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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gottikh R. (2010) Specific Geochemical Behavior of the Oil as Evidence of its Abiotic Origin
Gottikh R, Pisotskiy B & Plotnikova I
(2009) Trace-Elements of the Hydrocarbon's Reduced Systems and the Origin of Oil and Gas
Gottikh R, Pisotskiy B & Plotnikova I

Göttlicher J. (2023) Spatially Resolved Iron Mineral Phase Evolution and Arsenic Retention in Microfluidic Models of Zerovalent Iron-Based Water Filters
Wielinski J, Jimenez-Martinez J, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Mangold S, Hug SJ, Berg M & Voegelin A
(2023) Phosphate Co-precipitation with Fe(III) during Fe(II) Oxidation: Effects of Dissolved Organic Compounds
Nenonen V, Kaegi R, Hug SJ, Mangold S, Göttlicher J, Winkel LHE & Voegelin A
(2021) Effects of Organic Compounds on Fe(III)-precipitates and on the Retention of Co-precipitated Phosphate
Nenonen V, Kaegi R, Hug SJ, Mangold S, Göttlicher J, Winkel L & Voegelin A
(2020) Arsenic Mobilization and Retention Mechanisms along an Iron Mineral Dominated Redox Gradient in Delta Sediments of Van Phuc, Vietnam
Schneider M, Stopelli E, Glodowska M, Rathi B, Eiche E, Kontny A, Berg M, Kappler A, Göttlicher J, Winkel L, Bostik B, Nghiem A & Neumann T
(2018) Indium Incorporation in Synthetic Sphalerite: Examination via Powder Diffraction and XANES Spectroscopy
Heinrich J, Bauer M, Göttlicher J, Seifert T & Heide G
(2018) Formation of Zeolites in Sandstone-Brine Interaction Experiments Under Geothermal Conditions
Schmidt RB, Göttlicher J & Stober I
(2017) Arsenic and Lead Speciation in Geothermal Scalings: Implications on Formation Conditions
Eiche E, Göttlicher J, Steiniger R, Duschek K, Eggeling L, Kölbel T & Neumann T
(2017) Characterization of Green Rust Sulfate Transformation Products Associated with Hexavalent Chromium Remediation
Thomas A, Eiche E, Didereksen K, Göttlicher J, Steininger R & Neumann T
(2016) Nano-Mineralogy & -Geochemistry of Karst Bauxites (Greece): Implications of the Origin of the Deposits
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kasama T, Göttlicher J & Steininger R
(2016) Speciation and Fractionation of Geogenic Thallium in Soils from the Swiss Jura Mountains
Voegelin A, Pfenninger N, Petrikis J, Majzlan J, Plötze M, Mangold S, Steininger R & Göttlicher J
(2015) Sulfur Mineralogy and Speciation in the Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments off Milos Island (Greece)
Kotopoulou I, Godelitsas A, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Price R, Fike DA, Amend J, Gilhooly WP, Druschel GK, Mertzimekis TJ, Gamaletsos P & Kafantaris F-CA
(2015) The Integration Modes of Structural Bound W(VI) in Hematite and Goethite
Kreißl S, Bolanz R, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Tarassov M & Markl G
(2015) Oxidation State of Transition Metals in (Micro-)tektites and Suevite Glass from Bosumtwi Crater, Ghana
Langenhorst F, Stoyanov E, Deutsch A & Göttlicher J
(2013) Characterization of CaCO3 Poly-Morphs Grown in Silica Hydrogel in the Presence SO42- or CrO4<sup>2-</sup> by XAS
Astilleros JM, Göttlicher J, Sánchez-Pastor N, Steiniger R & Fernández-Díaz ML
(2013) Antimony in Hydrothermal Chimneys of Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Vent Field (Santorini, Greece)
Kilias S, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Nomikou P, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Argyraki A, Gousgouni M & Papanikolaou D
(2010) The Contrasting Behavior of As and Sb in the Mining Waste Near Pezinok, Slovakia
Majzlan J, Lalinska B, Chovan M, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Hug K, Ziegler S & Gescher J
(2009) Uranium Distribution and Speciation in Greek Tethyan Limestones by μ-XRF and μ-XANES Spectroscopy
Göttlicher J, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Kafandaris F & Steininger R
(2009) Matrix Composition and Community Structure Analysis of a Novel Bacterial Pyrite Leaching Community
Ziegler S, Ackermann S, Göttlicher J, Majzlan J & Gescher J
(2007) Sulfur K-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy as a Tool to Investigate Microbial Triggered Sulfate Reduction
Göttlicher J & Mangold S
(2007) Feldspars of Composition K[(Al, Fe)Si3O8]: Their Growth and Ordering Behaviour
Taroev V, Göttlicher J, Kroll H, Kashev A, Suvorova L, Pentinghaus H, Bernotat-Wulf H, Breit U, Tauson V & Laskhevich V
(2007) A Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory for Environmental Studies
Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Kramar U, Majzlan J, Nehrke G & Zöger N
(2006) Formation, Composition, Structure, and Ageing of As-ferrihydrite From Pezinok, Slovakia
Majzlan J, Chovan M, Lalinská B, Jurkoviè L, Milovská S & Göttlicher J

