I, Guttman J, Kraitzer T, Cikurel H, Kloppmann W, Guerrot C & Pettenati M
(2009) Lead Isotopes in Groundwater as Indicator of Water-Rock Interaction (Masheshwaram Catchment, Andhra Pradesh, India)
Negrel P, Millot R, Roy S, Guerrot C & Pauwels H
(2009) Effect of Wastewater Irrigation on Plants: Boron Uptake Investigated Through Boron Isotopes
Kloppmann W, Guerrot C, Yermiyahu U & Minz D
(2005) In situ U-Pb Zircon Dating Using LA-MC-ICPMS and a Multi-Ion Counting System
Cocherie A, Robert M & Guerrot C
(2002) An Enigmatic Salinity Source in the Mediterranean Coastal Aquifer and Gaza Strip: Utilization of Isotopic (B, Sr, O) Constraints for Searching the Sources of Groundwater Contamination
Vengosh A, Marei A, Guerrot C, Pankratov I & Kloppmann W
(2001) Influence of Metamictization and Alteration on U-Pb Zircon Age Determination
Cocherie A, Guerrot C, Fanning MC & Legendre O
(2000) Isotopic Indicators of Subduction Process in South Urals (Russia)
Tessalina S, Guerrot C, Gannoun A, Orgeval J & Zaykov V

Guers K. (2009) New Perspectives on the Marine Sr-isotope Record: δ88/86Sr, 87Sr/86Sr* and δ44/40Ca Signatures of Aragonitic Molluscs throughout the Last 27 Ma
Liebetrau V, Eisenhauer A, Krabbenhoeft A, Fietzke J, Boehm F, Rueggeberg A & Guers K

Guertin A.S. (2023) The Role of Nanophases in Critical Zone Dynamics
Gelin M, Cunningham C, Guertin AS, Druhan JL, Chorover J, Derry LA, Tharaud M, Benedetti MF & Bouchez J

Guess J. (2008) Measuring Jarosite Dissolution Rates to Determine Jarosite Lifetimes on Earth and Mars
Elwood Madden M, Guess J, Madden A & Rimstidt JD

Guest A. (2008) New Constraints on the Thermal and Volatile Evolution of Mars
Guest A & Smrekar S

Guest B. (2012) A Cooling History for the Nicola Horst, British Columbia
Bacque D & Guest B

Guest I. (2023) The Volcanic Evolution of the Meseta del Lago Buenos Aires, Patagonia: Subduction to Slab Window Volcanism
Guest I, Saal AE, Mallick S, Gorring M & Kay SM
(2022) Extensive Magmatic Heating of the Lithosphere beneath the Hawaiian Islands Inferred from Salt Lake Crater Mantle Xenoliths
Guest I, Ito G, Garcia MO & Hellebrand E
(2020) Extensive Magmatic Heating of the Lithosphere beneath the Hawaiian Islands Inferred from Salt Lake Crater Mantle Xenoliths
Guest I, Ito G, Garcia MO & Hellebrand E

Guest R. (2011) Peformance Characteristics of an Enhanced Daly Ion Counting System for TIMS
Palacz Z, Jones T, Tootell D, Guest R & Locke S
(2000) Generation of Permeability in Metamorphic Rocks by Reaction with Basinal Brines: Dolomitisation in the SW Highlands of Scotland
McCaig AM, Guest R, Graham C & Banks D

Guettler E. (2012) Carbon Isotope Constraints on Degassing of MORB from the Southwest Indian Ridge (32-50°E)
Aubaud C, Guettler E & Cartigny P

Gueutin P. (2012) Dating Old Groundwater by Multiple Tracers Including Krypton 81
Love A, Purtschert R, Lu Z-T, Fulton S, Shand P, Jiang W, Mueller P, Yang G-M, Wohling D, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Broder L, Kipfer R, Priestley S, Gueutin P & Tosaki Y

Guevara A. (2015) Evidence of Pedogenesis in Late Pleistocene Volcanic Ash Deposits in Ecuador
Opfergelt S, Delmelle P, Duhain C, de Potter d'Indoye A, Vera R, Yin Q, Guevara A & de la Torre E
(2013) Iron Mobilisation from Volcanic Ash/Glass by Atmospheric Processing
Maters E, Ayris P, Jacques C, Guevara A, Henley R, Opfergelt S & Delmelle P

Guevara M. (2022) Spatial and Temporal Soil Gas Flux Measurements at Acoculco Geothermal Area, Mexico: Period 2015-2018
Perez-Zarate D, Santoyo PDE, Guevara M, Yáñez-Dávila D & Santos-Raga G
(2017) Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Soil-Gas Radon Emission in the Geothermal Caldera of Acoculco, Puebla (Mexico): A Preliminary Prospection of the Promissory Hot-Dry Rock System
Almirudis E, Santoyo E, Pérez D & Guevara M

Guevara Victor (2022) Stress and Strain Rate Variations in a Chemically Reacting Shear Zone: The Role of Metasomatism in Producing Slow Slip and Tremor
Hoover WF, Condit C, Moser A, Guevara V & Lindquist P
(2020) Thermal Controls on Oceanic Lithosphere Dehydration and Fluid Flux to the Mantle during Subduction
Condit C, Holt A, Guevara V, Delph J & French M
(2018) Variable Garnet (Re)crystallisation during High-Temperature Polyphase Metamorphism
Dragovic B, Guevara V & Caddick M
(2017) Comparison of Archean Tectonic Modes Through Petrochronology
Dragovic B, Caddick M & Guevara V
(2013) Unraveling Cryptic High-Temperature Polymetamorphism: An Alpine Example
Guevara V & Caddick M
(2012) From Peak Metamorphism to Orogenic Collapse: Insights into the Exhumation History of the Clearwater Metamorphic Core Complex
Guevara V, Baldwin J, Foster D & Lewis R
(2012) Reconstruction of P-T Paths in Polymetamorphic Rocks of the Clearwater Core Complex, Northern Idaho
Baldwin J & Guevara V

Guevara Victor E (2023) Metamorphic Fluid Production, Fluid Pressures, and Resultant Slip Behaviors at Deep Slow Slip Conditions during Prograde Subduction
Condit CB, French ME, Hoover WF, Lindquist PC, Guevara VE, Holt AF & Cooperdock EHG
(2023) Forming a Talc-Rich Slow Slipping Subduction Interface: P-T-T-X History of Metasomatic Rocks
Hoover WF, Condit CB, Teng F-Z, Moser A, Mulcahy S, Easthouse G, Pike C, Lindquist PC, Guevara VE & Berg A
(2023) Extensive Forearc Mantle Serpentinization Catalyzed by Early Subduction Zone Thermal Evolution
Epstein GS, Condit CB, Guevara VE, Holt AF & Stoner R

Guex J. (2007) Precise Ages for the Triassic/Jurassic Boundary and Hettangian Recovery from Northern Peru
Schaltegger U, Schoene B, Bartolini A, Guex J & Ovtcharova M

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