Gottlieb E.S. (2015) Light δ18O Zircon Xenocrysts from the Deep Crust of the Great Basin, North American Cordillera
Gottlieb ES, Miller EL, Valley JW & Kitajima K
(2014) Cretaceous Granitic Magmatism in the Northern Snake Range, Nevada
Gottlieb E & Miller E

Gottman I. (2019) Nanostructure of Platinum Group Minerals in Ural-Alaskan-Type Intrusions: From Magmatic to Hydrothermal Environments
Pushkarev E, Ballhaus C, Wirth R, Gottman I, Kamenetsky V & Shreiber A
(2019) Hornblendite – The Result of Unusual Monomineralic Amphibole Crystallization of Residual Fluid-Rich Melts in Ural-Alaskan-Type Ultramafic Intrusions
Gottman I & Pushkarev E
(2015) HP-HT Metasomatic Garnetite Associated with Lherzolite Complexes in the Urals: An Indicator of Timing of Mantle Upwelling and Exhumation
Gottman I, Pushkarev E & Belousova E
(2015) Primitive Island Arc Ankaramite in the Urals: An Example of Primary Melt for the Ural-Alaskan Type Ultramafic Intrusions
Pushkarev E, Kamenetsky V, Gottman I, Ryazancev A & Yaxley G

Gottschalk F. (2012) Engineered Nanomaterials in Rivers -Exposure Scenarios for Switzerland at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution
Gottschalk F, Ort C, Scholz RW & Nowack B

Gottschalk J. (2023) ScienTissiME: A Software Package Combining Gamma Spectrum Analysis and Age Dating (E.g., 210-Pb, 137-Cs, 241-Am) of Recent Sediments
Scheer M, Gottschalk J & Scholten J
(2023) Dynamics of Deep and Intermediate Water Circulation in the South Pacific Ocean during Marine Isotope Stage 11 and Termination V
Jebasinski L, Gottschalk J, Zöller O & Science Party E3
(2023) Insights into Southern Ocean Dynamics during the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition from Benthic Foraminiferal Stable Carbon Isotopes
Gottschalk J, Hasenfratz AP, Middleton JL, Farmer JR, Michel E, Hanley J, Knudson C, Science Party E3, Jaccard SL, Lamy F & Winckler G
(2021) New Measurements and Compilation Provide a 25, 000 Year View of Global Deep-Sea Radiocarbon
Rafter P(, Gray WR, Burke A, Costa K, Gottschalk J, Hain M, Hines SKV, Rae JWB, Southon J & Devries T
(2021) Differences in Water Mass Geometry in the Atlantic Ocean during the Holocene and the Last Interglacial Period
Gottschalk J, Pöppelmeier F, Blaser P, Gutjahr M, Hines SKV, Skinner LC, Waelbroeck C & Lippold J
(2018) Ventilation of the Deep South Indian Ocean and Atmospheric CO2 Increase during the Last Deglaciation
Gottschalk J, Michel E, Studer AS, Thöle LM, Hasenfratz AP, Mazaud A, Szidat S, Martinez-Garcia A & Jaccard SL
(2017) Past Dynamics of Atlantic Ocean Overturning: A Multi-Proxy View on Three Key Intervals
Gottschalk J, Skinner LC, Waelbroeck C, Hodell DA, Nehrbass-Ahles C & Jaccard SL
(2017) Geochemical Tracing of Varying Northern vs. Southern Water-Masses Contributions in the sub Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (MD07-3076) Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Beny F, Bout V, Davies G, Gottschalk J, Skinner L, Bory A, Waelbroeck C, Mazaud A, Michel E, Delattre M & Abraham R
(2017) Rare Earth Elements and Authigenic ‘coatings’ in the Service of Palaeoceanography: A Microanalysis Approach
Skinner L, Sadekov A, Brandon M, de la Fuente M, Read E, Gottschalk J, Ureta-Souanef S & Greaves M
(2015) Quantification of Deep-Ocean Carbon Sequestration during Millennial-Scale Variations in Atmospheric CO2
Gottschalk J, Skinner LC & Waelbroeck C

Gottschalk M. (2018) EOS for Multi-Component Fluids
Gottschalk M
(2017) Equation of State for Complex Fluids
Gottschalk M
(2013) Thermodynamics of Solid Solutions: The Margules Equation and Beyond
Gottschalk M
(2010) Putting Fluid Salinity and Solid Solution into Transport Models
Ferry J, Winslow N & Gottschalk M
(2008) Accurate ab Initio Intermolecular Potentials for Dense Complex Fluids: Dispersion and Repulsion
Gottschalk M
(2007) Experimental Determination of Ca-Sr Distribution between Zoisite-Fluid and Lawsonite-Fluid
Doersam G, Liebscher A, Wunder B, Gottschalk M & Franz G
(2007) Ca-Sr Fractionation between Margarite, Anorthite, Calcite, and Fluid at 400-500℃ and 3.5-5 kbar
Thiele M, Doersam G, Franz G, Liebscher A & Gottschalk M
(2004) Fluid Properties and Equilibria in the Upper Mantle
Gottschalk M
(2000) Thermodynamic Properties of Natural Fluids at High Temperatures and Pressures
Churakov S & Gottschalk M

Gottselig N. (2015) Hydroxylamine (NH2OH) Contribution to Soil N2O Spatial Variability in a Norway Spruce Forest
Liu S, Herbst M, Weymann D, Wiekenkamp I, Gottselig N, Bol R, Vereecken H & Brüggemann N

Gottsmann J. (2016) Buoyancy-Driven Volcanism on the Bolivian Altiplano
Blundy J, Gottsmann J & Annen C
(2013) Cyclic Submission of the Aeolian Arc: Evidence from Salina
Moretti H, Gottsmann J, Blundy J & Sulpizio R

Götz R. (2015) Radionuclide Sorption Reversibility Studies on Different Compacted Bentonite Derived Clay Nanoparticles
Rinderknecht F, Huber F, Heck S, Götz R & Schaefer T

Götze J. (2001) EPR and Cathodoluminescence Study of Clay Minerals
Plötze M & Götze J

Götze Jens (2013) Imaging of Spatial Trace-Element Distribution in Apatite Using Various X-Ray Based and Spectral Analytical Methods
Słaby E, Lisowiec K, Michalak PP, Götze JU, Munnik F, Förster H-J & Rhede D
(2013) Chemical Composition of Apatite as a Tool for Modeling Composite-Pluton Evolution Using Polytopic Vector Analysis (PVA)
Lisowiec K, Slaby E, Förster H-J, Götze J & Michalak P-P
(2012) Geochemistry and Isotope Composition (U-Pb, Hf, O) on Zircons from Two Precambrian Carbonatites of the Kola Alkaline Province
Tichomirowa M, Whitehouse M, Gerdes A & Gotze J
(2007) Radiation Damage, Internal Textures and Post-Growth History of the Plešovice Zircon Standard
Norberg N, Nasdala L, Kosler J, Slama J, Götze J & Groschopf N
(2007) Cathodoluminescence Behaviour of Mn-Rich Carbonates
Polgári M, Bajnóczi B, Götze J & Vigh T

Götze L.C. (2015) In situ Monitoring of Mineral Reactions Using Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction
Götze LC, Milke R, Schorr S, Abart R & Wirth R
(2013) In situ Monitoring of Reaction Band Formation Using Synchrotron Radiation
Götze LC, Milke R, Schorr S, Dohmen R & Wirth R

Gou Long-Fei (2023) Using Experiments to Interpret Lithium Isotope Records of Weathering and Erosion Across Past Climate Events
Wilson DJ, Gou L-F, Tarbuck G & Pogge von Strandmann P
(2022) Carbonate Weathering Drives Magnesium Isotopes in Large Rivers: Insights from the Yangtze River
Xu Y, Jin Z, Gou L-F, Galy A, Jin C, Chen C, Li C & Deng L
(2022) Cation Isotopes Trace Chemical Weathering
Gou L-F, Jin Z, Galy A, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Bouchez J & Zhao Z-Q
(2020) Cation Exchange-Driven Li Isotope Fractionation during Water-Rock Interaction: A Case Study of Groundwater in the Ordos Basin, China
Ji T-T, Jiang X-W, Gou L-F, Jin Z, Zhang H, Li W, Han G, Guo H & Wang X-S

Gou Longfei (2018) Lithium Isotopic Composition of the Leachates Acid-Soluble in Loess-Paleosol Sediments from Chinese Loess Plateau of Luochuan
He M, Jin Z, Dong J, Gou L, Deng L & Xiao Y

Gou Longlong (2020) Geochemical Characteristics and Tectonic Implications of ca. 1.95 Ga Pure Sediment-Derived S-Type Granite in the Helanshan Complex, North China Craton
Xu X, Gou L, Dong Y, Liu X, Li Z, Zhang C, Long X, Zhao Y & Zhou F
(2011) U-Pb Zircon Geochronological, Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Studies of Granitoids in Muzhaerte River, Southwest Tianshan UHP Belt (NW China), and their Tectonic Implications
Gou L & Zhang L

Gou W. (2022) Zn Stable Isotope Fractionation during Sorption onto Todorokite: A Molecular Perspective from X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Density Function Theory
Wang Z, Kwon K, Peacock CL, Mo X, Gou W, Feng X & Li W
(2022) Understanding Zn(Ⅱ) Sorption on Palygorskite at the Molecular Scale: A Coupling XAFS and Zn Stable Isotope Approach
Mo X, Takahashi Y, Siebecker MG, Gou W, Wang Z & Li W
(2020) Surface Induced Ni(Ⅱ) Precipitation at the Palygorskite-Solution Interface Revealed by EXAFS, HRTEM, and DRS
Mo X, Siebecker M, Gou W & Li W
(2020) An Inverse Correlation between Zn Stable Isotope Fractionation and Zn-O Bond Distances Revealed from Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Li W, Li W, Wang Z & Gou W
(2019) Surface Induced Ni(Ⅱ) Precipitation at the Palygorskite-Solution Interface Revealed by EXAFS, HRTEM, and DRS
Mo X, Siebecker MG, Gou W & Li W
(2019) Novel Zn Stable Isotope Method for Probing Soil Chemical Reaction Kinetics
Li W, Gou W & Li W
(2017) Zn Isotope Fractionation during Sorption onto Al Oxide: Molecular Level Understanding from Zn EXAFS Investigation
Gou W, Li W & Li W

Gou X. (2004) A Multi-Zoned Topaz- and Amazonite-Bearing Granite in Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang, Northwest China
Zhong Z, Gu L, Wu C & Gou X

Gou Z. (2020) Eclogite-Facies Metabasalts in Ophiolitic Melange from the Changning-Menglian Suture Zone, Southeast Tibetan Plateau: P-T-T Path and Tectonic Implication
Wang B, Gou Z & Wang D

Goubert E. (2014) Assessment of Reactivity and Mobility of MTE in Surface Sediments in Morbihan Coast (South Brittany, France)
Jimenez J, Goubert E, Labeyrie L, Coynel A & Menier D

Goudeau D. (2017) Probing Metabolically Active Cells in Soils Using BONCAT
Couradeau E, Schlapfer J, Goudeau D, Malmstrom R & Northen T
(2015) Tracking the Genomic Signatures and Metabolic Interactions within Single Methane-Oxidizing Archaeal-Bacterial Consortia
Orphan V, Hatzenpilcher R, Chadwick G, Skennerton C, Yu H, Scheller S, McGlynn S, Goudeau D, Malstrom R & Woyke T

Goudeau M-L. (2015) Redox-Controled Formation, Preservation, and Interruption of Organic-Rich Sapropel S1 Sediments
De Lange GJ, Hennekam R, Goudeau M-L & Filippidi A
(2013) 2000 yrs of Central Mediterranean Change – What do Proxies Tell us?
Versteegh G, Leider A, Chen L, Zonneveld K, Grauel A-L, Bernasconi S, Goudeau M-L & de Lange G
(2011) Geochemical Composition of Recent Sediments and Subrecent Variability of the Last 500 Years for the SW Adriatic Sea and the Gulf of Taranto (Southern Italy)
Goudeau M-L & De Lange GJ

Goudemand Nicolas (2012) Dating Zircons from Volcanic Ash Beds in Sedimentary Successions: Magmatic Crystallization vs. Ash Deposition
Ovtcharova M, Schaltegger U, Goudemand N & Bucher H
(2008) Tracing Magmatic Sources of Ash Beds in the Late Permian to Middle Triassic Nanpanjiang Basin (South China): Insights from Hf Isotopes on Zircons from Volcanic Ash Beds
Ovtcharova M, Bucher H, Galfetti T, Schaltegger U, Brayard A, Goudemand N & Stracke A

Goudemand Nicolas (2013) Dating Zircons from Volcanic Ash Beds in Sedimentary Successions: Magmatic Crystallization vs. Ash Deposition
Ovtcharova M, Schaltegger U, Goudemand N & Bucher H

Goudiaby D. (2022) Ga(III) Behavior at the Soil-Water Interface
Sayen S, Goudiaby D & Guillon E

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